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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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After the last debate, it was obvious this was coming. de Blasio so obviously outclasses Lhota as far as debate skills go that I'm shocked it took two debates for Lhota to implode. It took everything Lhota had not to do this during the last debate.

This is when I knew he imploded

Black and Hispanic People are Scary
-signed Lhota

I really want de Blasio to do good things and maybe even run for bigger office. They guy is great for progressivism.
This is when I knew he imploded

Black and Hispanic People are Scary
-signed Lhota

I really want de Blasio to do good things and maybe even run for bigger office. The guy is great for progressivism.

I agree. I've been reading a lot about how (granted, NYC is no barometer for the rest of the country politically) deBlasio is the first of many "new" Democrats who are owning their progressiveness rather than running from it and trying to burnish their "moderate cred" or whatever. Trying to be a moderate/conservative leaning Dem always drives me nuts because GOP voters will NEVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT ANYWAY.

What's great about this now, is due to the national coalition Obama's cobbled together, and then need to get those voters to turn out, it's become a necessity for Dem candidates to highlight their left leaning populism.
There would not have been a shutdown this time if Boehner had held a vote. Now that it's clear he is unwilling to shoot the hostage, why would there be another prolonged shutdown? This isn't like 1995/1996 where there was a relatively random shutdown over the budget. Republicans would essentially have to repeat their October farce: who thinks that would work?

Boehner is somehow stronger now than he was before the shutdown. Why would he allow his caucus to burn the country down in an election year lol?

Edit: also how will Boehner do anything without the GOP senate backing him up? McConnell gave him his chance and he failed. He's now on record saying there won't be another shutdown. That tells me that he's going to work out a plan with Reid faster next time.
How many teabaggers have said they're raring to go for round 2? Boehner is a fucking idiot who'd rather shore up his credentials with the tea party than legislate, it was the debt limit that forced his hand, not the shutdown. The GOP thinks the shutdown worked in their favor.

There's a strong contingency in the House that doesn't give two shits about what can pass in the Senate. You're giving Boehner way too much credit, he's shown repeatedly that he has no idea what he's doing. He could have fleeced Obama on entitlements and tax reform a long time ago if he was good at his job.
I agree. I've been reading a lot about how (granted, NYC is no barometer for the rest of the country politically) deBlasio is the first of many "new" Democrats who are owning their progressiveness rather than running from it and trying to burnish their "moderate cred" or whatever. Trying to be a moderate/conservative leaning Dem always drives me nuts because GOP voters will NEVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT ANYWAY.

What's great about this now, is due to the national coalition Obama's cobbled together, and then need to get those voters to turn out, it's become a necessity for Dem candidates to highlight their left leaning populism.

I see de Blasio as a post-Obama democrat. Obama is a bridge between clinton era democrats and the full embrace of the multi-ethnic progressive coalition the democratic base is becoming. Its a 2nd new deal coalition a really diverse base that for some odd reason isn't fighting among itself. Its really odd to see the base start to reclaim the government can be used for good. Its not going to renationalize industry, its not going to create another WPA but I see it instead using the government as a force that dips into certain parts of the economy to fix imbalances, settle disputes. Things like the Auto Bailout and stimulus will be models rather than trust busting or jobs programs.

I'm really interested to see how it hold up in the coming years. Right now its driving force is opposition to the destruction of the great society programs and a desire for a more inclusive society (gay marriage, immigration, women's rights, religious freedom). I think there are a lot of differences in things like foreign policy, taxes, government intervention that a newly re-branded republican party could split the base. Kind of how the conservative movement split the non-union working class from the unions and minorities in the 1980s.
How many teabaggers have said they're raring to go for round 2? Boehner is a fucking idiot who'd rather shore up his credentials with the tea party than legislate, it was the debt limit that forced his hand, not the shutdown. The GOP thinks the shutdown worked in their favor.

There's a strong contingency in the House that doesn't give two shits about what can pass in the Senate. You're giving Boehner way too much credit, he's shown repeatedly that he has no idea what he's doing. He could have fleeced Obama on entitlements and tax reform a long time ago if he was good at his job.

Weigel has got an article about some senate primary challengers pushing back against incumbent senators for going against cruz. I don't think the senate is ripe for them but I think your gonna see pressure in the districts to fight again. We might not see a shutdown but its gonna be brinkmanship that gets close. The house republicans are a scared bunch.


What are the tea party movement's demands?

Demands have to be relatively vague. That's how movements are built! End the War now! is a demand. The specifics are irrelevant. It's for the elite class cowering in fear to figure out how to appease popular movements.

Even if I were to concede this point (and I'm not sure I do), Occupy Wall Street was vague even by these relative standards. The focus on equality as a central concept, even vaguely, was not consistent.

If it focused on anything, it was that Wall Street is crooked. I agree, but it's not really a message that rallies people the way liberty does for Tea Party advocates. If OWS had instead focused on economic inequality, that may have produced better results. The issue certainly came up, but it wasn't the primary theme.
Even if I were to concede this point (and I'm not sure I do), Occupy Wall Street was vague even by these relative standards. The focus on equality as a central concept, even vaguely, was not consistent.

If it focused on anything, it was that Wall Street is crooked. I agree, but it's not really a message that rallies people the way liberty does for Tea Party advocates. If OWS had instead focused on economic inequality, that may have produced better results. The issue certainly came up, but it wasn't the primary theme.

Agreed. IMO, the lack of a central figure to clairify the movements position really hurt. It allowed the media to run with whatever some random on the front lines was spewing.

The whole 1% and 99% thing was too inclusive as well. When tea party members are a part of that percentage and they show up because they were also mad at the bank bailouts, you know there's a messaging issue since they would also vehemently disagree with the liberal movements solution to the problems being proposed.

It's a shame it was such a cluster fuck too. IIRC, they were opposed to various dems trying to co-op the movement at the time because they thought it was just being politically advantageous without any sincerity. While this might be the case, I think it would have helped legitimize the movement in the public eye as well as providing a central mouth piece.

The first comment . . .

geneww1938 • an hour ago
There are very few things more evil that the Clinton's [dozens die mysteriously, covered international drug distribution when governor ... adultery, absolute supporter of Islam's terrorists...] and that is who McAuliffe teams-up with. McAuliffe scamed how many with his 'green car' promises of jobs and investment returns.

In this war of evil versus reighteousness, I'll stick with the praying team of God honoring men!

Ken recieved my only monetary donation made since I retired in 1995! He, his family and supports must be bathed in prayer.
These people are insane. They are literally not in touch with reality. It is hard to reason with crazy.



The GOP is fucking stupid as all hell. Imagine if they win this suit. What is the outcome? All the blue states that run the exchanges get subsidies and all the red states do not. Well, what do you think happens next? If everyone in a red state must pay $300 if young and $1200 if an older couple, they're not going to buy. But they'll see that their healthcare is almost free in the blue states and all of a sudden you're going to see huge exodus out of Texas and into California.

Businesses will flock to blue states, quite obviously. What a competitive advantage this would be.

These people have no idea what they're doing.
Have they ever? All they need is a right-leaning judge ruling in favor of their tactics.

What are the chances of this getting to the SCOTUS?
Well.. that's pretty unfortunate for Cuccinelli. He's down 17 points now, and that's a Rasmussen poll.
If we believe actual pollsters, McAuliffe only has a 9 point lead. But it's fun to flaunt Rasmussen when they show bonkers polling numbers that have the Dem leading huge. I liked when they had Tammy Baldwin leading by 7 a couple months before the election when everyone was showing her down, and then she won by that many (of course, their polls right before the election had her losing).
If we believe actual pollsters, McAuliffe only has a 9 point lead. But it's fun to flaunt Rasmussen when they show bonkers polling numbers that have the Dem leading huge. I liked when they had Tammy Baldwin leading by 7 a couple months before the election when everyone was showing her down, and then she won by that many (of course, their polls right before the election had her losing).

Rasmussen 2-month preview polls are accurate confirmed


If we believe actual pollsters, McAuliffe only has a 9 point lead. But it's fun to flaunt Rasmussen when they show bonkers polling numbers that have the Dem leading huge. I liked when they had Tammy Baldwin leading by 7 a couple months before the election when everyone was showing her down, and then she won by that many (of course, their polls right before the election had her losing).

Didn't PPP show roughly the same margin when they polled early voters?
Little tidbit from the last WaPo poll that had Dems up 8 on the generic ballot

Republicans hold an 8-point lead in districts they control, compared to Democrats’ 30-point lead in their districts. An 8-point lead might not seem all that bad. But consider that we’re talking about all GOP districts here, the vast majority of which are very conservative and not at any risk of switching control.
The average Republican-held district went for Romney 59 to 41, an 18 point lead. By contrast, the average Democrat-held district went for Obama 66-34, a 32 point lead. The generic ballot shift is happening entirely within GOP-held districts. Any incumbent who won by less than 10 points should be feeling the heat right now.

bonercop said:
Didn't PPP show roughly the same margin when they polled early voters?
Yeah but early voters have favored Democrats recently. One thing that stood out was how Sarvis (the libertarian candidate), who's been polling in the high single digits, only got 3% of the early vote. I wouldn't be surprised if his support evaporated by election day.

The GOP is fucking stupid as all hell. Imagine if they win this suit. What is the outcome? All the blue states that run the exchanges get subsidies and all the red states do not. Well, what do you think happens next? If everyone in a red state must pay $300 if young and $1200 if an older couple, they're not going to buy. But they'll see that their healthcare is almost free in the blue states and all of a sudden you're going to see huge exodus out of Texas and into California.

Businesses will flock to blue states, quite obviously. What a competitive advantage this would be.

These people have no idea what they're doing.

In other news: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/10/21/why-obamacare-is-fantastic-success/


It has never worked like this. People weren't flocking to MA or Vermont for healthcare, nor are they flocking to states with the best public schools. Purposely screwing your state out of subsidies is meant to do one thing: ensure people in the state never support a national overhaul of healthcare again. Some will blame their state for being shitty, but a whole lot will automatically blame Obama and the ACA.

It's clear that the Medicaid expansion is a great idea, and I'm sure there are plenty of poor people who would vote for state candidates who support it. So if you're a republican, your best course of action is to ruin the law as much as possible and hope that kills any chance that people will support the law.

Which...is why I simply would not have opened exchanges in most states that refused to set up exchanges.


It has never worked like this. People weren't flocking to MA or Vermont for healthcare, nor are they flocking to states with the best public schools. Purposely screwing your state out of subsidies is meant to do one thing: ensure people in the state never support a national overhaul of healthcare again. Some will blame their state for being shitty, but a whole lot will automatically blame Obama and the ACA.

It's clear that the Medicaid expansion is a great idea, and I'm sure there are plenty of poor people who would vote for state candidates who support it. So if you're a republican, your best course of action is to ruin the law as much as possible and hope that kills any chance that people will support the law.

Which...is why I simply would not have opened exchanges in most states that refused to set up exchanges.
This is what it boils down to:

The law says subsidies may be given "through an exchange established by the state," not through one set up by the federal government, a point that the suit emphasizes.
So it is kind of confusing. Are they saying they, being [red state], have the right to create their own marketplace without subsidies since the federal government is intruding on their rights?
Seriously now . . . the paranoid conspiracy segment on the right continues to grow.

I mean I can see reasonable arguments . . . the ACA won't control costs, not enough young people will sign up, it is too complex, etc. But this "It's a Marxist-plot!" stuff is just off the chart crazy.

And the really annoying thing is that they never learn. The exact same arguments were made about Medicare


This person isn't even trying hard anymore. He's just throwing up whatever crap he can think of. How Christian...

It's nothing new. I remember hearing the same rumblings last year.

But it is certainly delicious to have Glenn Beck bringing it back up and using it to attack Grover Norquist.

I listened to Glenn Beck last week for a hoot (man, it is crazy sad stuff) but one of things he was yammering about was 'defund the GOP'. They were pushing that the GOP sucks and only guys like Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert were still good.
If we believe actual pollsters, McAuliffe only has a 9 point lead. But it's fun to flaunt Rasmussen when they show bonkers polling numbers that have the Dem leading huge. I liked when they had Tammy Baldwin leading by 7 a couple months before the election when everyone was showing her down, and then she won by that many (of course, their polls right before the election had her losing).

The Libertarian candidate receiving ten percent of the vote is pretty improbable.. and the government shutdown hurt Virginia much more than other states because of the huge amount of military bases. In the Hampton Roads area, the shutdown could have long-term repercussions on the local economy. This absolutely hurts Cuccinelli, who spent a great deal of time as Attorney General in a fruitless effort to thwart the ACA.

Quinnipiac is much more reliable than Rasmussen, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the polling trends even more toward McAullife's direction between now and the election. The Republicans, between nominating an ultra-conservative and the government shutdown, have conceded this race and it will be very interesting to see how they fare next year.



Unless I can't read it looks like the federal government does indeed have the authority to establish an exchange if the state fails to do so. There is NOTHING preventing states from establishing their own exchanges, they just cannot be forced to.

Unless I can't read it looks like the federal government does indeed have the authority to establish an exchange if the state fails to do so. There is NOTHING preventing states from establishing their own exchanges, they just cannot be forced to.

I think the issue are not the exchanges, but rather the subsidies for plans offered by the federal exchanges.


Right. Someone posted a separate article on what Kansas was doing the other week. They basically think that by not setting up the exchange that their citizens can't opt into ACA.
They can think what they want but that doesn't make any sense. By not setting up the exchange the federal government is permitted to, what I highlighted establishes that, so equating that to invalidating subsidies or barring access to exchanges altogether seems like a non-starter.


It's like they don't learn anything.

U.S. House Republicans commit to delay of Obamacare tax provision

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republican leaders said on Wednesday they were committed to delaying a tax penalty provision in the health care law and would use oversight powers to hold President Barack Obama's administration "accountable" for problems with its launch.

Republican leaders have complained about a lack of transparency surrounding problems with the launch of the government run health care insurance exchanges on October 1, saying that House Democrats were briefed by administration officials, but Republicans were not.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said on Wednesday that Republicans would seek to delay a requirement of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as "Obamacare," that all Americans obtain health insurance or face a tax penalty starting next year - at least until questions over the rollout of the Healthcare.gov website and detrimental effects of the law can be cleared up.

"The rollout of Obamacare is nothing short of a debacle, and the American people are now fearful of their healthcare," Cantor told reporters after a meeting with House Republicans. "With so many unanswered questions and the problems arising around this rollout, it doesn't make any sense to impose this one percent mandate tax on the American people."

Republicans have opposed the healthcare law, Obama's signature domestic policy achievement, on grounds that it is an unwarranted expansion of the federal government.

House Speaker John Boehner said that Republicans would use their oversight powers to conduct hearings into problems with the main federal insurance exchange website, as well as other problems with the law, including reports that it is causing employers to drop their own health care plans.

"Whether it's Obamacare or issues with the Department of Defense, It's our job to hold them accountable. And when it comes to Obamacare, there's a lot to be held accountable," Boehner said.

He said the party would continue to press for government spending cuts, despite House Republicans' failure to halt funding for Obamacare in a fight this month over a government shutdown and the federal debt limit.

Keep fucking that chicken and beating that horse dead.


They are, and they aren't the only ones. They won't give up until they can make the law worthless. I hope all of their efforts fail, be it from the legislative side in Congress or states lawyering up and taking specific provisions of the law to court in hopes of them getting struck down.

They won't let up.
They can think what they want but that doesn't make any sense. By not setting up the exchange the federal government is permitted to, what I highlighted establishes that, so equating that to invalidating subsidies or barring access to exchanges altogether seems like a non-starter.

I think the thought (GOP hope) is that the exchanges and the subsidies to help pay for them are different/legally separate, and that the authority for the exchanges and creating them doesn't automatically follow that the subsidies are available for them (unless there's language elsewhere that does indeed "clarify" that part).

Keep in mind, i agree, its ridiculous and under normal circumstances should be a non-starter. however, we are dealing with crazy.
Any chance of Beck, Hannity, Rush, Levin, or Savage ever endorsing Libertarian candidates? They seem fed up enough to do it, and they could get a nice chunk of the base to go along.

It'd be glorious.
Any chance of Beck, Hannity, Rush, Levin, or Savage ever endorsing Libertarian candidates? They seem fed up enough to do it, and they could get a nice chunk of the base to go along.

It'd be glorious.

ANYTHING that speeds up the death of the GOP is fine by me.

The faster we get rid of these walking sacks of diarrhea the better.


Any chance of Beck, Hannity, Rush, Levin, or Savage ever endorsing Libertarian candidates? They seem fed up enough to do it, and they could get a nice chunk of the base to go along.

It'd be glorious.

What's funny is how much most of those guys LOATHE the most libertarian of the GOP, Ron Paul.
ANYTHING that speeds up the death of the GOP is fine by me.

The faster we get rid of these walking sacks of diarrhea the better.
I see the GOP surviving if it happened.

Tea Partiers go Libertarian > Democrats dominate elections > Democrats move left > moderate Democrats switch to GOP > balance between Democrats and Republicans returns

Unless the imbalance somehow unexpectedly leads to electoral reform, which allows third parties to survive. Then the Greens will rise alongside the Libertarians! (I wish.)
I see the GOP surviving if it happened.

Tea Partiers go Libertarian > Democrats dominate elections > Democrats move left > moderate Democrats switch to GOP > balance between Democrats and Republicans returns

Unless the imbalance somehow unexpectedly leads to electoral reform, which allows third parties to survive. Then the Greens will rise alongside the Libertarians! (I wish.)

that's still an ultimately better outcome, especially because this would also require the GOP to move left
Any chance of Beck, Hannity, Rush, Levin, or Savage ever endorsing Libertarian candidates? They seem fed up enough to do it, and they could get a nice chunk of the base to go along.

It'd be glorious.

Nope. At the end of the day they cherish the "power" of threatening to leave the party. All of them get some pretty big interviews with republicans...would that continue if they fucked over the party by joining some fringe party? I'm not sure.

It's also worth noting that most of them truly don't care whether the GOP wins elections or not. Does anyone think Rush Limbaugh gives a shit about gay marriage, or that if Glenn Beck could have controlled who won the 2012 election he would not have selected Obama? Being in the minority breeds the fear that translates into money for them.
Nope. At the end of the day they cherish the "power" of threatening to leave the party. All of them get some pretty big interviews with republicans...would that continue if they fucked over the party by joining some fringe party? I'm not sure.

It's also worth noting that most of them truly don't care whether the GOP wins elections or not. Does anyone think Rush Limbaugh gives a shit about gay marriage, or that if Glenn Beck could have controlled who won the 2012 election he would not have selected Obama? Being in the minority breeds the fear that translates into money for them.

I do wonder how the politicians not know they're getting played.

I could understand the constiuents, their dumb as fucking rocks, well the GOP is too, but still.
This person isn't even trying hard anymore. He's just throwing up whatever crap he can think of. How Christian...


This kind of thing is so revealing. It reveals how much paranoia and mistrust they have. A mistrust fostered by the GOP and Fox News. Clearly this is drawing on the fake IRS scandal wherein there turned out to be nothing. They went after both Tea Party groups and liberal groups. There was nothing substantial to it at all. But just like the nonexistent WMDs, they believe that scandal was a big deal even though reality says otherwise.

And although there are reasons to be skeptical of government, this is not really one. If there was such bias, it would be investigated and gotten rid of. You could file a lawsuit, do a FOIA request, alert the media, etc. The people that are lying to them turns out to be Hannity and Fox.


This kind of thing is so revealing. It reveals how much paranoia and mistrust they have. A mistrust fostered by the GOP and Fox News. Clearly this is drawing on the fake IRS scandal wherein there turned out to be nothing. They went after both Tea Party groups and liberal groups. There was nothing substantial to it at all. But just like the nonexistent WMDs, they believe that scandal was a big deal even though reality says otherwise.

And although there are reasons to be skeptical of government, this is not really one. If there was such bias, it would be investigated and gotten rid of. You could file a lawsuit, do a FOIA request, alert the media, etc. The people that are lying to them turns out to be Hannity and Fox.

I was actually listening to Hannity last night and there was someone on there stating that, despite the website problems, the ACA website was getting better day by day, but both Hannity and the person against the ACA did their best to talk over that particular person.

It's an effective tactic, sure. Don't want an opposing viewpoint being heard? Do your best to drown it out with talking points and negativity. It's the adult equivalent to "LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALA"

The hypocrisy is stunning.

Senator Rand Paul joined Sean Hannity Tuesday night to react to the Obama administration’s attempts at spinning the disastrous Obamacare rollout. After Hannity played a montage of administration officials “in denial,” Paul observed that “liberals have no idea of how capitalism works.”

Hannity brought up the “propaganda ads” released by the White House, comparing them to “old former Soviet Union propaganda.” Paul pointed out that if it’s so good, “why do they have to advertise to get you to do it?”

Paul surmised that the administration is “deathly afraid” that young people won’t embrace the health care law. Hannity ran a montage of President Obama, Jay Carney, and Kathleen Sebelius “in denial” about the laws problems, and Paul took a swipe at the left for a fundamental misunderstanding they have about the economy.

“Liberals have no idea of how capitalism works. They have no idea why, when you go to Wal-Mart, products are cheap, how they get from one point to the other, and how they’re distributed in such a cheap fashion.”


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