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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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@sahilkapur 5m

Senate Ds are hoping House passes *something* on DL so they can use it as a vehicle to bypass stalling by Cruz et al.

Go ahead, pass it. I think all this leaving town talk is a means to sell the bill by leadership. And it still might not work/pass lmao


Tea Party members skipping town would be a god send for Boehner. It would make it crystal clear to the whole country just how psychotic these people are.


If the house passes that bull and adjourns on a Tuesday they are even dumber than I thought. Obama will give a national address tonight to demand the house returns to deal with the senate's bill. He will literally demand they get back to work. The country will be really pissed at them so much hat recent poll numbers will be the good times for them.

Leaving on a Tuesday for the week and a day before debt default is so dumb. No way GOP survives such a horrible decision.

That said, can they even pass a bill? I'm hearing too many GOP won't vote without using the boehner rule on the debt ceiling. Lol

It would be the pinnacle of insanity. Whenever I think there can be no topping the stupidity, they suggest something like this.
If the house passes that bull and adjourns on a Tuesday they are even dumber than I thought. Obama will give a national address tonight to demand the house returns to deal with the senate's bill. He will literally demand they get back to work. The country will be really pissed at them so much hat recent poll numbers will be the good times for them.

Leaving on a Tuesday for the week and a day before debt default is so dumb. No way GOP survives such a horrible decision.

That said, can they even pass a bill? I'm hearing too many GOP won't vote without using the boehner rule on the debt ceiling. Lol

All I know is the "leaving town" meme is catching on with Stein from HuffPo, Chait, and Josh Barro. I wonder if they're all getting it from Ponnuru or from another source.

Then again, as someone else mentions, if the Tea Party maniacs are the only ones that leave town, that DOES make Boehner's job easier. Hopefully that's how it goes.


It would be the pinnacle of insanity. Whenever I think there can be no topping the stupidity, they suggest something like this.

It reminds of interviews with Norman Schwarzkopf about Desert Storm. He was like , "at every turn , we could count on Saddam doing the dumbest thing we could possibly think of.". It's really no different here, except Obama isn't allowed to just drop smart bombs on the tea party.
It reminds of interviews with Norman Schwarzkopf about Desert Storm. He was like , "at every turn , we could count on Saddam doing the dumbest thing we could possibly think of.". It's really no different here, except Obama isn't allowed to just drop smart bombs on the tea party.
That's cuz they're immune to them.
I see Scalia is trolling hard today. Referred to African Americans as 'the blacks'

You know what? I got to admire Scalia. Why? He doesn't hide how much of a racist douchebag he is. He's completely honest, unlike the vast majority of the GOP with their dog whistling horseshit.


Well honestly, there's no need to keep negotiating if Boehner is just going to pass the bill that's already sitting there waiting for their vote.


WASHINGTON — Representative Adam Kinzinger, Republican of Illinois, said that if House Republicans could not rally behind the proposal their leadership rolled out Tuesday morning, they would probably be forced to accept the plan taking shape in the Senate — something many Republican House members have already said is unacceptable.

“If our party can’t pass this, then there’s no doubt we’re going to end up with what the Senate sends us,” Mr. Kinzinger said. “Look, if my colleagues can’t muster together and sometimes accept good because they’re waiting for perfect, then that’s on them.”
uh yay


Great clusterfuck. Even the GOP version is so water down compared to their prior demands. I can imagine what a tea partier might be feeling right now, pure ignorant rage. Also this doesn't even justify a shutdown and debt ceiling threat, this doesn't justify anything. Shit if you're gonna try to destroy America and the world economy, at least make sure you get "something out of this".

I hope Senate puts the screws in, and gets their version passed, because fuck the House.

Eh, I wouldn't say that just yet. They're probably just avoiding spinning their wheels/waiting till whatever stupid bill makes it to the Senate so Reid can strip out the nonsense portions and send it back down.

But, if the House leaves town, that makes doing that impossible.

edit: basically exactly what PP said.

I really like how the Atlantic summed this up on Facebook just now

It's come to this: Tea Party conservatives are now threatening to blow up the economy unless Congress stops covering the cost of health insurance for its staffers.


lol House Dems still wouldn't vote for it, not when the Senate bill is much better, and the far right wing damn sure wont.


I think this is the version of the Vitter amendment that only affects politicians but not their employees, which might not even be constitutional? lol geez
Maybe it is a gimmick to get the law back to the SCOTUS. They could rule that while the law now violates the constitution and must be struck down!
What if the boehner plan is only vitter to go with cr and dl raise. Omg holding the country hostage just for a staff paycut that affects only a few hundred people.
Let the crazy people leave. All we need is Boehner and 20 Rs. Boehner is not leaving.

I want this to happen so badly. Would be an elephant massacre in the polls.

I don't know what Boehner's afraid of now. I mean, even the Koch Bros. told him that it's fine if he gives up.

SCF and Heritage Action, same as everybody else.

Tea Party guys leaving town gives Boehner the cover he needs to just call a vote.....hopefully.

Seems like it makes him look worse to the part of the right he needs cover from.
Maybe it is a gimmick to get the law back to the SCOTUS. They could rule that while the law now violates the constitution and must be struck down!

Problem with that logic is that if a small section of the law violates the Constitution, just that part is removed, like the Medicaid expnasion.

Not that the GOP is good at logic right now...
@robertcostaNRO 6m
One reason why med device fell from package: populist right doesn't like it, complained they couldn't sell it as O'care win to base

So they realize that the device tax cut would be a giveaway to that industry and hard to sell. We're really just down to Vitter. I can't fucking believe it, hahahaha.
shit's getting real. contemplating hitting up the bank for a withdrawal of funds after i leave work...

Better to go to Costco and stock up.

I recommend buying imported products, because if the dollar declines, those go up.

So skip the eggs and milk, go for the dutch cheese, italian gelato and chinese mattress
Surely Boehner knows he's fucked regardless, no? Since it's likely he's not getting his Speakership back he might as well bow out as "gracefully" as he can.
Surely Boehner knows he's fucked regardless, no? Since it's likely he's not getting his Speakership back he might as well bow out as "gracefully" as he can.

Yep, even if it's just the Vitter language, the suicide caucus won't fucking vote for it. Just do the clean version, you dicks.

He still doesn't have the votes

amazing. After all this, he still doesn't have 218, on October 15th.

Pretty much sums it up. Say what you will about Pelosi, she delivered the votes every fucking time. And she delivered on votes much tougher than, you know, funding the fucking government and paying our bills on time.


He still doesn't have the votes

amazing. After all this, he still doesn't have 218, on October 15th.

Thing is, they keep stripping things out. The ask is getting generally getting less and less, so of course he's going to lose votes. And there's a good chunk that won't vote for ANYTHING. There's a natural trajectory here where they pack less and less into it as we get closer, but if we get the "clean" Senate bill, it's going to be last minute, literally, at this point.
Obama did it. I can't believe it. He got the GOP to go against a tax cut for big businesses. Unbelievable. We've now divided by zero, folks.



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