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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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My dad was born in 1922. (He was 65 when I was born.) He grew up during the Depression. He was a man who never got mad. If you wanted to listen to him bitch, though, just mention Hoover.
It wasn't really Hoover's fault though, the bubble was inflated during the Coolidge years. After it burst he actually chose stimulus spending with big public works projects like the Hoover Dam; FDR carried that strategy forward.


After it burst he actually chose stimulus spending with big public works projects
Good reason to hate him for making people poorer then huh.

Especially since he signed Smoot–Hawley while opposing it. Just like a later failed Republican President.
It wasn't really Hoover's fault though, the bubble was inflated during the Coolidge years. After it burst he actually chose stimulus spending with big public works projects like the Hoover Dam; FDR carried that strategy forward.

This is true. However, he experienced it through a child's eyes. Hoover and his administration is what turned him into a life long Democrat. Well, that and FDR. I can only imagine the transition during that time. My dad grew up in the Appalachian part of Ohio. His family was super poor, but my grandmother refused to not let him go to school. Without the provisions of the New Deal, though, I have no idea what would have happened to him and his family.
It wasn't really Hoover's fault though, the bubble was inflated during the Coolidge years. After it burst he actually chose stimulus spending with big public works projects like the Hoover Dam; FDR carried that strategy forward.

And Coolidge is originally from Vermont...Hmm...


Without the provisions of the New Deal, though, I have no idea what would have happened to him and his family.
Considering the New Deal didn't do much of anything positive for people who weren't large firms or cartels, probably nothing different.
People talk about the New Deal like it was just one thing.

It was hundreds of things. Some were really good ideas, and some were really bad ideas.

Beware of two kinds of people. First, the ones who think the New Deal unambiguously saved the country, and therefore we should embrace any and all socialist government programs. Second, the ones who think the New Deal was unambiguously a disaster and prolonged the Great Depression, and therefore we shouldn't even try things like stimulus spending. Especially the ones who trot out that "We have tried spending..." quote.
Considering the New Deal didn't do much of anything positive for people who weren't large firms or cartels, probably nothing different.

I disagree, although I get your point.

My grandfather was a farmer. So, the AAA wasn't as helpful as it could/should have been, although they and another family did receive a few grants to help offset irrigation and whatnot. However, he passed away in 1941/2 (I don't remember the date) when my dad was working several hundred miles away on the railroad. He had volunteered for service, but wasn't fit because he had been injured when he was a kid. (He also fell of a train later, but whatever...) Without SS, my grandmother would have been in dire straights. I agree that WW2 was probably a bigger boom for the average person than the immediate effects of the New Deal. I still think the New Deal was incredibly important.

Interestingly, I have my dad's original social security card. It was one of the first issued in Scioto County.
Good reason to hate him for making people poorer then huh.

Especially since he signed Smoot–Hawley while opposing it. Just like a later failed Republican President.

Y'know, this actually got me to look at the reasons for the american depression of 20-21.
Wiki had this section
Monetary policy

Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz, in A Monetary History of the United States, consider mistakes in Federal Reserve policy as a key factor in the crisis. In response to post–World War I inflation the Federal Reserve Bank of New York began raising interest rates sharply. In December 1919 the rate was raised from 4.75% to 5%. A month later it was raised to 6% and in June 1920 it was raised to 7% (the highest interest rates of any period except the 1970s and early 1980s).

I'm like "hrm, 7% was considered high?" and decided to have a look at my country's.
The lowest it has ever been at during the last 20 years was 7,12%. Usually in the 20's. Sometimes in the 40's.
Fun times.
I would think millions gaining employment through things like the wpa during the worst economic depression in history benefited more than just large firms and cartels

like, what. I thought u were an instructor mr pwns
Not even on the top ten list of issues I even remotely care about. I have no problem with people who smoke it. However, it's not an issue of relevance for me, to be frank.

I do care about it because no one, should be facing any sanctions for smoking weed, let alone serving jail time, and incurring a criminal record that will likely have a devastating effect on ones life prospects. It is ridiculous that the far more destructive alcohol is legal, and marijuana isn't.

Yes, fine, he was right about Iraq. However, what did he do about it other than what he always does? (i.e. Scream about his rightness). The vote for military authorization in Iraq was not a de facto vote for war. She has admitted it was a mistake. She has apologized for it. The benefit of being a back bencher is that your votes only come to light when it's convenient...such as voting against the Brady Bill on five instances.

He also voted for the entirely justified, life saving, intervention in Kosovo, so to say that his judgement on foreign policy is anything but, very carefully considered, is entirely without merit, and I would sleep very soundly at night, if he were our Commander In Chief.

As far as being Secretary of State, she made great changes within the department. She focused on women and LGBT rights both at State and around the world. She was the most travelled Secretary of State in our history. She came to the position at a time when our global standing had been trashed by the Bush years. She was responsible for salvaging the Turkey-Armenian Accord. Her type of diplomacy helped to stabilize relationships, and she was an integral part of the Obama Administration. So there are some achievements for you.

The Turkey and the who accord? Oh Armenia, the country that has a population smaller (<3m) than 3/5 of the States in America (source). It's o.k. though Adan, you actually did better than Hillary, as she couldn't name a single achievement!

As for the healthcare bill, no it didn't pass. However, she was out there fighting for it and, ya, she took some lumps. She took what she learned and helped craft CHIP. When she was pushing for Hillarycare, she didn't have the same political clout as she would have being President. There were legal questions as to whether she could even lead the committee, since no spouse had ever done that before.

Fair play to you (I tip my hat) :).

But, I'll happily flip the tables. Where are Bernie's major accomplishments? I mean, sure, he managed to vote to dump nuclear waste on poor Hispanics in Texas, but other than that? He has all these great ideas, but he's not able to get anything passed. He's been fighting for these things since the 90s, I would assume. Where are his major successes? What has he had passed that would prove he has the ability to get something major through the House and Senate? I'll spoil the answer: He has none. He has no power because he's not been a member of the party. He owes loyalty only to his own convictions. That's fine. That's respectable, perhaps. It's not how you get things done, though.

Yeah, he's only highly respected on Capital Hill, and has been the ranking member on several committees, such as the chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, and with cross-party support, passed the significant, Veterans Reform bill.

Again, when you have to explain you're not winning. People are cynical at heart. You tell them you're raising their taxes, you're done with them. Everything after that becomes an excuse. A Gallup poll from April shows a majority of Americans think taxes are already too high. There could be a way to sell it, maybe. Bernie isn't doing it. He's a politician that may have the right ideas, but he's terrible at packaging them.

Let me see if I can simplify it even further:

Take-home pay with Bernie: N - P ($$$) + HT ($$) = N + $ :)

Take-home pay with Hillary: N - P ($$$) = :(

You are not going to jump from what we have now to universal single payer within the next 8 years. We had a super majority and we couldn't even get a public option on the table. You have to be pragmatic at some point. Wishing and hoping and praying for the stars to line up and everyone will magically wake up a socialist isn't going to happen. It's a nice dream...but it's just that.

I wonder how on earth Medicaid / Medicair work so well? Why don't we just expand those :).

Socialist, not a capitalist, honeymoon in USSR, "Rape Fantasy" essay, Sandinista leader is "impressive," Castro transformed Cuba, etc.

Just because these things aren't issues to you doesn't mean they won't be issues to the general public. Only 25% of people in the US have a favorable opinion of Socialism. 48% have a favorable opinion of Capitalism. If Bernie gets the nomination, he will be beaten over the head with this hard and fast. And Bernie has promised to explain his brand of democratic socialism. Which he hasn't done, outside that speech he gave where his campaign forgot to invite the press and scheduled it during an international crisis.

Those are Fox level speaking points, and Bernie will brush them aside with minimal effort, e.g, people love "Social" Security and the route 66 Interstate highway, and they will have no trouble understanding that some progrems are best handled by the U.S. government, and not purely for a profit motive, such as private prisons...

Again, though, none of the objective polling has shown that to be the case. He was barely above water during the last debate on foreign policy. He's fine when he's on his stump speech. Other than that, no. He's not. What you see as firey the rest of us see as yelling. Again, there are no facts whatsoever except your gut feeling to suggest he won the debates. Empirical evidence shows us who is perceived to have won. It wasn't Bernie.


This is a flat out fabrication. Hillary HAS Obamas ground game. She took everyone responsible for it. She has more volunteers in New Hampshire than Bernie.
She has paid staffers in all 50 states. She's working to rebuild party infrastructure in these states. Plus, in Iowa and New Hampshire she has the endorsements of nearly every state wide Democrat. Those are the people that get you the ground game in the states. And she has them locked up. Bernie has Tad Devine. He is no one's first choice.

Bring it on :).

That's not what this bill does in its entirety, number one. Number two, he voted against the Brady Bill FIVE times. The Bill has stopped more than 2.1 million gun sales that could have happened without the law in place. It's stopped over 120,000 gun sales to fugitives.

I'll concede your point (I haven't had my dinner ;) ).


Bill will most likely be referred as First Gentleman during Hillary's 4-8 years. When they leave office I assume he goes back to being President.

Ben Carson's campaign manager and a number of top aides resigned on Thursday, throwing the retired neurosurgeon's presidential run into turmoil as a controversial general prepares to lead the campaign's comeback effort.

Campaign manager Barry Bennett and communications director Doug Watts both resigned, effective immediately, after weeks of speculation about a shake-up. Carson last week indicated such a move, saying that "everything" was "on the table" as far as changes with his campaign, though he later walked that back and said, &#8220;I think the people that I have are spectacular.&#8221; Bennett told POLITICO that a slew of other senior operatives had stepped down, too, from the campaign's general counsel to its controller.

Armstrong Williams, a close Carson confidant, told POLITICO that Robert Dees, a Carson advisor and retired Army general, will now chair the campaign, filling a leadership role that's been vacant for months. "General Dees is going to run the organization," Williams said.
Over the weekend, in an interview on CBS&#8217; &#8220;Face the Nation,&#8220; Carson suggested that he intended to take a more aggressive posture in responding to attacks and criticisms. He told Fox News Wednesday night that he wanted the campaign to be a closer reflection of who he is as a person.

How long before Carson drops out?
I would think millions gaining employment through things like the wpa during the worst economic depression in history benefited more than just large firms and cartels

like, what. I thought u were an instructor mr pwns

Pretty sure Prof. Pwns is a history teacher. Not necessarily one you'd seek advice from regarding economics.
Daniel B·;190913975 said:
He also voted for the entirely justified, life saving, intervention in Kosovo, so to say that his judgement on foreign policy is anything but, very carefully considered, is entirely without merit, and I would sleep very soundly at night, if he were our Commander In Chief.

He has zero foreign policy experience. Zero. I'd also make sure you don't check any polls whatsoever. On the "Who do you trust more to deal with foreign policy" Hillary smokes Bernie. LIke, the one poll was something like a Hillary lead by 60-70 points. Again, because he's perfect in your mind doesn't mean the rest of us feel the same. And to white wash issues others bring up as being fine in your mind does NOT erase the problems others have with him.

The Turkey and the who accord? Oh Armenia, the country that has a population smaller (<3m) than 3/5 of the States in America (source). It's o.k. though Adan, you actually did better than Hillary, as she couldn't name a single achievement!

Ya, Armenia is a fairly small country. Vermont is also a fairly small state. Burlington is also a very small city. Hillary has had more people vote for her in a primary than anyone else ever. So....

Also...News Max? We've now reached the level in which News Max is the go to source for information on members of the Democratic Party?

: sensible chuckle :

Yeah, he's only highly respected on Capital Hill, and has been the ranking member on several committees, such as the chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, and with cross-party support, passed the significant, Veterans Reform bill.

If he is so respected, why have none of his colleagues in the Senate endorsed him? He has positions within the Senate because we allow it. If we didn't allow it, he'd have nothing. That's not me being an ass, it's the truth.Again, though, you can only point to a Veterans bill. He's been in Washington for, what, 30 years now? You've got one Veterans Bill written with John freaking McCain. Where are the bills he's written that have become law? Where are his bills that have helped actually improve the lives of the middle class he so lovingly clings to? He has voted correctly on a lot of other people's bills. Where are his that have been passed.

Pssst. There are 3 of them. Two naming a post office and the aforementioned Veterans Bill. (Which, technically, isn't horrible) He's also the 2nd lowest Committee Chair/Ranking Member when it comes to writing bi-partisan bills. He introduces a bunch of great bills. Unfortunately, the go absolutely no where because he has no clout to get them voted on the floor.

So, where are all of Bernie's allies? Where are the Senators who have endorsed him? Why does Elizabeth Warren have far more clout and power than he does? She's been in DC for about 20 minutes.

Let me see if I can simplify it even further:

Take-home pay with Bernie: N - P ($$$) + HT ($$) = N + $ :)

Take-home pay with Hillary: N - P ($$$) = :(

So, you're going to explain socialism to a country who doesn't like it...and then explain to them why taxes should be higher? Here's whats going to happen. That mom in Ohio that gets Medicaid because of her income? She's going to see her taxes go up while losing her Medicaid. That dad in Florida who is happy with a high deductible plan is going to see his taxes go up. That other mom in Indiana who makes too much for Medicaid but elects not to have health insurance (because she can't afford it) is going to see less bring home pay. And, yes, she's better off with healthcare, but now she can't pay the rent.

This is all moot anyway because you will not get single payer during a potential Bernie' Presidency. It will not happen.

I wonder how on earth Medicaid / Medicair work so well? Why don't we just expand those :).

Except Bernie's bill gets rid of Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, FEHB, and TRICARE. The only thing that's left in tact is the VA

So, now you gotta tell Grandma you're taking her Medicare away from her too. On top of telling Joe the Plumber his taxes are going up because Bernie knows better than he does on how to spend his money. No more HSA accounts either.

Those are Fox level speaking points, and Bernie will brush them aside with minimal effort, e.g, people love "Social" Security and the route 66 Interstate highway, and they will have no trouble understanding that some progrems are best handled by the U.S. government, and not purely for a profit motive, such as private prisons...

Americans will have no problems believing that some thing sshould be left to the state?



I'm sorry the facts don't fit your narrative.

I'll concede your point (I haven't had my dinner ;) ).

You'll concede that Bernie was wrong on the Brady Bill?

Was he right or wrong on refusing to support it? Was his stance then right or wrong?
That government trust graph does make a good case for how terrible the dems have been at pushing against that narrative. Obviously also how successful the reps were in pushing it.

Is there an updated version?
That government trust graph does make a good case for how terrible the dems have been at pushing against that narrative. Obviously also how successful the reps were in pushing it.

Is there an updated version?

I feel like something happened in 2001 that affected the points on that line graph.
Is the Bernie Sanders Reddit page going to make it to $750,000 before the deadline? Donations have picked up a ton today, about 5-7k an hour over the past few hours but there's only 4 hours(think Q4 ends on eastern time) left and they got 50k to go. I donated $15 yesterday via Reddit and $22 today. $50 earlier in the month. $35 one time and $25 plus a $15 shirt and $7 shipping charge(dunno if that counts)....so I'm up to $162-169 to the Bern and $147 of that being cash since he's kicked off his campaign and also a majority of that during this quarter. $48,500k to go.

I really hope Bernie outraises Hillary this quarter.
Is the Bernie Sanders Reddit page going to make it to $750,000 before the deadline? Donations have picked up a ton today, about 5-7k an hour over the past few hours but there's only 4 hours(think Q4 ends on eastern time) left and they got 50k to go. I donated $15 yesterday via Reddit and $22 today. $50 earlier in the month. $35 one time and $25 plus a $15 shirt and $7 shipping charge(dunno if that counts)....so I'm up to $162-169 to the Bern and $147 of that being cash since he's kicked off his campaign and also a majority of that during this quarter. $48,500k to go.

I really hope Bernie outraises Hillary this quarter.

Hillary personally raised 21 million through just though fundraisers. So if anything it would be close.
That government trust graph does make a good case for how terrible the dems have been at pushing against that narrative. Obviously also how successful the reps were in pushing it.

Is there an updated version?

They've done a terrible job of rejecting the Republican premise, it's true. At best you get a sort of half-hearted "yeah, it sucks, but we can do good too!"
Hillary personally raised 21 million through just fundraisers. So if anything it would be close.

Someone did the math over at Reddit.
15 Million in Q2(His first quarter), 26 Million in Quarter 3. 15 +26=41. 2.5 X $30 donation average is 75 million. 75-41=34 Million or thereabouts. Think in the previous 2 quarters Bernie had raised more than formula by a bit...so something didn't and doesn't add up quite right(perhaps something to do with the store/shipping). He'll have more than 34 million in this quarter is my guess. Looks like Hillary/Obama had 27/23 Million in Q4 of 2007 unless I'm reading it wrong.
They've done a terrible job of rejecting the Republican premise, it's true. At best you get a sort of half-hearted "yeah, it sucks, but we can do good too!"

I'd assume that part of the problem is that when you do not have the executive, there isn't exactly a whole lot of incentive to show the government as working, given that most of the credit will go to it.

Also probably one of the many factors why republicans can gain seats in congress while doing nearly everything they can to bring the government crashing down.

I feel like something happened in 2001 that affected the points on that line graph.

Spiked 20 points right after 9/11. Starts crashing down in june 2002.


Someone did the math over at Reddit.
15 Million in Q2(His first quarter), 26 Million in Quarter 3. 15 +26=41. 2.5 X $30 donation average is 75 million. 75-41=34 Million or thereabouts. Think in the previous 2 quarters Bernie had raised more than formula by a bit...so something didn't and doesn't add up quite right(perhaps something to do with the store/shipping). He'll have more than 34 million in this quarter is my guess. Looks like Hillary/Obama had 27/23 Million in Q4 of 2007 unless I'm reading it wrong.

Happy new year Erasure. I hope we both get what we want this primary election season.


As I said earlier, it's pretty guaranteed at this point that Sander's will put raise Clinton.

If I were a Sander's supporter, I would be curious as to where that money is going though. We *know* where Hilaries is - the 50 state effort, the offices in every district, resurrecting Obama's campaign etc. Sander's isn't doing that, nor is he buying massive ad splurges, so where is all that cash going?

I have a horrible feeling his campaign is being taken for a ride by the consultants right now.


As I said earlier, it's pretty guaranteed at this point that Sander's will put raise Clinton.

If I were a Sander's supporter, I would be curious as to where that money is going though. We *know* where Hilaries is - the 50 state effort, the offices in every district, resurrecting Obama's campaign etc. Sander's isn't doing that, nor is he buying massive ad splurges, so where is all that cash going?

I have a horrible feeling his campaign is being taken for a ride by the consultants right now.

They have so much money they need to steal shit from Clinton.

It's a fucking pyramid scheme like the one Carson is running.
Someone did the math over at Reddit.
15 Million in Q2(His first quarter), 26 Million in Quarter 3. 15 +26=41. 2.5 X $30 donation average is 75 million. 75-41=34 Million or thereabouts. Think in the previous 2 quarters Bernie had raised more than formula by a bit...so something didn't and doesn't add up quite right(perhaps something to do with the store/shipping). He'll have more than 34 million in this quarter is my guess. Looks like Hillary/Obama had 27/23 Million in Q4 of 2007 unless I'm reading it wrong.

I don't doubt he'll raise around 30 million. But if she got at least 21m from fundraising events , than I think she'll raise more if her PACs did a better job, especially after Biden didn't run and if she got more donations. She'll would probably raise around the 30m mark as well .

As I said earlier, it's pretty guaranteed at this point that Sander's will put raise Clinton.

If I were a Sander's supporter, I would be curious as to where that money is going though. We *know* where Hilaries is - the 50 state effort, the offices in every district, resurrecting Obama's campaign etc. Sander's isn't doing that, nor is he buying massive ad splurges, so where is all that cash going?

I have a horrible feeling his campaign is being taken for a ride by the consultants right now.

He'll probably be more aggressive with ads and invest in online and ground campaigning in relation to the early states, but I don't think there's much she can do besides putting a lot of money in ads for early states and perhaps some other stuff, but I think it would be too late.

Bernie probably doesn't know were to put the money and is mostly just relying on social media with young people and early states. It looks like a superficial version of Obama's 2008 campaign in some parts. I don't think he has a sound strategy at all in the primary it looks like he is hoping winning NH and IW can carry his momentum to the other states and mostly younger people going out and voting in the primaries. If that is what he is doing then it is a strategy that is based on assumptions he isn't putting in place with his campaign and more like he hopes it will happen.
What is he doing with the money? I mean, really. Where is he spending it? I'm not saying he's being shady, but is his entire strategy to drag Hillary into a war of attrition and hope he can just stay in longer? It's a stupid plan if that's the case.
There were a lot of reports in late november about him boosting iowa spending.

I'll just hold on to my pet theory that he gon use the money to run for government in Vermont (if such a thing is even allowed, which it probably isn't).


What is he doing with the money? I mean, really. Where is he spending it? I'm not saying he's being shady, but is his entire strategy to drag Hillary into a war of attrition and hope he can just stay in longer? It's a stupid plan if that's the case.

he's probably going to just stay in until Hillary officially goes over the top. So like April if her numbers hold and translate to state wins. Win everywhere except for VT and possibly NH with huge margins.
There were a lot of reports in late november about him boosting iowa spending.

I'll just hold on to my pet theory that he gon use the money to run for government in Vermont (if such a thing is even allowed, which it probably isn't).

I'm not an expert on this, but I don't think he could do that. Here's the FEC Guide

I suppose he could create Feel the Bern Leadership PAC and then use the money to forward his goals in the Senate and/or as governor. The only real rule that I could find is that he can't pocket the money. He should donate some to the DNC to help elect Democrats, since he's such a good team player.
Is he just going to stay in until Hillary officially goes over the top?

I mean, the only strategy I could come up with is that he thinks he can win Iowa and NH. Take the Ls in SC and NV. Get mostly destroyed during Super Tuesday, but keep running the operation, even if it's not probable that he'll win, a la Hillary 08. He'd want to keep his war chest in tact if he wants a long drawn out primary. I'm not saying it's a great strategy, but it's the only logical thing I can come up with.

My strategy would be go big in Iowa and NH, ignore SC, ramp up in NV, and then if you win 2 or 3 of those, hope that more donations come in. Again, it's not brilliant, but it's something.


Bernie is using his millions to lose by 15 in Iowa and win New Hampshire by 10. And little to no money invested in other states.


I mean, the only strategy I could come up with is that he thinks he can win Iowa and NH. Take the Ls in SC and NV. Get mostly destroyed during Super Tuesday, but keep running the operation, even if it's not probable that he'll win, a la Hillary 08. He'd want to keep his war chest in tact if he wants a long drawn out primary. I'm not saying it's a great strategy, but it's the only logical thing I can come up with.

My strategy would be go big in Iowa and NH, ignore SC, ramp up in NV, and then if you win 2 or 3 of those, hope that more donations come in. Again, it's not brilliant, but it's something.

and if he takes L's in the first 4 states?
and if he takes L's in the first 4 states?

Dude, I don't know. It's my first day. My tablet just died. I don't know what I'm doing here... :p Kidding.

Seriously, though, if he loses Iowa and NH he's completely done. If he loses Iowa and wins NH, he's mostly done, as I don't think it probable he'll win NH by a large enough margin to make a difference in the delegate allocation. It will depend on the margin in Iowa. SC is a lost cause. NV we don't have enough data, but I don't see it going his way barring a huge shake up in the race.

I think Iowa and NH are must wins for him. He should be throwing as much money as he can at both states. Not even on ads, exactly, on the stuff that he doesn't have because of his lack of statewide endorsements. That machinery is Hillary's. There's no point in him having an L with $40 million in the bank....if he's serious about this. I still don't know that he is.


If Hillary is destined to win, the competition is bound to do good things for Clinton in the end. Takes away from the narrative that it was a coronation, and Bernie's critiques of Hillary can't be transplanted to a Republican genera election campaign easily. "Did you know Hillary doesn't support universal health care?" Yeah, doesn't seem like Bernie is a problem for the party.


If Hillary is destined to win, the competition is bound to do good things for Clinton in the end. Takes away from the narrative that it was a coronation, and Bernie's critiques of Hillary can't be transplanted to a Republican genera election campaign easily. "Did you know Hillary doesn't support universal health care?" Yeah, doesn't seem like Bernie is a problem for the party.

It's a problem when half his supporters seem ready to swear allegiance to Herr Trump and his shady campaign staff break into Hillary's shit.



What is he doing with the money? I mean, really. Where is he spending it? I'm not saying he's being shady, but is his entire strategy to drag Hillary into a war of attrition and hope he can just stay in longer? It's a stupid plan if that's the case.

He will use the $50 million to singlehandedly fund the next stretch goal of Star Citizen: “Afterberners”. Due out 2020 or thereabouts.
It's a problem when half his supporters seem ready to swear allegiance to Herr Trump and his shady campaign staff break into Hillary's shit.


I think the actual group of people that would go from the Bern to the Trump are small. They're non voters who probably aren't even registered or wouldn't even bother to show up anyway. They're loud, though.

I think most rational Bernie supporters will support whomever the nominee is. I mean, maybe not with the..um...dedication they have for Bernie, but still.

However, I was of the mindset originally that Bernie was a cute distraction. His campaign has continued to annoy me. If Hillary beats him, I'll no longer feel bad for the man. He can go back to Vermont and scream about the millionaires all week long. Hell, I'll chip in and buy him a megaphone.
Pretty sure Prof. Pwns is a history teacher. Not necessarily one you'd seek advice from regarding economics.
It falls under the umbrella of history too. Not a good look for a history teacher to make such inaccurate statements.
The jessie j performance in nyc was abysmal. Whoever thought an acoustic guitar rearrangement of 'bang bang' was a good idea ought to be fired
Bernie probably doesn't know were to put the money and is mostly just relying on social media with young people and early states. It looks like a superficial version of Obama's 2008 campaign in some parts. I don't think he has a sound strategy at all in the primary it looks like he is hoping winning NH and IW can carry his momentum to the other states and mostly younger people going out and voting in the primaries. If that is what he is doing then it is a strategy that is based on assumptions he isn't putting in place with his campaign and more like he hopes it will happen.

Bernie should and most likely will have ads focusing on BLM/Racial Injustice issues and so on. Dump 5 million in ads in South Carolina. Dump 5 million in saying his government won't be hunting down undocumented families and breaking them up in Nevada.

If Bernie is smart enough to run an ad solely based on the reasons why he supports reclassifying weed and what that means to everyone who smokes marijuana....I'm sure Bernie will win every state he runs that in.

Bernie has many cards to play that he just hasn't played yet and he has the money to do it.


Its too late to dump 5 million ads in SC and NV if IA and NH go south. First it was no one knows about him. Then it was wait till the debates. Now its if he spends x amount on ads. The goalpost keep moving. He's been flatlining in the low 30's of support for months now.

If he really does have cards he hasn't played yet then he is a damn fool.



No Scrubs
Bernie should and most likely will have ads focusing on BLM/Racial Injustice issues and so on. Dump 5 million in ads in South Carolina. Dump 5 million in saying his government won't be hunting down undocumented families and breaking them up in Nevada.

If Bernie is smart enough to run an ad solely based on the reasons why he supports reclassifying weed and what that means to everyone who smokes marijuana....I'm sure Bernie will win every state he runs that in.

Bernie has many cards to play that he just hasn't played yet and he has the money to do it.

If he really does have cards he hasn't played yet then he is a damn fool.
He has zero foreign policy experience. Zero. I'd also make sure you don't check any polls whatsoever. On the "Who do you trust more to deal with foreign policy" Hillary smokes Bernie. LIke, the one poll was something like a Hillary lead by 60-70 points. Again, because he's perfect in your mind doesn't mean the rest of us feel the same. And to white wash issues others bring up as being fine in your mind does NOT erase the problems others have with him.

Ya, Armenia is a fairly small country. Vermont is also a fairly small state. Burlington is also a very small city. Hillary has had more people vote for her in a primary than anyone else ever. So....

Also...News Max? We've now reached the level in which News Max is the go to source for information on members of the Democratic Party?

: sensible chuckle :

Interviewed for the Politico article Was Hillary Clinton a Good Secretary of State?, Aaron David Miller, who negotiated Middle East peace for five presidents and is now a scholar at the Wilson Center, bottom line was:

Aaron David Miller said:
She was a fine secstate but not consequential.

The 2013 article concluded with:

Susan B. Glasser is editor of  Politico Magazine said:
... the truth is that Hillary Clinton never did find a way to turn Foggy Bottom into her ticket to history.

And perhaps that’s exactly the reason why American politicians tend to become secretary of state after they’ve run for president and lost; it just might be a better consolation prize than it is steppingstone to higher office.

The point is Hillary's "achievements" are paper thin, and although you may minimise Bernie's, I'm sure veterans very much appreciate his hard work fighting for them in the reform bill, and whilst Bernie may not have been previously given the chance to make a splash on the national stage, by Grabthar's Hammer, he sure is making a "huge" one now :).

If he is so respected, why have none of his colleagues in the Senate endorsed him? He has positions within the Senate because we allow it. If we didn't allow it, he'd have nothing. That's not me being an ass, it's the truth.Again, though, you can only point to a Veterans bill. He's been in Washington for, what, 30 years now? You've got one Veterans Bill written with John freaking McCain. Where are the bills he's written that have become law? Where are his bills that have helped actually improve the lives of the middle class he so lovingly clings to? He has voted correctly on a lot of other people's bills. Where are his that have been passed.

Pssst. There are 3 of them. Two naming a post office and the aforementioned Veterans Bill. (Which, technically, isn't horrible) He's also the 2nd lowest Committee Chair/Ranking Member when it comes to writing bi-partisan bills. He introduces a bunch of great bills. Unfortunately, the go absolutely no where because he has no clout to get them voted on the floor.

So, where are all of Bernie's allies? Where are the Senators who have endorsed him? Why does Elizabeth Warren have far more clout and power than he does? She's been in DC for about 20 minutes.

I'm sure Elizabeth is very impressed with how Bernie is doing.

So, you're going to explain socialism to a country who doesn't like it...and then explain to them why taxes should be higher? Here's whats going to happen. That mom in Ohio that gets Medicaid because of her income? She's going to see her taxes go up while losing her Medicaid. That dad in Florida who is happy with a high deductible plan is going to see his taxes go up. That other mom in Indiana who makes too much for Medicaid but elects not to have health insurance (because she can't afford it) is going to see less bring home pay. And, yes, she's better off with healthcare, but now she can't pay the rent.

This is all moot anyway because you will not get single payer during a potential Bernie' Presidency. It will not happen.

I have absolutely no doubt that Bernie would ensure that those who presently qualify for Medicaid, due to their low income, would not end up with less to live on. That would just go against everything he stands for. As for those that presently earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but don't earn enough for private healthcare, again I'm sure that the system would be setup so no one, given their specific circumstances (e.g. how many children they have), would not be taxed into poverty.

Except Bernie's bill gets rid of Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, FEHB, and TRICARE. The only thing that's left in tact is the VA

So, now you gotta tell Grandma you're taking her Medicare away from her too. On top of telling Joe the Plumber his taxes are going up because Bernie knows better than he does on how to spend his money. No more HSA accounts either.

Absolutely! It's far more efficient to administer just one healthcare plan, than a handful of them.

Americans will have no problems believing that some thing sshould be left to the state?


A Gallup chart, that shows a Clinton peaking in public approval; well I never!

You'll concede that Bernie was wrong on the Brady Bill?
Was he right or wrong on refusing to support it? Was his stance then right or wrong?

That's one thing the GOP wouldn't use against him, as they love 'em some guns ;).
If he really does have cards he hasn't played yet then he is a damn fool.

You don't just go blowing all your campaign contributions in a flash Einstein.

Speaking of contributions. You all only have 18 minutes left to donate to your candidate of choice for Q4. Closes at 11:59pm eastern time. Looks like Reddit will come $25,000 short. A lot of people wanted to get to 750k today but were too far out. Still, they raked in another 75k today, plus 50k yesterday.
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