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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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However, they can't do that in the US due to an old law banning the publication by a company of what films anyone rents, presumably due to a porn scandal that I can't be bothered looking up on Wiki.

It's because of recently dead Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork. During his nomination someone dug up the videos he watched as a gotcha to his opinions regarding privacy. Shortly thereafter that information was made explicitly private.

LOL, that hipster-looking douchebag Kibbe got thrown under the bus.

But seriously . . . I have said this many times. Any Libertarian type of movement will eat itself eventually. If your guiding philosophies are 'Greed is good' and 'Every person for themselves' then WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT TO HAPPEN?!?!

Of course he abused his power for his own gain. THAT IS WHAT HE IS SUPPOSED TO DO.

Edit: Wait . . . they put Kibbe back in charge after the ethical violation was exposed? They just don't give a fuck. I guess they appreciate corruption because that seems to be their goal: Keep Washington operating in a corrupt manner wherein politicians do the bidding of the wealthy donors.
My Ramirez post for today:


I really wish you would not post this shit. All they do is piss me off. And man, what a fucking easy job that guy has. Just take the talking points of a conservative and draw them in cartoon form. This one is the NRA's back-fire of a press statement blaming videogames and that hollywood media for the killings.


ok so lets talk about something substantial then. There are "inside beltway rumors" that Hagel may be out as SoD with the backlash as well. This would be two floated candidates where Obama pussied out on because of special interest pressure.

I don't want to go on a rant about PD's Obama being the real Obama after seeing some signs of leadership during the fiscal cliff debate, but its not shining a good light on him at all


ok so lets talk about something substantial then. There are "inside beltway rumors" that Hagel may be out as SoD with the backlash as well. This would be two floated candidates where Obama pussied out on because of special interest pressure.

I don't want to go on a rant about PD's Obama being the real Obama after seeing some signs of leadership during the fiscal cliff debate, but its not shining a good light on him at all

After relenting on Rice they smell blood. They're go hard on anyone he floats now for that position because they just want to grab onto anything they can to piss in the country's cheerios.

What Obama should do now is just starting endlessly nominating Republicans and watch the party dirty up any potential presidential candidates for 2016.
ok so lets talk about something substantial then. There are "inside beltway rumors" that Hagel may be out as SoD with the backlash as well. This would be two floated candidates where Obama pussied out on because of special interest pressure.

I don't want to go on a rant about PD's Obama being the real Obama after seeing some signs of leadership during the fiscal cliff debate, but its not shining a good light on him at all
If he actually buckles because of pressure, that is fucking pathetic and he's a milquetoast weasel.

How about pull Hagel and nominate Dennis Kucinich. I don't even like Kucinich but just do something to push back.


If he actually buckles because of pressure, that is fucking pathetic and he's a milquetoast weasel.

How about pull Hagel and nominate Dennis Kucinich. I don't even like Kucinich but just do something to push back.

Pulling Hagel will change my opinion more then him pulling Rice. The backlash from Hagel is mainly due to his actual stance on Israel, which I think is something that needs attention. Israel needs some hard truth the next 4 years and relenting to the pro israel lobby isn't the way to do that
A better idea would be to float three names for major positions to make it harder for the media to crucify one and then claim a scalp if the person isn't nominated. Hagel is the only presumed candidate right now and is getting focus fired. Nor has Obama rushed to his defense as he did with Rice. In short they need to do a better job of deflecting the aim of critics: float more candidates and don't let the media focus on one.

Hagel was vetted, the WH knew about his Israel and gay bashing. I really don't understand why they had no plan to defend him and instead apparently let him die on a hill. I'm not saying Obama should have defended him, the WH should have controlled the leak better. Why not give a reporter an exclusive "unnamed adviser" quote saying Hagel and two other people are in contention, perhaps including a woman.

And yes this is the real Obama, just as the one who offered social security cuts out of nowhere is the real Obama.
A better idea would be to float three names for major positions to make it harder for the media to crucify one and then claim a scalp if the person isn't nominated. Hagel is the only presumed candidate right now and is getting focus fired. Nor has Obama rushed to his defense as he did with Rice. In short they need to do a better job of deflecting the aim of critics: float more candidates and don't let the media focus on one.

Hagel was vetted, the WH knew about his Israel and gay bashing. I really don't understand why they had no plan to defend him and instead apparently let him die on a hill. I'm not saying Obama should have defended him, the WH should have controlled the leak better. Why not give a reporter an exclusive "unnamed adviser" quote saying Hagel and two other people are in contention, perhaps including a woman.

And yes this is the real Obama, just as the one who offered social security cuts out of nowhere is the real Obama.
No one could have foreseen Republicans eating their own. Hagel was a solid establishment Republican.

But who knows. Maybe Obama is pouring salt on the already wounded GOP by nominating someone from their party yet will still cause friction within.


Obama should leak names just to take advantage of that.

If he was sure they'd beat on anyone, you could get some really hilarious results doing that.

Media: The White House has floated Paul Ryan as secretary of Defense, and John Boehner as Secretary of State.
Republican party: WTF!?

But really, leaking nothing but republicans could be interesting. He could point to it as obstruction to him specifically. "Hey, I'm nominating Republicans, and they're still blocking me. Do you guys see what they're doing to me?" But it's kind of a shitty thing to do if he really is floating names to get the Republicans to strategically attack them.
It was for education purposes and had absolutely no chance of actually being used to harm anyone in any way.

What the fuck, why is this a problem.



NRA guy: "You can't legislate morality"

The NRA fired their legal team because their legal team King & Spalding because they no longer wanted to defend DOMA in court.





edit: a piece of the letter they sent to K&S when they fired them, if anyone had any doubts

NRA Letter said:
We are writing to notify you of our decision to terminate our legal services agreement with King & Spalding, effective immediately, due to the firm's decision to bow to political pressure and abandon a client in the midst of a legal representation. Specifically, our decision is motivated by your withdrawal as counsel for the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the U.S. House of Representatives in defense of Section III of the Defense of Marriage Act.

We believe King & Spalding's decision is indefensible and raises serious concerns about its ability to be a reliable and effective advocate for any client facing potentially controversial litigation.
How can the police say it's "not permissible" to show something on air? It's certainly illegal to possess within DC city limits, but why do you need to ask police permission to broadcast it?


How can the police say it's "not permissible" to show something on air? It's certainly illegal to possess within DC city limits, but why do you need to ask police permission to broadcast it?
Because if you use common sense and follow the spirit of the law then the barbarians win or something.
As Sam Waterston told me in pretty much every episode of Law and Order - without a strict adherence to the smallest insignificant letter of every law, we'll have anarchy.

It's what you get when you let lawyers run your country.
How can the police say it's "not permissible" to show something on air? It's certainly illegal to possess within DC city limits, but why do you need to ask police permission to broadcast it?
Showing that you have it on TV is proof that you're in possession of it.

And yeah it's kind of funny that law enforcement proved LaPierre's point, lol


So Obama ended his vacation early but the House won't even be in session on Thursday.


I guess Obama can use the extra day or two away from the wife and kids to play xbox or smthng.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Why would they go ahead and show the high capacity magazine even after the police told them not to? They literally broadcast video evidence incriminating themselves



So Obama ended his vacation early but the House won't even be in session on Thursday.


I guess Obama can use the extra day or two away from the wife and kids to play xbox or smthng.

He went back to washington while no one is there to see what other freedoms he can take.
I apologize for asking this because I just do not have sufficient time these days to keep up with politics. I only have one question... is it now certain we are going "over the fiscal cliff" in a few days?
Why would they go ahead and show the high capacity magazine even after the police told them not to? They literally broadcast video evidence incriminating themselves


Because following the law to the letter is dumb. The spirit of the law does not prevent this circumstance.

Otherwise cops would be breaking the law if they found high capacity magazines.


I apologize for asking this because I just do not have sufficient time these days to keep up with politics. I only have one question... is it now certain we are going "over the fiscal cliff" in a few days?
Also, it's possible that the cuts\tax increases will be enacted only to be repealed a few days later, which will have negligible effect on the economy (the stock market might freak out, but for real, fuck the stock market).
Because following the law to the letter is dumb. The spirit of the law does not prevent this circumstance.

Otherwise cops would be breaking the law if the found high capacity magazines.
It's still fucking stupid thing to do after they asked the police, I mean, it's not like this prop even help understand the subject at hand.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So Obama ended his vacation early but the House won't even be in session on Thursday.


I guess Obama can use the extra day or two away from the wife and kids to play xbox or smthng.

My relatives will still pretend that he abandoned the country to have fun in Hawaii.


The really dumb thing about what Gregory did is that by ignoring the police he may now have made his interview with LaPierre all about 'clip gate' and not about all the dumb, stupid and arrogant things LaPierre said.
The United States will reach the statutory debt ceiling on December 31, 2012, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced in a letter to Congress on Wedneday. The federal government will then begin taking a series of "extraordinary measures" as authorized by law to postpone a default on its debt, creating an additional $200 billion in headroom in order to provide Congress with the necessary time to raise the ceiling once more.

Geithner notes that the specific timeframe remains unclear given that allowing a set of automatic tax increases and spending cuts known as the "fiscal cliff" to take effect would actually prolong that period, adding that he would "provide more guidance" in the future.

Read the full letter, addressed to House and Senate leaders, here.

and here we go


Sidhe / PikPok
"legislation work on the law abiding, it doesn't work on criminals"

This is such a cynical and shortsighted view in my opinion. What about pre-empting tragedy through apprehension and prosecution rather than assuming a law is at best a deterrent?

Am I wrong in thinking there are multiple states where you can probably turn up to a school, Little League game, mall, protest, and/or church with an assault weapon and high capacity magazine? I seem to recall a conservative turning up to an Obama rally in 2008 brandishing an assault rifle and the best they could do is politely ask him to leave. Should the police need to wait until somebody opens fire in such a situation before they can do anything?

Who wants a nice laugh?

Americans fully realize that disarmament is the path to enslavement and tyranny. That's why they rushed out to buy millions of guns and over a billion rounds of ammunition. And no amount of distorted media lies, Obama fake crying on TV or even a thousand more government-staged mass shootings will convince people to turn over their guns to the most distrusted organization on the planet... the government!



Official numbers are not yet available, but by my estimates, in the last ten days alone over 10 million firearms were purchased in America, and over a billion rounds of ammunition were taken home and put away by U.S. gun owners.


Gun control restrictions that might fly

• Banning of very large 100-round capacity magazines. These drum magazines all suck anyway, as they frequently jam. This is what happened in Aurora. We should only HOPE that all psychopathic killers have 100-round drum magazines... they would kill no one!

"Romney didn't want to be president anyways!"

Gun control IS racism

By the way, the very first gun control laws in America were put in place by the KKK. Gun control is racism. Gun freedom is equality. A gun in the hands of a free black man makes him an equal to a free white man, according to the laws of physics. This is why the Second Amendment first benefits African-Americans, and secondly everyone else.

If more African-Americans truly understood history, they would be screaming to defend the Second Amendment and make sure guns remain legal in the hands of citizens. History has shown, after all, that any concentration of firepower in the hands of the few ALWAYS gets turned against the innocent.

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