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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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So does it look like any piece of major legislation will pass before the 2014 election? Everything right now seems to be lurching from one budget crises to the next - sequester, continual budget resolution, debt cieling fights etc. The momentum for immigration reform seems to be dying off, gun control measures may die in the house, and all the nice things Obama proposed in the SotU will have little Republican support.

What will pass in the 113th Congress?
Well that's going to hurt, no doubt, especially where I live and what I do (lots of government/nonprofit/charity clients.) But the sequester isn't on the level of European austerity measures, and we aren't Greece.

It's not only sequestration that is an issue. US will be a tad over $200 billion (austerity) I believe by the end of this year which is enough to possibly cause a downturn. I'm not sure how that compares to Europe, but some have double and triple dipped so probably similar scale of tax hikes and spending cuts. CBO also released a new report on automatic stabilizers if anyone wanted to see their impact on the budget nowadays.

So does it look like any piece of major legislation will pass before the 2014 election? Everything right now seems to be lurching from one budget crises to the next - sequester, continual budget resolution, debt cieling fights etc. The momentum for immigration reform seems to be dying off, gun control measures may die in the house, and all the nice things Obama proposed in the SotU will have little Republican support.

What will pass in the 113th Congress?

Tears. Many, many tears.
Real talk. Do people in Kentucky even like Ashley Judd?
Well she goes to a lot of Kentucky basketball games.

I'd love to hear her logic for running. She was 4 points down in a poll commissioned by McConnell which isn't a bad place to be against an incumbent. The problem is that as people find out how liberal she is, and how much she loves Obama, her numbers will continually get worse. She lives in Tennesee, worked in Hollywood, and just got divorced. That's a horrible mix.

Will Obama campaign for her? That would seem to hurt more than help. Meanwhile Rand Paul will certainly put past differences aside and campaign for McConnell which will help; he's running for president after all.
Yea. I don't know what her excuse will be for carpet bagging from Nashville back to KY. It's going to be fun to watch, but she certainly is more personable than McConnnel.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So does it look like any piece of major legislation will pass before the 2014 election? Everything right now seems to be lurching from one budget crises to the next - sequester, continual budget resolution, debt cieling fights etc. The momentum for immigration reform seems to be dying off, gun control measures may die in the house, and all the nice things Obama proposed in the SotU will have little Republican support.

What will pass in the 113th Congress?

I wonder if this is actually good that nothing will pass. Nothing will enrage teapartiers and they will all stay home!

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
The hell do people even see in McConnell? The dude's not tea party or anything, he's just an old school establishment Republican who got where he is by being there the longest. He's a proud opponent of campaign finance reform of any kind. That alone should make everyone hate his ass, conservative or not.
Eh McConnell is very good at his job, unlike Boehner. He's a creature of the senate and therefore good at deal making. And he's done a lot to satisfy his tea party members without truly giving them anything of worth; ie various Obamacare votes, amendments etc.

If anything we should be glad he's not the speaker of the house because he would have stolen Obama's lunch money many times with comprehensive bad deals. Whereas Borhner continues to flounder.
Well she goes to a lot of Kentucky basketball games.

I'd love to hear her logic for running. She was 4 points down in a poll commissioned by McConnell which isn't a bad place to be against an incumbent. The problem is that as people find out how liberal she is, and how much she loves Obama, her numbers will continually get worse. She lives in Tennesee, worked in Hollywood, and just got divorced. That's a horrible mix.

Will Obama campaign for her? That would seem to hurt more than help. Meanwhile Rand Paul will certainly put past differences aside and campaign for McConnell which will help; he's running for president after all.

Don' underestimate how much being tangently associated with country music, being white, and going to Kentucky basketball games can help. Look at Bill Clinton . . . he was somewhat progressive and won over some of the south including Kentucky. And they knew he was pro-choice.

Don' underestimate how much being tangently associated with country music, being white, and going to Kentucky basketball games can help. Look at Bill Clinton . . . he was somewhat progressive and won over some of the south including Kentucky. And they knew he was pro-choice.

That was 1996 and Clinton was a good old boy running for president, as was Carter initially. The south tends to support southern candidates (outside of Gore lol) for president.

Judd will be tied to Obama, who lost more than half of Kentucky's counties during the 2012 democrat primary. Southern democrats are getting decimated due to the universal distaste many southerners (democrat and republican) have for Obama on personal levels, and of course coal.
That was 1996 and Clinton was a good old boy running for president, as was Carter initially. The south tends to support southern candidates (outside of Gore lol) for president.

Judd will be tied to Obama, who lost more than half of Kentucky's counties during the 2012 democrat primary. Southern democrats are getting decimated due to the universal distaste many southerners (democrat and republican) have for Obama on personal levels, and of course coal.

Yeah, but she is white and with some ties to country music. Is it sad that makes a difference? Yes, but that is reality. I'm not saying she'll win but this is no slam dunk for Mitch. There is a reason Karl Rove already started bashing her.
I am Gumby, damn it!


I heard someone say "Jeb Bush took a more racially divisive stance on immigration so people started assuming he wanted to run for office." Man, that is so sad.


McConnell will get destroyed once John Calipari endorses Ashley Judd.

Also World Wide Wes has more money than Karl Rove's buddies.
Here's my simplistic take on the Rove/Judd thing. After the disaster that Rove had last election, he needs some high profile wins, so if he starts early with Judd, and if she has no chance to win, he can spend this money, watch her lose, and claim that he saved that election. So now he's not only won an election, he won a "high profile" one.

I don't think she'll win, and I don't think Rove is worried about her at all. I think he sees this as an easy win for a high profile target for his failing super pacs.
Don' underestimate how much being tangently associated with country music, being white, and going to Kentucky basketball games can help. Look at Bill Clinton . . . he was somewhat progressive and won over some of the south including Kentucky. And they knew he was pro-choice.
It's probably fair to argue Ross Perot helped Clinton win Kentucky - he only won with 45% of the vote. By comparison, Obama got 42% in 08.

Alison Lundergan Grimes would probably be a better candidate against McConnell, but everything I've heard is that she wants to run for governor in 2015. The DSCC's polling has her beating McConnell apparently.
I think the problem for McConnell is he represents washington at its worst. Judd can run against that. I think shell distance herself from some of the stupider things she's said but I'd imagine there is a large part of kentucky that wants something new.

It'll be tough and I don't see her pulling it off but its nice to get a high profile seat and one where they'll have to spend a lot of money keeping other races more competitive for Dems.
I think the problem for McConnell is he represents washington at its worst. Judd can run against that. I think shell distance herself from some of the stupider things she's said but I'd imagine there is a large part of kentucky that wants something new.

It'll be tough and I don't see her pulling it off but its nice to get a high profile seat and one where they'll have to spend a lot of money keeping other races more competitive for Dems.

McConnel is a politician though; doesn't the country benefit at this point from having politicians on the right instead of True Believers? I know he's an asshat, but I feel like he could still get things done if he has to.
McConnel is a politician though; doesn't the country benefit at this point from having politicians on the right instead of True Believers? I know he's an asshat, but I feel like he could still get things done if he has to.

Oh I think that's what his voters will say but I see a lot of independents just feed up at Washington and the partisanship. I think judd COULD tap into that.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Stephanopoulos certainly isn't glorious there, fucking hell, show some authority, they're talking about facts and you're supposed to be journalist.
Those shows serve no purpose, it's like Real Time but not funny.

I guess that's what you get when you put a political operative there, though in his defense, he does have great hair.

I think the "glorious" comment was directed at K-Thug. I don't mind Stephanopolous too much. I think he's the best Sunday talk show host (which, admittedly isn't saying much).

Bunch of people on my facebook are now posting this garbage:

The funny thing is, they're comparing something that's the result of being approved by a state government to something that's a result of dumbfuckery by the federal government.


The funny thing is, they're comparing something that's the result of being approved by a state government to something that's a result of dumbfuckery by the federal government.

Right, that's a large part of my garbage comment. The juxtaposition makes no fucking sense. On top of that it's just demonizing and preying on people's stupid thoughts that illegal immigrants get shit handed to them. The Denver bill just says if you graduated from a Colorado High School and you resided in Colorado for at least three consecutive years and sign an affidavit stating you are seeking citizenship, then you get in-state tuition rate rather than the out of state one. Woopdee fucking do. Big handout there...
Speaking of TPM, Josh Marshall is playing up the possibility of Obama appointing Thomas Perez to head the Labor Department as a big deal. Why is that? Is it because of the danger the VRA is in?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Speaking of TPM, Josh Marshall is playing up the possibility of Obama appointing Thomas Perez to head the Labor Department as a big deal. Why is that? Is it because of the danger the VRA is in?

I think it would be a tell that Obama would be placing a big emphasis on voting rights/access in his second term. It wasn't in his first term; even in the face of all the GOP voter suppression Obama never elevated it. This might be a sign he's elevating it in his second. Especially with the VRA about to go down.
Jesus fucking Christ. Repeal of obamacare again? How about we cut out govt wast like Paul Ryan?

Fucking clowns. I would love to cross Paul Ryan in the street no would talk so much shit to him.

Edit: PD he didn't even have to be drastic. The fiscal cliff deal went a long way to balancing the 10 year budget from Ryan last year.
Jesus fucking Christ. Repeal of obamacare again? How about we cut out govt wast like Paul Ryan?

Fucking clowns. I would love to cross Paul Ryan in the street no would talk so much shit to him.

Edit: PD he didn't even have to be drastic. The fiscal cliff deal went a long way to balancing the 10 year budget from Ryan last year.

Remind me why is Obama inviting this assclown for dinners and lunch? This guy has no bone in his spine.

Well . . . they can say that they were voted into office on such a platform. But at the same time, Obama was voted in on the opposite platform, the Senate was voted in on the opposite platform, and the total number of votes going to Congressional GOPers was smaller than the total number of votes going to Congressional Democrats. So they know most of the people didn't like that position.

Yet they stick with it? I guess they are looking to become a regional party that is stuck in the minority? Good luck with that.

There seemed to be a slight thaw on immigration after the election but even that seems to be going no where. I guess they'll stick to their positions until they have no power left.
Well . . . they can say that they were voted into office on such a platform. But at the same time, Obama was voted in on the opposite platform, the Senate was voted in on the opposite platform, and the total number of votes going to Congressional GOPers was smaller than the total number of votes going to Congressional Democrats. So they know most of the people didn't like that position.

Yet they stick with it? I guess they are looking to become a regional party that is stuck in the minority? Good luck with that.

There seemed to be a slight thaw on immigration after the election but even that seems to be going no where. I guess they'll stick to their positions until they have no power left.
I wonder how many of them realize they have more to gain with voters if they went for Obama's grand bargain (cutting SS and Medicare) and a moderate version of immigration reform. They could say "see? we can work with the president" and OFA/DCCC would have less of an argument for flipping the House in 2014 if they got a few bipartisan victories. Meanwhile in 2016 there'll be a new Democratic candidate they can dump on without burning bridges with Obama.

The neat thing about gerrymandering your party into safe districts is you have to worry more about primary threats!
The neat thing about gerrymandering your party into safe districts is you have to worry more about primary threats!

Yeah . . . People can point to Judd's nice statements about Obama. But during the general, the Dem candidate will probably be able to point to some crazy-bat shit stuff Mitch says during the primary if he is primaried by some Tea-party nut.
Obamacare to the GOP is Android to Steve Jobs and I love it. They despise it so very much. Never thought it would pass, never thought the lower courts would find it constitutional, never thought the Roberts Court wouldnt strike it down, never thought Obama would win reelection which waa the final nail in their dream of repealiing it. Feels good. Ultimately we will get a public option and they know it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
So does it look like any piece of major legislation will pass before the 2014 election? Everything right now seems to be lurching from one budget crises to the next - sequester, continual budget resolution, debt cieling fights etc. The momentum for immigration reform seems to be dying off, gun control measures may die in the house, and all the nice things Obama proposed in the SotU will have little Republican support.

What will pass in the 113th Congress?

Nothing. Look at this thread; People don't care about politics. They care about elections. They're already talking about whom is going to beat whom in 20 months. And after that, all they'll talk about is OMG 2016 HILARY VS CHRISTIE or whoever ends up running.

No one gives a damn about the issues.


No Scrubs
Nothing. Look at this thread; People don't care about politics. They care about elections. They're already talking about whom is going to beat whom in 20 months. And after that, all they'll talk about is OMG 2016 HILARY VS CHRISTIE or whoever ends up running.

No one gives a damn about the issues.

Well in this thread's defense, every time we hear about something that the president wants to do the GOP filibusters it or it never leaves committee or he tries it and gets blocked on of the million ways it happens. Besides, most of the big bills are still only pie in the sky "we're still only talking about it" type things. If something gets introduced we'll talk about it. That said everyone does seem to be nuts about 2014.
Nothing. Look at this thread; People don't care about politics. They care about elections. They're already talking about whom is going to beat whom in 20 months. And after that, all they'll talk about is OMG 2016 HILARY VS CHRISTIE or whoever ends up running.

No one gives a damn about the issues.

We care about the issues but as long as the GOP owns the House not a damn thing is getting done.
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