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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Pay back subsidies?

I'm kind of ignorant on this situation. Anyone explain how that's bad, I've been out of the loop of the details for a good while now.


Pay back subsidies?

I'm kind of ignorant on this situation. Anyone explain how that's bad, I've been out of the loop of the details for a good while now.
"You no longer have health insurance and you have to pay back the government the full amount of the subsidy you got to get that insurance."


Pay back subsidies?

I'm kind of ignorant on this situation. Anyone explain how that's bad, I've been out of the loop of the details for a good while now.

One Gaffer, Black Mamba, told me it could amount to $12,000 for some families. That would certainly toss some of people back into poverty.

Democrats are fucked? Haha, no. If the Supreme Court screws this up the democrats will propose a very simple change and it will be struck down by republicans. Effectively shifting blame to the people responsible. Republicans will be fucked for a generation.

Would it truly screwed the Republican party? Hell, they shut down the government for a few weeks, and everyone seemed to have forgotten that. Now, the Democrats could hurt the Republican Party if they actually work together and got the message out, but recent Democrats are somewhat of a mess when it comes to messaging and advertising their strengths and their opponents' weaknesses, going by the Mid-Term election.
I agree about that red flag. This seems almost certain to go through given that weird move to take up a unanimous ruling. What other reason do they have?
I wish I had access to a database that I helped populate for a class in college. It was all the "metadata" for everything that was appealed up to the SCOTUS, including metadata for all the lower court decisions leading up to the appeal. So with it, I could give you precise statistics for the SC taking up unanimous appellate rulings within about 5 seconds.
I came across this Washingtonpost article, it was interesting.

I taught my black kids that their elite upbringing would protect them from discrimination. I was wrong.

It comes from the perspective of someone who had to deal with integration growing up, and the naive, sad lengths he as a parent went just to give his kids a childhood clean of bull.

1. Never run while in the view of a police officer or security person unless it is apparent that you are jogging for exercise, because a cynical observer might think you are fleeing a crime or about to assault someone.

2. Carry a small tape recorder in the car, and when you are the driver or passenger (even in the back seat) and the vehicle has been stopped by the police, keep your hands high where they can be seen, and maintain a friendly and non-questioning demeanor.

3. Always zip your backpack firmly closed or leave it in the car or with the cashier so that you will not be suspected of shoplifting.

4. Never leave a shop without a receipt, no matter how small the purchase, so that you can’t be accused unfairly of theft.

5. If going separate ways after a get-together with friends and you are using taxis, ask your white friend to hail your cab first, so that you will not be left stranded without transportation.

6. When unsure about the proper attire for a play date or party, err on the side of being more formal in your clothing selection.

7. Do not go for pleasure walks in any residential neighborhood after sundown, and never carry any dark-colored or metallic object that could be mistaken as a weapon, even a non-illuminated flashlight.

8. If you must wear a T-shirt to an outdoor play event or on a public street, it should have the name of a respected and recognizable school emblazoned on its front.

9. When entering a small store of any type, immediately make friendly eye contact with the shopkeeper or cashier, smile, and say “good morning” or “good afternoon.”

Well, that was wonderfully depressing.


Jesus fucking Christ.

Roberts can't be that fucking stupid, can he?
Is it really a matter of stupidity? More like being heartless.

The three hardcore conservatives plus Kennedy. All they need now is Roberts. I don't see how the subsidies survive unless Roberts turns heel again.
Well it could also be two liberals and two conservatives -- the liberals just as eager to rule on it in hopes they can put to rest this stupid argument over the exchanges.
This picture is ridiculous . . . the plant behind her makes it look like she has green Bozo the clown hair.

Obama better make sure she's confirmed before January. The white resentment game is gearing up as we speak.

She attended an elementary school with mostly white students, and recalled scoring high on a standardized test. Administrators demanded the young Ms. Lynch retake it, she said.

Ms. Lynch's mother fought back, saying the score wouldn't have been questioned if her daughter was white. Ultimately, Ms. Lynch took the test again and, to her mother's "great delight," scored even higher, she said.

Before Ms. Lynch was named to the top job, she was tapped to join a career-making or -breaking prosecution: the Abner Louima police-brutality case.
In August 1997, Mr. Louima was sodomized with a stick in the bathroom of a Brooklyn precinct, according to testimony at the trial.

Mr. Louima, a Haitian immigrant, was in the precinct because he had been charged with assaulting an officer.

Officer Justin Volpe pleaded guilty to the attack on Mr. Louima midway through the trial and received a 30-year prison sentence. Other officers were convicted of lesser charges and still others were acquitted.
One Gaffer, Black Mamba, told me it could amount to $12,000 for some families. That would certainly toss some of people back into poverty.

Just to be clear metatarsal pointed out that the it's can waive it.

Not convinced Kennedy will go against the ruling. He may have been against the mandate be that doesn't mean he will invalidate something for a typo. He is not scalia whose sole agenda is to push conservative ideology no matter what


Just to be clear metatarsal pointed out that the it's can waive it.

Not convinced Kennedy will go against the ruling. He may have been against the mandate be that doesn't mean he will invalidate something for a typo. He is not scalia whose sole agenda is to push conservative ideology no matter what

Then why grant cert?
Bev Perdue (former Gov of NC, D) tweeted this

No high-profile Dem to run against Burr in 2016 they say? Hmmmmm

PPP seems happy

@GovBevPerdue you go girl!

I'm not so sure. Perdue left with pretty bad approval ratings - that's why she retired rather than run for re-election. But maybe they've polled a Perdue-Burr match-up that looks pretty good for Democrats.

Edit: Nevermind it's a parody account


Bev Perdue (former Gov of NC, D) tweeted this

PPP seems happy

I'm not so sure. Perdue left with pretty bad approval ratings - that's why she retired rather than run for re-election. But maybe they've polled a Perdue-Burr match-up that looks pretty good for Democrats.

Edit: Nevermind it's a parody account

She also left office as one of the most unlikes governors in theca country. Also, who creates a Bev Perdue parody account?

Also, PPP released this poll:



Net Approval

Chuck Grassley (Iowa)

59/28 (+31)

Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut)

54/32 (+22)

Mike Crapo (Idaho)

48/29 (+19)

Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire)

49/32 (+17)

John Boozman (Arkansas)

40/27 (+13)

Jerry Moran (Kansas)

43/30 (+13)

Mark Kirk (Illinois)

38/28 (+10)

Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)

46/38 (+8)

Rand Paul (Kentucky)

43/36 (+7)

Johnny Isakson (Georgia)

39/33 (+6)

Richard Burr (North Carolina

33/28 (+5)

Marco Rubio (Florida)

40/41 (-1)

Michael Bennet (Colorado)

30/35 (-5)

-There are a lot of voters with no opinion about some of these Senators, which makes some of them very susceptible to having their fate decided by the wave if there is either a strong Democratic or Republican year in 2016. More than 30% of voters say they have no opinion about Boozman, Kirk, Burr, and Bennet. Given the Arkansas results Tuesday it's hard to see Boozman vulnerable under any circumstance. But Kirk and Burr may have trouble given their low profiles if it's a strong Democratic year, and the same goes for Bennet if it's a strong Republican year.

-Most of the attention related to Marco Rubio and 2016 has been the potential for him to run for President, but reelection to the Senate in Florida for him is not a guarantee. We've consistently found voters pretty evenly divided in their feelings about him and even though he won by a huge margin in 2010 it should be remembered that a lot of that had to do with there being functionally two Democratic candidates. If he runs again and Democrats put forth a strong candidate it could get interesting.

-Although we haven't done an extensive public poll lately in Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin we have over time found approval ratings for Harry Reid, Rob Portman, Pat Toomey, and Ron Johnson that have suggested they could be vulnerable depending on the political climate and the opposition they draw.


Totally unsurprised. Many, many people are utterly unable to see the negative consequences of bad policy to themselves until it affects them directly. Just like how that Ohio senator only started supporting gay marriage until after his son came out as gay.

It's a certain party's empathy problem.


Because this surprises no-one with any foresight:

Texas Voter ID Law: "Now that its happened to me...

No sympathy. If these people were committed to the franchise, then they would comply with the sensible and common-sense safeguards in place to protect the integrity of the vote.

Y'all need to come to terms that it is within each State's right to infringe upon a citizen's constitutional right to vote, because reasons.

Personally, I think Texas new rules don't go far enough. The staff at the DMV should require prospective applicants for voter ID to jump through an actual hoop, pictured below. It's the only way we can be certain to separate the legitimate voters from the fraudsters.

Marco Rubio has bad approval ratings because he's an insensitive and insane asshole. He's got Republican Presidential Nominee written all over him.


No sympathy. If these people were committed to the franchise, then they would comply with the sensible and common-sense safeguards in place to protect the integrity of the vote.

Y'all need to come to terms that it is within each State's right to infringe upon a citizen's constitutional right to vote, because reasons.

Personally, I think Texas new rules don't go far enough. The staff at the DMV should require prospective applicants for voter ID to jump through an actual hoop, pictured below. It's the only way we can be certain to separate the legitimate voters from the fraudsters.


Flaming hoops or bust. We know no one will perform voter fraud if they have to leap through fire.

Just to be clear metatarsal pointed out that the it's can waive it.

Not convinced Kennedy will go against the ruling. He may have been against the mandate be that doesn't mean he will invalidate something for a typo. He is not scalia whose sole agenda is to push conservative ideology no matter what

When should we expect an official ruling to occur?
LOL at Vietnam. What a waste of time, money, and lives that war was. Just let them be communist and they'll figure it out on their own. Venezuela will eventually learn the same lesson.

More curious as to how japan managed to get those numbers. Guess it has something to do with the number of retired folk.

Your quasi-daily reminder that Democrat’s, at least on taxation are basically European conservatives.


I'd rather interpret that as "democrats: more right wing than UKIP". But i'm an optimist.


Just caught that bit on the latest Bill Maher episode, where he compared quotes on climate change between the outgoing senate democrats vs incoming senate republicans.

Sweet jesus. Welp.







From local news (San Antonio, TX) op-ed:

State must take interest in turnout

There is something fundamentally wrong with Texas if its elections turn out only 33 percent of those registered to vote, figures taken from unofficial results on the Secretary of State’s website on Thursday.

Worse, that likely represents less than a quarter of the state’s voting age population.


Right; not everyone who is registered even bothers to vote, but you can’t vote without it. So, the state Legislature can:

-Consider online registration. Voting among youth a problem? Where online registration exists, youth are most likely to use it. At least 19 states have it or are in the process of implementing it. This allows voters to update their status themselves. Efforts to get this going in Texas have faltered.

-Make registration permanent or portable. A centralized statewide voter registration system will be necessary, but this will allow a person’s registration to be valid when moving within the state.

-Implement automatic voter registration. In other words, there is an opt-out but opt-in is automatic where a government service or agency can verify a person’s residence and eligibility. This is allegedly happening in Texas, though we have doubts. What’s not happening, apparently, is automatic electronic transfer to proper election authorities.

-Pre-register 16- and 17-year-olds, meaning registration and eligibility kick in immediately at 18.

-Create same-day registration. Where election booths are set up, also have tables and workers available to register people to vote. At least 13 states have this and voting turnout in those states makes Texas’ numbers look pathetic.


The state has claimed that voter ID and registration restrictions are not about voter suppression.

So, prove it.

No effort to reform elections when the Legislature returns next year will tell Texans all they need to know.

Thought it was a good read.


End of June at the latest.
That's a big gap. Given how quickly they decided to take up the case (pretty unprecedented I'd say, when you figure it's rare for this to occur even with a complete lack of urgency) I wonder if that implies they will rule on it faster as well.
Your quasi-daily reminder that Democrat’s, at least on taxation are basically European conservatives.


I think the wording of the question inflates the dems numbers with the 'conservative argument'

"duty?" that's where they hang up is. IMO. And the entire question is weird. "Which has a stronger moral argument"? one argument is anti-tax and seems to set up the idea taxes are theft. I don't think 70 % of republicans or 37% of democrats are anti-tax and don't see it has necessary and moral.

The entire question is bunk because the arguments and rhetoric in the different countries are completely different. You also have in the US much more of a penchant for providing welfare through tax rebates. which functionally can be the same as transfer payments but set up a different though process on these type of questions.

Democrats are to closer to the conservatives than labor but they're not the same
That's a big gap. Given how quickly they decided to take up the case (pretty unprecedented I'd say, when you figure it's rare for this to occur even with a complete lack of urgency) I wonder if that implies they will rule on it faster as well.

No. There actually isn't much time left to schedule slots for cases, anymore. They're going to hear this case and rule around May or June, not earlier.


A message from your next failed Senate candidate in Florida:

“But the electoral success we have when our presidential nominee is able to make a case to the country as a whole doesn’t translate to other elections. That’s why we lost in 2010. And it’s why we lost on Tuesday. We’ve got to do better.”

Wasserman Schultz said the DNC would form a committee of “key party stakeholders and experts” to conduct an “examination of what went wrong” and how Democrats can do a better job of “connecting in midterm elections.”

The review would be a “top-to-bottom assessment of how we can do better in future midterm elections like these,” she said.

Wasserman Schultz said the results of the study would be released by early next year, before the DNC’s annual winter meeting.


No. There actually isn't much time left to schedule slots for cases, anymore. They're going to hear this case and rule around May or June, not earlier.

June is when the last court decisions come down, right? SCOTUS loves dropping that one last turd before summer break.


No. There actually isn't much time left to schedule slots for cases, anymore. They're going to hear this case and rule around May or June, not earlier.
It's so rare for them to take up cases in these circumstances... it's hard to feel confident about them upholding the law (well, the part that keeps it solvent and doesn't fuck over policyholders)


Florida is pretty much blue but the democratic party here is piss poor, scott won because of shitty turn out in miami dade and broward county. They neglected that. They need to start building a bench they have 2016 senate, 2018 gov and senate (if nelson retires). Murphy is a good guy to run in 2018 if nelson retires even if he's a former republican (he never ran as one but was in his 20s) and pretty right leaning, he has room to move to the left as the state becomes more blue. They also need to start putting more focus on the state house, the GOP has a super majority now. and all the cabinet level offices. The GOP has some great candidates in Adam Putnam and the CFO (blanking on a name) for either senate or gov in 2018. The whipeout here hurt a lot and set this party back badly.


Oh wow, this is fucking rich:

The Republican Party must be the champion of those who seek to climb the economic ladder of life.

Low-income Americans are hardworking people who want to become hard-working middle-income Americans. Middle-income Americans want to become upper-middle-income, and so on. We need to help everyone make it in America.

We have to blow the whistle at corporate malfeasance and attack corporate welfare. We should speak out when a company liquidates itself and its executives receive bonuses but rank-and-file workers are left unemployed. We should speak out when CEOs receive tens of millions of dollars in retirement packages but middle-class workers have not had a meaningful raise in years.
Where is this Republican party? I didn't see it on the 4th. This "project" sure had nothing to do with their midterm successes!
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