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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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No: http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/14pdf/13-7120_p86b.pdf

In the case Johnson v. United States, the Supreme Court just struck down a provision of the Armed Career Criminal Act that says that someone's past crimes count as "violent" if they involve a risk of serious injury to another person — even if the crime didn't actually involve violence.

The case was an 8-1 decision, but that's a little misleading. Six of the justices, led by Justice Antonin Scalia, ruled that the provision in question was "unconsitutionally vague." Another two felt that the provision was constitutional, but that owning a sawed-off shotgun shouldn't count.

The court has been gunning for this clause for a while — this is actually the fifth case in seven years dealing with it. For a while, they were waiting for Congress to fix it, but they've finally decided to strike it down.
Scalia said:
Nine years’ experience trying to derive meaning from the residual clause convinces us that we have embarked upon a failed enterprise. Each of the uncertainties in the residual clause may be tolerable in isolation, but “their sum makes a task for us which at best could be only guesswork.” United States v. Evans, 333 U. S. 483, 495 (1948). Invoking so shapeless a provision to condemn someone to prison for 15 years to life does not comport with the Constitution’s guarantee of due process.

This was the case where they told them to come back for a second round of oral arguments because the first one was so worthless.
Kennedys Opinion is so eloquent throughout. None more so than the end. I don't know if anyone could have written a better Decision on same sex marriage than he.

Contrast that to the petulant child that is scalia. The dissent feels like something you'd read on a Facebook comment. He comes off as a boorish idiot. I knew there would be salt but wow.

Another embarrassment we can put behind us, America.

Same sex couples were always equal to others in my eyes and now the same will be true in the eyes of the law. Awesome.

I don't think Obama should get that much credit for gay marriage, if anything, diamond Joe should, but it's pretty funny.

How bout all the glbt activist organizations across the country and their long-time supporters throughout the decades get the vast majority of the credit...that'd be good. Obama and Biden are footnotes in the story of marriage equality with their legacy being their administration appointing 2 of the justices to vote for it. Quite frankly, they don't get much credit beyond that in my book. They initially didn't run on(2008) equal rights for GLBT people and those that support them. In my history book that fact will not be omitted. Cowardly. I will give Obama props for coming out in support of gay marriage before his reelection but given the history of the fight for gay rights...Obama is merely a footnote when there are plenty of other people who did a hell of a lot more.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ted Cruz, George Pataki, Rand Paul and Donald Trump no longer candidates apparently.

Were they ever really in the first place?

HylianTom said:
Jeb and Rubio have set themselves apart by not calling for (the fantasy of) a constitutional amendment. Walker has called for one, so I'm wondering if we'll see some voters move in his direction.

So, he'll be following the classic "Say something that gets me through the primaries and absolutely destroys me in the general election" campaign move the GOP has done recently.


In the future our children's textbooks will talk about how Obama killed Mitt Hitler and freed the gays by abolishing Christianity and instituting Sharia.
I'm a bit surprised Roberts were with the dissenters. Nearly everyone thought Roberts would be with the majority.

TBF, Roberts' dissent basically said that this was an issue for legislators and not courts. I still think that's garbage since he was willing to eviscerate the voting rights act after it had been past by Congress but its not like he agreed with Scalia.
Okay, so all of the GOP candidates have weighed-in with reactions.


Jeb and Rubio have set themselves apart by not calling for (the fantasy of) a constitutional amendment. Walker has called for one, so I'm wondering if we'll see some voters move in his direction.

Do these idiots not understand that gay people have faith as well? They talk about freedom of religion but they only mean their religion(in a broad sense) and furthermore as to they themselves interpret it.

Why the fuck am I on such a stupid planet? God fucking hell.


Chief Justice John Roberts said:
Indeed, however heartened the proponents of same-sex marriage might be on this day, it is worth acknowledging what they have lost, and lost forever: the opportunity to win the true acceptance that comes from persuading their fellow citizens of the justice of their cause. And they lose this just when the winds of change were freshening at their backs.
Truly a horrible day for same-sex marriage supporters everywhere.
My facebook feed is somewhat disappointingly homogenous.

I really shouldn't have been such an effective debater against idiotic positions that all my idiotic former facebook friends unfriended me.

Truly a horrible day for same-sex marriage supporters everywhere.

I think 63% and climbing was a fine jumping off point. Thanks, though, JR.


How bout all the glbt activist organizations across the country and their long-time supporters throughout the decades get the vast majority of the credit...that'd be good. Obama and Biden are footnotes in the story of marriage equality with their legacy being their administration appointing 2 of the justices to vote for it. Quite frankly, they don't get much credit beyond that in my book. They initially didn't run on(2008) equal rights for GLBT people and those that support them. In my history book that fact will not be omitted. Cowardly. I will give Obama props for coming out in support of gay marriage before his reelection but given the history of the fight for gay rights...Obama is merely a footnote when there are plenty of other people who did a hell of a lot more.
You're of course right, and while we're at it, let's remember Ninia Baehr and Genora Dancel.


But let's not downplay what Diamond Joe Biden did here, it was not some sort of political calculus, he was asked a question on meet the press, and uncle Joe pretty much decided it was time to get fucking real.
We would've got here anyway, but he pushed the schedule on the Obama white house, more than his operatives were comfortable in doing, and he deserves a credit for that.
Were they ever really in the first place?

So, he'll be following the classic "Say something that gets me through the primaries and absolutely destroys me in the general election" campaign move the GOP has done recently.

I want Walker to say something completely stupid during these primaries - he's flying under the radar too much and that worries me. He reminds me of Harper in Canada


Putin truly is a master class troll/politician. From interview to an italian newspaper.
Putin is a master troll. But his answers are insightful. They reveal the motivation behind Russia's actions. Putin mentions the eastern expansion of NATO and Bush's withdrawal from the ABM Treaty as provocations, and he's not wrong. Both policies signaled a dramatic shift in American post-Cold War strategy that encroached on Russia's interests. These objections were raised when Clinton first proposed the expansion of NATO. Gaddis encapsulates the faults of expansion, and the predictions of those opposed to a shift in policy proved prescient. Bush's decision to withdraw from the ABM Treaty and install a missile defense system in Eastern Europe only accelerated the burgeoning tension between the U.S. and Russia. And when it became clear in 2008 at the Bucharest summit that the U.S. was going to eventually bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, Russia decided to assert its interests aggressively. The inattention to great power politics since the Clinton Administration has been detrimental to our interests. Obama has performed better than his predecessors on this point, but it's going to take consistency to remedy the damage.
Do these idiots not understand that gay people have faith as well? They talk about freedom of religion but they only mean their religion(in a broad sense) and furthermore as to they themselves interpret it.

Why the fuck am I on such a stupid planet? God fucking hell.
We're a species of upstart apes. What do you expect?


Unconfirmed Member
I sure am happy that we don't have to look at this gay marriage decision like it was a trade for the Obamacare ruling. No having to say "but King v Burwell" when talking about this decision. Just pure celebration.


One of his best speeches ever.

BuzzFeed News ‏@BuzzFeedNews
BISMARCK, N.D. (@AP) - North Dakota county issues same-sex marriage license in wake of Supreme Court ruling

Question from the SSM ruling thread in OT Main:

The ruling doesn't establish marriage - alone - as a fundamental right, correct? Simply that if state-sanctioned civil marriage is going to exist it can't be discriminatory.

I know some red states were planning on dropping civil marriage altogether, or at least talking about it, if the ruling went the way they didn't want. The ruling doesn't prohibit that, does it?
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