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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
In hindsight we should have called the individual mandate the personal responsibility clause or something. Individual Responsibility requirement.

We could start calling it that right now.

i found the special tv guide


Paul Ryan:150,000
Rand Paul:200,000
Chris Christie(resting state):2,000,000
Chris Christie(true form):???
Harry Reid pre-timeskip:2,000
Harry Reid post-timeskip:5,500,000
Obama(resting state):3,900,000
i can't do this anymore

Why'd you skip Obama SSJ1?


What if Paul Ryan and Rand Paul formed the Ayn Rand Paul Ryan voltron?

(dude, spoilers!)

I can answer your question, though, since I imported the japanese guide:
Form 1(standard robot mode, gains power by being in presence of white people like superman with the sun):30,000.000
Form 2(robot gains abortion-clinic-seeking missiles, death ray that targets any who redistribute wealth):60,000,000
Final form(blood sacrifice ayn rand resurrection mode):75,000,000

since we're in spoiler territory anyway, here's the final boss:
RON PAUL(SSJ5):200,000,000,000


i wonder what the us would look like without term limits for presidents. fdr was the only one who said, fuck it, i'll do this all the time. it would have probably brought us up to reagan given how every presidency ended afterward (the only iffy one might have been eisenhower and i think he would have given the presidency up anyway).

would reagan run in 1988? and if he did, i wonder if the economy would have tanked a third term, paving way for clinton anyway. really, clinton and reagan are the only two in recent history who i see wouldn't give up after two terms, although reagan's health might have stopped him in 1988. clinton on the other hand could have done like fdr and probably reigned supreme until 2008.

way out of left field, i know, but interesting to think about.

i've thought about it alot. i would think most would end pretty terribly... it's not like you're going to hit it out of the park every consecutive four year period, and even if you do sort of luck out every time economic wise, people will want to "turn the page" after awhile and it could blow up on your party.

that's why i'm a little iffy on hildawg... 2016? fine ... 2020, after 12 consecutive years of democrat rule, re-electing a clinton? may not go too well
I thought the Republicans would have learned their lesson from the last debt ceiling debacle in 2011. But yet they still went full steam ahead into another self-serving self-inflicted debacle.

It's Lord of the Flies in the lower chamber of Congress. Once this mess is done, they should pass a law that in the event of a government shutdown or default, all active members of congress forfeit their right to run for re-election and are forbidden to join any political action committee or foundation for a period of 5 years.

There needs to be more collective accountability. You got too many Tea Party republicans in gerrymandered districts that are only concerned with placating their paranoid constituents who have been brainwashed into a stupor by Fox News and Rush for the last decade. These congressmen need to have more skin in the game at the national level, so they can't torpedo the country affecting tens (hundreds?) of millions in order to appease a few thousand nutcases in their local district. As it stands now, they have zero incentive to govern for the good of the nation as a whole and they lack the spine to show real leadership. The GOP broke the system.
They should see the "private industry code" running all the banking software protecting their money. Holy cow.

Full disclosure: I program at a bank.

What's crazy is my dad programs for a bank (Capital One), and he HATES the code he works on. Yet he chastises the administration for the Exchanges' rocky start, changing his tune from the usual "government always fucks things up" to "government should be held to a higher standard than the private sector".


While that is very interesting, from what i've read about the implementation of the obamacare website. It sounds 20x more complex than what you are describing.

Maybe. Maybe not.

VA is migrating all of its benefits process to paperless, that means military records (medical and personnel records dating back to WWII need to be scanned and uploaded for viewing), that means standards for every conceivable disability from military service have to be programmed in (that's about as complicated as the ACA unless you think veterans don't suffer from the same illnesses as the rest of the country), that means all new disability claims from veterans have to be submitted electronically (just like the ACA (and there are 1,000,000+ a year)), that means all military service has to be paperlessly verified, that means that every VA hospital has to be able to access the digital file (I don't know of any hospital in the country that can access insurance company files, but that's essentially what is happening (confirm insurance, yes, but not access all the file related to the insurance claim)), that means every Veteran Service Organization, who freely represent veterans for their claims, has to be able to access the digital file (VFW, DAV, American Legion, and a hundred or so others).

The ACA website has to deal with greater load for the time being, but there really is no difference in complexity. Healthcare.Gov has to do what... provide private insurance options which have already been calculated by the insurance companies, check to make sure the information you submitted meets the requirements of those companies, and electronically submit forms to those companies?

I know that the VA system makes sure form are filled out correctly already. Then the same program has to manage all those other things.


No Scrubs
Holy shit I thought the GOP had prepared me

NOTHING prepared me for the CONCACAF madness tonight. NOTHING

That was straight up amazing. Mexico had better send Aron Johansson a fruit basket for that goal. A straight dagger to the heart of Panama that saved Mexico from oblivion.
i found the special tv guide


Paul Ryan:150,000
Rand Paul:200,000
Chris Christie(resting state):2,000,000
Chris Christie(true form):???
Harry Reid pre-timeskip:2,000
Harry Reid post-timeskip:5,500,000
Obama(resting state):3,900,000
i can't do this anymore
I think Reid is using wallhack


Maybe. Maybe not.

VA is migrating all of its benefits process to paperless, that means military records (medical and personnel records dating back to WWII need to be scanned and uploaded for viewing), that means standards for every conceivable disability from military service have to be programmed in (that's about as complicated as the ACA unless you think veterans don't suffer from the same illnesses as the rest of the country), that means all new disability claims from veterans have to be submitted electronically (just like the ACA (and there are 1,000,000+ a year)), that means all military service has to be paperlessly verified, that means that every VA hospital has to be able to access the digital file (I don't know of any hospital in the country that can access insurance company files, but that's essentially what is happening (confirm insurance, yes, but not access all the file related to the insurance claim)), that means every Veteran Service Organization, who freely represent veterans for their claims, has to be able to access the digital file (VFW, DAV, American Legion, and a hundred or so others).

The ACA website has to deal with greater load for the time being, but there really is no difference in complexity. Healthcare.Gov has to do what... provide private insurance options which have already been calculated by the insurance companies, check to make sure the information you submitted meets the requirements of those companies, and electronically submit forms to those companies?

I know that the VA system makes sure form are filled out correctly already. Then the same program has to manage all those other things.

The aca website has to deal with the complexities of the law and multiply that by 50 states who all have their own system and way of running their own code and integrate it with healthcare.gov. I think you are underestimating it a little.


The day after the websites went live, my local news had a clip of some local libertarian citizen saying the Obamacare website debacle was an example of how the government over promises and under delivers, and such things were best left to private industry. Therefore, repeal the law.

FF14 login servers didn't work right for damn near 2 weeks, plus all the bugs in beta 4, and the game serves less than 500k people; the website to sign millions up for healthcare doesn't work right for a couple weeks and it's the sign of government incompetence and that Obamacare is flawed? Too many technologically incompetent people making judgements on shit they don't know about.
Can somebody help me out here? I'm trying to figure out the exact procedure by which a bill makes it to the House floor to be voted on, how Boehner could prevent that from happening, and why that rule the House Rules Committee changed even existed to be changed.

From what I'm gathering from the Library of Congress, something like the following happens:

1. Bill is proposed/sponsored.
2. Speaker assigns it to a committee.
3. Committee does shit with it.
4. It gets put on a calendar.
5a. It gets called to vote early by Speaker/Majority/whoever.
5b. It gets voted on after everything before it on the calendar.

And it's 5a where the Speaker/Majority Leader cockblock the bill, by refusing to bring it to an immediate vote?


The aca website has to deal with the complexities of the law and multiply that by 50 states who all have their own system and way of running their own code and integrate it with healthcare.gov. I think you are underestimating it a little.

The VA program has to deal with the complexities of all the VA laws, all of them, and Healthcare.gov deals with states who didn't set up their own exchanges, not 50 states (trival fact, but a fact none the less).

The fact is, it's similarly complicated, as I admitted above.
Can somebody help me out here? I'm trying to figure out the exact procedure by which a bill makes it to the House floor to be voted on, how Boehner could prevent that from happening, and why that rule the House Rules Committee changed even existed to be changed.

From what I'm gathering from the Library of Congress, something like the following happens:

1. Bill is proposed/sponsored.
2. Speaker assigns it to a committee.
3. Committee does shit with it.
4. It gets put on a calendar.
5a. It gets called to vote early by Speaker/Majority/whoever.
5b. It gets voted on after everything before it on the calendar.

And it's 5a where the Speaker/Majority Leader cockblock the bill, by refusing to bring it to an immediate vote?

There are a lot of ways to get a bill to the floor.
That's how bills normally work, or are supposed to. There isn't enough time for that but I believe the speaker can fast track bills with pretty minimal debate and few to no amendments. I think a lot of the time they use shell bills and just substitute the new language on unrelated or blank bills in an amendment.


The VA program has to deal with the complexities of all the VA laws, all of them, and Healthcare.gov deals with states who didn't set up their own exchanges, not 50 states (trival fact, but a fact none the less).

The fact is, it's similarly complicated, as I admitted above.

I think this describes what I am talking about better then I did. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2013/10/09/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-obamacares-error-plagued-web-sites/
The day after the websites went live, my local news had a clip of some local libertarian citizen saying the Obamacare website debacle was an example of how the government over promises and under delivers, and such things were best left to private industry. Therefore, repeal the law.


the private corporation that set up this system for Wisconsin's Medicaid program took 3 years to get their crap together, and after 5 years of operation, while it works reasonably ok, there are still plenty of bugs and unfinished features.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
To Twitter!

Why are republicans trying to undo the Individual Responsibility Requirement?

Do they not believe in personal responsibilities?

Also suggest calling it the Anti-moocher/leech/47%er provision.

Also, since we're on the subject, I forget if I mentioned it before, but a few weeks back Stephanie Cutter was hammering Rick Perry over that very thing, and Perry's answer was that Texans decided the emergency room was better than Obamacare.

More Dems need to use that talking point.

FF14 login servers didn't work right for damn near 2 weeks, plus all the bugs in beta 4, and the game serves less than 500k people; the website to sign millions up for healthcare doesn't work right for a couple weeks and it's the sign of government incompetence and that Obamacare is flawed? Too many technologically incompetent people making judgements on shit they don't know about.

Wasn't FF14 hot garbage though?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Uhh, the original was. The new one's a good MMO, and THAT was the one with the rough launch. the original FFXIV apparently had a smooth enough launch, just that it wasn't a smooth enough game PERIOD.

Original? There was more than one? Just so we're clear, I'm talking about whatever FF it was that was made by some Chinese developer.
BTW isn't retiring. He's been sending messages for months that he plans on running again, and is putting his ducks in order.

in short he REALLY wants to get immigration done.


Original? There was more than one? Just so we're clear, I'm talking about whatever FF it was that was made by some Chinese developer.
Was FFXIV co-developed by a Chinese developer?

Anyways, yeah, they fucked up the original game, and saved face by quickly developing a new one to takes its place, having a big sendoff event for the original version before the new one happened 5 years later, it just came out about a month and a half ago. Wiki page on it, A Realm Reborn.
Wasn't FF14 hot garbage though?


Can somebody help me out here? I'm trying to figure out the exact procedure by which a bill makes it to the House floor to be voted on, how Boehner could prevent that from happening, and why that rule the House Rules Committee changed even existed to be changed.

From what I'm gathering from the Library of Congress, something like the following happens:

1. Bill is proposed/sponsored.
2. Speaker assigns it to a committee.
3. Committee does shit with it.
4. It gets put on a calendar.
5a. It gets called to vote early by Speaker/Majority/whoever.
5b. It gets voted on after everything before it on the calendar.

And it's 5a where the Speaker/Majority Leader cockblock the bill, by refusing to bring it to an immediate vote?

edit: Actually I'm cutting my whole post in favor of this link:


The key point to understand is that the House's calendar is not, in any real sense of the word, a calendar -- it does not represent a commitment by the House to consider the bill. Almost all measures are considered by motions to suspend the rules or by rules created by the Rules Committee.
edit: Actually I'm cutting my whole post in favor of this link:


The key point to understand is that the House's calendar is not, in any real sense of the word, a calendar -- it does not represent a commitment by the House to consider the bill. Almost all measures are considered by motions to suspend the rules or by rules created by the Rules Committee.

Excellent! Much thanks.
Odds the GOP caucus does something incredibly stupid tomorrow? Will Heritage Action continue to instruct to vote "no?"

Yes to both but it won't matter. Boehner has given up the ghost. I just hope we get a statement from Obama, preferably with him saying "I want to be clear about this. The United States will never be ransomed by one minority of one faction of one branch of government. It didn't work this time, it won't work next time, and it will never work. It's time for congress to grow up and do its job, like adults. Not at the last minute, or on the last day. But every minute of every day"

Something to make their blood boil.
Yes to both but it won't matter. Boehner has given up the ghost. I just hope we get a statement from Obama, preferably with him saying "I want to be clear about this. The United States will never be ransomed by one minority of one faction of one branch of government. It didn't work this time, it won't work next time, and it will never work. It's time for congress to grow up and do its job, like adults. Not at the last minute, or on the last day. But every minute of every day"

Something to make their blood boil.

the tea party caucus suddenly becomes the "YOU LIE!" caucus.
Yes to both but it won't matter. Boehner has given up the ghost. I just hope we get a statement from Obama, preferably with him saying "I want to be clear about this. The United States will never be ransomed by one minority of one faction of one branch of government. It didn't work this time, it won't work next time, and it will never work. It's time for congress to grow up and do its job, like adults. Not at the last minute, or on the last day. But every minute of every day"

Something to make their blood boil.

He needs to say that AND have this look on his face:

edit: Actually I'm cutting my whole post in favor of this link:


The key point to understand is that the House's calendar is not, in any real sense of the word, a calendar -- it does not represent a commitment by the House to consider the bill. Almost all measures are considered by motions to suspend the rules or by rules created by the Rules Committee.

CRS reports are awesome, really sucks they're so hard to find for the general public even though their public.


Sidhe / PikPok
Fox and Friends psychologist guest is doing an analysis of the President's use of words like "hostage taking" and "ransom" etc in relation to the CR and DL situation.

Apparently, it all stems back to his "daddy issues" and a racist grandmother which victimized him as a child - a sentiment he carries through to this day and projects onto the American public, and which underpins his need to create unemployment so there are victims can be helped through foodstamps, "socialized medicine", and "wealth redistribution".

And of course, this explains his refusal to negotiate with Congressional Republicans. He wrongfully sees them as bad guys who are threatening him personally, and is subconsciously scared of being hurt again.

Thanks for the insight, Fox. If only Obama wasn't such a weak willed victim from a broken home, we would have solved this weeks ago.

Up next on Fox and Friends apparently - "Is Obama passing the blame on the shutdown AGAIN?". Stay tuned to find out.
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