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This guy is seriously bonkers.
Is he this stupid or is he this good at pretending?
If I were Obama and dems took back the house the VERY FIRST thing I'd put on the table is eliminate the debt ceiling and make it extremely diifuclt to put one back in place after it's passed.
If I were Obama and dems took back the house the VERY FIRST thing I'd put on the table is eliminate the debt ceiling and make it extremely diifuclt to put one back in place after it's passed.
I'd just do the McConnell deal which is a good and smart deal.
Wow, these people on Fox went full retard.
Obama is subverting the constitution by virtue of being president of the United States in these assholes mind so I'd say they can eat a dick"Dictator Obummer subverted the Constitution YET again today"
One thing Ted Cruz is really good at: uniting people who otherwise disagree about everything else in a total hatred of Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz's college roommate
Ted Cruz's college roommate
It's pretty goddamn annoying hearing this mandate delay bullshit from the Right, as if that is some kind of reasonable demand. Nobody actually explains their bullshit.
Rich asshole on Fox who owns burger junts explaining how Obamacare is going to force him to fuck his employees in the ass and cut their hours.
The cycle of shit on this channel is insane.
Reminds me of Papa John trying to cut his employees for the same reason. So fucking dumb.Rich asshole on Fox who owns burger junts explaining how Obamacare is going to force him to fuck his employees in the ass and cut their hours.
The cycle of shit on this channel is insane.
That's messed up, Boehner may have chronic Seasonal Affective Disorder, that's why he spends do much time in a tanning bed.John feels that summatime summatime sadness ~~
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This guy is seriously bonkers.
Is he this stupid or is he this good at pretending?
I seriously love all of this in-fighting.
Hannity is going to fold in half tonight. I want Limbaugh to drop the GOP and claim Libertarianism for the full party divide.
That was never in the Senate deal.
Huffington Post needs to fucking chill with their frontpage. It's a mess!! Huge fonts, random links everywhere, and horrible headlines. They are making Drudge look good.
That's an excellent piece. I too am fed up with school "reformers" who are trying to dismantle public education in the United States.
Huffington Post needs to fucking chill with their frontpage. It's a mess!! Huge fonts, random links everywhere, and horrible headlines. They are making Drudge look good.
@ajamlive 3m
Obama says will push immigration after fiscal crisis over - @Reuters
This is amazing. Obama was on the ropes mere weeks ago....
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This guy is seriously bonkers.
Is he this stupid or is he this good at pretending?
Nah, he knows it can't pass the House. He's in campaignin' mode now.Lol, throwing them an anchor
Imagine if Boehner's speakership were challenged by the right, and Pelosi promised to back up Boehner if he let immigration come to a vote.trollolol
This is amazing. Obama was on the ropes mere weeks ago....
This is the only thing I read about HuffPo these days.
One of the nastiest bits about this is that, if the GOP does lose seats in the House next year, it's not going to be Tea Party seats -- those are hard, hard red. The seats that could be in play are the blue state seats, held by the moderate Republicans. I hope they're happy with what they got by going along with Boehner for the last two weeks.
There's no such thing as a "moderate" Republican. Every Republican in the House and Senate voted:
-Repeal Obamacare 43 times
-For Paul Ryan's budget
-For the government shutdown
Fuck every one of them.
There's no such thing as a "moderate" Republican. Every Republican in the House and Senate voted:
-Repeal Obamacare 43 times
-For Paul Ryan's budget
-For the government shutdown
Nah, he knows it can't pass the House. He's in campaignin' mode now.
Hannity is already hilarious. This entire network is kind of unsure in which direction to really let it all go in.
Obama > Bill Clinton?
Can we say yes now?
Hang on now! Income verification!In general, what's the story? Are they reporting on the imminent passage of the senate bill, which will have no concessions?
DS > SNESJoe Molotov said:SNES > PS3, tho
Obama > Bill Clinton?
Can we say yes now?
Genesis > SNESSNES > PS3, tho
In general, what's the story? Are they reporting on the imminent passage of the senate bill, which will have no concessions?
Everything else was better on Genesis.
Obama > Bill Clinton?
Can we say yes now?
Obama > Bill Clinton?
Can we say yes now?