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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I can see why republican bloggers are upset with the bill (it raises taxes) but the idea that it will ruin the economy is laughable. If I was a republican I'd probably be ambivalent towards the deal, but excited about the future inevitability of rolling Obama on more spending cuts during the debt ceiling fight; the main lesson to be taken here is that the election changed nothing, Obama will continue to cave in the face of obstruction/media hand wringing, and he will likely be less popular in March than he is now.

How do you keep making predictions when you have been so wrong? It's plain ignorance..


How do you keep making predictions when you have been so wrong? It's plain ignorance..

I'm not superstitious, but I'll admit I stopped worrying as much about the upcoming debt ceiling fight after reading PD's thoughts on it. The man's got a gift.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Happy New Year, my fellow Poligaffermigos!

And don't give me that malarkey about you being in different time zones or anything. We don't jump off the fiscal cliff until Cali says so!
hold on lol, you are going to bet Obama WILL NOT negotiate over the debt limit, ie he will demand it be raised and refuse to come to the table with republicans?

I am not going to bet he won't negotiate but I am going to say he won't give in on cuts that affect entitlements or any area that Dems are concerned and passionate about. If he does negotiate then it will be for more tax revenue as well. You are arguing he will just give the GOP what it wants and won't stand his ground just like you argue he did this go around.

Wvery single prediction of yours has been wrong. If you were batting in baseball you would have one of the worst avg's there was. Why am I going to believe you'll hit a homerun next go around.
hold on lol, you are going to bet Obama WILL NOT negotiate over the debt limit, ie he will demand it be raised and refuse to come to the table with republicans?
He should refuse to negotiate until they raise the debt limit. Negotiations are pointless otherwise. They'll pass something and then be back to square 1 in less than 2 months. Otherwise we are better off with raising taxes and starting sequester so the debt limit is less of an issue.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
after the election i heard bitching on the radio how conservatives don't have a chris matthews type to fight for them.

Maybe they meant they don't have a guy who's loud and intelligent/insightful as Matthews?


Quick thought about the sequester debt ceiling crisis cliff: it might conceivably produce an awkward position for the GOP. The purpose of opposing the debt ceiling is that they want spending cuts. The purpose of the sequester is spending cuts. So opposing both is a messaging problem -- they should really accept one and oppose the other, to be consistent.


No Scrubs
Quick thought about the sequester debt ceiling crisis cliff: it might conceivably produce an awkward position for the GOP. The purpose of opposing the debt ceiling is that they want spending cuts. The purpose of the sequester is spending cuts. So opposing both is a messaging problem -- they should really accept one and oppose the other, to be consistent.

I think that's the whole point of it. Obama might be trying to get them to admit that either spending cuts during a recession are bad for the economy or that they are just using the debt ceiling as a political prop. If this is the plan then either way Obama wins. There is no way to win for the GOP in this scenario. Looking at it this way makes the deal a bit better, but not a whole lot.
after the election i heard bitching on the radio how conservatives don't have a chris matthews type to fight for them.

Matthews is an Obama slappy but does attack the president on more than a few occasions - many of which are too ridiculous even for me (ie him being legit mad that Obama didn't thank Clinton in his victory speech). Whereas Hannity, Rush, etc had almost nothing bad to say about Romney (or McCain) until after the election. I remember both being quite excited about Romney's aggressive attacks on Obama, whereas afterward they claimed he didn't go far enough.

Ultimately I don't believe a large portion of the conservative audience wants to be told the truth. They have constructed a reality bubble that cannot sustain any real talk; remember when the mere notion that Obama could possibly win was a liberal media conspiracy to suppress the vote? In four years they'll be smearing Nate Silver again and unskewing polls.

(Although I don't think the 2016 nominee will break minority turnout records like Obama did, which threw off some polls. It probably won't matter because the candidate will do better with whites.)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
— The tax on capital gains and dividends will be permanently set at 20 percent for those with income above the $450,000/$400,000 threshold. It will remain at 15 percent for everyone else. (Clinton-era rates were 20 percent for capital gains and taxed dividends as ordinary income, with a top rate of 39.6 percent.)

I'm just now reading this, but isn't this a fucking HUGE concession from the Dems?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
God bless you barry! I would love to play poker with you, or sell you a car.


The source said it was the president who insisted the final deal include a pay down on the sequester and a tax increase that hit individuals making at least $400,000 a year and $450,000 for households.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell started negotiations at $750,000, and then moved to $550,000 before giving in and agreeing to $450,000 for households.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
"Permanently" just means it won't come up for renewal. That doesn't necessarily mean it can't be changed in the future, I don't think.

Yeah, I get that, but think about that for a sec. How in God's name are the Dems ever gonna get another opportunity to raise taxes on capital gains/dividends ever again?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
They did it through ACA.

I'm aware of that, but I'm probably not being clear. Let me put it this way: When are Dems gonna regain both the House AND a supermajority in the senate again? In all likelihood the Dems are never gonna get a chance like this for the next decade or so.


Sidhe / PikPok
If they pass it tomorrow, we sort-of-but-not-really went over. Practically it never happened except house republicans can say they voted on a tax cut.

This is the stupidest thing about all the messaging around this. Republicans were so insistent on pushing the whole "Obama is going to raise your taxes" narrative, they missed the opportunity to position this all as a tax cut. Their stubbornness has cost them big time in terms of favorability.


The only question with the deal is WTF will now happen 2 months down the road...

Supposedly the only reason Senate Dems accepted the compromise was because they were assured by the WH that they wouldn't cave to the debt ceiling hostage taking.

So yeah, we'll see. Wouldn't hold my breath on that WH promise though...
Supposedly the only reason Senate Dems accepted the compromise was because they were assured by the WH that they wouldn't cave to the debt ceiling hostage taking.

So yeah, we'll see. Wouldn't hold my breath on that WH promise though...

Let's see...Dems can't ask for 250k and above again.

So, I guess tax code overhaul is the next Dem fight...maybe we can ask for the Buffet rule again.
Gotta admit though. That 250k would've been damn nice, even if it was only about 100 billion or so in extra revenue.

How much revenue is lost with the Estate Tax not rising and Dividends being taxed at 20% instead of 39.6 (like Clinton era)?

Also, does the 600b number include the additional revenue from payroll tax cut expiring or no?


Any breakdown of the votes?

3 dems, 5 goppers

The eight senators who voted no included Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida and a potential presidential candidate in 2016, two of the Senate’s most ardent small-government Republicans, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah, and Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, who as a former Finance Committee chairman helped secure passage of the Bush-era tax cuts, then opposed making almost all of them permanent on Tuesday. Two moderate Democrats, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware and Michael Bennet of Colorado, also voted no, as did the liberal Democrat Tom Harkin, who said the White House had given away too much in the compromise. Senator Richard C. Shelby, Republican of Alabama, also voted no.



In the grand scheme of things the deal isn't that bad I guess. At first I wasn't sold but it doesn't include any cuts. If Obama caves though during the debt ceiling fight.......


I don't get you guys sometimes. You've been criticizing the GOP for not being willing to compromize and now you shoot Obama down in flames because he just compromized.

The fact is that although the deal is not the ideal one what you wanted, it still is a good one. The republicans caved in pretty hard on taxes: you gotta remember that two weeks ago those guys were still refusing tax raises on millionaires!


Supposedly the only reason Senate Dems accepted the compromise was because they were assured by the WH that they wouldn't cave to the debt ceiling hostage taking.

So yeah, we'll see. Wouldn't hold my breath on that WH promise though...

"Guys, let's cave now when we have all the leverage. Then in two months when we don't have any, I'll be standing firm... Hey, why are you guys laughing? Hey!"
i'm still ambivalent on the deal mainly because i don't trust the administration to not negotiate with the debt ceiling, but this is still funny.

If WH actually stands firm in 2 months we are good.

Also, interesting that Benett voted against it. He is the DSCC chair

I still think when Reid gave up, we should have let the Cliff happen and come back in a week to ask Republicans if they are ready to deal.

This 2 month BS means we are just going to keep talking about the debt, deficit, spending instead of immigration reform, assault weapons ban or anything else.


Same here, kind of. If the tea party blows this up, they're done and the republican party has then hit rock bottom. Even with the memories of goldfish I don't think the republicans could hold the house in 2014 if they do that.

Requires the electorate to actually understand what's going on. We've already seen terms like deficit and debt twisted to mean completely different things from what they do. The GOP could easily pull out a non sequitur saying Socialism caused it and the media would repeat it verbatim.
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