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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Anne Susan DiPrizio, 44, was sentenced to 30 days in the Autauga Metro Jail, which was suspended in lieu of six months unsupervised probation, the Montgomery Advertiser reported. She was ordered to pay a $250 fine and other court costs.

According to reports, DiPrizio, a Unitarian minister, offered to marry a lesbian couple on Feb. 10 in the Autauga County Probate Office and wouldn't leave the office when asked by probate office officials.

I'm sure the conservative outrage about the government denying this woman her religious freedom is just about to happen, any minute now.
Ben Carson Has 'Concerns' About First GOP Debate Polling Requirement

"I am writing you today about an issue that concerns me greatly," Carson wrote in a letter to members of the Republican National Committee. "I am very worried that out of broadcasting convenience our party is about to exclude voices from our debate programs that are critical to making our party bigger, better, and bolder."

Carson's letter came a few days after Fox News announced that it would require candidates to average in the top ten of the five most recent national polls to be allowed to participate in the first Republican primary debate. If the debate were held today, Carson would actually qualify to be in the debate.

"The rules may be good for me personally, but they are not good for the process," Carson said. "We are blessed to have many qualified candidates running for President. More than a typical debate format can handle. Surely we can find a format that allows every voice to be heard."

Carson concluded his letter with, "I ask you to join me in seeking a solution that is inclusive of every voice."

My dream would be to not only have as many Republicans in a single primary, but as many Republicans battling Hillary, a la this wonderful sketch:


lol, that skit must have been the inspiration for The Expendables.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Agreed. Having 11+ people on stage would definitely be difficult, but I'd prefer that over not allowing legitimate candidates to participate. I can understand not inviting a John Bolton type, ie people who don't even have campaign infrastructure.

Iowa polling: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ep...epublican_presidential_caucus-3194.html#polls

Fiorina and Kasich would be left out. Santorum is close to being left out, and he won the state four years ago. Gotta side with him on this.


Sidhe / PikPok
Wow, that took a while to get around.

I'm not surprised he said it, it had to slip out at some point.

I'm sure there is a lot of stuff that slipped under the radar of the general public that will come back to bite Republican candidates in the arse. Seems the media is starting to be more willing to hold Republicans feet to the fire too given how the Iraq War and gay wedding questions have been handled.

The consistent vitriol, misinformation, and fear mongering over the last six years of the Obama Presidency are a quote crop just waiting to be harvested.


Everything to a Libertarian is either rape or slavery. But ironically, so many of them seem to be OK with actually legalizing real slavery or real rape in certain circumstances.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure there is a lot of stuff that slipped under the radar of the general public that will come back to bite Republican candidates in the arse. Seems the media is starting to be more willing to hold Republicans feet to the fire too given how the Iraq War and gay wedding questions have been handled.

The consistent vitriol, misinformation, and fear mongering over the last six years of the Obama Presidency are a quote crop just waiting to be harvested.

I hope you're right.

I suppose the media was probably overall hard on Romney in 2012 too, given how much they covered the 47% thing. That coverage alone made up for the free pass they gave him for his flip flopping.
Everything to a Libertarian is either rape or slavery. But ironically, so many of them seem to be OK with actually legalizing real slavery or real rape in certain circumstances.

It's the problem with libertarianism in general. I call it the Ten Minute Problem. As in, when you first talk to a libertarian, they can sound kind of sane. Of course, those are some problematic regulations you're pointing out. Of course, if people want print something kind of horrible, they should have that right. Sure, consenting adults should be able to do what they want in private. OK, I don't get how privatizing state agencies is helpful, but hey, policy differents. Wait, charity will fill the holes in the welfare state? Huh, wait, what about the police being able to invade your home if you don't pay your taxes. I mean, sure, if you never pay - wait, no, I mean, the IRS will give you - yes, eventually you will be thrown in jail - right, but that's sort of the point - slavery, really, man?

I suppose the media was probably overall hard on Romney in 2012 too, given how much they covered the 47% thing. That coverage alone made up for the free pass they gave him for his flip flopping.

But, they only covered the 47% thing because there was actual audio. If it'd been just multiple reports, it would've been a post on DailyKos, but that's about it. OTOH, imagine if a Democratic politician went hard-left on the primary trail, calling for a carbon tax, 90% tax rates, banning private schooling, etc, etc, then tried to act like they never said any of that in a debate? The national media would crucify them, but with the GOP, it seems there's an agreement to throw the wacky things Republican's say in a primary down the memory hole, but Democrat's can be skewered for things they said in a 7th grade yearbook.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Everything to a Libertarian is either rape or slavery. But ironically, so many of them seem to be OK with actually legalizing real slavery or real rape in certain circumstances.

The others are apparently willing to let this kind of unsubstantiated smear slide, but I'm not. Prove that your second sentence is true.

But, they only covered the 47% thing because there was actual audio. If it'd been just multiple reports, it would've been a post on DailyKos, but that's about it. OTOH, imagine if a Democratic politician went hard-left on the primary trail, calling for a carbon tax, 90% tax rates, banning private schooling, etc, etc, then tried to act like they never said any of that in a debate? The national media would crucify them, but with the GOP, it seems there's an agreement to throw the wacky things Republican's say in a primary down the memory hole, but Democrat's can be skewered for things they said in a 7th grade yearbook.

Romney's 47% comment wasn't a policy proposal, so it isn't comparable to the examples you try to compare it to.
The others are apparently willing to let this kind of unsubstantiated smear slide, but I'm not. Prove that your second sentence is true.

Romney's 47% comment wasn't a policy proposal, so it isn't comparable to the examples you try to compare it to.

I've argued with somebody who was pro-rape before, but I think he was just a moral relativist, not a libertarian. Though he could have been a libertarian too, I dunno.

Mike M

Nick N
my god you have some horrible tasted in everything.

not that you should be playing the new ones but not red or blue?

I've got Chichikov's back on this, Pokemon is a shitty franchise and not worth playing unless you've been in from the start. Speaking as someone who put in dozens of hours into Y trying to "get" Pokemon, I found it to be a bunch of inexcusably archaic game design decisions that people only excuse for nostalgia reasons. The single player is the most boring thing in the world, and the multiplayer is nothing but min-maxers who have been playing the game since the original title. It's completely impenetrable to newcomers who happen to have a job or other obligations.

Or, you know, just value their time.
The others are apparently willing to let this kind of unsubstantiated smear slide, but I'm not. Prove that your second sentence is true.

Nozick argued for "voluntary non-coersive" slave contracts, its a strained and silly critique of self-ownership. Most? probably not but many have argued for it, and their view of contract law could use that logic for at the minimum marital rape.

Libertarians have also argued for jim crow and discriminatory contracts which put others in a form of slavery, etc.
I've got Chichikov's back on this, Pokemon is a shitty franchise and not worth playing unless you've been in from the start. Speaking as someone who put in dozens of hours into Y trying to "get" Pokemon, I found it to be a bunch of inexcusably archaic game design decisions that people only excuse for nostalgia reasons. The single player is the most boring thing in the world, and the multiplayer is nothing but min-maxers who have been playing the game since the original title. It's completely impenetrable to newcomers who happen to have a job or other obligations.

Or, you know, just value their time.

I'm with you on the new games. I just can't believe nobody hasn't played red and blue, that's classic gaming.
I played the shit out of Yellow as a kid, then didn't play anything until Diamond, and man, it captivated me just as much as Yellow did when I was 10.

Since then I've played a bit of SoulSilver and I'm currently (still) trying to get through X. I still enjoy the games, but at this point I find myself getting annoyed at a lot of Pokemon-isms just as much as I love them for being classic Pokemon.

It's an odd relationship.


As huge a Nintendo fanatic I am, I've never touched a Pokemon game.
Then again, I can barely keep-up with the few games that I do follow these days.. damn adulthood..
Pokemon is the shit. If you're too caught up in completionism or competitiveness just don't worry about it - just catch and raise your favorites. Self imposed challenges like Nuzlocke runs are super fun. It's not for everyone but what is?


“Judicial review is exactly what we have lived under; we have not lived under judicial supremacy,” Huckabee said. “The Supreme Court can’t make a law; the legislature has to make it, the executive has to sign it and enforce it. The notion that the Supreme Court comes up with a ruling and that automatically subjects the two other branches to following it defies everything there is to equal branches of government.”

Wallace asked him about other situations, such as a former Arkansas governor’s unwillingness to enforce SCOTUS’ ruling on desegregation, or turning over required documents to Congress, a la Nixon. Huckabee seemed to say it the first was fine because the president, in that case Eisenhower, agreed with the ruling, which begged the question; in the second he said Congress can impeach an executive if he refuses to obey. So, all in all, adult ways to govern.

"I only ignore the laws I don't like."


So who has a rational breakdown of the trade agreement story?

Obama wants it, Democrats don't, Republican Senators passed it, right wing media is pissed. Best I can tell Democrats think it's bad for unions/think it's not transparent, right wing doesn't like it because Obama/think it's not transparent/jerbs, Republican leadership likes it because...?


How does Hollywood look upon your nerdy, GAF, hotness?

I'm a closet nerd. I don't tell many people. However, I mostly work in scifi and fantasy and since most people who do that socially challenged, I tend to do well since I can hold a conversation and keep and constant eye contact.
I love this forum because intense political discussions can spontaneously be derailed by Pokemon talk.

Edit: And because that political talk is mostly dominated by left wing nutjobs like me, of course.


I'm a closet nerd. I don't tell many people. However, I mostly work in scifi and fantasy and since most people who do that socially challenged, I tend to do well since I can hold a conversation and keep and constant eye contact.

Picking you sucks. You are the worse of the 3 starters. Squirtle is beast and off topic much.

Hillary is going to do a formal campaign announcement on June 13th. I am so excited.
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