Tommy Christopher ‏@tommyxtopher
Good news for GOP: Paul Ryan didn't make himself look silly. Bad News: Joe Biden made Paul Ryan look silly.
Tommy Christopher ‏@tommyxtopher
Good news for GOP: Paul Ryan didn't make himself look silly. Bad News: Joe Biden made Paul Ryan look silly.
Haha I'm already people talking about how condescending Biden was on the radio around here. Why is no one actually focusing on the actual content of the debate?
What debate were AP and CNN respondents watching?
Haha I'm already people talking about how condescending Biden was on the radio around here. Why is no one actually focusing on the actual content of the debate?
Unlike Democrats, Republicans won't throw their guy under the bus. Maybe Dems could learn something from this. A big reason for the over-the-top coverage lambasting Obama was the Left's insane reaction.
Apparently substance doesn't matter at all during a debate. I hate this fucking country.
Really? I thought those were the best points for Biden.
YOU did.
Imagine these aren't politics and you don't have a side. Imagine 2 people are trying to convince you to, say, go work for them or go to their college.
Both have a pitch for you but at the end, but points at you and says, "Use common sense. Choose me."
How would you honestly react to that?
Ultimately both sides are going to claim their guy won tonight. This really shows just how bad Obama lost last week - I didn't see anyone wasting their time defending that performance. Obama just might lose another debate, but there's no way both sides will pretty much agree - he'll no doubt do better.
Ultimately both sides are going to claim their guy won tonight. This really shows just how bad Obama lost last week - I didn't see anyone wasting their time defending that performance. Obama just might lose another debate, but there's no way both sides will pretty much agree - he'll no doubt do better.
Ultimately both sides are going to claim their guy won tonight. This really shows just how bad Obama lost last week - I didn't see anyone wasting their time defending that performance. Obama just might lose another debate, but there's no way both sides will pretty much agree - he'll no doubt do better.
If one was a shitty school and the other was great and the great school offered me a full scholarship and said use common sense I would fucking agree wholeheartedly
Thanks captain obvious.
We have all said Fox News would claim victory for Romney even if he literally shit his pants and fucked a donkey in front of everyone.
Problem for liberal media is they don't know how to lie.
Ultimately both sides are going to claim their guy won tonight. This really shows just how bad Obama lost last week - I didn't see anyone wasting their time defending that performance. Obama just might lose another debate, but there's no way both sides will pretty much agree - he'll no doubt do better and fire up his base
Fixed that for you. "Democrats" aren't the problem.Imagine how different this past week would have gone if Obama nailed the first debate.
Thanks captain obvious.
We have all said Fox News would claim victory for Romney even if he literally shit his pants and fucked a donkey in front of everyone.
Problem for liberal media is they don't know how to lie.
Ha that are a large part of the problem.Fixed that for you. "Democrats" aren't the problem.
Now assume you can't decide which school is better, like an undecided voter.
I'm really getting sick and tired of your nonsense, grow up.
I don't think that AP poll being posted is real. Nothing on MSNBC about it. Just the CBS and CNN poll.
I don't think that AP poll being posted is real. Nothing on MSNBC about it. Just the CBS and CNN poll.
It's not, a lot of GOPpers are posting it on twitter now and acting like it's real but there's been no source given.
Or, more accurately, assume you somehow can't parse 46 months of the Obama administration and 30 months of the Romney campaign and/or the archives of those months available with naught but a Google search separating you from that knowledge, and need someone to condescendingly spout their talking points at you for 90 minutes.
Its like blaming the press for uncovering a story of your misdeeds. It misses the point.Ha that are a large part of the problem.
Dude, you are assuming that people make informed decisions about things like this.
Dude, you are assuming that people make informed decisions about things like this.
I would think a LOT of people's main exposure to the candidates happens during these debates and a lot of times, it's based on how they "feel" about a certain one vs. the other.
They aren't running to Fact Check to see what is true or false.
They get confirmation on whatever there positions are and these debates just cement it.
The fact that we still have people running around calling Obama a Socialist/Communist/Marxist/Nazi shows how much people research a given candidate.
Yeah, a lot of people don't research the candidates. As far as the socialist, etc., that just tells me a person doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about, and the conversation ends there. I pretty much rule them out as a functioning adult at that point.
Wait, Biden cracked on Ryan for voting for 2 wars we couldn't afford and put them on a credit card...Biden voted for both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
The dude who posted that ap poll on twitter just said this.
LOL if it's an online poll. Fuck, we shouldn't even be paying attention to worthless snap polls period.
The dude who posted that ap poll on twitter just said this.
LOL if it's an online poll. Fuck, we shouldn't even be paying attention to worthless snap polls period.
9/11 unpatriotic if you don't vote...yea...
Has he retweeted you yet?Stop getting emotional, I am trying to have a serious conversation. My general point is being made by other people as well
Both sides tend to defend their guy, and voters ultimately decide who won. Last week republicans, democrats, independents, and the media said Obama lost. That type of unanimous implosion is most likely not going to happen again for Obama - he'll likely do well enough so that his side defends him fiercely, the media picks a side, and independents pick a side.
My favorite moment of the debate was Biden's attempt to dampen the hysteria over Iran. I still disagree with the Administration's strategy.
and so far he is the only source.. lol