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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Just emailed Bill Nelson expressing my disappointment that he has not come out for same sex marriage. Not sure it'll make any difference, but felt it needed to be done. I love having the guy as my senator, but this is disappointing to me. We're a blue state and he was just re-elected. There is no reason to not support this.

Lol I was about to do the same. Was talking to my parents about it last night.
Yeah Romney demolished Obama in North Carolina after he announced his support for gay marriage. Doesn't look good.

Oh wait, did I say demolished? I meant "beat by two points while spending far more in a 'safe state' than he should have after Obama gave up on the state." Sorry about that. Let me rephrase that statement.

Support for gay marriage is a nonstarter for ginning up opposition and Hagan will be fine.

How many black people are going to show up in an off-year election to vote for Kagan? She's done.
So poliGAF, I got a question I hope one of you can answer:

What is up with this sudden approval for gay rights among Americans? Don't get me wrong, I'm super-glad to see progress happening, but what prompted this shift?

Oprah handing out gay sons



Stewart you are amazing.
Yea that Kay Hagan thing, while commendable, will most likely cost her the election. People have no idea how strongly the anti-gay marriage people feel about the issue. It is an absolute poll mover. It makes these people get up their fat lazy asses and go cast a vote against the evil liberals gaying their country everywhere. I know people like these.
Doubt that happens. We'd need a really good, known, charismatic, uniting sort of candidate to do that. Walker's just too entrenched here now and his followers are like a goddamned cult. And he lies too well.

The other thing is that overall things throughout the country will be better and people will feel like the economy has turned around. Even though Wisconsin's in particular has not really got better under Walker, that's a hard case to make when people feel pretty decently overall.

I hope my analysis is proven dead wrong, though.
Its sad too. Walker has been bad for Wisconsin. The schools are horrendously underfunded and understaff. As someone who works at UW-Parkside its insane how much so little people have to do and how their pay has been frozen. Construction projects never get done. I-94 has been in construction for 2 years with not as much progress as one would hope. My mind was blown when driving to work two weeks ago and saw that traffic has gotten even TIGHTER. Business has gotten notably worse under his adminsitration despite economic growth. It could be hearsay but in all the jobs I worked at there was a notable dip not long after Walker came into power. I worked at a nightclub that went from always being packed, to having to close early some days because hardly anyone showed up. A restaurant that was always busy to sending staff home early on a Friday night. Obviously not all of this is due to Walker. But as I started seeing charts of GDP growth and unemployment decline in the country it seems that Wisconsin has remained stagnant at where it was in 2010, if not worse.

I don't get it lol
If the homeless man would pick himself up by his bootstraps he could easily get his own job and buy food for himself? Mental illness? The only "mental illness" he has is one that involves denying hardwork, the free market, and freedom!
North Carolina's democratic base is made up of old FDR types and imports from out of state living in either Charlotte or Raleigh.

This won't just be a base election though. NC's unemployment rate is still near 10%, the sequester will probably make things worse too. I don't think it's far fetched to suggest that as long as a right wing ideologue (Virginia Foxx) doesn't get the nomination, NC is one of the best pickup possibilities.

Kagan is above 50% right now against the best potential GOP candidate (Lt. Gov. Dan Forest), and in general the NC GOP is souring among voters in the state. The problem is that turnout benefit republicans and a shitty economy hurts incumbents with independents. And NC just passed a constitutional ban of gay marriage whereas Kagan has come out for gay marriage. So yea, right now I think she's done. Obama won't be on the ballot this time.

EDIT: I agree dems should keep their Alaska seat
This won't just be a base election though. NC's unemployment rate is still near 10%, the sequester will probably make things worse too. I don't think it's far fetched to suggest that as long as a right wing ideologue (Virginia Foxx) doesn't get the nomination, NC is one of the best pickup possibilities.

Kagan is above 50% right now against the best potential GOP candidate (Lt. Gov. Dan Forest), and in general the NC GOP is souring among voters in the state. The problem is that turnout benefit republicans and a shitty economy hurts incumbents with independents. And NC just passed a constitutional ban of gay marriage whereas Kagan has come out for gay marriage. So yea, right now I think she's done. Obama won't be on the ballot this time.

EDIT: I agree dems should keep their Alaska seat
Of all the reasons for Hagan could lose (and she isn't a lock, I'll admit), this is the most inconsequential. Obama came out for gay marriage in North Carolina and only lost it by 2 points, in an election where he lost at least 2 points in pretty much every swing state. If you want to argue that blacks won't turn out because Obama's not on the ballot, black turnout increased in North Carolina in 2010 by 40% over 2006. Obama knows how to mobilize the troops even when he's not on the ballot - that election was just a hurricane of bad news for Democrats which caused them to lose whites and independents. The climate could be much better in 2014.

If she's in the 49-52 range as PPP is showing right now, she's probably okay. Gay marriage isn't going to cost her a 10 point lead
Of all the reasons for Hagan could lose (and she isn't a lock, I'll admit), this is the most inconsequential. Obama came out for gay marriage in North Carolina and only lost it by 2 points, in an election where he lost at least 2 points in pretty much every swing state. If you want to argue that blacks won't turn out because Obama's not on the ballot, black turnout increased in North Carolina in 2010 by 40% over 2006. Obama knows how to mobilize the troops even when he's not on the ballot - that election was just a hurricane of bad news for Democrats which caused them to lose whites and independents. The climate could be much better in 2014.

If she's in the 49-52 range as PPP is showing right now, she's probably okay. Gay marriage isn't going to cost her a 10 point lead

Agreed, if Hagan loses it wasn't her support for same-sex marriage that did her in. I don't think that gay marriage is big enough that it causes people to be one-issue voters - it's not abortion. If gay marriage is a big enough issue for some people to switch their votes, I'm willing to bet they were already pretty solidified against Hagan for other reasons like she was already a godless liberal(or if they vote for her, because she is more progressive on gay rights than her opponents)

Looking forward to 2014 because I anticipate a lot of campaign weekends going down to North Carolina from DC. Can't wait, because 2013 is incredibly boring since Christie is safe and I don't care for either of the candidates in Virginia (though obviously I prefer McAuliffe). Maybe MO-8 too for a couple of months since the Democrat there is solid IMO
Good riddance Judd

Of all the reasons for Hagan could lose (and she isn't a lock, I'll admit), this is the most inconsequential. Obama came out for gay marriage in North Carolina and only lost it by 2 points, in an election where he lost at least 2 points in pretty much every swing state. If you want to argue that blacks won't turn out because Obama's not on the ballot, black turnout increased in North Carolina in 2010 by 40% over 2006. Obama knows how to mobilize the troops even when he's not on the ballot - that election was just a hurricane of bad news for Democrats which caused them to lose whites and independents. The climate could be much better in 2014.

If she's in the 49-52 range as PPP is showing right now, she's probably okay. Gay marriage isn't going to cost her a 10 point lead

She doesn't have a ten point lead. And while the black vote increased in 2010 I don't think that was surprising, especially when compared to the low 2006 levels. It'll still be quite low, perhaps lower if NC's economy continues to be poor.

I think the general democrat climate will be better in 2014 than 2010 simply because the economy will be better, but there are states where that isn't the case. NC, Nevada, and a few others come to mind.
This won't just be a base election though. NC's unemployment rate is still near 10%, the sequester will probably make things worse too. I don't think it's far fetched to suggest that as long as a right wing ideologue (Virginia Foxx) doesn't get the nomination, NC is one of the best pickup possibilities.

Kagan is above 50% right now against the best potential GOP candidate (Lt. Gov. Dan Forest), and in general the NC GOP is souring among voters in the state. The problem is that turnout benefit republicans and a shitty economy hurts incumbents with independents. And NC just passed a constitutional ban of gay marriage whereas Kagan has come out for gay marriage. So yea, right now I think she's done. Obama won't be on the ballot this time.

EDIT: I agree dems should keep their Alaska seat
Just like you thought Warren wouldn't win? We've seen this dance before.

PD, please stop talking like you have intimate knowledge of what's going on in NC.


What's the logic behind the SC allowing audio recordings but not video recordings?

I imagine that the idea is that there's a balance to be struck between making the Court accessible and transparent and keeping it as apolitical as possible. They don't want oral arguments to be entertainment; you're not supposed to be cheering for the justices that are "on your side", because the justices aren't supposed to be on anyone's side. I expect there's also a concern that the justices and/or lawyers will mug for the cameras in a way that's harmful to the long-term legitimacy of the Court.
She doesn't have a ten point lead. And while the black vote increased in 2010 I don't think that was surprising, especially when compared to the low 2006 levels. It'll still be quite low, perhaps lower if NC's economy continues to be poor.

I think the general democrat climate will be better in 2014 than 2010 simply because the economy will be better, but there are states where that isn't the case. NC, Nevada, and a few others come to mind.
Yes she does.

Unless you're choosing to believe the polls are skewed. How'd that work out last time?

User 406

Since none of you lazy liberals want to do anything more than complain about that dadspam photo not being converted to text, I guess I'll have to do it. My OCR software is a bit on the old side, but I think it got the gist:

The $50 Lesson

I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President of the United States. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there. So I asked her, "If you were President, what would be the first thing you would do?" She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people." Her parents beamed.

"Wow...what a worthy goal," I told her. "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my driveway, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?" I said, "Welcome to the Rep-"

She interrupted, "Oh, I remember, he did walk through the neighborhood asking if he could mow the lawns, and you yelled at him and said you'd call the cops if he didn't leave and that he should get a haircut and a job. And what's a dirty hippy?"

"But that's-"

"Anyway, I don't want to just help him, I want to help EVERYBODY!" She threw her arms out wide as she yelled this last word. "I think I'd need more than $50 for that! Maybe even a million, jillion!"

I sputtered, "But you can't just redistribute wealth like that!"

She made a little moue and put her nose in the air and said, "I can when I'm President!" Her parents snickered.

I'm still not speaking to them.


I believe he said one word, and it was referring to a joke of some kind.

I wanted to make sure people who are strangers to the Supreme Court understand that Plinko doesn't mean that Thomas said one thing during this case, but rather that Thomas has said one thing in the PAST SEVEN YEARS.
Just like you thought Warren wouldn't win? We've seen this dance before.

PD, please stop talking like you have intimate knowledge of what's going on in NC.

Not pretending. I'm looking at the UE number and demographics. Kagan can win but right now I seriously doubt it. Unless Virginia Foxx saves us all.


I wanted to make sure people who are strangers to the Supreme Court understand that Plinko doesn't mean that Thomas said one thing during this case, but rather that Thomas has said one thing in the PAST SEVEN YEARS.
Imagine how creepy it would be if the other 8 justices followed his lead.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I haven't watched Law and Order: SVU in a while, but tonight's episode should be gud.

I imagine that the idea is that there's a balance to be struck between making the Court accessible and transparent and keeping it as apolitical as possible. They don't want oral arguments to be entertainment; you're not supposed to be cheering for the justices that are "on your side", because the justices aren't supposed to be on anyone's side. I expect there's also a concern that the justices and/or lawyers will mug for the cameras in a way that's harmful to the long-term legitimacy of the Court.

I guess I could see that. Though even if that's the case I want to see vids, damn it!


Bill Nelson sucks.

The guy is the definition of a safe politician who will not put his back out for anything. You can see in his response to the gay marriage question how carefully crafted it is, especially saying the Supreme Court might be changing it soon.

It sucks that FL is stuck with this guy while frigging Alaska, NC and MO can get better liberals.


The Autumn Wind
Bill Nelson sucks.

The guy is the definition of a safe politician who will not put his back out for anything. You can see in his response to the gay marriage question how carefully crafted it is, especially saying the Supreme Court might be changing it soon.

It sucks that FL is stuck with this guy while frigging Alaska, NC and MO can get better liberals.
While his refusal to publicly support same sex marriage is disappointing and I even emailed him telling him so, I would not call us "stuck" with him. He's been a great senator. His voting record speaks for itself.
Was searching for a documentary when I stumbled across this collection of McGovern ads from 1972

The first ad, which last about 4m, is the sound of a political party admitting its mistakes and trying to fix things. 1968 was a disaster, from the convention fiasco to RFK being killed. Four years later the party was leaderless and reeling from scandal and assassinations. That entire ad/infomercial boils down to the party saying "hey look, we had an orderly convention with no violence, we're professional! And the people chose our nominee this time, isn't that great? Let's work together."

There still hasn't been a moment like that with republicans; this GOP autopsy is largely window dressing. While I agree changing their messaging is essential and can lead to a production transition period on issues like gay rights and abortion, ultimately the problem is their policy positions. McGovern was quite a radical shift from LBJ on foreign policy, for instance. Domestically the party didn't really make the proper changes until Clinton in 1988/1992, but they were clearly in an evolution process. Right now I see no such thing for republicans.

2016 will be more of the same. Tax cuts, cut entitlements (don't cut Medicare*), Reagan, regulations, drill baby drill. Good luck with that.


This is semantics, and nothing more
So...probably old to this thread but this made me angry.


Did the Chief Justice of the United States really say Obama should have "strength of his convictions" to ignore laws he doesnt like?

What a fucking fool. Another clown appointment by Bush we have to deal with.

I think he's right, but only to the extent that he was asking about a law that the president believes to be unconstitutional. If the president merely doesn't like a law, then that's no reason not to enforce it, but if the president actually believes that a law violates the Constitution, then the logical consequence of that belief is a refusal to enforce it--because the legal consequence is that such a law is no law at all.


I think he's right, but only to the extent that he was asking about a law that the president believes to be unconstitutional. If the president merely doesn't like a law, then that's no reason not to enforce it, but if the president actually believes that a law violates the Constitution, then the logical consequence of that belief is a refusal to enforce it--because the legal consequence is that such a law is no law at all.

So Obama should decide to do the Supreme Courts job when he thinks its appropriate?

I aint no constitutional scholar but that sounds pretty fucked up to me.
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