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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Politico is running a story about Rubio's constant need for, um, refreshment?

“Marco does have a water thing,” said one longtime Rubio associate who has been affiliated with his past campaigns. “I don’t know what it is. He says he just gets thirsty, but it’s clear it’s just a nervous tic. It’s something he just has to have around, like a security blanket or something.”


A spokesman for Rubio, Alex Conant, declined comment for this story, saying only that “POLITICO has lost its mind.” In a recent New Yorker profile, Rubio attributed his extraordinary need for water to unspecified allergies developed since 2011. “I said, ‘How come I’ve never had allergies before, and now, suddenly, the last four years I’ve developed allergies? And the answer the doctor gave me was: ‘Well, because you’re travelling to places that you never used to travel to before.’”

But the testimony of Rubio’s longtime associates and his 2008 speech belie this explanation, indicating that Rubio’s water tic predated his career in the United States Senate, even if it escaped notice before then.

Even during brief remarks — like his speech at CPAC in February 2010 and his Senate victory speech in November — Rubio has consistently had water at hand and snuck sips of it into his delivery. Its absence, meanwhile, has thrown him off balance.

When Rubio addressed CPAC in 2012, event staffers failed to stock the podium with fresh water for his speech. At an early applause line, Rubio — who had been visibly struggling with dry mouth and licking the inside of his mouth and his lips, as he often does during speeches — reached down for his water with his right hand, and coming up empty bent his knees and peered under the podium but did not find what he was looking for.

“I remember standing backstage and cursing out loud because there was nothing we could do,” said a person staffing the event. “It caused him some awkward pauses throughout the speech.” Halting his speech again for another applause line several minutes later, Rubio brought his empty right hand up to his nose, lowered it, brought it up again to his lips and rubbed them.

Would be interesting to know if this is just a quirk, or a medical issue.


Ot thread is pretty disgustinf atm.
My post was a joke fyi

Politico is running a story about Rubio's constant need for, um, refreshment?

Would be interesting to know if this is just a quirk, or a medical issue.


I was hoping for something more. Some policy proposals maybe. I liked the rhetoric, but he didn't say anything concrete.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I thought that was pretty weak. Republicans keep hammering him on this and I think he's sort of lost the public trust, rightly or wrongly.
Politico is running a story about Rubio's constant need for, um, refreshment?

Would be interesting to know if this is just a quirk, or a medical issue.

It likely is. He could have dry mouth. Gingivitis, periodontal disease, diabetes...there are a lot of potential causes. Or it could be something more simple like stress. Kinda surprised that this hasn't been addressed/fixed, given the optics involved. Treatment is pretty simple, especially when you have money.

or he could have HIV/AIDs


It likely is. He could have dry mouth. Gingivitis, periodontal disease, diabetes...there are a lot of potential causes. Or it could be something more simple like stress. Kinda surprised that this hasn't been addressed/fixed, given the optics involved. Treatment is pretty simple, especially when you have money.

or he could have HIV/AIDs
Your Carson sex scandal prediction was never realized. Disappointed.
I have the same nervous, water-drinking tick as Rubio to be honest.

Also, how can people really argue "mental illness, not guns!" when Japan has the worst mental health in the world and no gun deaths?


My friend asked me what Obama said in his speech. I told him, "confirmed he is a Muslim" as a joke. He believed me. :U
My friend asked me what Obama said in his speech. I told him, "confirmed he is a Muslim" as a joke. He believed me. :U

I wish Cruz would decide to become a troll character and just end every speech where he promised violence towards Muslims with "God is Great."


I have the same nervous, water-drinking tick as Rubio to be honest.

Also, how can people really argue "mental illness, not guns!" when Japan has the worst mental health in the world and no gun deaths?
Oh my god. I just connected the dots. No spoons and they have the highest life expectancy.
Rubio is calling discrimination against Muslims a myth and is calling for "substantial" ground troops in Syria, holy fuck, this dude is detached from reality.


Rubio is calling discrimination against Muslims a myth and is calling for "substantial" ground troops in Syria, holy fuck, this dude is detached from reality.
A substantial ground invasion of Sunni Arab forces. The only American troops he mentioned are special operatives to guide attacks. Obama is doing pretty much the same thing.


It's hard to put into words why that speech felt bad. It was like an employee called in to answer for a bad performance review, but had no new ideas to turn things around. The boss wasn't listening anyway. The public wants blood and vengeance but Obama's just not going to give it to them, rightly so. I just wish we didn't have to ride out Obama's last year with a public so angry, seething, yet down on itself. It's like the worst cocktail of bad emotions.
Can Cruz or Rubio really go into next year talking about how weak the Dems are on ISIS when they're members of a Senate that constantly dodges the vote to authorize the war against ISIS?
It's hard to put into words why that speech felt bad. It was like an employee called in to answer for a bad performance review, but had no new ideas to turn things around. The boss wasn't listening anyway. The public wants blood and vengeance but Obama's just not going to give it to them, rightly so. I just wish we didn't have to ride out Obama's last year with a public so angry, seething, yet down on itself. It's like the worst cocktail of bad emotions.

You heard what you thought you were going to hear. Almost immediately after Paris you were already heading down that road though. Your perception was already made about how this would all play out.
The speech seems it is the purpose to re-insure people. Some people are flipping out and thinking we aren't doing anything at all besides airstrikes.


It's hard to put into words why that speech felt bad. It was like an employee called in to answer for a bad performance review, but had no new ideas to turn things around. The boss wasn't listening anyway. The public wants blood and vengeance but Obama's just not going to give it to them, rightly so. I just wish we didn't have to ride out Obama's last year with a public so angry, seething, yet down on itself. It's like the worst cocktail of bad emotions.
Honestly the revived terror threat and the fear and paranoia that goes along with it might have already made Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or even water boy President.

Obama looked like shit. Not only tired, but defeated in a sense. I got the impression that he has learned a lot of unsettling information lately and he's quite worried.
Honestly the revived terror threat and the fear and paranoia that goes along with it might have already made Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or even water boy President.

Obama looked like shit. Not only tired, but defeated in a sense. I got the impression that he has learned a lot of unsettling information lately and he's quite worried.

Well we certainly haven't heard this kind of talk from you before. Something really has changed to shift you from your usual confident ways.


I wonder what is more disappointing for some people: Obummer's nonspeech or ff7r being episodic? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Well we certainly haven't heard this kind of talk from you before. Something really has changed to shift you from your usual confident ways.
There was no need for this speech to be at 8pm on a Sunday evening with so little information. I think Obama is tired of being President. Hopefully he doesn't bring Hillary down with him.


I didn't even think the speech was bad (certainly not damning), but none of us will remember it in a year.
I didn't even think the speech was bad (certainly not damning), but none of us will remember it in a year.

If it was aired in many major outlets; the point it seems to get the message out to many people has possible with a short summary to what the US is doing against ISIS and to have a unity talk against ISIS. I don't think it was supposed to be him throwing orders about gun control or using certain escalated military actions against ISIL.


Not sure why the speech was bad for so many people, seemed fine to me. I didn't really want him to storm in there and be pissed off, it's not like he can just enact whatever he wants.

Damned if he does damned if he doesn't, like usual.


There's a ton of 'em in the Obama speech thread! Honestly I've never seen so many in one thread, and most of them never in here.
Republicans are getting excited. Trump rising. Mass shooting that looked more like workplace violence at first but is now an act of terror as well inspired by Isis and co. It's like an early Christmas gift for them. 2016 is going to be a nail biter.
if anyone is knowledgeable about marxism...there has been something i been wanting to know

it seems like their is a divide among economists and the rest of the social sciences

many people of the social sciences (humanities, sociology, anthropology,) are more likely to be sympathetic to Karl Marx

but economists tend to ignore him, or not really study his theories...

why is this?


You heard what you thought you were going to hear. Almost immediately after Paris you were already heading down that road though. Your perception was already made about how this would all play out.

Is my perception wrong though? The public is in no mood for an impassioned defense of Islam taking precedence over an impassioned defense of America. That idea is really taking hold that Obama is viewing this ISIS situation as Islam being the predominant victim. From a global perspective sure, but he's the American President supposed to frame this with regards to American interests. Outside of the 'coexist' crowd in college towns much of America doesn't like Islam and doesn't want to hear the President talk all the time about how Islam is a great religion being besieged. It's not just conservatives either, there's a lot of liberals in America who see Islam as a basketcase of bad ideas and would rather not see their cause die on the hill in 2016 to boost the image of an anarchic religion.
if anyone is knowledgeable about marxism...there has been something i been wanting to know

it seems like their is a divide among economists and the rest of the social sciences

many people of the social sciences (humanities, sociology, anthropology,) are more likely to be sympathetic to Karl Marx

but economists tend to ignore him, or not really study his theories...

why is this?

Because Marx's economic theories were based on the idea that all value of a product was based on the amount of labor that was put in and that's obviously false.

Also, tens of millions were killed by Communism.
Damn, the Presidency has taken a heavy toll on Obama (let it go; no prizes for guessing what I'm referring to ;) ).

There's a very intesting documentary on Amazon: Prime at the moment, called Rickover: The Birth of Nuclear Power, which is about Hyman George Rickover, the "Father of the Nuclear Navy".

Against considerable political and engineering odds, he proved the doubters all wrong ("it's impossible" or "it's decades away"), and, with his scrupulously hand pickled team, they created the World's first nuclear powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, that was later able to deliver a feat of the magnitude of Russia's Sputnlk satellite, by being the first vessel to travel under the North Pole (Operation Sunshine).

Those that are familiar with Admiral Rickover, who like Bernie, had Polish-Jewish roots, will know why I was impressed by the man, as he was a brilliant engineer, who wouldn't cut corners to sacrifice safety, such as insisting that submarine crew members were only exposed to low (civilian) levels of radiation (as a direct result of his leadership, the Navy had a 100% safety record for its nuclear fleet), and didn't let the establishment figures hold him back (the Nautilus was almost never completed, as the Navy brass kept passing him over for a promotion, and it took the intervention of The Congress, who overrode the Navy promotions board). He also defended tax payers, towards the end of his career, by going after a contractor who he believed was grossly overcharging the U.S. Government. He lost that battle, but, according to the documentary, the contractor later conceded that Rickover was right.
Because Marx's economic theories were based on the idea that all value of a product was based on the amount of labor that was put in and that's obviously false.

Also, tens of millions were killed by Communism.

i understand, but why is there that divide between economists and the other social sciences


i understand, but why is there that divide between economists and the other social sciences

Because Marx was an economist. There aren't Marxian anthropologists or Marxian sociologists, there are just social scientists who think that Marx might have some good points. But Marxian economics is a very specific thing because Marx wrote it and other economists have been criticizing it for a long time, sometimes using econometric data to do so.
Is my perception wrong though? The public is in no mood for an impassioned defense of Islam taking precedence over an impassioned defense of America. That idea is really taking hold that Obama is viewing this ISIS situation as Islam being the predominant victim. From a global perspective sure, but he's the American President supposed to frame this with regards to American interests. Outside of the 'coexist' crowd in college towns much of America doesn't like Islam and doesn't want to hear the President talk all the time about how Islam is a great religion being besieged. It's not just conservatives either, there's a lot of liberals in America who see Islam as a basketcase of bad ideas and would rather not see their cause die on the hill in 2016 to boost the image of an anarchic religion.

What the fuck are you talking about? He barely spent time talking about muslims and half of that was how they need to do a better job of reporting and getting rid of extremism in their community. Even Krauthammer on Fox said that part was no big deal given that Bush did the same thing.

But there's no point arguing with you. You just believe what you want to believe and pick and choose.
Because Marx was an economist. There aren't Marxian anthropologists or Marxian sociologists, there are just social scientists who think that Marx might have some good points. But Marxian economics is a very specific thing because Marx wrote it and other economists have been criticizing it for a long time, sometimes using econometric data to do so.

ok thank you for clearing that up

its just...i saw a kid wearing a hammer and sickel shirt... and it made me wonder if communism/marxism is still an ideological belief for many epople


Republicans are getting excited. Trump rising. Mass shooting that looked more like workplace violence at first but is now an act of terror as well inspired by Isis and co. It's like an early Christmas gift for them. 2016 is going to be a nail biter.

Despite proclamations otherwise, 2016 was always going to be a tight election. Most of the dynamics are prebaked at this point. Turnout and running up the margins are what will win this election.

Also, remember that there will always be an up/down ebb/flow to this cycle. Republicans will look inevitable, than Hillary will look infallible, security concerns will bolster the GOP'S outlook, international politics will play to Hillary's hand, economic growth will make it look like the Dems will coast, increased interest rates and stagnant wages will play to Republican talking points. This election will be close, be it Trump vs. Hilldawg or Rubio vs. Clinton. Stay calm, work hard to get out the vote and keep everything in perspective.
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