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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
"This package is a joke compared to what we could have gotten if we had a more reasonable approach," Graham told the Washington Post on Wednesday. "But live and learn; we’ll be doing this in a couple months."

"But live and learn; we’ll be doing this in a couple months."

we’ll be doing this in a couple months."

oh em gee

Joe Molotov

oh em gee



Today(and last night) has been a shit storm for the GOP. Hannity suggesting a party split, Limbaugh sounds like he is having a bigger stroke than he normally does, Cruz folding, the Tea Party forever unchanged in their stupidity, the in-fighting within the GOP, Boehner essentially getting less done than Bernie from Weekend at Bernies, and Fox News having no clue which way to tow the line.

I'm loving it... And now I want some McDonalds.


According to chait the McConnell provision is there for the February debt limit date but not after. So uh, they can't do this in a few months since Obama can raise it then on his own. But they could shut down the government lol.

I hope they do this every time they can. Until they're finally voted out of every single seat they hold.
According to chait the McConnell provision is there for the February debt limit date but not after. So uh, they can't do this in a few months since Obama can raise it then on his own. But they could shut down the government lol.

I don't think Graham means he'll shut down the government in a couple months actually. That ship has clearly sailed. This was the perfect time to try it, when you think about it. Once we get into 2014 folks will be busy running for re-election. Some House members may want to shut things down again, but leadership will be more focused on keeping the majority.

We won't see a shutdown for awhile IMO, given how large democrats won this.
oh em gee

I doubt he means he shut down the government and bring the world perilous close to financial meltdown again.

He even he said they need to take a more reasonable tact. And the closer we get to 2014, the less likely the GOP will be to do tactics that bring them so much ill will.

But you never know what the GOP's definition of reasonable means.
I don't think Graham means he'll shut down the government in a couple months actually. That ship has clearly sailed. This was the perfect time to try it, when you think about it. Once we get into 2014 folks will be busy running for re-election. Some House members may want to shut things down again, but leadership will be more focused on keeping the majority.

We won't see a shutdown for awhile IMO, given how large democrats won this.
For how many Republicans were selling the shutdown as a good thing, I won't be surprised if we get another one.

We'll see how the vote goes today.


And nothing was learned.

Apparently this isn't even their final form.


House Conservatives Blame Moderates, Not Boehner

WASHINGTON — Moments before the Senate deal was finalized on Wednesday, some House conservatives were alternately defiant and defeated, acknowledging they may have lost the current battle but vowing to fight on.

At a longstanding lunch of House conservatives sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, hard-line Republican lawmakers largely rallied around Speaker John A. Boehner, blaming their more moderate colleagues who they said had not had the backbone to stand strong in the fight to defund or delay President Obama’s signature health care law.

“I’ve actually been really proud of Speaker Boehner the last two and half weeks,” said Representative Raul Labrador, Republican of Idaho, one of a small group of members who earlier this year did not vote to re-elect Mr. Boehner as speaker. “I’m more upset with my Republican conference, to be honest with you. It’s been Republicans here who apparently always want to fight — but they want to fight the next fight — that have given Speaker Boehner the inability to be successful in this fight.”

He added: “So if anybody should be kicked out, it’s probably those Republicans — and not Speaker Boehner — who are unwilling to keep the that promises they made to American people.”


So when this passes, how soon will government employees return to work? Tomorrow? Knowing I'll get back pay, I wouldn't mind at least two more days off especially since the sequestration screwed me out of 2 weeks worth of vacation time...

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
It's over, Boehner just said that hes encouraging everyone to vote for the deal. He's going to bring the bill to the floor no matter what and he expects the Government to be open tomorrow.
It's over, Boehner just said that hes encouraging everyone to vote for the deal. He's going to bring the bill to the floor no matter what and he expects the Government to be open tomorrow.

Would love to see the Daily Show's take on this next week. They always go on break when stuff like this happens.
I seriously hope that the Democratic leadership learned the important lesson from this which is if you stand your ground you will win more often than you will lose against these bozos.


Can anyone who's good at gifs make one of them handing out candy canes in Mean Girls, but replace the caption from none for Gretchen Weiners to none for Ted Cruz? You'd have my eternal gratitude.


From the other thread:

Man, I'm listening to Hannity stream while I'm at work here and holy shit he is on full extremist lunatic mode. He's blaming McCain and the moderate Republican "traitors" for this failure. He's calling for a new political party to be formed. He's forecasting the end of America as we know it. Businesses are going to fail. People are going to plunge into poverty due to Obamacare. President Obama is a little kid throwing a tantrum. Cruz is a savior and Christie is a weakling.

Freakin A, is he always this dramatic? He's acting like a bully who's been smacked down...
I would not be surprised if there actually is a splinter group one way or the other and for there to be a Ross Perot-like candidate in the 2016 election.

I think the Tea Party may split off anyway, but if a "RINO" survives and wins the nomination, Tea Party will lose their minds and go off on their own. But similarly, I think business interests might decide to fund a centrist candidate. I'd rate those odds lower, but overall, the odds of 3 podiums at the debates in 2016 seems higher now than ever (to me).

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Sounds like Pelosi offered Boehner help to keep his speakership in exchange for bringing up the vote if it came down to it. Man she's a bad ass.


Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like Pelosi offered Boehner help to keep his speakership in exchange for bringing up the vote if it came down to it. Man she's a bad ass.

She showered his praises for this whole thing on MSNBC


If the Tea Party hated Boehner before, they're going to really hate him now that Pelosi is on his side. You have got to wonder if Pelosi is just trying to stir up that civil war even more so.


haha man I've had a shit eating grin on my face from the second this news started breaking. All the Republicans at my job were sure they were going to force Obama to capitulate >:)


Sounds like Pelosi offered Boehner help to keep his speakership in exchange for bringing up the vote if it came down to it. Man she's a bad ass.

If Boehner would seriously consider NOT bringing this up for a vote and plunging the country into default all over keeping his disastrous speakership then he's a huge douche anyway.
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