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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Frontline really is a terrific news program. I'd like to do more research to understand why publicly funded stations (notably PBS/NPR) are so much better at doing real journalism than modern for-profit companies are.

The obvious answer is "the for-profit companies have to cover whatever makes them money," and that's true as far as it goes, but do note that publicly funded news organizations also need viewers/listeners who are willing to donate money directly, so they aren't entirely removed from the need to pander, either.

The difference is pretty obvious: publicly funded endeavors are fine as long as they can cover their operating costs. When you've got shareholders, it's a different story.


‏@amandacarpenter 1h
The clamor to give Americans relief from this terribly dysfunctional train wreck of a law is only going to grow.

@amandacarpenter 1h
Incredible--John Stewart, Alan Colmes, Robert Gibbs, and Joe Manchin make a more aggressive case against Obamacare than most DC Republicans.

@amandacarpenter 1h
DC establishment is ready to walk away from the fight to defund Obamacare, just as liberals are clamoring for a delay.

@amandacarpenter 17m
Obama doesn't care. Washington doesn't care. This deal proves no one cares about Americans who lost their plans or who can't afford them.

@amandacarpenter 13m
Instead of asking if Cruz will filibuster, why not ask other senators why American ppl suffering from Obamacare aren't worth the fight?

@amandacarpenter 8m
I now look forward to seeing what the GOP establishment's plan is to stop Obamacare that doesn't involve waiting until 2016 to do anything.



Junior Member
Frontline really is a terrific news program. I'd like to do more research to understand why publicly funded stations (notably PBS/NPR) are so much better at doing real journalism than modern for-profit companies are.

The obvious answer is "the for-profit companies have to cover whatever makes them money," and that's true as far as it goes, but do note that publicly funded news organizations also need viewers/listeners who are willing to donate money directly, so they aren't entirely removed from the need to pander, either.

And yet they don't, for the most part. At least, they do so considerably less than Fox or MSNBC or CNN.

It may have to do with the reactionary news media we have today. It's get it out first and if it's right great, if it's not then whoops retraction. The return on investment in regards to heavy investigative reporting is nothing compared to maintaining ratings by getting just the headline out.

It's also very hard to keep a lid on a story in a newsroom, I worked IT at a newspaper a few years back and we went through unbelievable measures to try and keep the lid on a big investigative report but all it takes is one person and an anonymous twitter account.
Frontline really is a terrific news program. I'd like to do more research to understand why publicly funded stations (notably PBS/NPR) are so much better at doing real journalism than modern for-profit companies are.

The obvious answer is "the for-profit companies have to cover whatever makes them money," and that's true as far as it goes, but do note that publicly funded news organizations also need viewers/listeners who are willing to donate money directly, so they aren't entirely removed from the need to pander, either.

And yet they don't, for the most part. At least, they do so considerably less than Fox or MSNBC or CNN.

What do you mean by pander?

My guess, not knowing very much about the industry and without any data, is that publicly funded stations don't invest a great deal of effort in increasing their market share relative to FOX, MSNBC, CNN, etc. They don't pander because they have a relatively stable, affluent base so they don't need to,
Guys the shutdown was the right choice.

It's the messaging that was the problem.
Wasn't batshit enough.

Next time they'll need to literally destroy American cities with top secret space lasers every hour to show they're fucking serious about saving America from government overreach.
Something I just realized, GOP was mad about Obama closing the war memorials, didn't hear a peep about the MLK Jr memorial being shuttered. Was a really good opportunity to troll with a 'Obama hates black people'.

or a double troll with Obama hates
black republicans


Is politico correct in that the senate deal includes mcconnel's debt limit system?

If so, superfail GOP, now you won't even have the valuable hostage in February.


Is politico correct in that the senate deal includes mcconnel's debt limit system?

If so, superfail GOP, now you won't even have the valuable hostage in February.

My read of that article is that the deal includes the McConnell rule for the specific raise of the debt ceiling til February.

If there's a sneaky inclusion of the McConnell rule to remove the debt ceiling forever, then they buried the heck out of that lede.
Any hope that the modern GOP would moderate in the wake of 2012 and, now, this are completely out the window.

The right wing media and the special interests groups are just going to continue driving the rhetoric further to the fringe, and I don't know that more sensible Republicans and business interests are going to be able to recapture the party. The threat of a primary challenge and Limbaugh, et. al, releasing the hounds is just going to be too great.
EDIT: Real talk, wow at Michelle Nunn tying a general Republican. Still dubious to her chances, but that's a solid number. Also, where's Alison Grimes v. McConnell?
Yeah I was wondering why they didn't throw that in there. Oh well.

I think the best realistic result for Democrats in the Senate is to hold at 55, which would just be trading South Dakota and West Virginia for Georgia and Kentucky, though even South Dakota might be getting closer.

And of course, this will go hand-in-hand with a House majority, or something close to it at least.

CoffeeJanitor said:
shit, I missed the outcome, did we just get a clean CR/debt ceiling increase?

Please tell me there were no concessions
Yup. Government open til January, debt ceiling til February, budget conference finally being opened up (has until December to come up with something), and the only "concession" the GOP won is income verification for PPACA, which is already in the original act anyway so they didn't get jack shit.

Best-case scenario, there is a budget that gets passed, tea party revolts and moves to oust Boehner from speakership, can't decide who they want in his place and Pelosi becomes Speaker. Or Boehner and Pelosi cut a deal to keep him as Speaker in exchange for a vote on immigration.


i only have a superpowered gerbil brain but someone from the minority party can become speaker? i thought it was decided among the majority who would be speaker, as though it had to be.


i only have a superpowered gerbil brain but someone from the minority party can become speaker? i thought it was decided among the majority who would be speaker, as though it had to be.

Anyone can be speaker, even Joe the Plumber, they just need to get the most House votes.
i only have a superpowered gerbil brain but someone from the minority party can become speaker? i thought it was decided among the majority who would be speaker, as though it had to be.
If they forced a speakership vote I think Pelosi could squeak by with 200 votes if the Republicans were divided enough that say, Boehner only got 120 votes and a tea partier got 110 votes or something like that. I don't know if it would go into a second round of voting or what though, I've only heard Pelosi being speaker again as a possibility.
i only have a superpowered gerbil brain but someone from the minority party can become speaker? i thought it was decided among the majority who would be speaker, as though it had to be.

Technically anyone can be the Speaker but it's usually someone from the majority since they can whip everyone on their side of the aisle to vote for their nominee. But if the GOP continues to tear themselves apart, they may lose that ability w/o losing the majority.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you even have to be a member of the House to be the House Speaker.


The Speaker has to be elected with an absolute majority of the house. They keep taking votes until someone gets a majority.
i only have a superpowered gerbil brain but someone from the minority party can become speaker? i thought it was decided among the majority who would be speaker, as though it had to be.

According to Wikipedia, the speaker has to be elected with absolute majority of all votes cast. So enough Republicans would have to abstain from voting entirely in order for Pelosi to win, but it is theoretically possible. If no one gets a majority, they keep voting.


If they forced a speakership vote I think Pelosi could squeak by with 200 votes if the Republicans were divided enough that say, Boehner only got 120 votes and a tea partier got 110 votes or something like that. I don't know if it would go into a second round of voting or what though, I've only heard Pelosi being speaker again as a possibility.

Anyone can be speaker, even Joe the Plumber, they just need to get the most House votes.

Technically anyone can be the Speaker but it's usually someone from the majority since they can whip everyone on their side of the aisle to vote for their nominee. But if the GOP continues to tear themselves apart, they may lose that ability w/o losing the majority.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you even have to be a member of the House to be the House Speaker.

According to Wikipedia, the speaker has to be elected with absolute majority of all votes cast. So enough Republicans would have to abstain from voting entirely in order for Pelosi to win, but it is theoretically possible. If no one gets a majority, they keep voting.

The Speaker has to be elected with an absolute majority of the house. They keep taking votes until someone gets a majority.

ah, thanks for the explanation!
House Conservative: Boehner's Speakership Safe

Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) said Wednesday that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is safe in his leadership position, despite concessions GOP leaders have made during the shutdown and debt ceiling debate.

"A lot of folks, again, are unwilling to challenge the status quo, especially if it's their own establishment," Huelskamp said on Newsmax TV. "I'll just say, the class of '94 seems to have a lot more guts and gusto than the class of 2010 because they were willing to take down Speaker [Newt] Gingrich. But I don't see that happening anytime soon in today's Congress."

Huelskamp was one of a few House Republicans who did not vote for Boehner for Speaker in January.

Grats Boehner!
Reality Distortion Field

"Ted Cruz is Doing the Right Thing"


Some conservatives are complaining that Ted Cruz will not filibuster the debt ceiling increase in the Senate.
While you and I and he and everyone else knows the debt ceiling issue will not actually throw us into default, we must remember low information voters and the media. The media will report that Ted Cruz has single handedly thrown the nation into default. Senate Republicans have been positively giddy at the prospects of Cruz filibustering the debt ceiling increase because they want nothing more than to blame him for everything and ignore their own capitulation.

Cruz rightly has pointed out that the Senate Republicans refused to stand shoulder to shoulder with House Republicans. The Senate GOP made it its mission to undermine conservatives every step of the way. For the past two weeks, the Senate GOP has leaked as much as possible to damage Cruz, Mike Lee, and conservatives. They have planted stories about outside groups, treated conservative scornfully, and in closed door meetings berated Cruz, Lee, and others for daring to fight.
As Cruz has said repeatedly, the burden of this fight is on House conservatives. We have all known that to be true. Cruz is going to be attacked enough by his fellow Senators and outside GOP interests tied to K Street. Conservatives need not attack him for refusing to give the other side more bullets to use against him.


so how angry will republican fanboys tonight and what is the split going to be between obama and boehner on the gop caving?
Poor Lindsey :(

I can't keep track of this guy's changes in tone from hour to hour let alone day to day.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is not pleased with the latest Senate deal to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling, but accepts that it is the only remaining option to avert default.

"This package is a joke compared to what we could have gotten if we had a more reasonable approach," Graham told the Washington Post on Wednesday. "But live and learn; we’ll be doing this in a couple months."



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wait, so that income verification thing is still in there? Is it stricter than the one that was already in Obamacare?
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