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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I've been seeing a lot of so called liberals using breitbart, newsmax, nypost, etc articles to further their "fuck Hillary" narrative. It's crazy.

I remember one guy thinking George Soros(who supports Hillary I assume) was behind some Sanders plot and using the washington times as proof.
"You've thrown us in the crap again!" Hillary screamed. "I've never been this pissed off at you! I don't think you really want me to be president."

Bill looked up over the rim of his eyeglasses, which were perched on the tip of his nose.

"Calm down," he said.

His air of nonchalance only made Hillary angrier, and with a sweeping motion of her arm, she shoved everything off the top of his desk, sending papers and an expensive piece of Chihuly blown glass flying onto the floor.

"Jesus!" Bill said.

He got up to retrieve the Chihuly sculpture, which fortunately wasn't damaged. He put it carefully back on his desk. He had one of the largest private collections of Chihuly glass in the country.

"You don't care about anything but that fucking piece of glass," Hillary said.

No way this is true. This is some Shonda Rimes level fuckery. And I /like/ Shonda Rimes.
Trump lukewarm on Paul Ryan as speaker, dismisses Marco Rubio

He did tweak his attack on Florida Senator Marco Rubio, one of his fellow rivals for the GOP nomination, saying that he sweats too much to deal with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

"So you have Putin - he's sitting over here," Trump said. "And he's waiting to kill the stupid Americans because he's been just destroying us so badly. So he figures, and a guy walks in, and he's soaking wet and sweating. "Hello, hello, can I have some water?" And Putin's sitting there what the hell kind of stuff is this? This is not exactly a poker player here folks."

Before Trump took the stage, Herman Cain, the former fast food executive and presidential candidate, addressed the crowd. His "9-9-9" tax plan briefly pushed Cain to the top of the polls in the 2012 race for the Republican nomination. Cain, who at one time led the National Restaurant Association, held an actual fork in his hand, to illustrate that the country had reached a fork in the road.

We've still got another year of this?


"This is not exactly a poker player here folks."



"There is no such thing as a victim."

Nevermind that the Nazis took over half of Europe in the span of a few years. Nevermind that yes there was a Jewish uprising, especially in Poland. This shit is disgusting.
And never mind that about 3 million Red Army POWs died in the Holocaust.
Man, I thought we left the whole "sheep to the slaughter" narrative in the dustbin of history, and to revive it just to get brownie points with the NRA?


What madness could drive someone to wear a zippered hoodie like a sweatshirt?
Jeb! choose to do this thing not because it's easy, but because it is hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of his energies and skills, because that challenge is one that he is willing to accept, one he is unwilling to postpone and one which he intends to win.
And the others, too.
Well, maybe.


Fox News has things to say:


This guy is a POS. Allow states earlier in the article that he is a Jew and has studied the Holocaust, as if that gives him any weight behind his words. I’m a Jew and I studied accounting, and I can guarantee you that you do not want me preparing your taxes in April. Fuck his disingenuous and hypothetical nonsense.
This guy is a POS. Allow states earlier in the article that he is a Jew and has studied the Holocaust, as if that gives him any weight behind his words. I’m a Jew and I studied accounting, and I can guarantee you that you do not want me preparing your taxes in April. Fuck his disingenuous and hypothetical nonsense.

Well I'd trust you with my money!


I know it's hard for you to fathom, but absolutely. America wants an outsider. The general Joe Blow public is not particularly fond of politicians right now. Look how well he's doing despite all the crazy shit he's saying.

Actually, I'm not even sure Hillary beats Bernie at this point. If he gets the nom it's all over. Sanders cannot beat a Republican. The term "socialist" will never accepted in this country. Period. He destroyed his national chances when he a proclaimed that he's a socialist.

I agree with you about the Donald.

I disagree about Bern
just remembered the democrat debate starts in 2 days, hope its not boring lol. Whos doing the debate thread?

of course it's going to be boring. There is no horse race or animosity on the democratic side, as much as the media (and certain sanders fans) wish there was.

Expect a lot to be made of the vast discrepancy in the ratings between the democratic and republican debates after it's over. If it gets half the audience of Trumpfest and Trumpfest 2: electric boogaloo I would be VERY surprised.
It's funny reading through far right media writing this week. Their reaction to everything has basically been:

House members literally sobbing after McCarthy didn't get the Speaker position: "Healthy process."

Benghazi committee being revealed beyond a doubt to be a total farce: "Let's look at some new Hillary emails. These are important."

Donald Trump going back to dominating the polls: "Ted Cruz will win in the end!"

Ben Carson's verbal diarrhea: "You know, he has a point."
It's funny reading through far right media writing this week. Their reaction to everything has basically been:

House members literally sobbing after McCarthy didn't get the Speaker position: "Healthy process."

Benghazi committee being revealed beyond a doubt to be a total farce: "Let's look at some new Hillary emails. These are important."

Donald Trump going back to dominating the polls: "Ted Cruz will win in the end!"

Ben Carson's verbal diarrhea: "You know, he has a point."
The Baghdad Bob party.
CBS poll


The real-estate mogul garners 27 percent support in the poll, the same number he drew in the last edition of the poll one month ago.

Ben Carson continues to place second with 21 percent support, down 2 points since the last poll.

Carson is followed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) with 9 percent support and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) with 8 percent support. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush and former business executive Carly Fiorina tie for fifth place with 6 percent support each.

Trump, Carson, Cruz, and Fiorina – who are all running on an anti-establishment platform – combine for 63 percent of the vote.

If you combined Jeb, Rubio, Christie, and Kasich into one super establishment candidate, they would get 19% of the vote.

This poll took place before Carson started mumbling about the Jews being losers and about how he saved himself by attempting to sacrifice a cashier, but after most of Carson's other comments about gun control being more frightening than dead children and how kindergarten teachers needed to be trained and armed.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
CBS poll


If you combined Jeb, Rubio, Christie, and Kasich into one super establishment candidate, they would get 19% of the vote.

This poll took place before Carson started mumbling about the Jews being losers and about how he saved himself by attempting to sacrifice a cashier, but after most of Carson's other comments about gun control being more frightening than dead children and how kindergarten teachers needed to be trained and armed.

I am not shocked at all he only lost 2 points because of those stupid statements. Trump rolls on.
just remembered the democrat debate starts in 2 days, hope its not boring lol. Whos doing the debate thread?

My local debate "Watch Party" has grown to 53 (was 43 when I signed up last Tuesday)!

Using Bernie's event tracker web page (who said his team can't do tech? ;) ), I found you can manually modify the distance (from home town) to reveal all the events in the entire country, and here are the current stats for the debate watch parties (which I tallied using Chrome's handy JavaScript console):

Total Parties: 2014
Average RSVPs: 27
Total RSVPs: 53475
Most Popular: 375; North Park Observatory Theater 2891 University Ave San Diego CA 92104

My local town, which has a population of around 24k, is ranked #182. I can't wait :).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Jeb!'s favorability numbers continue to tank in that poll, he's done.

Kasich remains at 2%.

The only thing getting in the way of Trump winning is those favorability ratings.

53% unfavorable? One of two things will happen here:

1) As people begin to drop out, they'll gravitate toward the remaining guys left (which I still think end up being Rubio and Carson).

2) Eventually we'll be left with Trump and Rubio and the anti-establishment people will swallow their pride and still end up going with Trump because the base is that angry right now.


Daniel B·;181307806 said:
Using Bernie's event tracker web page (who said his team can't do tech? ;) ).
His team didn't do that tech though. It was donated to his campaign.

That said, the Dem debate probably won't pull the same numbers the Republican debates do.
The only thing getting in the way of Trump winning is those favorability ratings.

53% unfavorable? One of two things will happen here:

1) As people begin to drop out, they'll gravitate toward the remaining guys left (which I still think end up being Rubio and Carson).

2) Eventually we'll be left with Trump and Rubio and the anti-establishment people will swallow their pride and still end up going with Trump because the base is that angry right now.

53% unfavorable among the general public. He's 53/29 with GOP voters.

And those are still not great favorables, especially when compared to Rubio and Carson, but they're not that bad and certainly not the dumpster fire that Jeb and Kasich have in favorables. Jeb is at 32/38 in favorability among Republicans right now.


No Scrubs
Its worth pointing out that this poll has a tiny sample size of 400+ people but I still think Cruz is better positioned than Rubio to pick up support if Trump / Carson start to weaken. And boy Jeb may as well pack it in and return some money to his donors.

Trump is going to turn on Cruz in the coming days, Cruz totally broke their truce and he won't be able to resist.
Trump is going to turn on Cruz in the coming days, Cruz totally broke their truce and he won't be able to resist.

Trump needs Cruz's endorsement to get the religious extremists supporting Cruz and Carson right now to pick Trump over Rubio in the end. I don't think he can turn on Cruz.


Trump needs Cruz's endorsement to get the religious extremists supporting Cruz and Carson right now to pick Trump over Rubio in the end. I don't think he can turn on Cruz.
I'm predicting both that it won't stop him from turning against Cruz, and that somehow, doing so won't end up hurting him.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
53% unfavorable among the general public. He's 53/29 with GOP voters.

And those are still not great favorables, especially when compared to Rubio and Carson, but they're not that bad and certainly not the dumpster fire that Jeb and Kasich have in favorables. Jeb is at 32/38 in favorability among Republicans right now.

You're right. My mistake. 53/29 is more than enough to win the nomination.
What a waste of votes.

We always seem to be worse than Canada at stuff.

I remember reading a WSJ op-ed about how automatic voter registration was a bad idea because less informed voters might make the rational choice to abdicate the election of government leaders to those who were more informed.

Coming from what's become Fox News with a monocle, that was pretty rich.
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