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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Agreed. The stimulus is the only new spending I can think of that Obama has presided over. And that was necessitated by the economy. Of course, it's a bad thing that Obama has not contributed to the deficit beyond that, given its utter insufficiency to restore economic activity.
I don't blame him because its not in his control. I'm sure he'd spend more if he could. In fact he tried to with the stimulus the first time and it got watered down.

Sucks, man.
Looking at deficits is a nonsequitor.

Reagan's deficits were created by a direct increase is gov't spending and reduction in taxes.

Obama's deficits are the result of reduced tax revenues from a depressed economy he inherited and mostly an increase in indirect spending (auto welfare triggers and aging population).

In fact, Obama has barely contributed to the deficit at all.

If we're going to assume deficits matter then we at least have to recognize what's driving them.

I always ask people what spending program Obama created (other than the stimulus program that was 4 years ago) if he is spending so much. There is pretty much never an answer.

So much of politics these days is conspiracy theory and stereotype. For example, any hard right person will tell you that gas prices are high because "Obama won't allow drilling". But that is garbage.

Here is a post from a guy who works in the oil biz.
OilPatchGuy said:
There have been recent proclamations, mostly from conservative quarters, that President Obama has been a major obstacle to oil industry activity. And some of the left have applauded him for such efforts as not approving the Keystone border crossing. Most here should already know I’m an oil patch conservative and obviously don’t agree with all of the POTUS’s social/tax agenda. But that doesn’t stop me from offering the reality: President Obama has been the best thing to happen to the oil patch in a long time. Ok…OK...OK…not so much anything he has done per se. The rise in the price really gets the credit. But the POTUS has been just as willing to take advantage of that fact as the oil patch. We both have a great vested interest in increasing domestic oil production.

From Oct 2012:

The administration has issued more DW drilling permits in 2012 since 2007. Through Oct 2012 the govt has issued 89 permits for news wells in water depths greater than 500’. In 2007 a total of 106 permits were issued under the Bush administration.

Environment groups such as Oceana have asked the administration to stop issuing permits because the feel the new regulations aren’t sufficient to prevent another BP like disaster. The administration has refused those requests.

From Rigzone this last Monday: “The Gulf of Mexico is in the early stages of an extended growth cycle and is poised to remain one of the strongest offshore markets in the world in terms of deep water activity. Overall, rig count and exploration and production (E&P) activities are at pre-Macondo levels and look to continue on an incline for the next couple of years. The rig count for deep water rigs is forecasted to be the highest it has been in five years and even higher in 2013. In the first half of this year, the Gulf of Mexico is expected to have 46 competitive rigs with this number projected to increase by mid-2014 to just over 50 competitive deep water units.

And if anyone doubted the industry didn’t expect continued support from the current administration: In 2012 eight new build floaters entered the Gulf of Mexico with another eight expected to enter in 2013.Thus far, five new build floaters are forecasted to enter the 2014 GOM market. Investment levels in 2012 were expected to equal the pre-Macondo peak and push well beyond it in 2013. The govt has approved 332 deep water permit applications. In December 2011 the administration held its first offshore auction since the BP oil spill, granting leases for more than 20 million acres in federal waters. The leases are worth more than $330 million to the federal government with the potential to produce 400 million barrels of oil. And that $330 million in just the lease bonuses. If that 400 million bbl target happens that’s another $6 billion in royalty payments to the govt. Everyone, including the POTUS, loves that mailbox money.

And not just an increase in drilling activity: the installation of a forecasted 13 floating platforms by 2016 will provide the additional capacity required to push GOM crude production above and beyond its 2010 record. Over the next five years, a forecasted 49 deep water fields are expected to come online in the Gulf of Mexico.

And all of this has and will occur under President Obama’s watch. The right wing can whine about how little onshore development is happening on govt lands. But as they say if you want to learn the truth just follow the money.
I don't blame him because its not in his control. I'm sure he'd spend more if he could. In fact he tried to with the stimulus the first time and it got watered down.

Sucks, man.

Oh, I agree that presidents have little control over government spending. But, that said, I do wish he had used what little power he had to bang some drums for it (instead of reinforcing the alleged virtues of deficit reduction).
What I love about these assertions is that Obama is responsible, is that in the same breath they'll remind people that Obama can't lead.

And that drastic spending cuts are imperative! It's amazing to watch conservatives attack the president for "cruel and heartless" policy that they openly support! We should pass a constitutional amendment to rename the country the United States of Irony.
So much of politics these days is conspiracy theory and stereotype. For example, any hard right person will tell you that gas prices are high because "Obama won't allow drilling". But that is garbage.

I've had people tell me that if the economy is getting better, gas prices should be going down. So obviously, then, the economy is getting worse because gas prices are increasing.


Heh. It's almost like the 1.2 trillion dollars in spending cuts wasn't a demand by the Republican Party made in exchange for raising the debt ceiling.

Or that spending cuts hurt the economy.

There's a barrel of laughs here.

Spending cuts are only bad for the economy when Obama is to blame, or they hurt the defense industry.

Also, we need to cut Social Security and Medicare.
Spending cuts are only bad for the economy when Obama is to blame, or they hurt the defense industry.

Also, we need to cut Social Security and Medicare.
But I thought social security and Medicare were the third rail of politics. Or was that guns? I can't keep up with this shit.
Can sequestration be prevented unconditionally? As in they just vote to not let it happen and also have no other cuts in its place.

of course. And it's the 2nd best solution. The best solution being to allow the defense sequestration and taking that money and investing it elsewhere (okay the real best solution is to stop the sequestration and then pass big stimulus, but it ain't gonna happen).


Republicans really want this shit to happen don't they? They really want to fuck America that badly. How can these people call themselves Americans with a straight face?


Fuck, I go on blackout, casually check this thread and this shit is happening?

Are we heading for recession time again?

What's the most likely scenario?
Fuck, I go on blackout, casually check this thread and this shit is happening?

Are we heading for recession time again?

What's the most likely scenario?
I hope Obama's approval rating doesn't drop below 30%. I heard if that happens, Romney retroactively becomes president.



MIAMI—Following recent reports that a covert Chinese military unit is behind a series of cyber assaults on American companies, blogger Matt Drudge revealed to reporters today that his popular news aggregation website The Drudge Report has also been at the mercy of Chinese hackers since shortly after the site’s inception in 1996. “They make the whole site look like garbage, they publish all this incendiary trash, and meanwhile I have to sit here with my name on this thing—it kills me,” said the popular blogger, who went on to claim the website’s primitive graphics, inflammatory muckraking, and shoddily researched takedowns were the work of a sophisticated unit of Chinese super-hackers determined to drag down the quality of what would otherwise be a reliable, respected source of online reportage and commentary. “All I can say is if someone in China is trying to make my website look like complete and utter shit then they’re doing a hell of a job.” At press time, sources confirm Drudge was consulting popular viral content aggregator Buzzfeed to see how they were dealing with a similar breach in security.

it needed to be said. these republican blogs need makeovers bad.

in 2016, that shit is gonna look downright archaic


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Fuck, I go on blackout, casually check this thread and this shit is happening?

Are we heading for recession time again?

What's the most likely scenario?

The CBO estimates that the combined federal fiscal tightening taking place in 2013 is knocking 1.5 points off GDP growth for the year. Of that, about 5/8 of a percent (or 0.565%) is due to the sequester. Macroeconomic Advisers similarly estimates that the sequester will shave off 0.6 points from the year’s growth rate. George Mason economist Stephen Fuller’s estimates are more dramatic, putting the loss of 2013 GDP at $215 billion, reducing the growth rate of GDP by two thirds. However, Fuller’s estimates precede the shrinking of the sequester.

Well you can do that poll but I don't think you will like the results.

Yeah, actually it has many times. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the results vary depending upon what propaganda is emanating from DC. Currently, "Seven of 10 Americans (including not only 81% of Republicans but also 65% of Democrats) say it is essential for the president and Congress to enact major deficit legislation this year." So Wall Street in partnership with corporate media has successfully brainwashed 70% of Americans over the last half year or so.


See also: "Americans remain generally supportive of military action against Iraq – a feeling that hasn't changed much since last fall. In this poll, 70% approve of the U.S. taking military action against Iraq." Date: Feb 5, 2003.



Constituents support or want more info on a bill? Kill it.

The GOP-controlled North Carolina House Rules Committee killed a medical marijuana legalization bill earlier this week, after lawmakers complained that backers of the measure were bothering them with requests for their support.

"We did it to be done with it, so people could move on for the session," said Rep. Paul "Skip" Stam, R-Wake. He said lawmakers we're being "harassed" with phone calls and emails about medical marijuana.

Most other speakers and visitors who crowded into the committee room were there to urge lawmakers to embrace medical marijuana. Only one person, Jere Royall with the North Carolina Family Policy Council, urged lawmakers to vote down the bill.


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