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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Did Romney really win the nom cause of that "next-in-line" stuff? I mean, I know that's what the conventional wisdom appears to be, but personally it seemed pretty clear he won cause no matter how much everyone hated Romney, they hated the socialist Kenyan usurper even more so. And Mittens was the one in that gaggle of idiots that had the best possibility of accomplishing that goal.


No Scrubs
Did Romney really win the nom cause of that "next-in-line" stuff? I mean, I know that's what the conventional wisdom appears to be, but personally it seemed pretty clear he won cause no matter how much everyone hated Romney, they hated the socialist Kenyan usurper even more so. And Mittens was the one in that gaggle of idiots that had the best possibility of accomplishing that goal.

He won due in no small part to his ability to drown any competitor that looked like they had a chance in negative campaign ads. A big part was money and the fact his opponents kept imploding.
Did Romney really win the nom cause of that "next-in-line" stuff? I mean, I know that's what the conventional wisdom appears to be, but personally it seemed pretty clear he won cause no matter how much everyone hated Romney, they hated the socialist Kenyan usurper even more so. And Mittens was the one in that gaggle of idiots that had the best possibility of accomplishing that goal.
"Republican's fall in line, Democrats fall in love"

Its an axiom. Its just taken to be true because its easy to look back and go yeah even when candidates don't fit the mold Bush II fits that in my mind.

I think a more accurate depiction of that is that in the recent past during the modern-day primary system (Post 68) establishment Republicans have been better at mollifying their base to select their preferred candidate while democrats have a base that was more willing to go with a underdog and ideological liberal.
I guess the movie would focus on Romney? Paul Ryan isn't as interesting as Sarah Palin.
Don't know the content of the book. My guess it would be focused around the primaries, 47% and Denver (maybe sandy too?) moments seeing both campaigns responding to things seemingly out of their control.



Interesting article. I learned a bit more about venture capital, which seems like something we should support more instead of simply focusing on the stock market like we are doing... but hey, the stock market is easier and less risky. But man, 70% is tied up in 3 cities? That seems like a lot of opportunities being missed.
VCs are pretty damn awful, and I say it as someone who directly benefited mightily from that model.
The problem is that it gives "business people" great influence on companies that don't really understand, also, that money tend to be twitchy, short term focused and greedy.

The one good thing about VCs is that on the macro level it amounts to wealth transfer from old money to generally poorer (but by no mean poor) people, but it's not a good way to run an industry.


VCs are pretty damn awful, and I say it as someone who directly benefited mightily from that model.
The problem is that it gives "business people" great influence on companies that don't really understand, also, that money tend to be twitchy, short term focused and greedy.

The one good thing about VCs is that on the macro level it amounts to wealth transfer from old money to generally poorer (but by no mean poor) people, but it's not a good way to run an industry.

I guess I was picturing something that made more sense in my my head, like VCs finding a company, investing it in for the long term, letting them do their own thing, and reaping profits because they invested in a good company with a good business model and it paid off.

I guess I shouldnt be surprised that rich business VCs think they know how to do things better than everyone else, and then fuck things up in the process. Oh well...

I remember reading on bloomberg about it is important for SK to reform their business structure to let in more little guys and not have the big guys dominate (makes sense), but then he goes off on how the chaebols (sp?) need to reform to give shareholders more power, and I was thinking to myself, why the fuck would you want that?


Every time I turn on the news... every.single.time they are talking about healthcare.gov.

It HAS to be operational by the 15th. It just has to. Anyone else thinking this is really gonna put the Senate up for grabs next year? The botched rollout combined with dropped policies, typical GOP hysteria, etc. makes for a dismal outlook politically for Dems.
CNN compares "If you like your insurance, you can keep it." to "Read my lips: No New Taxes", "Mission Accomplished", and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Good thing or bad thing?
:( no third term

Yeah the media wants it to be. It could be but I still think its too early. All of those things really did lasting damage I don't think its justified to say this is yet, We still had a senator elected in NJ supporting the law, we'll get a VA gov who supported next week, we're not seeing any effect down ticket yet and the 2014 election won't be affected by a few bad months, it will be effected by the prices and plans that people are getting. Its not doing damage yet. If the website gets up and running and people like the prices and coverage I think its gonna be a lot harder to run these anecdotes because people will themselves or know people who are benefiting. The website needs to work by the end of the month.

People still vote based on other things, and the GOP can't just run on repealing the law next year. the majority of voters want it expanded or reformed, not repealed.


This must be why it is so hard to get progress on social change: the easy dissemination and believability of FUD.

The NYT printed this today, in relation to the ENDA vote being held on monday:

While opposition appears less organized than in previous gay rights debates in Congress, senators of both parties said the emotion surrounding the issue had complicated efforts to break a Republican filibuster attempt.

One senator recalled having to explain to a colleague that the legislation would not, in fact, require insurance companies to pay for sex-change operations. Another spoke of phone calls from constituents who were convinced that their children could be taught in school by men wearing dresses. And conservative groups like the Family Research Council are warning their supporters that the bill would force Christian bookstores to hire drag queens.


I really hope that one or two more GOP senators will have the courage to come forward and break the filibuster-proof majority.
This must be why it is so hard to get progress on social change: the easy dissemination and believability of FUD.

The NYT printed this today, in relation to the ENDA vote being held on monday:


I really hope that one or two more GOP senators will have the courage to come forward and break the filibuster-proof majority.

Conservative 'media' is a fucking joke and should not be counted as news if they are able to spread such bullshit. Fox is the worst.
This must be why it is so hard to get progress on social change: the easy dissemination and believability of FUD.

The NYT printed this today, in relation to the ENDA vote being held on monday:


I really hope that one or two more GOP senators will have the courage to come forward and break the filibuster-proof majority.

This is the same kind of scare tactics they always use against civil rights legislation, they did it in the 60s, the 70s with the ERA, the 90s and 00s with gay marriage, now this. Progress marches on.
Every time I turn on the news... every.single.time they are talking about healthcare.gov.

It HAS to be operational by the 15th. It just has to. Anyone else thinking this is really gonna put the Senate up for grabs next year? The botched rollout combined with dropped policies, typical GOP hysteria, etc. makes for a dismal outlook politically for Dems.
CNN compares "If you like your insurance, you can keep it." to "Read my lips: No New Taxes", "Mission Accomplished", and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Good thing or bad thing?

I'm glad that Bush back-tracked on "no new taxes". I think this was over-optimistic political propaganda. So be it. Even if lots of people end up paying more for better insurance, it is much better for the country. That is money that stays within in the country paying domestic insurers and health providers instead of foreign-made products. That is a net good for the country even if people whine about it.





About a month ago, attorney Tom Dougall logged on to healthcare.gov to browse for cheaper insurance for him and his wife.

On Friday, the last thing he expected to hear on his voicemail was a man from North Carolina who says he can access all of Tom's personal information.

Dougall says he thought it was a scam until he realized his privacy had been breached.

"I believe somehow the ACA, the Healthcare website has sent me your information, is what it looks like," said Justin, a North Carolina man who could access Tom's information on healthcare.gov. "I think there's a problem with the wrong information getting to the wrong people."

At first, Dougall didn't know what to think.

"We received a phone call from a gentleman named Justin in North Carolina who informed me that he had gone on the healthcare.gov website and when he logged in under his log in and password, he received a document of all of my and my wife's personal information," Dougall said.

Dougall said he thought it was a ploy.

"Initially I was concerned because I didn't know if this was some guy who was scamming me or if in fact this was a guy who really had my personal information," he said.

Justin even provided proof, documents containing Tom's personal information and screen shots of the website.

"And you can see that he's actually signed in as Justin and it tells him he has notices about his marketplace eligibility and to download those and when he downloads it, the next screen shot shows him my personal information," he said.

Dougall said now Justin cannot sign up for the coverage he needs because he's been blocked by Tom's personal information.

"We're told constantly that it's a secure system and it's not, obviously," he said.

Having lived through one security breach in the State of South Carolina with the Department of Revenue, Dougall wonders what would happen if a professional hacker tried to log on.

"I tried to call healthcare.gov last night and they have no procedure whatsoever to handle security breaches," he said. "All they can do is try to sell you a policy."

Dougall has also contacted his Congressmen.

He says he's calling the Department of Health and Human Services directly on Monday.

"They're so concerned with trying to fix the problems they currently have that they refuse to acknowledge or won't acknowledge that there's been a major breach," he said.

In the meantime, Tom does not know how to secure his information.

"I think there's a problem with the wrong information getting to the wrong people," he said.

We reached out the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, they responded via email asking for more information about what happened to Tom and Justin,

They added consumers can call the toll free number or access the online chat tool that is available 24/7.

Welp. So much for healthcare.gov

Gg, Obamacare.



Because Obama lied and shitty health insurance policies died!

3.5mil having their policies dropped!

Honestly tho, turnout for the GOP in midterms is usually a force to be reckoned with by default; I just figure all this crap isn't helping. The website is just an embarrassment. :\


whyyyy did HHS let such clown devs work on this website.

why why why

I hope my AllClearID is protecting me, as I did register (although I can't get eligibility results, still).

Because Obama lied and shitty health insurance policies died!

3.5mil having their policies dropped!

Honestly tho, turnout for the GOP in midterms is usually a force to be reckoned with by default; I just figure all this crap isn't helping. The website is just an embarrassment. :\
2006 was a midterm which is why the GOP assumed they were safe.

The only two senators who need to win are Landrieu and Hagan.
Ugh. The more I think about it, no matter how justified the administrations excuses are, it's still pissing me off that the rollout was such a goddamn trainwreck. Our first shot at healthcare reform and we may be set back decades AGAIN because of media propaganda and people's inability to think critically OR rationally.


2006 was also when we had a Republican president who got us stuck in two unpopular wars.
Exactly. Apples and oranges.

Ugh. The more I think about it, no matter how justified the administrations excuses are, it's still pissing me off that the rollout was such a goddamn trainwreck. Our first shot at healthcare reform and we may be set back decades AGAIN because of media propaganda and people's inability to think critically OR rationally.
Well the rollout is not helping anything at all. But, long-term, premiums getting cancelled will be front and center along with possibly id theft if these stories go beyond one local news station and Heritage.


Ugh. The more I think about it, no matter how justified the administrations excuses are, it's still pissing me off that the rollout was such a goddamn trainwreck. Our first shot at healthcare reform and we may be set back decades AGAIN because of media propaganda and people's inability to think critically OR rationally.

In retrospect, it may have been smarter to do it as paper or phone only first. There might have been waiting at first, but it wouldn't let the silliness of the site = the entire thing happen.
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