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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Yep, agreed. Abortion works as a reactionary battleground because it involves difficult questions about when life begins, which no one can clearly answer, and doesn't require religion in order for it to be important. Plus, even those of us who support abortion rights tend to be lukewarm on the action itself--"pro-choice" rather than "pro-abortion."

Gay marriage is so much more clear-cut. No downsides, no thorny philosophical questions with tricky real-world implications, no reason to be against it besides purely religious and/or bigotry related ones. itshappening.gif

I wish Gaborn was around to see this.

To reiterate what I always bring up when we talk about Roe v Wade - few other than some Catholics cared about Roe v Wade at the time. It barely registered among evangelicals, except that several prominent ones supported the decision.

The big difference isn't philosophical or religious. The big difference is that abortion is private. People, especially pro-lifers, are likely unaware that several women they know have had abortions. And so it's very easy to have no sympathy for women who seek abortions.

Gay rights snowball. As more gay people live openly more people become aware that they know gay people and that gay people are just people. Gay marriage would be a long, long way off if nobody ever gave any public indication as to their sexual orientation.


Setec Astronomer
Gay rights snowball. As more gay people live openly more people become aware that they know gay people and that gay people are just people. Gay marriage would be a long, long way off if nobody ever gave any public indication as to their sexual orientation.
Fun fact: Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, was lesbian.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The most popular Republican governor in the United States has not been invited to the country's most important gathering for conservative activists, a source familiar with the situation said on Tuesday.

As things stand, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a brash politician who clocked a 74-percent approval rating from state residents in a recent Quinnipiac poll, will not be among dozens of officeholders to address the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington next month, the source said.

Beautiful. Snub the only guy with a chance at winning.
Accepting Medicaid money is a great way to move in the direction of a balanced state budget. Christie made the right decision, and will likely reap the benefits on his "fiscal conservative" resume. Whether voters understand that in Iowa come 2016 is another story. Although I'd imagine there will be less Obamacare hatred by then
Once they lose the house and a handful of governor seats in 2014? That's the only thing that will do it. I didn't expect it to be even remotely possible, but they have continued to do themselves no favors, and continue to double down on the stupid.

You really think the GOP will lose the House in 2014? I can see them losing a bunch of Gubernatorial races though.


You really think the GOP will lose the House in 2014? I can see them losing a bunch of Gubernatorial races though.

the chance is greater each day they continue to publicly air unpopular laundry combined with the fact that they still think they aren't conservative enough.

The chance is still fairly small, but a lot can change in 18 months


I guess Obama gave Christie some helpful tips on how to buy off the welfare vote while he was turning him into a welfare queen for disaster relief.


This Obama speech in Virginia right now is so uninspiring, it feels like a speech a school Principal gives to students to get them to stop flunking out in such huge numbers. It's really got to suck to get a chance to see the President in person and then not get to see an uplifting speech on something like immigration reform, or go see a victory lap speech after the State of the Union.
This Obama speech in Virginia right now is so uninspiring, it feels like a speech a school Principal gives to students to get them to stop flunking out in such huge numbers. It's really got to suck to get a chance to see the President in person and then not get to see an uplifting speech on something like immigration reform, or go see a victory lap speech after the State of the Union.
To be fair, the issue at hand is kind of bullshit anyway.

"Yeah guys, we should stop fucking up the economy. I mean, it seems like a good idea."
If Christie switches to Dem he won't be able to run for president. He's going to stick to R and take his chances. Governor of NJ isn't that bad if it doesn't work out.
The big difference isn't philosophical or religious. The big difference is that abortion is private. People, especially pro-lifers, are likely unaware that several women they know have had abortions. And so it's very easy to have no sympathy for women who seek abortions.

Gay rights snowball. As more gay people live openly more people become aware that they know gay people and that gay people are just people. Gay marriage would be a long, long way off if nobody ever gave any public indication as to their sexual orientation.

It's an abhorrent strategy, but publicly asking prominent female conservatives whether they've had abortions would probably be effective (for both anti- and pro-choice sides). And, truth be told, I don't mind when conservative men are outed as having provided/insisted on abortions.
I wonder if Christie will switch to being a Democrat at some point, lol

Why do people keep talking about right-wingers becoming republicans. He's far to the right of the democratic party. He isn't arlen specter. Just because his party has gotten even more crazy doesn't mean he becomes a democrat.

Also is there any logical question that might actually get a good answer out of Eric Erickson tonight? Thinking about asking about electoral success and how he can ever attempt to govern with their purity he demands.

Second, the house is responsible for revenue bills, not the senate.

Origination Clause is silly and only a technicality at this point. The just use shells.


If even Christie was in the Democratic tent, then the Democrats would be winning the entire moderate vote and a few soft conservatives. At which point the Democrats would have to split because the factions inside of it wouldn't be able to coexist.

The retardedness of the talk radio/freepers etc. is pushing too many people with too many disparate views into one entity. But I don't think you'd ever see it happen to that extent without the GOP moderating.



The Department of Homeland Security has started releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants held in local jails in anticipation of automatic budget cuts, in a move one Arizona sheriff called politically motivated -- and dangerous.
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Tuesday that Immigration and Customs Enforcement released more than 500 detainees in his county alone over the weekend. A spokesman for Babeu told FoxNews.com that ICE officials have said they plan to release a total of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants -- though an ICE official told FoxNews.com it's unclear how many ultimately might be released.

C'mon baby

Former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) fell victim to nationwide Republican momentum in 2010, but a poll out Tuesday showed that the progressive champion could be in a strong position for a political comeback in the Badger State.

Fifty-three percent of Wisconsin voters said they have a favorable opinion of Feingold, according to the latest survey from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling, while 37 percent said they have an unfavorable opinion of the former three-term senator.

The poll indicated that Feingold could get the last laugh on the Republican who ousted him in the 2010 midterms. In a hypothetical 2016 Senate matchup, 52 percent said they would vote for Feingold over Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who picked up 42 percent support.

Moreover, Feingold fared better than any Democrat tested in hypothetical matchups against Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), who will be up for re-election next year. Feingold edged Walker in the poll 49 percent to 47 percent. Walker topped every other Democrat tested in the poll. Feingold has not given an indication yet if he will challenge Walker in 2014.


i'm very confused. As of the current session of congress, the house has done jack shit.

Second, the house is responsible for revenue bills, not the senate.

I enjoyed reading Pelosi school Boehner on how Congress works, with a cherry on top.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters Tuesday that "sequestration equals employment" and labeled the House GOP leadership "irresponsible" for "avoidance behavior" on addressing the sequester.

She addressed Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) contention Tuesday that the Senate get up off their "ass" and act because House Republicans voted twice to avoid the sequester last year.

"The Republican leadership says we passed bills last year," Pelosi said. "I remind them, that was a different Congress. That doesn't count in this Congress. The Republican leadership says let the Senate begin. I remind them that the Constitution says that appropriations and revenue bills must begin in the House."

"I don't think they're even kicking the can down the road," she said. "I think they're nudging the potato across the table with their nose."

Glad to see Christie looking at expanding Medicaid in NJ.



omg, they make Cantor and Ryan look like ballers hahaha.
Sen. Corker: I don't think there's any question that you would be the biggest dove, if you will, since World War II. I think that's something you're rather proud of...Do you all ever talk about the longer term degrading effect of these policies as we try to live for today?

Chairman Bernanke: I think one concern we have is the effect of long term unemployment and the people who haven't had jobs for years. That means they're never going to acquire skills for years and be a productive part of our workforce

You called me a dove. Well maybe in some respects I am but on the other hand my inflation record is the best of any Federal Reserve chairman in the post-war period, or at least one of the best — about 2 percent average inflation...

If we tried to raise interest rates to three, four or five percent while the economy is still weak, it could not be sustained. Our economy is not strong enough to sustain real high real returns to savers. If we tried to do that we would throw our economy back into recession and we would have low interest rates like the Japanese do.

The only way to get interest rates up for savers is to get a strong recovery.
And the only way to get a strong recovery is to provide adequate support to the recovery. So I don't agree with that premise.

CORKER: Yeah. Do you concern yourself with the whole notion of being perceived? You know, we watch regulatory capture take place where basically the regulators end up working for the people that they regulate. We had TARP, which most people felt like that was a needed thing during a crisis. And then we had an easy money policy which really allowed the big institutions especially on Wall Street to reap tremendous benefits in the early stages without doing anything.

And then you're getting ready, I guess, in a few years as you alluded to when interest rates rise to basically have to print money to sell securities at losses, and then pay to sell secures at losses and the pay interest on reserves which people have pointed out and I think you all talk about is going to be billions and billion of dollars going to these institutions that again you regulate. Do you concern yourself at all with the Fed being viewed as not as independent as it used to be?

BERNANKE: Well we're concerned about perceptions, that's true, but none of the things you've said is accurate. For example...

CORKER: Oh yes they are.

BERNANKE: Well. So to take the case of paying interest on reserves in the exit, No.1, that is beneficial for the taxpayer because, on the lefthand side of the balance sheet is reserves, but on the right hand side is the securities that we hold, which pay a higher interest rate than the reserves. So by doing that we actually make a profit, which we remit to the treasury. We're not helping the banks.

CORKER: When you exit, when you begin to draw the money supply in, it's going to be very very beneficial to these institutions


CORKER: Oh, they're going to work by yielding huge returns on their reserves as you pay…

BERNANKE: We're going to be paying market rates. we're going to be paying exactly what you're getting on the repo market, the commercial paper market, anywhere else. There's no subsidy involved.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/bernanke-versus-corker-fed-testimony-2013-2#ixzz2M2ifA2K1

Bob Corker, smh. Stop talking. And then people question why we don't let Congress set monetary policy...


Bob Corker, smh. Stop talking. And then people question why we don't let Congress set monetary policy...

i know very little about monetary policy, and didn't know where that conversation was going.

I was shocked when it was going straight to the trash bin of common sense.
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