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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Smug ass fucking Hannity saying that the people furloughed are lounging back, drinking wine and playing golf, and will all still be paid so no biggie.

Adam Smith is making Hannity open up the rolodex of bullet points. He keeps talking about our children having to pay off all of this Obama debt. If he says, "stop robbing our kids" one more time.


Edit: Now Hannity has this chick attempting to sign up for Obamacare, and when she was unable to, she smugly smiles about it.

I never really watch Fox except for small clips, so this is pretty mind boggling to me. I can't believe this shit.


Coke > Pepsi

This much cannot be argued.


Wrong. Pepsi > Coke


Those are Republicans fearing a Tea Party challenger in a primary.

The entire caucus isn't insane. But they have been guilty of putting their own electoral interests in the hands of the insane, and ahead of the interests of the people and indeed ahead of their own ideals.

words < actions

ALL House Republicans are far right wingers. They have had 3 years to prove otherwise, they have not proved otherwise.


Obama hasn't yet done the amount of damage Clinton ended up doing, but it's really not for lack of trying. So I don't know if we should give him points on that. He's been saved from himself by Tea Party anarchists and Pelosi/Reid more than a few times now.


Obama hasn't yet done the amount of damage Clinton ended up doing, but it's really not for lack of trying. So I don't know if we should give him points on that. He's been saved from himself by Tea Party anarchists and Pelosi/Reid more than a few times now.
I miss Speaker Pelosi.

Man, she did so much in two years especially compared to Boehner.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You've changed, man.

Seriously, glad you're back. Good timing, too. Did the ban say "you're gone until the United States defaults on its obligations" or something?

What can I say? Two weeks of exile does things to you. Bad things...

But thanks! It's good to be back.

Those are Republicans fearing a Tea Party challenger in a primary.

The entire caucus isn't insane. But they have been guilty of putting their own electoral interests in the hands of the insane, and ahead of the interests of the people and indeed ahead of their own ideals.

The thing is, there's little practical difference from the "moderates" and the tea partiers. What good is bitching about how stupid your party is if you're going to vote 99.9% of the time anyway? It's why I didn't really care about Peter King's supposed treachery. Yeah, he insulted his allies, but when it came right down to it, he was happy to play enabler. This allowed him to fool the mainstream media while still allowing him to not change any of his policies.

Obama > Bill Clinton?

Can we say yes now?

In terms of accomplishments, yes. But I think it's important that we acknowledge that Clinton had to deal with TWO Republican houses in congress that pretty much destroyed whatever he wanted to do. Hell, I can't even recall anything that Clinton won for the Democrats once the Republicans took over.


Yup. Giant campaign time.

Personally I'd rather have Obama focusing on getting the Obamacare website to work by any means necessary, but he can do both at the same time obviously.

What exactly is Obama, personally, supposed to do about that? It's not like he codes the damn thing, the most he can do is keep the pressure up on whomever they contracted the work out to in order to get it fixed. It's not something he's going to spend governance time on.

Hillary should personally go out on the stump for immigration reform.


Holy shit Hannity is hilarious tonight. It seems that he has some kind of super panel(or audience) of random pundits yelling back and forth at each other.

They really have no clue. Hannity seems to think the Senate deal is just delaying another fight. Oh dear god please continue on this path, GOP. Please.
What exactly is Obama, personally, supposed to do about that? It's not like he codes the damn thing, the most he can do is keep the pressure up on whomever they contracted the work out to in order to get it fixed. It's not something he's going to spend governance time on.

Hillary should personally go out on the stump for immigration reform.
I'm still trying to find the logic in "lololol website doesn't work therefore law is bad for you government can't be trusted herp derp"


What exactly is Obama, personally, supposed to do about that? It's not like he codes the damn thing, the most he can do is keep the pressure up on whomever they contracted the work out to in order to get it fixed. It's not something he's going to spend governance time on.

Hillary should personally go out on the stump for immigration reform.

I'm not sure of which agency is in charge of healthcare.gov, but I do know that when VA was rolling out its paperless claims program the undersecretary for benefits, Gen. Hickey, told the lead programmer that she and her family were going on vacation on Friday and if the bugs weren't fixed by then they were going to stay at his house until it was fixed. It got fixed, lol.

In case you were wondering, I was on the conference call.


This guy just schooled Hannity on his pundit super panel. Basically explaining to him that all Dems are against what is happening, and about half of the GOP is against it. His response?

"Obama lied about Obamacare! He said families would save $2,500 a year! And nobody actually wants Obamacare! He has lied!"

I think he said something about Obama, lying, and Obamacare. Is he a real person?
Hey guys, checking in after a long PoliGAF absence. Something big happening in US politics atm? Feels like it.

All's quiet on the western front. I think a herd of cattle went missing out near Gelmer's Pass. They'll turn up by morning, I reckon. Ol' Bessie's never one to miss a meal. Other than that? Nope. Not a thing stirring.


I'm still trying to find the logic in "lololol website doesn't work therefore law is bad for you government can't be trusted herp derp"

The day after the websites went live, my local news had a clip of some local libertarian citizen saying the Obamacare website debacle was an example of how the government over promises and under delivers, and such things were best left to private industry. Therefore, repeal the law.


The day after the websites went live, my local news had a clip of some local libertarian citizen saying the Obamacare website debacle was an example of how the government over promises and under delivers, and such things were best left to private industry. Therefore, repeal the law.

See?? Hannity was right, nobody wants it. This was forced down the throats of all Americans by the shadow government, and true Americans have been trying to repeal it for the safety and freedom for our children.


i wonder what the us would look like without term limits for presidents. fdr was the only one who said, fuck it, i'll do this all the time. it would have probably brought us up to reagan given how every presidency ended afterward (the only iffy one might have been eisenhower and i think he would have given the presidency up anyway).

would reagan run in 1988? and if he did, i wonder if the economy would have tanked a third term, paving way for clinton anyway. really, clinton and reagan are the only two in recent history who i see wouldn't give up after two terms, although reagan's health might have stopped him in 1988. clinton on the other hand could have done like fdr and probably reigned supreme until 2008.

way out of left field, i know, but interesting to think about.


I'm sorry, I have to turn it to Comedy Central now. O'Reilly is insufferable. I really think I may dislike him as much as I dislike Hannity.

O'Reilly will not stop hammering this "let's delay the individual mandate... it's only fair" line. This is the kind of shit I am talking about. Nobody is ever going to call him out on this. He even bullied weak ass Alan Colmes into agreeing to the delay.

I can't do this anymore. I just can't.


Wow can we gauge records in DBZ terms instead?

Clinton had a resting power level of about 5,000,000, and in times of crisis could achieve the Super Saiyan form, bringing his power level to about 47,000,000. However, Clinton could never reach SS2 because his heart was not pure (as seen in the Lewinsky scandal), which severely hampered his ability to help Democrats keep the White House after his term was up.

Obama usually has a resting power level of 3,900,000, but can achieve the Super Saiyan 2 form with relative ease, bringing his power level to around 70,000,000.

Right now John Boehner has a power level of 2.


i wonder what the us would look like without term limits for presidents. fdr was the only one who said, fuck it, i'll do this all the time. it would have probably brought us up to reagan given how every presidency ended afterward (the only iffy one might have been eisenhower and i think he would have given the presidency up anyway).

would reagan run in 1988? and if he did, i wonder if the economy would have tanked a third term, paving way for clinton anyway. really, clinton and reagan are the only two in recent history who i see wouldn't give up after two terms, although reagan's health might have stopped him in 1988. clinton on the other hand could have done like fdr and probably reigned supreme until 2008.

way out of left field, i know, but interesting to think about.

I'm not sure Regan even knew his own name at the end of his second term. I doubt he'd go for a third. I can see Clinton never giving up the mantle though, he lived for that spotlight


I'm not sure of which agency is in charge of healthcare.gov, but I do know that when VA was rolling out its paperless claims program the undersecretary for benefits, Gen. Hickey, told the lead programmer that she and her family were going on vacation on Friday and if the bugs weren't fixed by then they were going to stay at his house until it was fixed. It got fixed, lol.

In case you were wondering, I was on the conference call.

While that is very interesting, from what i've read about the implementation of the obamacare website. It sounds 20x more complex than what you are describing.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm sorry, I have to turn it to Comedy Central now. O'Reilly is insufferable. I really think I may dislike him as much as I dislike Hannity.

O'Reilly will not stop hammering this "let's delay the individual mandate... it's only fair" line. This is the kind of shit I am talking about. Nobody is ever going to call him out on this. He even bullied weak ass Alan Colmes into agreeing to the delay.

I can't do this anymore. I just can't.
In hindsight we should have called the individual mandate the personal responsibility clause or something. Individual Responsibility requirement.


i found the special tv guide


Paul Ryan:150,000
Rand Paul:200,000
Chris Christie(resting state):2,000,000
Chris Christie(true form):???
Harry Reid pre-timeskip:2,000
Harry Reid post-timeskip:5,500,000
Obama(resting state):3,900,000
i can't do this anymore


In hindsight we should have called the individual mandate the personal responsibility clause or something. Individual Responsibility requirement.

People having healthcare affects everyone. Communicable diseases and vaccinations are both examples of reasons why it is important to have a healthy society.

The whole "eh, got mine" mentality is really damning when it comes to a service that almost literally everyone will eventually need.

Joe Molotov

i found the special tv guide


Paul Ryan:150,000
Rand Paul:200,000
Chris Christie(resting state):2,000,000
Chris Christie(true form):???
Harry Reid pre-timeskip:2,000
Harry Reid post-timeskip:5,500,000
Obama(resting state):3,900,000
i can't do this anymore

What if Paul Ryan and Rand Paul formed the Ayn Rand Paul Ryan voltron?


I'm of the opinion that having to live through the era of the Tea Party is as close to an actual zombie apocalypse as most of us will experience.
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