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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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So the UK right it winning of welfare cutting, xenophobic policies and less international cooperation.

Meanwhile we continue our general leftward drift nationall, with the national left leaning party, extremely pro immigrant, flirting with expanded benefits (Min wage, early edu, paid leave, Community College, etc). We're gonna cross streams soon.

It's interesting how the English-speaking world is decaying, with maybe the exception of blue-state America. When I visit any of the Great Lake or Midwestern States, there are a lot of dieing towns and collapsed barns - even the cities there are worse than they have ever been.

With Finland and UK possibly going full austerity, It's probably going to be easier to recite European countries that haven't went to shit.

Technological unemployment can't come soon enough to accelerate this mess.


The clown car is growing larger. Lindsay Graham to announce June 1.


Lindsey Graham is telling donors that June 1 is the likely date for his presidential announcement, according to several sources familiar with the conversations.
The announcement would likely take place in South Carolina, possibly near his home base of Seneca, according to the sources, which would enable the GOP senator to highlight a compelling personal story not widely known outside his home state.
Gotta say I'm shocked Graham is running. I thought he was just flirting with a run.

So I guess John Bolton won't be the GOP's "foreign policy expert" in the primaries now lol.
It's interesting how the English-speaking world is decaying, with maybe the exception of blue-state America. When I visit any of the Great Lake or Midwestern States, there are a lot of dieing towns and collapsed barns - even the cities there are worse than they have ever been.

With Finland and UK possibly going full austerity, It's probably going to be easier to recite European countries that haven't went to shit.

Technological unemployment can't come soon enough to accelerate this mess.

As I said the UK election thread. I think its really tied to the decline of labors power.


Local elections for San Antonio are tomorrow though due to the number of mayoral candidates, we're expecting a run-off next month for that one. The main front-runners are Ivy Taylor, Leticia van de Putte, Mike Villareal, and Tommy Adkission. The race is non-partisan, but the latter three have all served as Democrats in other offices.

I can't find my voter registration card or find much info about the candidates for my district.
So the UK right it winning of welfare cutting, xenophobic policies and less international cooperation.

Sorta. The hard right UKIP got cray shafted. The soft right made gainz. As did the scots, which are harder left than the mildly center left Labour. Lib Dems also got the shaft.

The same election punished left moderates and right extremists.


Unconfirmed Member
Local elections for San Antonio are tomorrow though due to the number of mayoral candidates, we're expecting a run-off next month for that one. The main front-runners are Ivy Taylor, Leticia van de Putte, Mike Villareal, and Tommy Adkission. The race is non-partisan, but the latter three have all served as Democrats in other offices.

I can't find my voter registration card or find much info about the candidates for my district.

For most of the smaller races, I just look at the candidate's website and see what they prioritize. For city council, I tend to prioritize their positions on crime and the police the most.


Our poor people are better than your poor people. Fuck Issa.

Asked by CNNMoney whether he feels personally responsible to address income inequality in the United States, the Republican Congressman from California said "absolutely." But he noted that America is the richest country on earth and implied that those in poverty here are better off than the poor in other nations.

"If you go to India or you go to any number of other Third World countries, you have two problems: You have greater inequality of income and wealth. You also have less opportunity for people to rise from the have not to the have," said Issa. In the U.S., he noted there is better availability and access to quality public education.

Issa's personal wealth is by far the greatest of any congress member. His net worth in 2013 was $448.4 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, and stems from a car alarm business he built.


So those are Issa's standards for America? "At least we're better than a 3rd world country"?

Fuck this asshole.

Those aren't just his standards, but those of the entire republican party. It's the basis for "99% of poor's have refrigerator". Its the basis behind their entire economic theory and how they approach minimum wage, entitlements, etc. And they bet on poor whites just accepting the message because hey, at least you don't have it as bad as these colored folks outside.


Obamacare and election-related:
"this is what conservative surrender and progressive victory looks like."



Although the overwhelming medical consensus is that viability is generally 24 weeks, and most states that regulate abortion use the 24-week date as a cut-off, the Supreme Court does not use this as a bright-line rule. But on the May 7 edition of Fox News' Happening Now, co-host Jenna Lee falsely claimed that it does, and suggested that the new study would accordingly upset the Supreme Court's rulings on reproductive rights. In an interview with Dr. Carla Simonian, Lee erroneously claimed that Roe v. Wade had set "28 weeks as viable has been a marker not only in the medical community but also in the legal community," and that in the court's 1992 ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the 28 week viability date "became 24 weeks."


Unconfirmed Member
Not just Texas but I read that mining (which includes oil/gas) lost 45k jobs this year, after 41k in gains last year. Crazy it reversed so fast
When your business model is extracting buried treasure from the ground, and the buried treasure loses its value, this can happen.

Don't worry oil jobs will spike again when prices climb. It's like a roller coaster! Excite.



EXCLUSIVE– Natalie Portman is set to play Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in On The Basis Of Sex with Marielle Heller (The Diary of a Teenage Girl) in negotiations to direct. Focus Features is also in talks to come on-board to finance.

The script, which follows the travails of Ginsburg as she faced numerous obstacles to her fight for equal rights throughout her career, was on the 2014 Black List and written by Daniel Stiepleman. Robert W. Cort is producing with Ron Bergman exec producing.

Ginsberg was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by then-President Bill Clinton, in doing so becoming only the second female justice (after Sandra Day O’Connor) and the first Jewish female justice. Prior to that she developed a reputation as a keen advocate for the advancement of women’s rights. Time Magazine this year labelled her an “Icon” in their Time 100.

The classy project is coming together quickly with a hoped for start of production by the end of the year. That would put it ahead of Alex Garland’s Annihilation sci-fi project.

Oh boy.
When your business model is extracting buried treasure from the ground, and the buried treasure loses its value, this can happen.

Don't worry oil jobs will spike again when prices climb. It's like a roller coaster! Excite.

It could be a while. OPEC really wants to twist the knife into U.S. oil.


Hahaha oh man, this is just evil. I can't do anything but laugh.


TALLAHASSEE — Shortly after his mother's 2013 death, Gov. Rick Scott went on TV to explain his startling decision to drop his strongly held opposition to President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

The Republican governor said her death had changed his perspective and he could no longer "in good conscience" oppose expanding health care coverage to nearly 1 million Floridians.

Scott conceded this week that was all a ruse. He now says his support for Medicaid expansion was a calculated move designed to win support from the Obama administration for the state's proposal to hand over control of Medicaid to private insurance companies. At the time, he denied that his support was tied to a deal with the federal government.

Now that he's succeeded in privatizing Medicaid, Scott is again railing against Medicaid expansion and is suing the federal government for allegedly forcing it on him.


Unconfirmed Member
I posted a thread about a recent federal appeals court decision ruling that the NSA metadata collection program illegal in the main OT but for some reason, despite the constant cries that freedom/privacy is dead, nobody seems to care:


By the way, doesn't this solidify Snowden's place as a whistle blower, now that some of the things he called out the NSA doing was actually illegal.


Unconfirmed Member

Meanwhile, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., a particularly active politician on social media, laughed off several approaches now being taken by government agencies like DHS and the State Department. He noted what he said were ISIS superior capabilities by pulling his own iPad out during the hearing and showing an ISIS propaganda film.

“The videos that they’re doing are incredibly slick, fancy and attractive,” Booker said, comparing it to the State Department’s own “Think Again, Turn Away” Twitter account. “If you know anything about social media, then one of the things you should look at is the engagement of people on our social media feeds, and it’s laughable.”

Booker referenced his own media strategy in his previous political campaigns as a potential model.

“There are easy tactics, I know them, from politics of how to get more voice and virality to messaging that we’re not using as a government to get messages out there,” Booker said. “I know something about memes. Look at their fancy memes compared to what we’re not doing.”

Cory Booker to use his domestic propaganda strategies to win the foriegn propaganda war with ISIS.
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