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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Since we haven't discussed social issues lately....just wow.

On Capitol Hill, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) held hearings on contraception and religious freedom that produced the now-famous picture of a table full of men called to weigh in on access to contraceptives. Democrats wanted a woman — a Georgetown law student with a friend who lost an ovary because the university doesn’t cover birth control — to say her piece at the hearing, but Issa wouldn’t let her on the panel. He said she wasn’t “appropriate or qualified” to discuss the topic at hand.

Jaws dropped in the women’s rights community.

“She didn’t have the right credentials?” NOW President Terry O’Neill scoffed. “I’m thinking to myself, ‘Buddy, you and your little panel over there don’t have the right anatomy to talk about birth control.’”

The panel of qualified birth control experts:



I can't believe this is happening. I "got" the freak out over religious institutions having to provide contraception, but they're taking this beyond that into pure anti-contraception rhetoric. In 2012.

Obama has to be laughing his ass off. This is amazing
I wonder if we are going to enter a weird oscillation pattern where the GOP gets hammered in leap year (presidential) elections but they regain ground in off-year elections where turn-out is lower and the older people that always vote show their strength? The GOP seems to be making themselves into the cranky-old man party with the social issue and immigration stuff.

2006 was a big Dem year but that was because everyone was sick of the Iraq war.
I can't believe this is happening. I "got" the freak out over religious institutions having to provide contraception, but they're taking this beyond that into pure anti-contraception rhetoric. In 2012.

Obama has to be laughing his ass off. This is amazing

Best part is that instead the polls being all "Do you like the health care bill?" it's now worded as the favorable "Do you like this conceptive part of the healthcare bill?"
It could be that the Santorum surges have impaired my critical capacity, but at this point it seems to me to be the stupidest fucking thing ever for Pawlenty to have dropped out so early. I bet he's kicking himself right now.

Was catching up with earlier posts, but T-Paw had no choice. His campaign was under water and drowning in debt even before the Primaries began. He staked everything at that stupid Iowa poll.



So, after listening to her... I had to find the article related to this.


Just reading the article... the logical leap to connect the estrogen from the birth control pill that comes out of women's piss into a cause of prostate cancer.

Doing a Google search on causes of estrogen in water leads to this article


And then this article:


I know there are people out there who never like to back up their claims with actual scientific evidence, but that simple search took me 5 minutes and I already destroyed that stupid woman's claim.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Best part is that instead the polls being all "Do you like the health care bill?" it's now worded as the favorable "Do you like this conceptive part of the healthcare bill?"

Yup, the funniest thing about this whole thing is that it's bringing to light some of the (good) details about the bill which most people are unaware of.


Yup, the funniest thing about this whole thing is that it's bringing to light some of the (good) details about the bill which most people are unaware of.

Is this where we bring up the Obama playing chess meme? They've been listening to their own rhetoric for too long and got caught in a trap. This is supposed to be an issue you dangle in front of your base but keep it conveniently out of reach. It's meant for Fox News and talk radio, not Washington.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So...got kind of a strange request from everyone here. I was supposed to start the spring semester at my university but things got fucked up and I couldn't this time, so I have to take another forced "extended vacation", if you will.

So instead of just working at a job I like, but with very little opportunity for upward mobility, I thought I'd do something alternatively productive, like teach myself something. Something that I could use to hopefully find a better paying job with something that I'm interested in. Something related to history or politics.

All suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
"it's the economy, stupid" is boosting Obama while the stupid GOP are debating about 20th Century social issues.

I hope Santroum spoils the shit out of more states for Romney to continue this "I am severely conservative" tag Mitt claims he is


So instead of just working at a job I like, but with very little opportunity for upward mobility, I thought I'd do something alternatively productive, like teach myself something. Something that I could use to hopefully find a better paying job with something that I'm interested in. Something related to history or politics.
Go study about the Belgian Education Policy in the Congo 1945–1960, there's mad money it.

But seriously, maybe go to town on the Khan Academy?
Learning a new language is also a good option.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Go study about the Belgian Education Policy in the Congo 1945–1960, there's mad money it.

But seriously, maybe go to town on the Khan Academy?
Learning a new language is also a good option.

I'm TURRIBLE at foreign languages (was forced to take Spanish for 3 years in high school. Hated almost every minute of it. Course...that may have been due to having really shitty teachers).

Khan academy is pretty cool, but I'm trying to narrow down a subject.
I'd honestly rather have Pelosi step down if dems re-take the house. I respect and admire her but I think it's time for a change. Whoever becomes Speaker will be demonized and lambasted (see: Boehner), but Pelosi is such an easy established target..


If the GOP wants to build their campaign around birth control, fine by me. Pelosi will be laughing her way to the speaker's chair.
Precisely. I am willing to engage the GOP on social issues. The nation is inexorably shifting towards a more socially liberal equilibrium, and the GOP appears increasingly extremist in the process. If they wish to pick a fight on contraception, bring it on. Although it's unlikely, I almost hope man-on-dog wins the nomination. Social issues would become immediately salient if he were nominated. And he'd lose that fight.
So...got kind of a strange request from everyone here. I was supposed to start the spring semester at my university but things got fucked up and I couldn't this time, so I have to take another forced "extended vacation", if you will.

So instead of just working at a job I like, but with very little opportunity for upward mobility, I thought I'd do something alternatively productive, like teach myself something. Something that I could use to hopefully find a better paying job with something that I'm interested in. Something related to history or politics.

All suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

Try getting a job or volunteering at your local legislature. Go to some foreign country and teach English or something. Join the peace corps.
I'd honestly rather have Pelosi step down if dems re-take the house. I respect and admire her but I think it's time for a change. Whoever becomes Speaker will be demonized and lambasted (see: Boehner), but Pelosi is such an easy established target..
I think Pelosi becoming Speaker again would be the most likely scenario, but I wouldn't mind someone new either, as long as they were as effective as Pelosi was. Even ignoring ideology, Boehner is a complete joke by comparison.

Precisely. I am willing to engage the GOP on social issues. The nation is inexorably shifting towards a more socially liberal equilibrium, and the GOP appears increasingly extremist in the process. If they wish to pick a fight on contraception, bring it on. Although it's unlikely, I almost hope man-on-dog wins the nomination. Social issues would become immediately salient if he were nominated. And he'd lose that fight.
I think it's insane what the GOP is even debating. It's not the usual gay marriage/abortion talk, they're talking about banning the fucking pill.

If nothing else, these past couple of years (where did the time go) have taught me that Republicans excel at igniting controversy from totally uncontroversial issues. School lunch menus, incandescent lightbulbs, The Muppets is Communist propaganda, etc.
I think it's insane what the GOP is even debating. It's not the usual gay marriage/abortion talk, they're talking about banning the fucking pill.

If nothing else, these past couple of years (where did the time go) have taught me that Republicans excel at igniting controversy from totally uncontroversial issues. School lunch menus, incandescent lightbulbs, The Muppets is Communist propaganda, etc.
Flag-burning, Terry Schiavo, flag pins on your lapel, electric cars, Fetuses in the food supply, Sharia law, "taking away" kids home-packed lunch, Michelle Obama's vegetable garden, etc.

At least some of the faux-Clinton scandals made sense (although the facts generally did not support them to be true) . . . some of these recent issues are just bizarre.
Flag-burning, Terry Schiavo, flag pins on your lapel, electric cars, Fetuses in the food supply, Sharia law, "taking away" kids home-packed lunch, Michelle Obama's vegetable garden, etc.

At least some of the faux-Clinton scandals made sense (although the facts generally did not support them to be true) . . . some of these recent issues are just bizarre.
I think my favorite is Sarah Palin's war against Michelle Obama fighting obesity.

I think my favorite is Sarah Palin's war against Michelle Obama fighting obesity.


It has calmed down a little. Remember when obama was going to indoctrinate the kids in school with his evil socialist agenda . . . It was "stay in school"
*drudge siren* *drudge siren*

California average gas prices just hit $4.00 today.

Get the Fox "Obama failed gas/economy/oil/security policy" canons ready to launch.

Lobbyists, to your pipeline bills!

GOP, to your "lower taxes on oil companies" talking points.


Save it for Monday!


Flag-burning, Terry Schiavo, flag pins on your lapel, electric cars, Fetuses in the food supply, Sharia law, "taking away" kids home-packed lunch, Michelle Obama's vegetable garden, etc.

At least some of the faux-Clinton scandals made sense (although the facts generally did not support them to be true) . . . some of these recent issues are just bizarre.

I haven't been to Poli-GAF in a while, but....what?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Seems like conservatives honestly think they can win a debate on social issues

If this is a legitimate path, republicans simply cannot nominate Romney. I can't possibly see how he could attack Obama on social issues given his record.

The economy improving has made the most viable path, for the already lost republican party, an unlikely venture. This has additional placed wedges in the party, and I have no idea what will emerge from the mess that is the current GOP.


lacks enthusiasm.
The economy improving has made the most viable path, for the already lost republican party, an unlikely venture. This has additional placed wedges in the party, and I have no idea what will emerge from the mess that is the current GOP.

I'm so happy to see this happening. Truly.


If the economy improving really has killed Romney's chances to run as the economy candidate, than Santorum really will win the nomination as the social issues candidate.

Romney must be raging so hard LOL
Seems like conservatives honestly think they can win a debate on social issues
Could someone explain the use of the Roosevelt quote? I don't quite understand it.
In the summer of 1933, a nice old gentleman wearing a silk hat fell off the end of a pier. He was unable to swim. A friend ran down the pier, dived overboard and pulled him out; but the silk hat floated off with the tide. After the old gentleman had been revived, he was effusive in his thanks. He praised his friend for saving his life. Today, three years later, the old gentleman is berating his friend because the silk hat was lost.


Could someone explain the use of the Roosevelt quote? I don't quite understand it.

"The man who fell of the pier with the silk hat" = economy when FDR took office. FDR saves the man from drowning (the Depression stopped from getting worse with the New Deal,), but the man, after being thankful initially is mad 3 years later because they couldn't save his silk hat (i.e., that the economy hadn't yet recovered to the level it was at before the Depression).
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