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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Sidhe / PikPok
So after watching live breaking coverage if Iran deal on BBC for the last 30 mins, I decided to switch over to see the Fox News spin after flipping through and seeing CNN and RT bumped their regular programming to cover the deal. Fox are talking about Obamacare delays and the Senate filibuster thing currently it seems. No mention of the Iran deal at all, not even in a breaking news ticker.
So after watching live breaking coverage if Iran deal on BBC for the last 30 mins, I decided to switch over to see the Fox News spin after flipping through and seeing CNN and RT bumped their regular programming to cover the deal. Fox are talking about Obamacare delays and the Senate filibuster thing currently it seems. No mention of the Iran deal at all, not even in a breaking news ticker.

Fox News' writers are currently meeting to figure out how to spin this as something really bad.
Yes I probably wont vote for her in the primaries, I'll probably vote for her in the general if it comes down to it.
Fair enough, if I voted in the primaries and Hillary was the only candidate running I'd probably write in this man



Chichikov how do you think the Knesset is going to react to this blatant appeasement?
Netanyhu will try to play the serious concern troll (we must not rush to blah blah blah), the crazy in his coalition will go full Auschwitz and as usual, expect some saber rattling bullshit, mostly from unnamed sources, but maybe also from Israeli jets.

AIPAC will compare it to Munich 1938.
Fox News' writers are currently meeting to figure out how to spin this as something really bad.

Pretty easy from their perspective: US giving "foreign aid" to Israel's enemy, appeasement, deal "does not dismantle Iran's nuclear program" etc etc.

Then there's stuff like this: https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/404457402226843648

Ultimately the general assumption is that Obama hates the United States and Israel, so any deal made must be bad for the United States and Israel. If this deal included a dismantling of all Iran's centrifuges, conservatives would simply find another point of opposition to focus on.

The problem I have is that elected, "serious" officials willingly play into this. Sure, a lot of these people are opposed because Israel is opposed, and I'm sure their staffs send their statements to pro Israel donors. But even if you're cold on the deal, the pragmatic and serious response would be to say "this deal is far from perfect and includes parts that make me cringe, but now it is up to the global community to make sure Iran complies. And I plan on working to my best ability to ensure this." Instead multiple senators have rushed out statements in which they go full retard."

In many ways I cannot stand Obama, but one thing is clear: I'm not sure we've seen a modern president more calm under pressure, and so un-phased by the blind hatred that has made his job 5 times harder than it should have been. The fact that he has never blown up on these people is stunning to me.
In many ways I cannot stand Obama, but one thing is clear: I'm not sure we've seen a modern president more calm under pressure, and so un-phased by the blind hatred that has made his job 5 times harder than it should have been. The fact that he has never blown up on these people is stunning to me.
Is it because Michelle knows how to keep her man happy?
Obama's the hero America deserves, not the one it needs.

So we'll hate him, because he can take it, because he's not our hero, he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight.


Really, really happy about the Iran deal. Thank fucking god McCain wasn't president. Iran not building nukes and Syria giving up chemical weapons all without having to use force. Feels good. Kerry's been on fire.

well, looks like Grimes just clinched that election

nah, I agree with PD. McConnell is the Republicans' most savvy politician right now as far as I can tell. No way the national party lets him lose
My eyes. They sometimes don't work.

Just giving you a hard time :p

Meet the Press doesn't air tomorrow.


This Week on ABC looks very Beltwayish uhhh....this week.

I would pay particular attention to what Bob Corker says on Fox News Sunday since he's the ranking member on the foreign relations committee, he'll be setting the tone to the Republican opposition to this deal.

This week it looks beltwayish? Not always?

Pretty easy from their perspective: US giving "foreign aid" to Israel's enemy, appeasement, deal "does not dismantle Iran's nuclear program" etc etc.

Then there's stuff like this: https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/404457402226843648

Who gives a crap about Shapiro "friends of hamas" take? And glad you point out nobody really cares.
No need for Cheney, just let Politico do its thing: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...celebrate-this-iran-dealyet-100292.html?hp=f1

Tomorrow's gonna be hilarious on Meet The Press and other shows. Mixture of general Village nonsense plus republicans spewing shit with no fear of push back. Thank god I won't be doing anything but watching football.
Also I went to the Newseum here in DC. They have have a whole exhibit to Tim Russerts desk. I loled in real life.

@benshapiro 13m
For those who compare Obama to Carter and Chamberlain, this is not well-meaning idiocy. This is purposeful malice.
^- Its times like this I wish I didn't have a policy of not swearing and getting too upset on the internet. I hate the people think the neo-cons speak for all of us.
Cross posting this from the Iran thread. But damn Bams, props.

APKmetsfan said:
If this is true, wow

Bams was talking to Iran way before Rouhani. Too much to quote but wow at this scoop by the AP. Really worth reading.

And an International Relations nerd I'm fascinated by this. I really think this is huge. After 9/11 I think this might be one of the most important events of the early 21st century.


Cross posting this from the Iran thread. But damn Bams, props.

And an International Relations nerd I'm fascinated by this. I really think this is huge. After 9/11 I think this might be one of the most important events of the early 21st century.

It's gotta be true. Remember the "peace deal with Iran" story in October 2012 that was quickly shot down by the WH and Iran? Makes a lot more sense now. The AP would be unlikely to just make something like that up -- but they could easily get a line on underground peace talks, overwrite the story and lose their source.
It's gotta be true. Remember the "peace deal with Iran" story in October 2012 that was quickly shot down by the WH and Iran? Makes a lot more sense now. The AP would be unlikely to just make something like that up -- but they could easily get a line on underground peace talks, overwrite the story and lose their source.

Yeah. It sounds like they got hints of it but the white house did a good enough job preventing them from confirming it.

I'm seriously surprised they seem to have gone that far out for a deal. If this would have leaked earlier I would have been disastrous. But know it looks like we can maybe find peace.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I'm still confused as to how this would fly. Doesn't Obama need 67 votes in the senate for this to be approved? Or is this one of those situations where he can use his dictatorial executive order powers?


So I'm still confused as to how this would fly. Doesn't Obama need 67 votes in the senate for this to be approved? Or is this one of those situations where he can use his dictatorial executive order powers?

No, all the sanctions on Iran are via executive orders, so he can undo any of them with an executive order


DC health exchange spokesman says Speaker Boehner office kept DC representative on hold 35 minutes, "lots of patriotic hold music", hung up
Creepy. Really creepy.

Did Teabaggers sing amazing grace?
The guy on stossel:

"You can only be sincere if you put your money were your mouth is"

This is what its all about. If you don't have money you're voice is worthless and not worthy of being seriously listened to.

That's what the market is: voting by dollars. If you don't have dollars, you don't get votes. And if you have a lot of dollars, you get a lot of votes. That's why people with a lot of dollars prefer "market" solutions to government solutions. In the latter, they only get one vote equal to everybody else, and this angers them because they are clearly better than everybody else. Market solutions permit them many votes, especially compared to black people, and that makes them feel warm inside.


It's kind of hilarious to see the Fillibuster, JFK and even Obamacare swept off the table on all the Sunday shows due to Iran....
@sahilkapur I just asked @brianschweitzer on MSNBC if he'll run for president in 2016. He said he'd like to visit all the counties on Iowa. Boom?
If Hillary doesn't run, he has my support in the primaries. If Hillary does run...that's tough.
Hillary would get a Dem turnout that would flip House and Senate IMO

Look at this motherfucker.


It'd be very difficult for the GOP to paint him as some sort of liberal firebrand. He has a lot of appeal across many demographics. Less certain than Hillary, maybe, but he definitely has a very wide appeal.


If Hillary doesn't run, he has my support in the primaries. If Hillary does run...that's tough.

I like Schweitzer overall, but if you don't like how much Obama always gives away to Republicans in negotiations, I fear Schweitzer would probably be just as bad or worse. Of course I don't know too much about him, and this opinion is just based on seeing him on a few news shows in the last few months.
Look at this motherfucker.


It'd be very difficult for the GOP to paint him as some sort of liberal firebrand. He has a lot of appeal across many demographics. Less certain than Hillary, maybe, but he definitely has a very wide appeal.

Media is going to have a hardon for Christie, bigger than what Chris Matthews had for Obama, we need Hillary
I like Schweitzer overall, but if you don't like how much Obama always gives away to Republicans in negotiations, I fear Schweitzer would probably be just as bad or worse. Of course I don't know too much about him, and this opinion is just based on seeing him on a few news shows in the last few months.
He also has an A rating from the NRA. I'd imagine he will face liberal opposition. Personally I think it could be an opportunity. I think he could effectively argue against this administration's focus on automatic weapons, and instead focus on the main problem: gun trafficking and straw purchases.

His views on single layer strike me as irrelevant considering the democrats in Washington don't support it, and it conflicts with Obamacare. At least in the short term: I think it'll happen in the future.


I still don't think Christie will be nominated so the most likely Republican nominees jn 2016 are Scott Walker and Ted Cruz.

I can see Scott Walker, but Ted Cruz? I think even a good deal of conservatives can see that he has no chance of being elected president.


I can see Scott Walker, but Ted Cruz? I think even a good deal of conservatives can see that he has no chance of being elected president.

And he'll be eviscerated by the GOP establishment. Think a Romney-style bombing every time the lead swapped during the last GOP primary. Cruz is so hated it will have the added spice of personal vitriol. Should be pretty spectacular.
I can see Scott Walker, but Ted Cruz? I think even a good deal of conservatives can see that he has no chance of being elected president.

I think he can replicate Obama's grassroots campaign in 2008. The Tea Party is crazy, and they'll want to nominate someone as pure as Cruz.
I can see Scott Walker, but Ted Cruz? I think even a good deal of conservatives can see that he has no chance of being elected president.
Ted Cruz is toast. He pissed off so many GOPers. His dad is crazy.

He is great for the Dems. He'll suck up lots campaign donations from the rubes and blow them on a completely pointless campaign
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