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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Obama can't appoint an ATF director until a congressional recess occurs, right?

well, he already appointed one, which hasn't made it through the nomination process. So technically, yes, if Obama grows a pair of balls, he will recess appoint him

No permanent ATF director has been on the job in the six years since Congress required that the position be confirmed by the Senate.
The most epic possible 2016 match up at this early point would be between Clinton and Chris Christie. She leads him just 44-42. But our poll indicates getting the Republican nomination could prove to be quite a challenge for Christie. Right now Rubio leads the GOP field with 21% to 16% for Ryan, 15% for Mike Huckabee, 14% for Christie and Bush, 5% for Rand Paul, 3% for Bobby Jindal, and 2% each for Susana Martinez and Rick Perry.
The independent streak that makes Christie such a strong potential general election candidate also hurts him with GOP primary voters. His +15 net favorability rating at 44/29 is the weakest of any of the Republicans within the party base except for Martinez, who's relatively unknown, and Perry whose disastrous 2012 bid for the office has left him with mediocre numbers.

Christie polls at 32% among moderate Republicans as their top choice for the office in 2016...but at only 4% among voters describing themselves as 'very conservative.' Needless to say that furthest right wing of the party has become more and more and more powerful in party primaries over the last few years and it would be hard for Christie to win the GOP nomination without getting more support there.
The word "epic" needs to be removed from the dictionary.

Only Christie can possibly defeat Hillary. But the problem is he will get teabagged hard during the primaries. Be prepared for Christie/Obama bro pics to circulate. Dat Sandy Response. The gerrymandering will be the Republicans' ultimate undoing. It will only allow conservatives to filter through the primary process making moderates like Christie longshots.


The word "epic" needs to be removed from the dictionary.

Only Christie can possibly defeat Hillary. But the problem is he will get teabagged hard during the primaries. Be prepared for Christie/Obama bro pics to circulate. Dat Sandy Response. The gerrymandering will be the Republicans' ultimate undoing. It will only allow conservatives to filter through the primary process making moderates like Christie longshots.

Yes please.


The gerrymandering will be the Republicans' ultimate undoing. It will only allow conservatives to filter through the primary process making moderates like Christie longshots.

The primaries aren't done by congressional district as far as I know. I don't think gerrymandering has anything to do with it.


These folks are really reveling in their new found position as barely minorities.

Yup, the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

The Blaze has had an Urtak poll about the second amendment and gun rights since Tuesday, the results are absolutely frightening.

Do you believe military veterans with PTSD should be excluded from owning firearms? (80% of the 15k people that have answered that question think NO they shouldn't).


Over 4 million responses from over 150k people, and the overwhelming majority are batshit insane. And then there's the guys who refused to answer because they thought the CIA was behind the poll and that Bleck was a plant (but they still signed up to his website to comment :lol)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yup, the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

The Blaze has had an Urtak poll about the second amendment and gun rights since Tuesday, the results are absolutely frightening.

Do you believe military veterans with PTSD should be excluded from owning firearms? (80% of the 15k people that have answered that question think NO they shouldn't).


Over 4 million responses from over 150k people, and the overwhelming majority are batshit insane. And then there's the guys who refused to answer because they thought the CIA was behind the poll and that Bleck was a plant (but they still signed up to his website to comment :lol)


Neither McCain or Romney were tea-partied in the primary. If Christie remains popular, he'll probably win the nomination, just after having bowed to conservative pressures like McCain and Romney did.


Neither McCain or Romney were tea-partied in the primary. If Christie remains popular, he'll probably win the nomination, just after having bowed to conservative pressures like McCain and Romney did.

Romney was forced to waste time and money on Santorum and had to say things that hurt in the general election. If he had been focusing on Obama from the start with Romney 2006 positions, the election would have been a lot closer IMO.
Neither McCain or Romney were tea-partied in the primary. If Christie remains popular, he'll probably win the nomination, just after having bowed to conservative pressures like McCain and Romney did.

That's because the "real" conservatives didn't run in 2012. Expect all of the "heavy hitters" to run in 2016.


No Scrubs
Neither McCain or Romney were tea-partied in the primary. If Christie remains popular, he'll probably win the nomination, just after having bowed to conservative pressures like McCain and Romney did.

They were both Tea Partied. Romney had to move WAY to the right and why in god's name do you think McCain picked Sarah Palin?


Romney was forced to waste time and money on Santorum and had to say things that hurt in the general election. If he had been focusing on Obama from the start with Romney 2006 positions, the election would have been a lot closer IMO.
Romney was not forced to do anything, Santorum would've never won anything.
He was just a terrible candidate who panicked for no good reason.

Angry Fork

I don't get the whole argument of "having guns will prevent tyrannical regimes." The government has tanks, planes, missiles, mortars, body armor, tactics, training, etc. The people have a few assault rifles.

Take Syria. The rebels basically have AKs and some homemade grenades and mortars and the only reason they're winning is because they are 85%+ of the country's population.

I sympathize with this argument but feel like it's off base a bit when it comes to the US military. It is illegal for a member of the military to follow an illegal order (like killing an innocent civilian). Even in Iraq/Afghanistan soldiers have to ask permission before engaging with an enemy depending on the circumstances. The US military is mostly made up of minorities/lower income people from working class families and know-nothing patriot anti-liberal crowd. The patriots may do as they're told but the working class soldiers would definitely not fire on their own people, the majority of soldiers wouldn't. It's always the local police that do the oppressors bidding.

The government would have to already create a situation where an opposing political group are formally recognized as terrorists, 'therefore killing them is justifiable' and so on before any sort of onslaught were to happen and by the time that occurred the amount of civil unrest would likely be at a dramatically high percentage and at least be able to approach that 85% range much quicker. That population already having weapons would dramatically increase their chances for overturning a tyrannical government.

However it's also reasonable to assume that even if all guns were taken, the members of the military who oppose their orders would likely smuggle weapons to rebels anyway, so they wouldn't be entirely hopeless. But basically this debate comes down to whether or not you think there can be widespread public support for some sort of revolution in the future or if it's possible for all changes to be through legislation/within the current political system.

Most people aren't into radical ideas but if they were they'd likely want to do it via the 3rd option which is peaceful mass strikes/protests like arab spring since it works better than violent insurrection, which would only work once the government is about to fall anyway. It's like the cherry on top (or the bottom if it's the last to be eaten) rather than the ice cream.

So I think access to guns is largely unnecessary in a country like ours which has a bill of rights/constitution, is internationally known as a defender of human rights and so on. Not that we defend them for other people anymore but generally speaking France, the UN, Australia, Nordic countries etc. would go into a rage fit if the US started killing it's own people and maybe help rebels. We'd be a dramatically different country by then, our bill of rights would be gone etc. but tea partiers think of everything as if next year Obama is going to order the military to shoot anyone who disagrees with him but that's not how it would work at all even if it were possible.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The word "epic" needs to be removed from the dictionary.

Only Christie can possibly defeat Hillary. But the problem is he will get teabagged hard during the primaries. Be prepared for Christie/Obama bro pics to circulate. Dat Sandy Response. The gerrymandering will be the Republicans' ultimate undoing. It will only allow conservatives to filter through the primary process making moderates like Christie longshots.

Christie reminds me of Schwarzenegger - state in the shitter, charisma and populist chatter holding his office together.
Christie reminds me of Schwarzenegger - state in the shitter, charisma and populist chatter holding his office together.

He's kind of like Jersey's Giuliani too. Knows how to react in a disaster, but crappy everywhere else. Still hasn't decided on the state's Medicaid expansion. Would be extremely helpful, especially for Sandy victims.


No Scrubs
He's kind of like Jersey's Giuliani too. Knows how to react in a disaster, but crappy everywhere else. Still hasn't decided on the state's Medicaid expansion. Would be extremely helpful, especially for Sandy victims.

This is exactly it. If his campaign isn't "a noun, a verb, and Hurricane Sandy" I will be disappointed. Hell if things in Jersey keep going the way they're going it's all he'll have to run on anyway.


Does anyone really think Christie has a shot?

If he gets the nom, he's gonna be tough to beat.

Then again I said that about Romney... lol

The only thing I know is that usually whoever is the frontrunner right now never makes it when it's actually time for the election. Hillary is an exception because she is so insanely popular and people want to see her do what she was unable to last time. But generally speaking whoever is the frontrunner right now is usually ends up nowhere close or falls short. Chances are the GOP frontrunner is some loon we aren't even thinking of.


Does anyone really think Christie has a shot?

If he gets the nom, he's gonna be tough to beat.

Then again I said that about Romney... lol

The only thing I know is that usually whoever is the frontrunner right now never makes it when it's actually time for the election. Hillary is an exception because she is so insanely popular and people want to see her do what she was unable to last time. But generally speaking whoever is the frontrunner right now is usually ends up nowhere close or falls short.

his style will fall flat against a woman. Other then that...


Does anyone really think Christie has a shot?

If he gets the nom, he's gonna be tough to beat.

Then again I said that about Romney... lol

The only thing I know is that usually whoever is the frontrunner right now never makes it when it's actually time for the election. Hillary is an exception because she is so insanely popular and people want to see her do what she was unable to last time. But generally speaking whoever is the frontrunner right now is usually ends up nowhere close or falls short. Chances are the GOP frontrunner is some loon we aren't even thinking of.



No Scrubs
Does anyone really think Christie has a shot?

If he gets the nom, he's gonna be tough to beat.

Then again I said that about Romney... lol

The only thing I know is that usually whoever is the frontrunner right now never makes it when it's actually time for the election. Hillary is an exception because she is so insanely popular and people want to see her do what she was unable to last time. But generally speaking whoever is the frontrunner right now is usually ends up nowhere close or falls short. Chances are the GOP frontrunner is some loon we aren't even thinking of.

I've been saying no this entire time. He's his own worst enemy.


Christie is really good at looking like a no bullshit, down to earth, let's figure something out kind of guy in the vein of Bill Clinton. Not saying he's as good as him, but it's definitely a similar kind of political skill.
Does anyone really think Christie has a shot?

Depends on who the opposition candidate is. I think Hillary would win easily but I doubt she'll run.

Of course, who knows if Christie could win a primary. He's said nice things about Obama. He's said nice things about Muslims. He totally bitched out the GOP Congress. Perhaps he is already dead.
The word "epic" needs to be removed from the dictionary.

Only Christie can possibly defeat Hillary. But the problem is he will get teabagged hard during the primaries. Be prepared for Christie/Obama bro pics to circulate. Dat Sandy Response. The gerrymandering will be the Republicans' ultimate undoing. It will only allow conservatives to filter through the primary process making moderates like Christie longshots.

I'm not sure that's true. The establishment will continue to win nominations, if the last 40-50 years are any guide. As long as clown candidates like Bachman surface, the argument will continue to be "who can win" and that will usually point toward the establishment: Romney, McCain, W Bush, HW Bush, Nixon, etc; today republicans argue Reagan was a rogue choice that the establishment disliked, but it's worth noting he was still the "next in line" candidate of 1980.

Christie will have problems...but so did Romney. A lot of people assumed Obamacare would bury Romney; in hindsight it was somewhat of a nonissue for him, and he never really "almost" lost the election when you look at the money he had. Christie will also have a ton of money.


Neither McCain or Romney were tea-partied in the primary. If Christie remains popular, he'll probably win the nomination, just after having bowed to conservative pressures like McCain and Romney did.

Romney had the worst group of opponents in history. Considering what Santorum did, I can't imagine what would have happened if Huckabee ran.

2016 is going to be a whole different story with Rubio and the gang.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
"There is income inequality in America. There always has been and hopefully, and I do say that, there always will be," Santorum said during a speech to the Detroit Economic Club. "Why? Because people rise to different levels of success based on what they contribute to society and to the marketplace, and that's as it should be," he added. "We should celebrate like we do in the small towns all across America. You celebrate success. Why? Because in their greatness and innovation, yes - they created wealth, but they created wealth for everybody else. And that's a good thing, not something to be condemned in America," he said.

The primaries aren't done by congressional district as far as I know. I don't think gerrymandering has anything to do with it.

Primaries for house seats are. doesn't affect senate seats but pushes moderates away from being able to run. Its happening in both dem and republican seats (see also: the death of blue dogs)

Because people rise to different levels of success based on what they contribute to society and to the marketplace, and that's as it should be,"
Fuck off.
We can't have Chuck Hagel as defense secretary. His antisemitic remarks are about Israel are intolerable, clearly secret Muslim Obama hates Jews.

In other news, Obama has nominated orthodox Jew Jack Lew for Treasury secretary. We can't have one of those Jew banker Illuminati running treasury.


It's been days since he last caved

We can't have Chuck Hagel as defense secretary. His antisemitic remarks are about Israel are intolerable, clearly secret Muslim Obama hates Jews.

In other news, Obama has nominated orthodox Jew Jack Lew for Treasury secretary. We can't have one of those Jew banker Illuminati running treasury.

Did you guys read the article?

President Barack Obama nominated Jack Lew to replace outgoing Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Thursday, making sure to get in a friendly jab at his current chief of staff's peculiar signature.

"I'd never noticed Jack's signature, and when this was highlighted yesterday in the press I considered rescinding my offer to appoint him," Obama said during his announcement from the East Room of the White House.


It's been days since he last caved

We can't have Chuck Hagel as defense secretary. His antisemitic remarks are about Israel are intolerable, clearly secret Muslim Obama hates Jews.

In other news, Obama has nominated orthodox Jew Jack Lew for Treasury secretary. We can't have one of those Jew banker Illuminati running treasury.

Both your legs must be tired from jumping to all those conclusions.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
well, he already appointed one, which hasn't made it through the nomination process. So technically, yes, if Obama grows a pair of balls, he will recess appoint him

How is it possible that we haven't had a permanent ATF director for 6 years?


Related to what I posted a few days ago about what constitutes "arms" under the second amendment.

It's hard to imagine a group that adheres to anarchic ideology would want its actions legalized under U.S. law. But that is exactly what Anonymous is doing.

The loose-knit group of hackers submitted a petition to President Obama this week asking that distributed denial-of-service attacks be recognized as a legal form of protest.

The petition, which is posted on the White House's "We the People" Web site, claims that DDoS attacks are not illegal hacking but rather a way for people to carry out protests online. Similar to the Occupy movement when protesters pitched tents in public spaces, the petition says DDoS attacks also occupy public spaces in order to send a message.


We can't have Chuck Hagel as defense secretary. His antisemitic remarks are about Israel are intolerable, clearly secret Muslim Obama hates Jews.

In other news, Obama has nominated orthodox Jew Jack Lew for Treasury secretary. We can't have one of those Jew banker Illuminati running treasury.

haha, holy shit didn't even realize Lew was an orthodox Jew.

I am going to use this argument against some crazies if I come across 'em.
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