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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Damn people, I just wanted to see if we could get some variety on the site. Like some of the negatives of women in combat roles. The place just seems to have very similar types of topics and I feel that it may appeal to more people with a bit more variety.

Then it probably stands to reason that zero shift is probably pretty far right.
...I'm a Socialist.
I suspect you're confused.
I support workers controlling their workplaces by voting and elected officials and a notablly sized government to help and aid the populace while also owning key industries like banks and oil companies, in which the citizens of the populace can vote in who has power over those industies. Socialism.
I support workers controlling their workplaces by voting and elected officials and a notablly sized government to help and aid the populace while also owning key industries like banks and oil companies.

That's great. It doesn't mean you aren't confused. (I've read some of your post history.)
Okay, I wasn't too bummed out on the filibuster reforms that we got, cause I thought we improved post cloture delays, which was supposed to be 2 hours, dropped from 30. But it turns out it's STILL 30 hours.

Consider me on board the Fuck Harry Reid train.

No one caves like a democrat.

Just when you think the last of the avalanche is over....

"far too liberal" lol

Until someone starts advocating 70% income tax on people making $1m+, please stop spreading horseshit.

You folks need me to submit some posts eh?

I think you folks would enjoy my satire

Messaging on the Virginia EV change is simple. Just need a simple slogan that you can shout, "One person, one vote." Something that focuses on the issue of weighing the urban centers less than rural. Also, changing a system is hard as we saw with Obamacare. It leads to backlash especially if it is with something that has been around since the birth of the Republic.
Also, changing a system is hard as we saw with Obamacare. It leads to backlash especially if it is with something that has been around since the birth of the Republic.
Why look so far back? Just look at the gun debate; some people wouldn't be happy with anything less than the status quo.


Why look so far back? Just look at the gun debate; some people wouldn't be happy with anything less than the status quo.

I've said it before, but I think that's exactly the right analogy. Look how well "they're coming to take away your guns!" works even when it's not true. Democrats should start yelling "they're coming to take away your vote!" and not stop until they control VA state government. Everyone's vote in Virginia is less likely to be a difference-maker under the proposed change.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
The same reason we have a representative democracy - the founding fathers didn't think a direct democracy made sense when not every citizen is on equal footing (unwashed masses).

It was the only way to get small-population states to agree to it.

But the EC votes are proportional to state population. Why would any state want to have the presidential candidate with over 50% of the vote to get every single EC vote?

It only makes sense for the candidates to focus on the most populous purple states.


But the EC votes are proportional to state population. Why would any state want to have the presidential candidate with over 50% of the vote to get every single EC vote?

It only makes sense for the candidates to focus on the most populous purple states.

No they're not. States get 2 bonus EC votes in addition to their proportional votes. This is perhaps not a huge deal now, but the most EVs any state got in the first election was 12.

States might want to be winner-take-all because it makes them more important. There's a huge return on appealing to the median voter in a winner-take-all state. And things were less solid way back when such that I doubt particular states anticipated being uncompetitive for several elections in a row.

We also talk now as if some states are just red or blue as a fact of nature and as if they don't matter. But it's only individual voters in those states who don't matter. Texas and California have a huge impact on presidential elections. If Texas disappeared tomorrow, presidential candidates would have to be somewhat more liberal to compete. Candidates don't have a reason to make special promises to Texans, but Texas' EVs drag the median EV to the right on issues of national importance. They have a stronger effect because Texas is winner-take-all. If Texas were not - if it assigned EVs proportionally - then it would only have about 1/5 as much of an impact on the median EV. Being winner-take-all sacrifices some ability to force candidates to make Texas-specific promises in exchange for making both candidates more conservative.

Mali is the new Benghazi?





Watched a rerun of the final part to this tonight and it's amusing how it emphasizes how much Lincoln waffled on shit, even if he managed to do the right thing in the end. Obama might be taking too much from his example, especially when we lack the same firebrands pulling him to the left.

Lincoln is such a fascinating character in history. There's so much I disagree with what he did in pure terms but that I also must admit, given the moment in history, that he ultimately seemed to have made the right choices, though they were hard.

I have to check out that American Experience episode, missed it. I love American Experience, wish they would release a Blu-Ray/DVD combo set of episodes. I would buy it in a heart beat.
WASHINGTON -- House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) is considering legislation that would significantly increase taxes for the nation's largest banks while providing tax breaks to struggling homeowners.

The draft legislation, which may get significant revision before it's presented to a congressional committee, would be vehemently opposed by Wall Street and other major corporations that trade heavily in derivative securities.

They may have only themselves to blame. Congressional Republicans have been furious at top corporate executives lobbying heavily for a "grand bargain" that would include tax hikes and cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, according to congressional GOP insiders. Republican leaders were further piqued when business executives began lobbying for certain corporate tax reforms, leading to a sharply worded letter from Camp to the Business Roundtable, a lobbying group of corporate CEOs.


Camp's bill would establish a new tax regime for derivatives, requiring banks to declare the fair market value of the products at the end of each year. Any increase in value would be considered corporate income, subject to taxation. It's a more aggressive tax treatment than Wall Street enjoys for either derivatives or for trading in more traditional securities.

Under current law, banks only pay taxes on investments after selling them. That means banks can avoid paying taxes on stocks that rise in value by simply hanging onto them. But if investments lose value over the course of a year, banks can sell them at the end of December to record a loss for tax purposes. This loss can be deducted from the bank's overall tax bill, reducing the amount that goes to the government, even if banks plow money back into the same investment a few weeks later.

More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/24/dave-camp-bank-tax-bill_n_2545894.html

Wow. GOP legislation I can get behind? lol @ them being mad at Wall Street and trying to get back at them. This will not end well for them.

I would love them to tax derivatives and help struggling homeowners permanently.


Unintentional conservative admission "Bush mission accomplished" was a misleading stunt?

Given the context, Mali must be the new Iraq?

Benghazi itself was of course the new "went into war with Iraq under false pretenses".

No. Benghazi was the worst thing to happen since 9/11


Anyone familiar with PoliGAF threads would know that a blog done by us would be various degrees of "left." it's a blog, not a news site, we don't have to play the beltway "both sides!!!" card if we don't believe it. Unless someone wants to for some reason, I doubt anyone is going to write a counter to a "liberal" post if they legitimately don't believe it.
Anyone familiar with PoliGAF threads would know that a blog done by us would be various degrees of "left." it's a blog, not a news site, we don't have to play the beltway "both sides!!!" card if we don't believe it. Unless someone wants to for some reason, I doubt anyone is going to write a counter to a "liberal" post if they legitimately don't believe it.
Fair point. Keep in mind I'm new here. I just thought that it would be nice to have a bit of variety to attract more readers as well as to add some counterpoint. It was just a suggestion.


Fair point. Keep in mind I'm new here. I just thought that it would be nice to have a bit of variety to attract more readers as well as to add some counterpoint. It was just a suggestion.

I welcome a difference in opinion. I'd love to see some more conservatives post there.
No, you're a Democrat.

I'm done engaging with you. You put your fingers in your ear and go "lalala" even though I literally answer you. You just don't want to read. So whatever.
So the only reason I don't like voter ID laws is because I'm a Democrat? It can't be because it makes it harder for poor people to vote? I'm only against it because it hurts my party?

Is that what you're saying? I'm trying to understand you here.
I wish I had the log of the IRC PMs Diablos sent me where he was like "why are you calling Dax she" and I was like "cause...I'm pretty sure she's a woman?" and he was like "why, have you seen pictures" and I was like "no I'm just guessing from her posts" and he was like "I don't believe that at all, also why does he keep calling me honey?" Good times.

At least this keeps you from stalking the halls of the White House like Johnson did during the Kennedy administration. Dude had nothing else to do, so sometimes he would hang out there for hours at a time just looking around.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Fair point. Keep in mind I'm new here. I just thought that it would be nice to have a bit of variety to attract more readers as well as to add some counterpoint. It was just a suggestion.

There have been occasional conservative posters through the years. The problem is that if you post something contra to the GAF consensus, your post will be quoted multiple times by people calling you an idiot and/or asshole (plus some occasional good faith disagreement, to be sure). Trying to respond as the various discussion threads multiply from the original point gets increasingly difficult.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Reid did the exact same bullshit in 2010. The exact same fucking thing.

Fuck him.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
There have been occasional conservative posters through the years. The problem is that if you post something contra to the GAF consensus, your post will be quoted multiple times by people calling you an idiot and/or asshole (plus some occasional good faith disagreement, to be sure). Trying to respond as the various discussion threads multiply from the original point gets increasingly difficult.

I see what you mean. I've just been called "very right wing" and "I don't know what true liberalism is" because people took my post insanely out of context.
Lincoln is such a fascinating character in history. There's so much I disagree with what he did in pure terms but that I also must admit, given the moment in history, that he ultimately seemed to have made the right choices, though they were hard.

I have to check out that American Experience episode, missed it. I love American Experience, wish they would release a Blu-Ray/DVD combo set of episodes. I would buy it in a heart beat.

This is where the whole discussion on Lincoln started a few pages back when we were ranking presidents. I was of the opinion that lincoln was sort of a political opportunist.
Anyone familiar with PoliGAF threads would know that a blog done by us would be various degrees of "left." it's a blog, not a news site, we don't have to play the beltway "both sides!!!" card if we don't believe it. Unless someone wants to for some reason, I doubt anyone is going to write a counter to a "liberal" post if they legitimately don't believe it.

This was the exact impetus to set up the blog in the first place. This is why Wolf Blitzer stares at us, and Reality has a liberal bias. I hope we can touch up the layout a little bit and add these quotes.


This is where the whole discussion on Lincoln started a few pages back when we were ranking presidents. I was of the opinion that lincoln was sort of a political opportunist.

I am always amazed that in the GOPs fight to appeal to black voters they tout themselves as the party of Lincoln... could you imagine, in any scenario today, where a president would do something like the emancipation proclamation? How about throwing away the first amendment?

The touting of Lincoln as a fellow GOPer is plain ignorance to who the man was
I am always amazed that in the GOPs fight to appeal to black voters they tout themselves as the party of Lincoln... could you imagine, in any scenario today, where a president would do something like the emancipation proclamation? How about throwing away the first amendment?

The touting of Lincoln as a fellow GOPer is plain ignorance to who the man was

It stems from the GOP platform "Party of Lincoln"...It's not. Lincoln embodied BIG GUBMINT, the largest use of Federal power in our history. The ignorance of calling Lincoln a GOPer is not only due to who he was, but also a plain ignorance of our political history.


It stems from the GOP platform "Party of Lincoln"...It's not. Lincoln embodied BIG GUBMINT, the largest use of Federal power in our history. The ignorance of calling Lincoln a GOPer is not only due to who he was, but also a plain ignorance of our political history.

i mean, for all the rhetoric given to Obama killing the constitution, i find it humorous, and slightly telling (telling that they are dumb as a box of rocks) that they then turn around and proudly espouse Lincoln as their own... the man who, you know, actually did trample on the constitution


Fair point. Keep in mind I'm new here. I just thought that it would be nice to have a bit of variety to attract more readers as well as to add some counterpoint. It was just a suggestion.

While Guileless does make a good point, the other reason why there's barely any conservativse/libertarians in PoliGAF is because most only show up when they have something to brag about. REad the first Obama vs Romney debate thread if you want want to see this in action. (but they sure like to claim they lurk PoliGAF)

In fact, there's actually a decent amount of conservatives/libertarians on GAF, or have been on GAF. A lot tend to get perma-banned eventually. I tend to believe the bannings are due to them living in the Fox News/Conservative Media bubble, and having a meltdown when their beliefs are challenged here. I really enjoyed BigSicily's meltdown.
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