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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Question from the SSM ruling thread in OT Main:

The ruling doesn't establish marriage - alone - as a fundamental right, correct? Simply that if state-sanctioned civil marriage is going to exist it can't be discriminatory.

I know some red states were planning on dropping civil marriage altogether, or at least talking about it, if the ruling went the way they didn't want. The ruling doesn't prohibit that, does it?

I really can't picture a state doing this. It seem like a very hollow threat.

I wound't know if they could, but it sure seems plausible.


Unconfirmed Member
Question from the SSM ruling thread in OT Main:

The ruling doesn't establish marriage - alone - as a fundamental right, correct? Simply that if state-sanctioned civil marriage is going to exist it can't be discriminatory.

I know some red states were planning on dropping civil marriage altogether, or at least talking about it, if the ruling went the way they didn't want. The ruling doesn't prohibit that, does it?

It actually does say that marriage is a fundamental right.

Applying these established tenets, the Court has long held the right to marry is protected by the Constitution. In Loving v. Virginia, which invalidated bans on interracial unions, a unanimous Court held marriage is “one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.” The Court reaffirmed that holding in Zablocki v. Redhail, which held the right to marry was burdened by a law prohibiting fathers who were behind on child support from marrying. The Court again applied this principle in Turner v. Safley, which held the right to marry was abridged by regulations limiting the privilege of prison inmates to marry. Over time and in other contexts, the Court has reiterated that the right to marry is fundamental under the Due Process Clause.
I really can't picture a state doing this. It seem like a very hollow threat.

I wound't know if they could, but it sure seems plausible.

It actually does say that marriage is a fundamental right.

Thanks, yeah upon further research it turns out that Loving v. Virginia established marriage as a fundamental right by precedent, and that Turner v. Safley strengthened that precedent.

The religious right be so screwed man.
..what? why do you think i put that whole phrase in quotation marks?
Please, i am not insinuating you being racist or anything. Im just trying to understand your post better, that's all.
Edit: what im saying is that Chief Justice Roberts probably views interracial marriage as different from a redefinition of marriage and perhaps would not be subject to the winning of hearts and minds like same sex marriage would be.
Oh real animals? For some reason i thought racist people in the past instead of the animal angle
I would imagine the backlash would be huge if a governor tried to go that route anyway. I mean you have to be a spiteful fuck to give up your dreams and right to marriage just to keep that right away from another person.
Scalia is off his rocker and I hope if Hillary wins he just says fuck it and goes home.

Then either Kennedy goes too and we get 6-3s all around or Sotomayor becomes the new swing vote.
If Hillary wins in 2016 I wouldn't be surprised if Scalia went, but the only one that really should go if that's the case is Ginsburg, at least before 2020. Not to be callous, or disrespect her career, but I've felt her holding on to the seat this long has been a tremendous risk. She should have gotten out a year or two ago with time for another Obama appointment. The threat that a GOPer could get in from 2016-2024 and be in the position to replace her was and is just too great, IMO.
If Hillary wins in 2016 I wouldn't be surprised if Scalia went, but the only one that really should go if that's the case is Ginsburg, at least before 2020. Not to be callous, or disrespect her career, but I've felt her holding on to the seat this long has been a tremendous risk. She should have gotten out a year or two ago with time for another Obama appointment. The threat that a GOPer could get in from 2016-2024 and be in the position to replace her was and is just too great, IMO.

This makes sense.

Still love her though.


Please, i am not insinuating you being racist or anything. Im just trying to understand your post better, that's all.
Edit: what im saying is that Chief Justice Roberts probably views interracial marriage as different from a redefinition of marriage and perhaps would not be subject to the winning of hearts and minds like same sex marriage would be.
Oh real animals? For some reason i thought racist people in the past instead of the animal angle
That's an interesting inference. I can't wait to read more of your posts.
I would imagine the backlash would be huge if a governor tried to go that route anyway. I mean you have to be a spiteful fuck to give up your dreams and right to marriage just to keep that right away from another person.
That's an interesting inference. I can't wait to read more of your posts.
Its a long story but in case you didnt read it, i'll explain because its integral. In justice roberts opinion he..opined that it was a shame that same sex marriage wouldnt be able to win over its opponents democratically. This caused someone to type words to the effect of "should blacks have waited for approval from the country to legalize interracial marriage" because at the time mildred vs loving passed, well over a majority of the country were opposed to it. This recent twist of the discussion finally led me to erroneously believe that coriolanus was paraphrasing some racist persons thoughts back in the day instead of what he was actually speaking of, which were literally animals..(pant..wheeze..)
TLDR honest mistake bruv, hope u continue to look forward to my future posts :)


Unconfirmed Member
Oh. NOW this court is a threat to democracy, for recognizing equal protection. Not like CU or something where we were literally selling the democratic process to corporations. Choke on a piece of shit Scalia.
Oh. NOW this court is a threat to democracy, for recognizing equal protection. Not like CU or something where we were literally selling the democratic process to corporations. Choke on a piece of shit Scalia.
Scalia was just doing his job man. He didn't write that ruling because hes in the pocket of cigar chomping businessmen in a smoky room. You can disagree with him but i wouldnt say it like that.
Fuck Rob Portman.

"The issue of marriage equality is one that divides people of principle, and I understand that. In 2013, I decided to support marriage equality after I came to understand this issue better in the context of my own family. I can't help but view today's Supreme Court decision through that same lens. And as a father, I welcome today's decision. As I have said before, I would have preferred for this issue to be resolved by the democratic process in the states because I think you build a more lasting consensus that way. Now the Court has reached its decision, I hope we can move past the division and polarization the issue has caused."

What a half-hearted chickenshit response.

It shows what a complete selfish sham his public support for SSM was. I feel sorry for his son.


Unconfirmed Member
Scalia was just doing his job man. He didn't write that ruling because hes in the pocket of cigar chomping businessmen in a smoky room. You can disagree with him but i wouldnt say it like that.
I am calling him a pice of shit for saying the court recognizing equal protection is a threat to democracy.

Don't care why he supported CU ruling, regardless of view on either decision only one of those two had real implications for democracy.


Not like CU or something where we were literally selling the democratic process to corporations.
Preserving the freedom of the press.

Citizens United could potentially be repealed if Hillary is elected and appoints some more like minded justices.
The funny part being that the case was over a movie about Hillary being restricted by law.

This only leads to AzBat. So long, America.
Please, i am not insinuating you being racist or anything. Im just trying to understand your post better, that's all.
Edit: what im saying is that Chief Justice Roberts probably views interracial marriage as different from a redefinition of marriage and perhaps would not be subject to the winning of hearts and minds like same sex marriage would be.
Oh real animals? For some reason i thought racist people in the past instead of the animal angle

No, you had it mostly right. What i was pointing out is that, to the racist mindset of old, one wouldn't consider interracial marriage any less abhorrent than gay marriage, given that one wouldn't consider blacks humans in the first place, making the departure all the more radical. I mean, at least with the fags it's proper white folk suffering from some immoral perversion caused by Satan. They still people. Also part of the reason why you can (probably) find reports from that golden time called the six-teas mentioning that if you allow blacks to steal all the white women, next we'll be allowing paedophiles and zoophiles to run amok.

Which is why trying to relate the acceptance of interracial marriage with the acceptance of gay marriage is silly. To the mindset you're attacking, both are anathema.

Not that racists can't be gay and vice versa, obviously.
(which is something that young, candid me only realized in his late teens, fwiw)

Or, to lift it directly from here:

Like Marrying Animals

Anti-miscegenation argument:

Intermarriage between whites and blacks ... is subversive of social peace. It is destructive of moral supremacy, and ultimately this slavery of white women to black beasts will bring this nation a conflict as fatal as ever reddened the soil of Virginia or crimsoned the mountain paths of Pennsylvania. (U.S. Rep. Seaborn Roddenberry, D-Ga., 1912)

Anti-gay-marriage argument:

It is unreasonable ... to believe there is no public interest in how marriage is structured except to affirm whatever attractions people have. If so, pedophiles would be married to children, necrophiles to dead bodies, pornophiles to pictures and exhibitionists to strangers. (Family Policy Council, Why Not Same-Sex 'Marriage,' 2011)
Jon Stewart please. There's still time to reconsider.
I pray that before jon leaves he'll have donald on to give him the coveted endorsement
EDIT:corey are you trying to tell me that i had it right all along and i hastily wrote a long exhausting overwrought defense of my thinking and lack of racism for nothing
Conservatives arguing this is bad for same sex marriage because it skipped the Democratic process is hilarious.

Also fuck the argument that it should he done by votes. Fundamental rights are not up for debate. And just because a fundamental right wasnt recognized for 250+ years does not mean it doesn't exist.

The 14th guarantees equal protection under the law. You don't get to vote that out in your state. It's the law. So eat a bag of dicks while you kick rocks.
Also fuck the argument that it should he done by votes. Fundamental rights are not up for debate. And just because a fundamental right wasnt recognized for 250+ years does not mean it doesn't exist.

Which also makes it easier to shove down FYGM peoples throats that yes, internet, electricity, healthcare, water, shelter and food should be fucking fundamental rights too.

Win win, really.

I don't get where this comes from. I've always heard that marriage equality was the first step toward codifying LGBT protection,

Had "the talk" with my southern parents. They were way more gracious than I had predicted, but I always assume the worst of them so that's what I get for that. My dad was actually way more upset about the Housing Act ruling than the marriage one /shrug.


I wonder if Kennedy retires in the next term or two. Feels like he's left the mark he will leave on the court and he's 78.

And then Obama nominates Leah Ward Sears, literally one of the few people the Senate couldn't turn down.
Seriously, he's always been an awful person, but now... now he's gone too far, to a crazy degree. Nationwide the news the last two days has been fantastic, between the gay marriage and ACA rulings, but here in Maine things are a bit different...

So, Paul LePage, Governor of Maine and just re-elected last November because the people in this state made some bad decisions in the voting booth, basically is throwing a massive fit right now. Fortunately the State House stayed Democratic, so while the Republicans picked up the State Senate, they don't hold all the power.

This most recent set of incidents started with him getting mad that the state representatives won't pass the tax plan he wants. The Republicans and Democrats in the statehouse worked together and passed a budget, without his regressive tax changes included. He vetoed it (back to vetoes soon), and they overrode the veto and passed it. This made him mad.

So, he vowed to veto every single bill that had a Democratic co-sponsor until the Dems cave in and give him his stupid tax plan. They refused, so the vetoes started mounting up. And when Republicans in the statehouse decided to support over-riding some of those vetoes, he ... promised to veto almost every single bill with either a Republican OR Democratic sponsor! Yes, that means pretty much everything. Wonderful. He also put 72 line-item vetoes in to try to change that budget to cut things he disliked; the statehouse overrode all 72. Now, some of his numerous vetoes of bills did hold up, but most have been overridden. This whole veto-everything idiocy made me seriously start wondering if he's lost it.

And then... then he did something worse than anything he's done before: He got the Democratic leader in the statehouse fired from his new job. Now, state legislators don't make nearly enough money to live off of that salary, so they need other jobs. This guy, Mark Eves, is a teacher, and got a job at a charter school for disadvantaged children. Charter schools are an idea the right love but liberals do not (basically, most charter schools draw students and money out of the public school system, hurting most students), and only were approved for the first time fairly recently. Eves opposed allowing charter schools when they came up to vote, but it did pass, and now he was going to work at one... until LePage decided that he didn't want that to happen.

So, LePage threatened the school, telling them that he would REVOKE THEIR STATE FUNDING if they let Eves stay at his new job, purely because of his personal dislike of Eves' politics. So, the school was forced to fire Eves, they don't want to be shut down. But this didn't stay hidden, and the news of this insane overreach has become something of a scandal. I hope it hurts LePage badly, you cannot get someone fired just because you dislike them for their political opinions, that's insane!

Some talk is starting up of impeachment, but that would require a 2/3rds majority in the Republican-led state Senate, so that'll be difficult. It sure would be nice if LePage would go, though.

Oh, in other news about LePage, he just made a hilarious joke about shooting a Bangor Daily News cartoonist who he disagrees with. Isn't he just a riot? :( (He's made 'jokes' like this before, too, about wanting to blow up the Portland Press Herald's offices, etc.)

Some relevant articles:


Seriously, he's always been an awful person, but now... now he's gone too far, to a crazy degree. Nationwide the news the last two days has been fantastic, between the gay marriage and ACA rulings, but here in Maine things are a bit different...

So, Paul LePage, Governor of Maine and just re-elected last November because the people in this state made some bad decisions in the voting booth, basically is throwing a massive fit right now. Fortunately the State House stayed Democratic, so while the Republicans picked up the State Senate, they don't hold all the power.

This most recent set of incidents started with him getting mad that the state representatives won't pass the tax plan he wants. The Republicans and Democrats in the statehouse worked together and passed a budget, without his regressive tax changes included. He vetoed it (back to vetoes soon), and they overrode the veto and passed it. This made him mad.

So, he vowed to veto every single bill that had a Democratic co-sponsor until the Dems cave in and give him his stupid tax plan. They refused, so the vetoes started mounting up. And when Republicans in the statehouse decided to support over-riding some of those vetoes, he ... promised to veto almost every single bill with either a Republican OR Democratic sponsor! Yes, that means pretty much everything. Wonderful. He also put 72 line-item vetoes in to try to change that budget to cut things he disliked; the statehouse overrode all 72. Now, some of his numerous vetoes of bills did hold up, but most have been overridden. This whole veto-everything idiocy made me seriously start wondering if he's lost it.

And then... then he did something worse than anything he's done before: He got the Democratic leader in the statehouse fired from his new job. Now, state legislators don't make nearly enough money to live off of that salary, so they need other jobs. This guy, Mark Eves, is a teacher, and got a job at a charter school for disadvantaged children. Charter schools are an idea the right love but liberals do not (basically, most charter schools draw students and money out of the public school system, hurting most students), and only were approved for the first time fairly recently. Eves opposed allowing charter schools when they came up to vote, but it did pass, and now he was going to work at one... until LePage decided that he didn't want that to happen.

So, LePage threatened the school, telling them that he would REVOKE THEIR STATE FUNDING if they let Eves stay at his new job, purely because of his personal dislike of Eves' politics. So, the school was forced to fire Eves, they don't want to be shut down. But this didn't stay hidden, and the news of this insane overreach has become something of a scandal. I hope it hurts LePage badly, you cannot get someone fired just because you dislike them for their political opinions, that's insane!

Some talk is starting up of impeachment, but that would require a 2/3rds majority in the Republican-led state Senate, so that'll be difficult. It sure would be nice if LePage would go, though.

Oh, in other news about LePage, he just made a hilarious joke about shooting a Bangor Daily News cartoonist who he disagrees with. Isn't he just a riot? :bummed: (He's said things like this before, too.)

Some relevant articles:


If hes so awful why did you guys elect him then? Sounds like all he does is throw tantrums.


I don't get where this comes from. I've always heard that marriage equality was the first step toward codifying LGBT protection,

Had "the talk" with my southern parents. They were way more gracious than I had predicted, but I always assume the worst of them so that's what I get for that. My dad was actually way more upset about the Housing Act ruling than the marriage one /shrug.

Your dad has a surprising amount of political savvy! The FHA ruling is probably more important in some sense than Obergefell, because gay marriage was pretty inevitable, but fair housing still isn't legal like anywhere.
Imma go with "democrats ran an openly gay candidate that also happens to be a blue dog".

That, and the independent (Elliot Cutler) who ran in 2010 and finished a close second to LePage after the Democrat that year's support collapsed ran again, AND a bear-baiting referendum (trying to ban that unpleasant practice) resulted in a big increase in votes in more rural, conservative parts of the state, mostly in district 2 (Maine has two congressional districts for the US house. 1 is in the southeast and is more liberal, while 2 is the rest of the state and is more conservative.).

Between those three things -- Cutler, Michaud being gay, and bear baiting -- Michaud lost, despite winning the first district -- his deficit in the second district was larger. This is despite that he is from the second district, and represented it in the US House for years. That was before he came out as gay, though; he only did that early in the Governor campaign. Oh, and to make matters worse, the Dems lost that US House seat too, in 2014 -- the Dem trying to replace him lost to a Republican, buoyed by bear-baiting surely.
I don't know what bear baiting is. Are bears involved
Yes. It was a referendum to ban catching bears with bait stations, traps, or hunting dogs.

The idea with bait is that bears like food, so you dump food in the woods regularly in specific places, get bears used to the idea that food is there, then eventually go to that place and shoot them. Traps are self-explanatory, bear traps. And dogs, hunting dog packs trained to go after bears (the dogs are often not treated well, I think). The referendum banned all three things, but bear-baiting is what most people called the referendum. There have been two votes on it now over the past decade, both failed attempts at banning it. Apparently no other state in the US allows all three of these methods of bear hunting, I think, or at least very few do... but Maine does. I think banning it would be good, but sadly the effort probably did help the Republicans win.
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