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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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No Scrubs

What I enjoy so much about this is that, while driving home, I listened to some Hannity (because I hate myself) and he was pumping the interview up during his show.

And it's not fair to say that it's not worth going on to his show as a liberal, it's just that the right words need to be said. Ellison was close to the mark, but I've found that alerting people to the fact that Hannity is a propagandist is generally the best way to move them away from the show. Unfortunately it will just turn into a shouting match at that point and it gets lost in the noise and oh god we're all doomed. :(


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Apologize if this has been discussed in here, but did anyone read this? Time's cover story on why medical bills are so high?


I absolutely can't believe it.

Somebody made a thread about it a little while back, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet. Will try to do that later tonight, maybe.

Speaking of health care, it seems the tea baggers are rather pissed at Rick Scott for metaphorically hugging Obama:

With his Medicaid decision this week, Scott officially and forever cast off his image as a tea party standard-bearer. Just glance at most of the recent comments on his Facebook page if you have doubts.

“Agreeing to expand Medicaid in Florida is your ‘Charlie Christ hugs Obama’ moment. Very disappointed in your decision… . Be proud to call yourself a RINO (Republican in Name Only),” wrote Jackie Soler-Gonzalez.

They're planning on having a primary challenge too. Kiss the governorship goodbye, teatards.


The Autumn Wind
Ellison complains that Hannity is lying to the "American public." The only people who watch Hannity are ring wing nuts and hardcore conservatives. Hannity is giving these people what they want: an uncritical affirmation of their worldview. Ellison is just wasting his time. All these shows are the same. They tell people what they want to hear.
It'll be re-aired on plenty of other news channels, and anything that helps show what a joke Fox News is is never a waste of time.

Speaking of health care, it seems the tea baggers are rather pissed at Rick Scott for metaphorically hugging Obama:

They're planning on having a primary challenge too. Kiss the governorship goodbye, teatards.
The right would have better luck retaining the governorship with someone other than Scott anyway. The man's been hated since almost immediately after he was elected.


No Scrubs
It'll be re-aired on plenty of other news channels, and anything that helps show what a joke Fox News is is never a waste of time.

The right would have better luck retaining the governorship with someone other than Scott anyway. The man's been hated since almost immediately after he was elected.

If they primary him with someone even more conservative there is no goddamn way they'll win.
The right would have better luck retaining the governorship with someone other than Scott anyway. The man's been hated since almost immediately after he was elected.
Makes you wonder how the fuck he ever got elected in the first place.

Oh yeah, 2010. Jesus. And the best part is being stuck with highly gerrymandered maps that make it extremely difficult to win the House majority anytime soon.


Somebody made a thread about it a little while back, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet. Will try to do that later tonight, maybe.

Speaking of health care, it seems the tea baggers are rather pissed at Rick Scott for metaphorically hugging Obama:

They're planning on having a primary challenge too. Kiss the governorship goodbye, teatards.

If any Governor does not accept the increased medicare spending, the residents of that state should storm the capital and kick his ass out of office. I mean, seriously. Don't Tea party folks say they are for fiscal responsibility or something? Do they think its fiscally responsible to not take free money from the federal government to cover poor people's health care, but have to pay for those poor people's health care through ER room tax care anyways, and help fund other state's increased medicare?

Makes no fucking sense

As for the Doctors being overpaid bit, I really dont think you can just look at doctors salaries in the states and say they are overpaid because they get paid the most in the world. You would have to take the cost of college, medical school and residency, as well as malpractice suits and malpractice insurance into account. That shit just sounds expensive

Not saying that there arent overpaid doctors out there, since there definitely are, and fee for service care is just stupid, but well, I dont think its as simple as just looking at the average doctors salary
Sounds like the VAWA (senate version) will pass the House soon
After nearly a year of resistance that has damaged them politically with women voters, House Republicans have found a clever way to back down on the reauthorization of an expanded Violence Against Women Act, aides confirmed to TPM late Tuesday.

The original plan was for the Republican majority in the House to pass its version of the Violence Against Women Act reauthorization and then go to conference conference committee with the Senate. The Senate has already overwhelmingly passed a more aggressive bill, with protections for LGBT, Native American and undocumented women that have been at the heart of the dispute with House Republicans.

But all that changed Tuesday night. The Rules Committee instead sent the House GOP’s version of the Violence Against Women Act to the floor with a key caveat: if that legislation fails, then the Senate-passed version will get an up-or-down vote.

The big admission implicit in this latest move is that House GOP leaders don’t believe they have the votes to pass their version of the bill but that the Senate version is likely to pass the chamber. So this way they’ll give House conservatives the first bite at the apple as a way of saving face and still resolve an issue that has hurt them politically.

Here’s how Democrats expect it to play out.

After the House finishes debating the GOP-version of the bill on Wednesday and Thursday, it will get a vote, but will fail to muster enough votes for passage due to conservative and Democratic opposition. So the Senate-passed bill will get a vote instead, and Democrats as well as a faction of more moderate Republicans will carry it to victory. Then it will go straight to President Obama’s desk for his signature.
Kyou no Ramirez-san:

Kyou no Ramirez-san:

Interesting how he doesn't compare that deficit to the last time there was a Republican president.

Well, I guess Pelosi caused the great recession, so there is that.

Also, the GOP doesn't control both houses, currently. Wouldn't that make it an inaccurate comparison? When's the last time Republicans controlled the House and Democrats controlled the Senate?

I sure hope Feingold runs. Walker's cuts are crippling the fuck out of certain sectors of the state. The education system in particular is embarrassing.

Half of Independents think the GOP is too extreme. HALF. HAAAAAALLLLF

I always pictured a vast majority of independents as libertarians who are too ashamed to claim the Republican party and who are too stubborn to side with the Democrats.


No Scrubs
I sure hope Feingold runs. Walker's cuts are crippling the fuck out of certain sectors of the state. The education system in particular is embarrassing.

I always pictured a vast majority of independents as libertarians who are too ashamed to claim the Republican party and who are too stubborn to side with the Democrats.

Going from registration numbers this is absolutely correct.
Hanity was good tonight

Seriously what was going on tonight?

Why do liberals go on Fox? It does not serve any purpose other than make them look evil to the fox news crowd and prove their point. Do they think Hannity wont edit clips where he is verbally, intellectually bodyslammed? Dont go on Fox. Let them drown in their own cacophony of madness.

Its the biggest channel. Democrats watch it too.


The Autumn Wind
Its the biggest channel. Democrats watch it too.
In the same way people will slow down to watch a car accident.

It's the biggest news channel because it's the go-to source for Republicans, while Democrats are split among everything else, aka, the "mainstream media" that Fox is always crying about.


That's it, boys, keep looking terrible to everyone else just to keep the ever-shrinking far right happy. They really have no clue.

What was the GOP's goal with playing with the VAWA? It doesn't take a damn political strategist to see that it's bad politics, especially when your party is hurting so badly with women, and an election just ended showing that. All they achieved was giving Dems more ammo against them with women voters and keeps the war against women campaign as an albatross around their necks.
In the same way people will slow down to watch a car accident.

It's the biggest news channel because it's the go-to source for Republicans, while Democrats are split among everything else, aka, the "mainstream media" that Fox is always crying about.
It is the biggest news channel because who sits around and watches cable news? Old people. Old white people. And since old white people are conservative, they skew the news to provide the viewers what they want to watch. It is not objective news, it is massaged news with a spin to make their audience feel good.


The Autumn Wind
It is the biggest news channel because who sits around and watches cable news? Old people. Old white people. And since old white people are conservative, they skew the news to provide the viewers what they want to watch. It is not objective news, it is massaged news with a spin to make their audience feel good.
Yeah, there's that too. I get most of my news online, like I'd assume most younger people do.
It's hard to tell from the picture, but he's actually playing Visions on expert, fingers from the top, Jimi Hendrix style.
That's how hardcore he is.

Goddamn. My hero.

Also we got yelled out for tweeting and posting about our class (carville's), so I have to be careful what I post about it.

But I will say Erick Erickson is actually not a dumb guy gained some respect from me tonight.
Does that mean he doesn't believe anything he writes? Because if he does, then he is a dumb guy. And if he doesn't, why does that cause you to respect him?

No. Its just he actually takes the tea party mantra seriously. I don't want to get into too much what he said. Its not like he said anything against his public positions but I also respect the fact the class is off the cuff and not public to public scrutiny.

I mean I disagree with his stances as he's very much pro cutting government. But he's intellectually honest, he made a good case for a distinction between conservative and republican. Him being in the conservative camp.

He's very much set in his ways on what he wants from government but he's not in the hate Obama because he's Obama camp. If he sees a point of agreement he'll take it and not disregard it because its politically conveniently. He's very much on the opposite of you but at the same time you guys would see eye to eye on certain issues and he'd actually probably agree with some solutions. Especially regarding "big business" as his blog shows he's not the biggest fan.

This editorial sums up pretty much his stance


Also this is pretty good http://www.redstate.com/2013/01/02/a-new-agenda/
As I’ve written before, I think the GOP’s way forward is with a family agenda.

Simplify the tax code
Give preferential treatment to parents
Focus on policies that encourage two-parent families
Oppose corporate entanglements with Washington and cronyism
Break up banks
Level the playing field between entrepreneurs and corporations
Expand school choice options
Continue strident opposition to Obamacare
No. Its just he actually takes the tea party mantra seriously. I don't want to get into too much what he said. Its not like he said anything against his public positions but I also respect the fact the class is off the cuff and not public to public scrutiny.

I mean I disagree with his stances as he's very much pro cutting government. But he's intellectually honest, he made a good case for a distinction between conservative and republican. Him being in the conservative camp.

He's very much set in his ways on what he wants from government but he's not in the hate Obama because he's Obama camp. If he sees a point of agreement he'll take it and not disregard it because its politically conveniently. He's very much on the opposite of you but at the same time you guys would see eye to eye on certain issues and he'd actually probably agree with some solutions. Especially regarding "big business" as his blog shows he's not the biggest fan.

This editorial sums up pretty much his stance


Also this is pretty good http://www.redstate.com/2013/01/02/a-new-agenda/
Focus on policies that encourage two-parent families
Fuck this. That's not pro-family that's pro-male dominance.
Fuck this. That's not pro-family that's pro-male dominance.

I agree and don't mean to say he's the greatest thinker. But he has a governing philosophy much more so than Mitch McTurtle.

Though to be fair obama is pro two parent family and I believe studies do show a two parent family is better than single parents (not that they should be demonized by an means)
I agree and don't mean to say he's the greatest thinker. But he has a governing philosophy much more so than Mitch McTurtle.

Though to be fair obama is pro two parent family and I believe studies do show a two parent family is better than single parents (not that they should be demonized by an means)
He's done more than enough damage to civil political discourse to make up for his occasional good idea. It's sort of like now when Republicans will come out in favor of gay marriage, after working for years for anti-gay campaigns and candidates, when they no longer have any meaningful authority to implement any changes, and the media throws them a fucking parade. Or poor old Karl Rove, getting eaten alive by those radical teabaggers, whom he supported financially with millions and millions of dollars until they stopped winning elections for him.

I guess what I'm saying is, if I'm judging the quality of a person I'm not going to lower my standards for them just because they're a conservative Republican. Like, great, you don't openly advocate hating black people in your platform/ideology. That doesn't stop someone from being a dick, especially if they continue to support and vote for candidates who go against their supposed ideals.
He's done more than enough damage to civil political discourse to make up for his occasional good idea. It's sort of like now when Republicans will come out in favor of gay marriage, after working for years for anti-gay campaigns and candidates, when they no longer have any meaningful authority to implement any changes, and the media throws them a fucking parade. Or poor old Karl Rove, getting eaten alive by those radical teabaggers, whom he supported financially with millions and millions of dollars until they stopped winning elections for him.

I guess what I'm saying is, if I'm judging the quality of a person I'm not going to lower my standards for them just because they're a conservative Republican. Like, great, you don't openly advocate hating black people in your platform/ideology. That doesn't stop someone from being a dick, especially if they continue to support and vote for candidates who go against their supposed ideals.

That's the thing. While I think he's been a bit of an asshole with some of his insensitive comments. But I don't really think he's especially poisoned the well, read the "loyal opposition" piece I posted. He's pro-making obama's job hard but its not just for the sake of winning elections, he really believes his ideas. He's a radical on the right wing for sure and I don't think he'd deny that but he's not hannity or rush spewing trash just trying to stay in power. And I think to the bolded. He's actually done a fair job of distancing himself from people who go against his ideals to an extreme degree. Look at him now trashing the VA gov.

I mean I don't mean to praise him as this awesome guy who I agree with. But like the big lebowski quote goes. "at least its an ethos."
That's the thing. While I think he's been a bit of an asshole with some of his insensitive comments. But I don't really think he's especially poisoned the well, read the "loyal opposition" piece I posted. He's pro-making obama's job hard but its not just for the sake of winning elections, he really believes his ideas. He's a radical on the right wing for sure and I don't think he'd deny that but he's not hannity or rush spewing trash just trying to stay in power. And I think to the bolded. He's actually done a fair job of distancing himself from people who go against his ideals to an extreme degree. Look at him now trashing the VA gov.

I mean I don't mean to praise him as this awesome guy who I agree with. But like the big lebowski quote goes. "at least its an ethos."
I'm not convinced. Maybe a part of it is every time i give credit to a conservative for being reasonable they turn around the next day and rant about the homosexual agenda brainwashing babies into getting AIDS or some shit.

Also it sounds like his problem with McDonnell is raising taxes to pay for his transportation bill. I wonder how he felt about transvaginal ultrasounds.

e: Check this out from his top post:

Erick Erickson said:
Here’s what they need to do, and outside groups and the grassroots need to help them achieve it. It is time for conservatives in the House to take down a rule. It is time for conservative Senators to pledge to filibuster everything under the Sun.
Sounds like a page from McConnell's playbook.

The comments are hilariously delusional also, if anyone wants a good laugh


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm not convinced. Maybe a part of it is every time i give credit to a conservative for being reasonable they turn around the next day and rant about the homosexual agenda brainwashing babies into getting AIDS or some shit.

Also it sounds like his problem with McDonnell is raising taxes to pay for his transportation bill. I wonder how he felt about transvaginal ultrasounds.

e: Check this out from his top post:

Sounds like a page from McConnell's playbook.

The comments are hilariously delusional also, if anyone wants a good laugh

Yeah, the best thing you could say about Erick Erickson is that he didn't act like a dick to Anderson Cooper.

User 406

I mean I don't mean to praise him as this awesome guy who I agree with. But like the big lebowski quote goes. "at least its an ethos."

I have always been aggravated by the willingness of people to "respect" someone just because they genuinely believe in something, no matter stupid or harmful it is. It's like a universal participation award. Oh, you have an opinion you're not lying about? You're worthy of respect!
I have always been aggravated by the willingness of people to "respect" someone just because they genuinely believe in something, no matter stupid or harmful it is. It's like a universal participation award. Oh, you have an opinion you're not lying about? You're worthy of respect!

It's only respectable when they stick to their beliefs when the negatives of them are encountered. Say if a religious zealot found out his wife was cheating on her and uh... had to uh... kill her. If he goes through with it, you know... like... that's pretty... commendable?

You know what I mean.


I mean I don't mean to praise him as this awesome guy who I agree with. But like the big lebowski quote goes. "at least its an ethos."
You know that quote is about the Nazis, right?
I have always been aggravated by the willingness of people to "respect" someone just because they genuinely believe in something, no matter stupid or harmful it is. It's like a universal participation award. Oh, you have an opinion you're not lying about? You're worthy of respect!
Well said.
I respect Erickson in the sense that he's not fake or trying to steal his sudience's money. He's a true believer and won't change even if his preferred candidate loses the next three elections in a row. The conservative "movement" is so full of con men (Dick Morris, Glen Beck, Karl Rove, etc) who clearly don't believe their own bullshit, and focus on fleecing their audience. I may not like anything Erickson believes policy wise but at least he's honest. I'd say the same of Rick Santorum.


I respect Erickson in the sense that he's not fake or trying to steal his sudience's money. He's a true believer and won't change even if his preferred candidate loses the next three elections in a row. The conservative "movement" is so full of con men (Dick Morris, Glen Beck, Karl Rove, etc) who clearly don't believe their own bullshit, and focus on fleecing their audience. I may not like anything Erickson believes policy wise but at least he's honest. I'd say the same of Rick Santorum.
True believers are more dangerous than the con men, see Bachmann, Crazy Eyes.
This wasnt posted


The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward attacked President Barack Obama on Wednesday, saying the commander-in-chief’s decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier because of budget cuts is “a kind of madness.”
“Can you imagine Ronald Reagan sitting there and saying ‘Oh, by the way, I can’t do this because of some budget document?’” Woodward said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“Or George W. Bush saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to invade Iraq because I can’t get the aircraft carriers I need’ or even Bill Clinton saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to attack Saddam Hussein’s intelligence headquarters,’ as he did when Clinton was president because of some budget document?” Woodward added. “Under the Constitution, the president is commander-in-chief and employs the force. And so we now have the president going out because of this piece of paper and this agreement, I can’t do what I need to do to protect the country. That’s a kind of madness that I haven’t seen in a long time.”
The Pentagon announced earlier this month the U.S.S. Harry Truman, which was supposed to leave for the Persian Gulf, will remain stateside due to budget concerns. The sequester, which will cut billions in defense spending, is scheduled to hit on Friday.
Woodward has become an unlikely conservative hero in recent days for calling out the administration over whether Obama had “moved the goalposts”’ in negotiations over the sequester.
True believers are more dangerous than the con men, see Bachmann, Crazy Eyes.

They're also easier to invalidate.

Personally I've just always preferred to deal with honest people who are up front about their views. I'd much rather deal with a blatantly racist person than someone pretending otherwise; in fact I wound up having a good conversation with a white supremacist on this issue a few years ago, and he even shook my hand.


I respect Erickson in the sense that he's not fake or trying to steal his sudience's money. He's a true believer and won't change even if his preferred candidate loses the next three elections in a row.

That's not true. He was constantly saying bullshit like "this is the last straw" with regard to Romney. And then Romney had that good debate performance, and suddenly he was "YES. ROMNEY IS AWESOME. LET'S DO THIS GUYS!!!"

He's full of shit like the rest of them.

You're right, Bob. I can't imagine "fiscal conservatives" like Reagan and Bush Jr. not building new war machines because we can't afford it. Nor could I imagine something trivial like that stopping Jr. from invading Iraq. Good points.
That's not true. He was constantly saying bullshit like "this is the last straw" with regard to Romney. And then Romney had that good debate performance, and suddenly he was "YES. ROMNEY IS AWESOME. LET'S DO THIS GUYS!!!"

He's full of shit like the rest of them.
I'm a lifetime Detroit Lions fan. I know that feel. Giving up, regaining hope, settling for failure, etc are not signs of weakness in that sense. You ride the horse you have.

Erickson never liked Romney, but of course preferred him over Obama. It shouldn't be surprising that he got on the hype train once it seemed like Romney could win.
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