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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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No Scrubs
Well, our copper supplies are less vulnerable now than they were under Bush.

Especially mine, I just went and hid my jar of pennies someplace even I don't know where! I'd like to see those unwashed masses yearning to have copper find it now!
Well, our copper supplies are less vulnerable now than they were under Bush.


Edit: read that wrong. Chart somewhat related, but not really.

As an aside, wonder how much copper goes into every Obama murder-drone.
I still dont get what youre disagreeing with?

1) The Obama administration changed the rules of the game so banks can profit by hoarding commodities. A typical Obama corporate handout.
2) As copper is hoarded, the price goes up. Its already very high.
3) As the price goes up, the incentive to steal goes up.
4) Streetlights offer easy sources of copper for thieves.
5) Cities cant afford to quickly replace the copper, in some cities, its been reported that the day after the light was fixed, the copper was stolen again
6) No lights = darkness



Metal stealing has been going on for ages, it's just ramped up because meth use has taken off, and it's a fairly untracked business.

Shit, people steal the sewer covers in Omaha to put into their car to make it weigh more when they sell it at the scrap yard
Biden and Senate Dems meeting in 10 mins. Senate and White House have agreed in principle.

Ball's in Boehner's court now, granted not this year obviously.

Final details to come, obviously. Probably will come out when I'm not capable of reading tonight, lol.

What if McConnell can't get Republicans in the Senate on board?

Impossible. All he has to do it not filibusterer it and he controls enough power there to stop enough of the GOP from doing it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It's still a good play. Let the GOP come up with actual cuts in 2 months.

Obama is getting the UE extension and tax raises without dealing with sequester.

They're not going to. They're just going to say obama better cut or we'll default. And that's that.
They're not going to. They're just going to say obama better cut or we'll default. And that's that.

Fine by me. Let them. The cuts hurt the GOP more (half military, little safety net and medicare cuts) and they're the ones who will lose seats holding the country hostage.

This would be a big win for Obama, IMO. Let the GOP eat itself. It's fractured right now. Delaying just the sequester with the other stuff off the table is a good move for him.

Obama can negotiate reduction in cuts for stimulus and long term budget wonkery. If they don't want to play, let them play the debt ceiling game and see how it turns out for them.
It's still a good play. Let the GOP come up with actual cuts in 2 months.

Obama is getting the UE extension and tax raises without dealing with sequester.

I'm not going to cheer stuff he'd get anyway. UE benefits could have been extended next year if we had a president willing to truly use the bully pulpit - not set up weak PR stunts like today.


So now that there will be no vote in the house tonight and we will most likely go over the "fiscal cliff", why should this current potential agreement still be the measuring stick?

Shouldn't the dems just push a vote to maintain the tax rates under 250k tomorrow or Wednesday and dare republicans to block them?

Then they can tie pushing off the defense cuts and trade that for UE benefits and the other tax credits being extended for 5 years.
I'm not going to cheer stuff he'd get anyway. UE benefits could have been extended next year if we had a president willing to truly use the bully pulpit - not set up weak PR stunts like today.


Have you met the national GOP?

Shouldn't the dems just push a vote to maintain the tax rates under 250k tomorrow or Wednesday and dare republicans to block them?

Because it would look back if they don't try to compromise. Now they come off as real compromisers.


Oh, Christ. A last minute deal? Come the fuck on. And we were hours away from the cliff too! :(
Yep. But was anyone honestly expecting the House GOP to get their shit together? I wasn't.

It's like waiting for the stripper that was on your lap for three hours to ask to go home with you at the end of the night. Almost seems like she's gonna do it, but... nawww.

we're still going over. house has to vote on it and they are out drunk.
Family values!
I eagerly anticipate seeing which House Republicans vote for this deal, they will likely be voting away their next primary election

There are probably enough of them to vote for this that aren't worried about it. Either safe or retiring.

Of course, they could be primaried the other way for not voting for tax cuts for the middle class to protect the wealthy.

But the election will be defined by the sequester/debt ceiling fight to come more than this. This is simply extending middle class (and some rich) tax cuts and UE extension and nothing more.
No new stimulus, no spending cuts, doesn't address debt ceiling...not surprising why both sides dislike this.

Hopefully the House revolts
No new stimulus, no spending cuts, doesn't address debt ceiling...not surprising why both sides dislike this.

Hopefully the House revolts

We're never getting stimulus without a sequestration deal vis-a-vis the military cuts.

That's not up for discussion now, there's no grand bargain dude.

This is a short term deal to get us to the other stuff.


Its not a bad deal it just deals almost exclusively with taxes and on taxes and unemployment democrats got almost everything they wanted. The problem now might be lost leverage going into the debt ceiling debate.
Its not a bad deal it just deals almost exclusively with taxes and on taxes and unemployment democrats got almost everything they wanted. The problem now might be lost leverage going into the debt ceiling debate.

No they didn't. Their leverage is based on the fact that the Repubs don't want military cuts. They will have to bargain to get their war machine money.


Greatly disappointed at the lack of balls, but at least this deal is better than Bonner's plan B.

In two months tho, there will be sighs. Another cycle of bullshit.
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