This isn't under-12 soccer - there is no mercy rule.
Was taking a cab this morning:
Driver: So what do you think about this shutdown?
Me: I think the Republicans are fucking crazy.
Driver: What?
Me: I said I think the Republicans are fucking crazy.
Driver: What do the Republicans have to do with this?
Me: ...
Conversation ensued, but what had him incredulous was that one party (much less a portion of that one party) had the capability to shut down the government. That those levers of power and obstruction even existed. We covered the budget talks, continuing resolution and the house rule change and just as things were getting good I had to go.
I can only imagine that a great many Americans are simply confused by the whole thing. How it came to be, how its possible, and what any of these consequences even mean.
Nobody at my job understands that the President doesn't pass bills. Our government is confusing to most people.
Nobody at my job understands that the President doesn't pass bills. Our government is confusing to most people.
This is getting scary. Even if this does get resolved, we can't keep doing this every time we've gotta raise the debt ceiling. It's not a smart way to govern, and that alone could scare a lot of other countries away, even pre-default. We can't accept one small group of people hostage taking the global economy as something they can just do whenever they want and think the International community won't have something to say about it.
@kasie 7m
Have talked to over a dozen congressional staff, in BOTH parties, who say they'd send out resumes immediately if health benefits stripped
This is getting scary. Even if this does get resolved, we can't keep doing this every time we've gotta raise the debt ceiling. It's not a smart way to govern, and that alone could scare a lot of other countries away, even pre-default. We can't accept one small group of people hostage taking the global economy as something they can just do whenever they want and think the International community won't have something to say about it.
Guys. Boehner is imploding. All he had to do is call a fucking vote. He can't even get to that point, on October 15 in the afternoon. Maybe something passes later today, but it'll be a pure fantasy right wing bill.
Meh. This doesn't happen again. Dems didn't cave, GOP looks atrocious. Tea Party can't swing this again. We'll break Hastert rule next time before it gets this bad - same outcome without all of the circus.
One of the funniest tweets I've ever read. We over played our hand...for the good of the country (and by country, I mean our pride) will you bail us out please?
Holy crap. :lol
It probably helped that public opinion was behind them this time. Or at the very least, the GOP is getting substantially more of the blame.I do wonder if Dems not caving finally gave them the courage to start swinging their balls around during negotiations?
@sahilkapur:Lindsey Graham says Rs overplayed their hand and now Dems should "for the good of the country, kinda give a little."
We got caught bluffing, so we really need you guys to fold.
@robertcostaNRO 5m
The new strategy emerging: vote on plan w/ CR till Dec 15, debt ceiling till Feb 7, plus full Vitter language, force Sen to consider
@brianbeutler: This is suddenly dwindling into a plan to force Democrats to vote against the Vitter amendment.
@JakeSherman 14m
HOUSE Rs have ALSO dropped income verification from their bill. So medical device tax repeal out, so is income verification. CR till dec 15
@sahilkapur:Lindsey Graham says Rs overplayed their hand and now Dems should "for the good of the country, kinda give a little."
The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn't All Bad
October 15, 2013
10. Approximately 15,000 EPA employees are furloughed, making it less likely fake CIA agents at EPA will be ripping off the taxpayer
6. World War II veterans have stormed the Normandy beaches again. (Sadly, they had to, in order to gain access to their own memorial)
President Obama ordered that all national parks, monuments, and museums be shut down, even national parks that are fully funded by non-profit organizations and receive zero federal dollars for their operations. He also had barricades placed around the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., keeping out the visiting US World War II veteran forces and other visitors who could not get access to the memorial that commemorates the veterans' sacrifices and commitment. On October 8, 2013, the National Mall was opened for a rally to promote the Gang of 8 immigration legislation, which has been called an amnesty bill for illegal immigrants.
3. Far-left environmentalists prove themselves hypocrites again: They criticize continuing oil and gas production on federal lands during the shutdown but issue no call to halt wind turbines
"It's disappointing that the public is shut out from national parks but oil companies get to drill in them." - Alex Taurel, Deputy Legislative Director at the League of Conservation Voters
Vitter has repeatedly pointed out the hypocrisy of the Administration pursuing cases involving oil and gas producers, and not wind energy producers. The Administration has taken legal action against oil and gas producers whose operations have resulted in the death of birds. On the other hand, they have failed to pursue action against, and even offered waivers to, the companies who operate wind turbines that kill birds, including bald eagles, on leased federal lands. It was recently reported that "wind turbines kill over 600,000 birds annually."
2. President Obama has a temporary excuse for his stonewalling on FOIA and other transparency demands of the Administration
Currently over 90% of EPA's employees are furloughed. EPW Republicans have focused on the lack of transparency within the Obama Administration, particularly at the EPA, but also at the Treasury Department who have refused to release their involvement in developing a carbon tax.
And the number 1 reason the government shutdown isn't all bad...
1. Richard Windsor has been furloughed-for good!
"Richard Windsor," the now infamous email alias for former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, has been touted by the Administration as an example of standard procedure for high level employees. As it would turn out, from 2009 to 2012, EPA awarded ethics certificates to the employee "Richard Windsor" who was also described as a top student in the Agency's ethical-behavior class. Click here to read more.
@j_strong 8m
Some on the right pushing indiv mandate delay as replacement for med device tax
Meanwhile, Senate Republicans have slowed down their talks with Democrats as they wait to see if Boehner can pass his plan. Privately, theyre worried that if Boehner struggles to find support for his amped-up version of the emerging Senate deal, itll give even more leverage to Senate majority leader Harry Reid. If the House cant get its act together, were going to get nothing, other than preserving sequestration, says a Senate GOP aide. Theyre playing games, and were over here, just trying to survive.
Random question: Democracy 3 just came out, would there be interest for an OT on gaming side? I got one prepped...
It probably helped that public opinion was behind them this time. Or at the very least, the GOP is getting substantially more of the blame.
@j_strong 8m
Some on the right pushing indiv mandate delay as replacement for med device tax
@j_strong 2m
GOP aide marvels that tea party right forced Boehner to leave out repeal of a tax. "I feel like I'm in the twilight zone"
guys, what happened to harry reid? did he down a bottle of distilled testosterone last week or something? his balls grew sizes during this debt ceiling shitstorm.
Maybe they're still planning to run and hope to get a delay in the bill before they do.Why would teapeople be against medical device tax? I dont understand whats going on.
@ryangrim: Members of Congress who want to take away staff health insurance should have to write the legislative language themselves. Good luck.
If Democrats are not going to agree to a delay in the medical device tax, they're certainly not going to agree to a delay to the individual mandate.
I just can't fathom what Republicans are doing. I think they're just drawing demands out of a hat now.
Were not going to be disrespected, conservative Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-Ind., [told the Washington Examiner]. We have to get something out of this. And I dont know what that even is.
Here's a strategy if you're new at the game and having trouble winning:
1. Shutdown the government.
2. Wait.
3. ???
4. Win the game!
I am a political theorist. It says so on my degree (important: I did more drugs in the woods than work on that degree). As such, it would be remiss of me not to wholeheartedly recommend Democracy 3 as Positech has made, I believe, one of the fullest real-world governance simulation games ever conceived. It’s engaging, it’s self-aware, and, at times, it’s funnier than anyone might have expected, bringing a gorgeous interface together with some enlightening statistical data on how different aspects of a country can affect the others. Just keep in mind that, like my friend before you, it will crush the life out of your dreams for a Liberal Eden. With bloody, poop-covered hands.
1. Get reluctant House Republicans to vote for a debt limit/CR bill as part of the leave town strategy. Bill passes.
2. Head to airports.
3. Wait until the 30-60 or so crazy caucus boards planes.
4. Sneak back to Capitol, pass whatever the Senate sends over with any luck, unanimously, now that voting that way wont separate them from the not-present radicals.