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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Disaster avoided on the US front for the moment, but what about resolving the eurozone problem? I feel like an implosion is inevitable the way things are going and although some might consider that the actual solution for long term stability, I don't feel that the markets and global economy at large would respond very favorably to that outcome, irrational or not.
Bill Clinton was the Democrat's Eisenhower.

Popular president who had to move to the right/left because the nation wasn't with his party all the way. Had to play by the other guy's rules.

Obama is the Democrat's Nixon.

Able to push more left/right agenda but still has opposition which is on the decline.

Hillary will be the Democrat's Reagan. Full shift in national ideology, able to push their party's cause forward.
Alternatively, Christie (the only Republican with a shot at winning in 2016 imo) could be the Republicans' Carter. A moderate governor, the complete opposite image of their stereotypical party member (Christie's a large New Englander, Carter the folksy Southerner), whose election is an aberration above all else, and would probably constantly be butting heads with members of his own party.

Maybe we can just skip that this time.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
He's calling the people who supported this 'crazy' strategy to defund Obamacare the same crazies who supported going into Iraq haphazardly.

Which Norquist supported.

That's great, but I think it's more noteworthy that turning Iraq into Kansas was the Neocons end goal with that little escapade.


Alternatively, Christie (the only Republican with a shot at winning in 2016 imo) could be the Republicans' Carter. A moderate governor, the complete opposite image of their stereotypical party member (Christie's a large New Englander, Carter the folksy Southerner), whose election is an aberration above all else, and would probably constantly be butting heads with members of his own party.

Maybe we can just skip that this time.

Ehh. Carter is an anomaly because of public anger over Watergate.

Although, Nixon was elected due to backlash from Johnson, similar to how Obama was in response to Bush.

So who knows. Maybe Obama will resign.
Disaster avoided on the US front for the moment, but what about resolving the eurozone problem? I feel like an implosion is inevitable the way things are going and although some might consider that the actual solution for long term stability, I don't feel that the markets and global economy at large would respond very favorably to that outcome, irrational or not.

We can barely avert our own crises, you expect us to help in yours!?

that was a playful response, not to be taken seriously


Income verification section of the bill. Nothing new, other than the secretary having to issue a report to Congress on how they're enforcing the law as it was written, and a report mid-year 2014 on how effective it's been. Presumably to enable a GOP witch hunt.


SEC. 1001. (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the Secretary of Health and
Human Services (referred to in this section as the ‘‘Sec-
retary’’) shall ensure that American Health Benefit Ex-
changes verify that individuals applying for premium tax
credits under section 36B of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 and reductions in cost-sharing under section 1402
of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42
U.S.C. 18071) are eligible for such credits and cost shar-
ing reductions consistent with the requirements of section
1411 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 18081), and, prior to making
such credits and reductions available, the Secretary shall
certify to the Congress that the Exchanges verify such eli-
gibility consistent with the requirements of such Act.

(b) REPORT BY SECRETARY.—Not later than Janu-
ary 1, 2014, the Secretary shall submit a report to the
Congress that details the procedures employed by Amer-
can Health Benefit Exchanges to verify eligibility for
credits and cost-sharing reductions described in subsection

than July 1, 2014, the Inspector General of the Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services shall submit to the
Congress a report regarding the effectiveness of the proce-
dures and safeguards provided under the Patient Protec-
tion and Affordable Care Act for preventing the submis-
sion of inaccurate or fraudulent information by applicants
for enrollment in a qualified health plan offered through
an American Health Benefit Exchange.



Bill Clinton was the Democrat's Eisenhower.

Popular president who had to move to the right/left because the nation wasn't with his party all the way. Had to play by the other guy's rules.

Obama is the Democrat's Nixon.

Able to push more left/right agenda but still has opposition which is on the decline.

Hillary will be the Democrat's Reagan. Full shift in national ideology, able to push their party's cause forward.

it's so weird that everyone's kinda expecting hillary to run after what happened in 2008, but it seems that democrats are excited about the prospect when in 2007 they were kinda like, 'well, i guess i have to.'

i don't even think her age will be that big of a deal.
Ehh. Carter is an anomaly because of public anger over Watergate.

Although, Nixon was elected due to backlash from Johnson, similar to how Obama was in response to Bush.

So who knows. Maybe Obama will resign.
Well, no analogy in politics will ever be perfect.

American politics is more like a big, sprawling epic spanning generations, and it never exactly repeats itself.


Bill Clinton was the Democrat's Eisenhower.

Popular president who had to move to the right/left because the nation wasn't with his party all the way. Had to play by the other guy's rules.

Obama is the Democrat's Nixon.

Able to push more left/right agenda but still has opposition which is on the decline.

Hillary will be the Democrat's Reagan. Full shift in national ideology, able to push their party's cause forward.

I'll believe it when I see it. I think she'll just be Obama part two, but with bigger balls than him.
We can barely avert our own crises, you expect us to help in yours!?

that was a playful response, not to be taken seriously

Heh heh. For better or worse its not really something the US can fix, even if it wanted to. It was more a comment about how there's still a a lot of problems on the global scale that will need to be resolved eventually. It's a much thornier bush to untangle though.



aww yeah

Alternatively, Christie (the only Republican with a shot at winning in 2016 imo) could be the Republicans' Carter. A moderate governor, the complete opposite image of their stereotypical party member (Christie's a large New Englander, Carter the folksy Southerner), whose election is an aberration above all else, and would probably constantly be butting heads with members of his own party.

Maybe we can just skip that this time.
Christie would be well positioned to be a republican Clinton, moving the party to the acceptable center right. He would be hated by the tea party, as liberals still dislike Clinton. But ultimately he would sow the seeds for bringing the GOP into the 21st century.

Luckily he won't get nominated.

Remember in 2002-2007 when liberals were depressed, trying to overcome the Democrat Leadership Council, the lack of anti-war leadership, and the general cowardice of democrats? Republicans are in a similar situation. The problem is that unlike the minority of liberals back then, the tea party isn't advocating popular policies. During that period of the aughts, liberals honed policy ideas on cap and trade, universal health care, raising the minimum wage, ending the war in Iraq, immigration reform, etc.

What policies are the far right crafting during this exile? Limiting contraception, austerity, Medicare cuts, social security privatization, abortion bans, infinite tax cuts for the rich, less Wall St regulation, etc. Virtually none of that is popular nationally. You can't change policy if you don't win elections. The far right is going to simply destroy the GOP and force a complete rebrand.


Bill Clinton was the Democrat's Eisenhower.

Popular president who had to move to the right/left because the nation wasn't with his party all the way. Had to play by the other guy's rules.

Obama is the Democrat's Nixon.

Able to push more left/right agenda but still has opposition which is on the decline.

Hillary will be the Democrat's Reagan. Full shift in national ideology, able to push their party's cause forward.

I'm not deeply familiar with Eisenhower (besides I'm assuming his being regarded as a "progressive conservative"), but what is this supposed to mean regarding Eisenhower's real stance on the federal highway system or the military industrial complex? Eisenhower had no personal motivation to rant on the MIC on his way out. I'm sure Theodore Roosevelt actually liked the National Park idea, and I don't think Nixon hate the Clean Air Act in secret. I don't think such stances are fundamentally anti-USright, though this is certainly the case nowadays.

I'd say I agree that the right is hurting, but what would be key for me is identifying how and when the right of now started hurting. Beyond just saying under Clinton. I think politicians respond to the zeitgeist, not create it.

Erickson's point was that when the Whigs tried to compromise their way into power, that gave birth to the Republicans. But the last time a party said "Hey, maybe we've lost the middle here" it was when Clinton was nominated and it's paid off immensely.

I'm not saying Clinton was a particularly liberal president but he was a masterful politician. Sometimes you have to play the long game.

Also to be fair a lot of legislation passed under Clinton was passed with overwhelming, veto-proof majorities.

I don't see how it can be the case that he can not be a liberal president and play the long game for a liberal agenda at the same time. It seems more like he was playing a centrist game. But I do acknowledge at times he had an undesirable Congress, even though Don't ask Don't tell came from a Congress with Democrat majorities in both houses. Even then, the legislative pinch doesn't exempt him from all of his mistakes (the Monica Lewinsky affair not at the top of this list).

I mean, I sort of buy that he didn't do everything he wanted. There's this comment he made once, something to the effect of "you mean the success of my economic policy rests on a bunch of fucking bond traders" but I still don't see how this means he was playing a long ago and bled blue in secret.

it's so weird that everyone's kinda expecting hillary to run after what happened in 2008, but it seems that democrats are excited about the prospect when in 2007 they were kinda like, 'well, i guess i have to.'

i don't even think her age will be that big of a deal.

She's the most prominent Democratic name in the mainstream for this contest, even if she currently isn't in the administration or elected office. She'll be a very easy sell, and hard to beat. IIRC she's already made a SuperPAC and has talked to Obama "about stuff" since Obama got reelected.


No, the VP has to be legally eligible to be the President (should the president die/resign). Bill Clinton isn't eligible to be President because he's already served 2 terms.
But what if Bill get elected to the house, appointed speaker, and then the POTUS and the VP have to resign because the president husband had an affair with her VP, Elizabeth Warren?

Oh yeah, constitutional crisis erotic fanfic!
I don't see how it can be the case that he can not be a liberal president and play the long game for a liberal agenda at the same time. It seems more like he was playing a centrist game. But I do acknowledge at times he had an undesirable Congress, even though Don't ask Don't tell came from a Congress with Democrat majorities in both houses. Even then, the legislative pinch doesn't exempt him from all of his mistakes (the Monica Lewinsky affair not at the top of this list).

I mean, I sort of buy that he didn't do everything he wanted. There's this comment he made once, something to the effect of "you mean the success of my economic policy rests on a bunch of fucking bond traders" but I still don't see how this means he was playing a long ago and bled blue in secret.
I guess it'd be more accurate to say that Clinton was playing the long game to resuscitate the Democratic party, which had been shut out of the White House for three elections in a row. That doesn't necessarily mean the left, but in American politics, there's only one place it can occupy. Left-right is always relative.
Maybe more moderate districts just tend to elect more moderate representatives independent of electoral "vulnerability."

The article mentioned this. I think in many cases it is true, but it does say something about leadership control. Back in the day, if the Speaker demanded you vote one way, you voted one way no matter what. Pelosi still held power over her caucus, Boehner does not.

Another thing to note: The federal exchanges won't release numbers til next month.

Also, "applications" is not people. 1 application can have 2, 3, 4 people on it. If you're married with a kid, you only submit one application, not 2.

"A couple of things to keep in mind when reading this chart: An application can represent more than one person, given that one family can represent multiple people. In Minnesota, for example, 5,569 applications have been processed, but they represent 11,684 people."

185k applications in just 16 states + DC have been processed. That is probably about 300k people, already. Add in the federal numbers and it seems like we're going to push 1 million really soon.


But what if Bill get elected to the house, appointed speaker, and then the POTUS and the VP have to resign because the president husband had an affair with her VP, Elizabeth Warren?

Oh yeah, constitutional crisis erotic fanfic!

This reminds me of one of the Hax0r Economist's comics:


Google haxor economist for additional comics. Only some of them are funny though, but I used to love them when I thought 1337 speak was amazing in middle and high school. I do like the "poor people suck you are fucked" strips that Greenspan is in, or the ones with bizarre schemes.

Warning for offensive language for some, although there is no nudity or anything.

But he played the sax man!


Dat Animaniacs nostalgia >=)

The Arsenio Hall show is back. Clinton should go play the sax again.
I think the ONLY people who know if Hillary is 100 percent running is her husband and Bams himself. They are just staying tight lipped for obvious reasons

Benghazi is old news. The new news is MemorialGate

The head of the National Park Service should step down over his handling of the government shutdown, House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa told POLITICO on Wednesday.

“Three strikes and you should be out,” Issa (R-Calif.) said after a five-hour hearing in which he and other Republicans lambasted park service Director Jonathan Jarvis for closing monuments on the National Mall, as well as the agency’s earlier handling of the sequester and its decision to let Occupy Wall Street protesters camp out on federal land. “He blew it on sequestration. He blew it on Occupy, and now he admits he doesn’t even think it was his responsibility to plan to mitigate [the shutdown’s harm].”

Asked if he thinks Jarvis should resign, Issa said: “Yes, I believe he should resign. But the better term probably is I think he should retire because he no longer serves the public in their interest.”


But Issa isn’t done yet. He issued a subpoena to Jarvis on Wednesday demanding records including “all documents referring or relating to the National Park Service process for handling proposals for budget modifications related to sequestration.” Additional document requests will be coming later, his staff said.

In lambasting Jarvis’s handling of the shutdown, Issa cited a column in The Washington Times that quoted an anonymous “angry Park Service ranger” as saying that “we’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can.”

“If true, and I have no reason to doubt the truthfulness of that quote, it is indeed disgusting and despicable that the park service would do this,” Issa said at the hearing, being held jointly by his committee and natural resources.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...house-hearing-98389.html#ixzz2hxWAD35J/QUOTE]

Dude is a clown. We're having Memorial shutdown hearings over their own shutdown.

Issa is like that little kid who gets the claw toy and doesn't stop annoying you with it. forever.


California, get your shit together and get rid of Issa.

Asked if he thinks Jarvis should resign, Issa said: “Yes, I believe he should resign. But the better term probably is I think he should retire because he no longer serves the public in their interest.”

holy shit, this guy


Benghazi is old news. The new news is MemorialGate

oh right. i was listening to tea party radio and this guy was ranting about how it was obama playing political theater to barricade the memorials or something.

like i don't really know anyone who paid attention or really cared about that. however i do know of a lot of people who planned to visit national parks and couldn't because they were closed.

Issa is just such a bad person.

he represents a big chunk of california, from northern san diego, up to south parts of orange county, and out east to riverside and the kkk town of temecula.

so basically ravenholm. we don't go there anymore.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Hillary will be the Democrat's Reagan. Full shift in national ideology, able to push their party's cause forward.

Fraid not. Hilldawg needs to be an ideologue in order for her to be a leftist version of Reagan, but she's not. She's a corporate democrat, like Obama, but moreso. I think she'd be somewhere between Bubba and Obama.
Fraid not. Hilldawg needs to be an ideologue in order for her to be a leftist version of Reagan, but she's not. She's a corporate democrat, like Obama, but moreso. I think she'd be somewhere between Bubba and Obama.

Well we know Clinton was doing whatever he thought was required to stay in power. Remember in his time Republicans were getting a lot of traction with welfare abuse, so he did welfare reform. This was his theory on Democratic politics with the DLC.

Politicians are pretty nimble, if they are pushed one way or another by trends in the American electorate they'll be happy to oblige. Its more useful to ask where the country will be in 2016 than where Hillary Clinton will.
They'll try again in January/February. No worries!
Cruz and Lee will but it's hard to see the House doing this again man. Their loss is so magnanimous I can't see a Part II happening anytime soon.

I think the budget conference will simply give up before December 15th though. Ryan wants entitlement cuts without revenues, Obama wants revenues or else no entitlement cuts. What is there to negotiate?


Cruz and Lee will but it's hard to see the House doing this again man. Their loss is so magnanimous I can't see a Part II happening anytime soon.

I think the budget conference will simply give up before December 15th though. Ryan wants entitlement cuts without revenues, Obama wants revenues or else no entitlement cuts. What is there to negotiate?
Defund Obamacare, derp
There will be plenty of deadlock to come, but I don't think they'll go as far as a shutdown again, even they can see how damaging it was to the Republican brand.


There will be plenty of deadlock to come, but I don't think they'll go as far as a shutdown again, even they can see how damaging it was to the Republican brand.
lol @ Lindsey Graham crying about the polls to Anderson Cooper.

He was like a little boy confiding in his mom when he was at his lowest.

All I know is the TP caucus has demonstrated they don't give a fuck about the polls, the economic security of this nation, logic, reason. And frankly they are so influential that they were able to keep the GOP vote last night <100 in the House which is PURE LUNACY. Despite their self-inflicted wound, a great deal of "moderate" non-Tea Party GOPers are still running scared from the death grip one little sect of the House can have on them at any given time apparently.

All they care about is gutting Obamacare and sticking it to that there negro in the White House. That's IT. That is their platform when you take away the smoke and mirrors.

I expect them to try this at least once more.


I'm really wondering when the rest of the world is going to have some volition reactions to our political system being so fucked up.
That too. Yeah we reopened the Government and raised the debt ceiling, but the way the Republicans attempt to dictate how we govern (or else they'll force a scorched earth) is reason enough for other countries to throw up their arms at some point and say "fuck this shit." This is not sustainable.
lol @ Lindsey Graham crying about the polls to Anderson Cooper.

He was like a little boy confiding in his mom when he was at his lowest.

All I know is the TP caucus has demonstrated they don't give a fuck about the polls, the economic security of this nation, logic, reason. And frankly they are so influential that they were able to keep the GOP vote last night <100 in the House which is PURE LUNACY. Despite their self-inflicted wound, a great deal of "moderate" non-Tea Party GOPers are still running scared from the death grip one little sect of the House can have on them at any given time apparently.

All they care about is gutting Obamacare and sticking it to that there negro in the White House. That's IT. That is their platform when you take away the smoke and mirrors.

I expect them to try this at least once more.

Dems care about our economic stability? lmao

How much debt has been incurred under Obama's watch? How many budgets were passed through Congress when Dems ran things? Did we do anything during the shutdown to stop the massive rise in our debt? Nope, we funded another gigantic entitlement program, we increased the debt ceiling ( as if this means anything at this point ), we increased government spending and hell dems wanted to end the budget cuts! lol.

Talk shit all day long about the Repubes, I could care less, but don't even sit back and try and start acting like Dems care at all anymore about our economy.
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