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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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What I find hilarious about the 2nd amendment folk is that they've taken a very literal view of what "arms" mean.

You could argue that in todays computer reliant work, having an open internet, unfettered access to networks, and the technology to interact with them would be a much better descriptor of what the second amendment is actually describing in today's "battlegrounds".

Plus, those kinds of "arms" are something that will actually be useful, should Obama start tyranting up the US and coordinating drones all over the skies.


If Scalia and Thomas were logically consistent they would find that the second amendment only protects the types of firearms that were in existence when it was written, ie. slow-loading muskets and revolvers, as opposed to assault rifles and concealable semi automatic pistols capable of mowing down people.

Too bad they aren't logically consistent and only use originalism when it supports their right-wing ideology.
If Scalia and Thomas were logically consistent they would find that the second amendment only protects the types of firearms that were in existence when it was written, ie. slow-loading muskets and revolvers, as opposed to assault rifles and concealable semi automatic pistols capable of mowing down people.

Too bad they aren't logically consistent and only use originalism when it supports their right-wing ideology.

That or the exact opposite. Original intent would imply that citizens should have the freedom to bear armaments on par with their government.


Most silicon valley companies work this way (until they get too big to do it). The theory is that instead of making a profit and paying out dividends, you reinvest and grow the company. The shareholder benefits because the stock value keeps going up as long as the company keeps growing.

stocks don't grow infinitely though. and shareholders only benefits when they sell. but for long term holder, they only benefits from dividends


Unconfirmed Member
That or the exact opposite. Original intent would imply that citizens should have the freedom to bear armaments on par with their government.
I better start saving up for my very own stealth bomber then. I've wanted one since I was a kid!

For personal protection, of course.


No Scrubs
Good call. We should maybe start a Kickstarter?

If we get a bunch of people together and pool all of our money then we can afford more than one. We could make some kind of group of stealth bombers to protect us all from our enemies...some sort of a force. An airplane force? No that just sounds silly.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
What I find hilarious about the 2nd amendment folk is that they've taken a very literal view of what "arms" mean.
More fundamental than that, they seem to overlook that the right to bear arms is also implicitly a right NOT to bear arms, as they try to claim that teachers and such should be armed. It's not okay for anyone to infringe on a gun owner's rights, but it's okay for them to infringe on everyone else's?

My sister, a teacher, has said that if she's ever required to be armed at school (or at anytime), she's done with the profession.

Obviously that's highly unlikely to happen but the cognitive dissonance displayed in making the case is, as usual, stunning.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Not to rub salt in the wound, but how come the US is pretty much the worst with every single one of these graphs lol. At least among Developed nations anyway.


The American myth of became so powerful, especially at the times where America was doing so well economically and politically, that it has inhibited socially progressive measures that other countries have adopted and refined. Some rich and powerful people also saw ways to twist that into a system that would give them even more wealth and power and we are currently living through the results of that.
That or the exact opposite. Original intent would imply that citizens should have the freedom to bear armaments on par with their government.

Hah, right, but this argument would be patently ridiculous. This is what I mean when I say originalists are jokers, at the end of the day they just interpret original intent to mean whatever they want and arbitrarily draw lines.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi BenghaziBenghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has proposed holding Brennan's nomination until the Obama administration answers more questions about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

"The stonewalling on Benghazi by the Obama administration must come to an end," Graham said.

Administration officials initially attributed the attack to the protest of an anti-Islam film that got out of hand. Later, they blamed it on a terrorist attack.

"This ever-changing story should be resolved," Graham said. "It is imperative we understand who changed the talking points just weeks before a presidential election and why."
Stonewalling? They released a report that absolutely slammed the State Department!

This is as stupid as when McCain whined about not getting enough Benghazi info while skipping a meeting held to give out Benghazi info. They are just being obtuse.

I hate graham. Its said he's the voice of the GOP on foreign issues. He's now worried about Hegel's positions on our "nuclear posture." WTF world are we living in?

(Edit: nvm the guy talking about nuclear posture is bob corker not graham)


The Autumn Wind
The irony is that they keep complaining about Benghazi so often, everyone outside of Fox News viewers have tuned it out and aren't even listening anymore. Even if there were a true scandal, no one will take it seriously now, dismissing it as more rhetoric.



Critics would complain about the 'gun death' statistic. They'd prefer something more generic like murders, violent crime, etc. Logic being "if murders are down overall (despite more "gun" deaths), guns get the credit and are obviously a positive force" or "if we take away guns, knife deaths would take their place"


Critics would complain about the 'gun death' statistic. They'd prefer something more generic like murders, violent crime, etc. Logic being "if murders are down overall (despite more "gun" deaths), guns get the credit and are obviously a positive force" or "if we take away guns, knife deaths would take their place"

Which isn't unreasonable, but then you do that and they start in on how it's not fair because other countries have less "diversity".

Edit: It's also inaccurate to only consider murders. I'm not familiar with the data, but you'd also want to have suicides and accidental deaths in there too. Maybe one could argue that a lot of gun murders would just be replaced by knife murders, but it's hard to believe that accidental shootings are going to be replaced by accidental stabbings.
I'm sure most Americans have no idea about this. By proposing legislation to stop it, they open up a dialog on explaining it.

Okay, I'm going to take your word you're not trolling anymore. What kind of legislation do you think Republicans would actually propose that Democrats would support? Would they just stick to the electric fence and armed drones at the border, but drop the moat of fire?
Honestly I'm not 100% sure what would be considered bilartisan border patrol. I do think it would make sense to hire more Iraq/Afghanistsn vets to guard the border, and to use some survellience unmanned aircraft. I don't think a fence works or sends the right message, and there will be some on the right who demand it; I suppose the only good thing about a fence is that it would create some construction jobs.

Given the language on the right, immigration won't go anywhere unless border control is addressed. And border governors would have to be ready to not get 100% of what they want; I could see Rick Perry understanding that, but not Jan Brewer. Ultimately any bipartisan solution will be labeled bad by the far right, but they can't drive the conversation. I think smarter republicans realize they have to repair their standing with Hispanics, whereas the far right doesn't care.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Hey guys, what's that quote from a former conservative rep talking about how the new generation of conservatives is going to destroy the party with their ideological fanaticism?
Critics would complain about the 'gun death' statistic. They'd prefer something more generic like murders, violent crime, etc. Logic being "if murders are down overall (despite more "gun" deaths), guns get the credit and are obviously a positive force" or "if we take away guns, knife deaths would take their place"

But if you put in all homicidal death, do you really think that graph would change in any significant way? Do you really think that there are enough stabbings, poisonings, bombings, etc. that would change that graph in a real noticeable manner? I doubt it.
Salon.com has an excellent article on why the GOP is opposed to Hagel.

Meh. Different people oppose for different reasons. Clearly those with a financial stake in defense spending oppose him for that reason but since that is not really a political argument that will fly (Hey, he's bad because I'll make less money if we stop buying weapon systems we don't need!), they help fund those that make the more politically palatable arguments (He's a big meanie toward beloved Israel!).



What I don't like about these comparisons is, most people don't like the refs for the same reasons (shitty calls). But Republicans hate Congress for not being more conservative and Democrats hate it for, well, being Republican driven. So everyone hates it for different reasons. What is more important is the party Congressional approval rates, which would be a better apples to apples comparison. (i.e., Republicans in the House are less popular than dirty diapers.)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
beaten like alex jones by TSA security.

Also, that Alex Jawns shit is hilarious

Piers: How many gun murders were there in Britain last year?
Jones: How many Chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin?

man, who did his background check, seriously?

Apprently the crazy was out in full force yesterday, here's Fox airing an interview with a Texas secessionist.

I just saw that video, and holy shit. Alex Jones is absolutely unhinged.
Dude must have been on some coke.
Nah that's his act. I've seen people saying that Jones embarrassed himself and won't be taken seriously ever again...but they are missing the point. Jones is all about showmanship and generating attention; based on that his appearance was a massive success. No one would be talking about it if he calmly suggested 911 was an inside job and that the government would kill its citizens if only for the pesky second amendment. Info Wars traffic probably spiked big time last night, and as the video spreads to far right wingers they will start joining Jones' network. Basically, he trolled America.

Also I find it funny that anyone could think the second amendment prevents the most powerful military in human history from enslaving its people. This isn't Red Dawn, a truly tyrannical US government would have no problem taking over small towns and big cities. Drone strikes would be as effective in Idaho as they are in Afghanistan.



God DAMNIT. Fuck off, Lindsey!. >:[

Just to add to the clusterfuckery that is my state.

People Who Want to Nullify 'Obamacare' Rally in SC

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Several hundred people rallied at the State House in support of a South Carolina bill that would declare the new health care law supported by President Barack Obama unconstitutional.

Stickers with "Nullify Obamacare" were passed out at Tuesday's rally.

The bill has about a dozen sponsors and would overturn the health care law, which was upheld last year by the U.S. Supreme Court. The proposal also would have any agent or employee of the federal government who tries to uphold the health care law be found guilty of a felony and spend up to five years in prison.

State Sen. Tom Davis spoke in favor of the bill. The Beaufort Republican says the Founding Fathers would expect the people to speak out forcefully against expanding federal government.

There's a picture. All I see are old, white men who are probably on disability/social security. The very definition of "Fuck you, I got mine."


It's over gun lovers, Biden is meeting with an nra dude. I'd be hard pressed to believe they can say no to Joe.

Biden will meet Wednesday with gun safety organizations and shooting victims groups and on Thursday will meet with gun ownership organizations and sportsmen who use guns recreationally, according to the White House.

NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said the organization accepted an invitation received from the White House late Friday.

"We are sending a rep to hear what they have to say," Arulanandam said.

Nah that's his act. I've seen people saying that Jones embarrassed himself and won't be taken seriously ever again...but they are missing the point. Jones is all about showmanship and generating attention; based on that his appearance was a massive success. No one would be talking about it if he calmly suggested 911 was an inside job and that the government would kill its citizens if only for the pesky second amendment. Info Wars traffic probably spiked big time last night, and as the video spreads to far right wingers they will start joining Jones' network. Basically, he trolled America.

Oh he certainly got some attention for himself and will benefit personally. But I think the other side will benefit as well but in the more important political aspect. Alex Jones helped make the face of gun advocates a bunch of ranting lunatics. I don't think that is going to help the gun advocacy side politically.

The conservative-media-industrial complex strikes another blow against actual political conservatism.


Starting to get a little unnerved at how much pressure there is for the platinum coin option. At this point I think all the blogs and writers I read have commented, mostly in favor of it, while the White House is ostentatiously silent on the issue. Fanning the flames of popular opinion?


Oh, wow. That's one of the few times where a comment section has been reasonable. On a South Carolina news website, no less.

WLTX broadcasts to Richland county. Which is actually a fairly liberal and Democrat bastion in the state. There's a reason why Clyburn is still actually in the House, and it is because of Richland county and a few more blue counties that fall into his area.
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