Shao Kahn on the Lawn
Dems care about our economic stability? lmao
How much debt has been incurred under Obama's watch? How many budgets were passed through Congress when Dems ran things? Did we do anything during the shutdown to stop the massive rise in our debt? Nope, we funded another gigantic entitlement program, we increased the debt ceiling ( as if this means anything at this point ), we increased government spending and hell dems wanted to end the budget cuts! lol.
Talk shit all day long about the Repubes, I could care less, but don't even sit back and try and start acting like Dems care at all anymore about our economy.
You're going to have a bad time if all you've got are regurgitated talking points from Fox News. Instead of asking how much debt was incurred under President Obama's watch, you need to be asking why debt would need to be incurred under President Obama's watch.
Private industry was paralyzed and the stock market was in freefall due to the 2008 financial crash. The government had to spend the money that private industry wasn't willing to spend.
As far as budgets go: Republicans have time and time again refused to come to the table and negotiate in good faith about passing a legitimate budget. President Obama isn't responsible for Republican obstructionism.
Furthermore, President Obama isn't wrong in saying that the federal deficit is declining at the fastest rate since World War 2.