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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Why these people have this "action-movie" mindset when it comes to real life? They think with a gun it will play out like in their favorite action movie, with them deftly dodging bullets and them shooting all the bad guys with super human accuracy in a chaotic scene. Or that they will get a burst of courage and defeat whatever evil that they think they are fighting.


Here's Trump's rally in GA from earlier. I said goddamn.
@ 19:50, 33:00 - skewers the media to their faces. Shits on CNN. SPAN THEM!
@ 25:25 - destroys Jeb!, Rubio, and Clinton
Fox News has things to say:


"There is no such thing as a victim."

Nevermind that the Nazis took over half of Europe in the span of a few years. Nevermind that yes there was a Jewish uprising, especially in Poland. This shit is disgusting.
Sanders would lose. That's how little faith I have in his abilities and his appeal to the overall American electorate. Trump, despite all his disgusting comments, probably represents the average American more than Sanders.

Ño. Like 8 in 10 polls matching them say otherwise.

Here's Trump's rally in GA from earlier. I said goddamn.
@ 19:50 - skewers the media to their faces. Shits on CNN.
@ 25:25 - destroys Jeb!, Rubio, and Clinton

oh hello there, non-ironical Trump supporter. You will have a lot of fun here.


Jerry Brown signs automatic DMV voter registration bill. As if the California GOP's situation couldn't get more bleak...

This might prove paramount to picking up previously GOP-leaning seats in order to cobble together a D majority in the House.


Jerry Brown signs automatic DMV voter registration bill. As if the California GOP's situation couldn't get more bleak...

This might prove paramount to picking up previously GOP-leaning seats in order to cobble together a D majority in the House.

Great. Who is the next state in line at this?
Jerry Brown signs automatic DMV voter registration bill. As if the California GOP's situation couldn't get more bleak...

This might prove paramount to picking up previously GOP-leaning seats in order to cobble together a D majority in the House.
Too bad they have independent redistricting otherwise they could have just baconmandered the whole state so every district would be D+6.


Unconfirmed Member
Too bad they have independent redistricting otherwise they could have just baconmandered the whole state so every district would be D+6.
Shitty redistricting is bad even when it favors "your team". sorry.

Edit: spelling corrected. It kept suggesting redistribution in place of redistricting lol
Jerry Brown signs automatic DMV voter registration bill. As if the California GOP's situation couldn't get more bleak...

This might prove paramount to picking up previously GOP-leaning seats in order to cobble together a D majority in the House.
Why is this not in the Dem platform? Every time they are able in any state they should do this.


Too bad they have independent redistricting otherwise they could have just baconmandered the whole state so every district would be D+6.

CA-39 (if there is a retirement)
CA-49 (Issa's seat is now only R+4, making it competitive would be the dream)

The 45th is also 45% non white with an R+7 lean. Higher registration might make it competitive. All of these could be potentially competitive.

It's also likely that CA will get a 54th seat in 2020.


I like my D+23 district thank you very much.

What a waste of votes.

The United States is one of the world’s only developed countries where the onus for registration is on voters. In Canada, the burden is flipped, with the government automatically registering citizens when they come in contact with state agencies.

We always seem to be worse than Canada at stuff.

Automatic registration would become law in New Jersey, where the Democratic-controlled legislature passed their bill, if Republican Gov. Chris Christie wasn’t totally opposed to the concept. There’s a chance it could still pass via a ballot initiative next year.


"There is no such thing as a victim."

Nevermind that the Nazis took over half of Europe in the span of a few years. Nevermind that yes there was a Jewish uprising, especially in Poland. This shit is disgusting.

It's not porn, it's HBO.

Or: it's not digusting, it's Fox News.


My district is D+20, but there'd be very ways to draw it where it wasn't that D. It's just the nature of the conservative vote -- it's more efficient.


The part where he asked the cameramen to scan the room to show the size of the crowd, and then called them dishonest when they didn't - great stuff


The GOP is Throwing Away Millions of Dollars

Snuffing out Donald Trump’s candidacy may lower the rest of the Republican field’s chances of beating Hillary Clinton. To bring Trump down a peg, the field is likely to double down on strategies—like heavy spending on negative TV ads—that may win the primary but simply won’t work as well in November. Democrats, meanwhile, are busy building a vast organization to replicate President Obama’s data-and-field driven juggernaut and take it even further.

In 2012, both sides in the general election invested enough on television, but only one side invested enough in registering and turning out the vote. The Obama campaign registered 3 million voters (a good chunk of its national popular vote margin), and had 3,000 full-time organizers on payroll whose mission was to “organize themselves out of a job.” This meant that staffers were explicitly told not to call voters and knock on doors, and instead focus exclusively on recruiting a massive volunteer army who could do the job instead. This process of “capacity building,” as it was referred to internally (and documented extensively in Elizabeth McKenna and Hahrie Han’s academic book, Groundbreakers), allowed the Obama campaign to scale its operations an order of magnitude beyond the Romney campaign. On Election Day, the president over-performed the final polling averages by 3 points, a possible indicator that his turnout operation had done the trick.

This legacy influences the party’s 2016 hopefuls today. According to Democracy in Action, a website that uses Federal Election Committee data and press reports to track campaign structure and organization, Clinton has a staff of at least 90 in Iowa, with an additional 100 unpaid organizing fellows, and at least 17 field offices. Bernie Sanders’ Iowa staff has grown to more than 50, with 14 offices. In Democratic circles, an operation of that size is not considered a luxury available only to front-runners like Clinton, but a prerequisite for being taken seriously. Though gaps in reporting are likely, Democracy in Action reports that no Republican candidate has more than 10 full-time staff in any early voting state (not counting consultants and volunteer leaders).

This is a Republican analyst fretting over the Democratic GOTV operation. When I am asked to think of why I remain calm about 2016, this is one key bulletpoint. It's not just demographics making the race a point or two steeper that makes me more comfortable.. it's the probability that the GOP will still have not learned its lessons from 2012 as far as digital/information infrastructure is concerned.


Are Sanders fans still clinging to the fallacy that Biden running is going to help Sanders sneak his way into the nomination somehow??

I'm getting the sense you think I'm a die hard Sanders fan because I've earlier argued him winning Iowa and New Hampshire could significantly change the race. No, I was just giving my objective view of how the race would play out if that were to happen.

On the issue at hand I do think Biden's entry into the race would make the primary far more competitive and unpredictable than it would be without him, especially if Hillary can't turn things around.


No Scrubs
This is a Republican analyst fretting over the Democratic GOTV operation. When I am asked to think of why I remain calm about 2016, this is one key bulletpoint. It's not just demographics making the race a point or two steeper that makes me more comfortable.. it's the probability that the GOP will still have not learned its lessons from 2012 as far as digital/information infrastructure is concerned.

There's also the fact that if someone is able to beat Trump he will have bloodied them to the point that they'll have no ability to compete in the general, because if anyone thinks he'll go down without an epic fight they're kidding themselves.

I'm getting the sense you think I'm a die hard Sanders fan because I've earlier argued him winning Iowa and New Hampshire could significantly change the race. No, I was just giving my objective view of how the race would play out if that were to happen.

On the issue at hand I do think Biden's entry into the race would make the primary far more competitive and unpredictable than it would be without him, especially if Hillary can't turn things around.

Honestly, winning NH will be an "as expected" result for Sanders. His home state is right next door, demographics are similar, they'll have already heard of him. Winning won't do much for him but losing would be a hammer blow. If he could win South Carolina then that would be a real coup.
Shitty redistricting is bad even when it favors "your team". sorry.

Edit: spelling corrected. It kept suggesting redistribution in place of redistricting lol
That wasn't entirely serious.

Entirely being the key word.

I would love some nationwide measure implemented that forced nonpartisan redistricting everywhere - until then why fight with one hand behind our back? Same with Citizens United and SuperPAC spending. Love me some Russ Feingold but his loss in 2010 was avoidable.


Jerry Brown signs automatic DMV voter registration bill. As if the California GOP's situation couldn't get more bleak...

This might prove paramount to picking up previously GOP-leaning seats in order to cobble together a D majority in the House.
Awesome to read! Go Cali and Brown!
There's also the fact that if someone is able to beat Trump he will have bloodied them to the point that they'll have no ability to compete in the general, because if anyone thinks he'll go down without an epic fight they're kidding themselves
Yup, going to be hilarious. The fact they're being mangled by a candidate once seen as a joke shows how pathetically weak this entire field is.
*edit* PD was right about Romney circa 2011-2012. The man wasn't the greatest candidate ever but he was at least very competent and gave off the appearance he could get stuff done even if his plans were more or less the same failed policies from the past.
Having Joe jumping in would take a chunk of the voters that don't want Hillary, but wants an alternative Joe can easy provided that. He will also take the middle class and parts of the minority population as there would be very little reason to vote for a unknown when you have a guy that actually worked close to the president. Joe Biden is also the safer choice and he'll get a lot more support from donors and endorsements; more competition for labor unions and unions in general.

Importantly, the media will most likely focus on Joe and Hillary leaving everyone else in the sidelines a lot more. Joe jumping into the race is very bad for Sanders in the long term.


I thought Biden was rumored to announce this weekend. Guess the tease and uncertainty goes on longer.

He's rumored to announce every single weekend, and also "within the next few weeks" or "possibly within the next few months".

Meanwhile the time to build a campaign infrastructure steadily grows shorter (c.f. the article by Ruffini posted above).

I think this could easily be stretched out until Super Tuesday.


He's rumored to announce every single weekend, and also "within the next few weeks" or "possibly within the next few months".

Meanwhile the time to build a campaign infrastructure steadily grows shorter (c.f. the article by Ruffini posted above).

I think this could easily be stretched out until Super Tuesday.
"Maybe there will be a brokered convention and Joe can still jump in then."
CNN Breaking news
Major Bradley Podliska, an intelligence officer in the Air Force Reserve who describes himself as a conservative Republican, told CNN that the committee trained its sights almost exclusively on Clinton after the revelation last March that she used a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state. That new focus flipped a broad-based probe of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, into what Podliska described as "a partisan investigation."

Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton's role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.


No Scrubs
If O'Malley tries pimping the email farce during the debate, I really hope Hillary just tells him that he's no better than a Republican Benghazi panelist, and that she was hoping he'd be above that kind of foolishness.

That would be the purest form of ether.
“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.
“F— off,” she replied.

That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,” a compelling look at the intrepid personnel who shield America’s presidents and their families — and those whom they guard.
And Kessler exposes Hillary as an epically abusive Arctic monster.
“When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler explains. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident.”
He adds: “Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi.”
While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. “She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f - - - did we come here for? There’s no money here.’ ”
As he told me: “No one would hire such a person to work at a McDonald’s, and yet she is being considered for president of the United States.”
Trump is such a great speaker! I likely won't vote for him, but I can see why people are into him over the other Republicans.

I hope that Hillary Story is not true in the NY Post. I was starting to warm up to her :(


No Scrubs
Trump is such a great speaker! I likely won't vote for him, but I can see why people are into him over the other Republicans.

I hope that Hillary Story is not true in the NY Post. I was starting to warm up to her :(

It's the NYPost, they're the newspaper equivalent of FOX News. They're more likely to get a story like that wrong than they are to get it right.
"You've thrown us in the crap again!" Hillary screamed. "I've never been this pissed off at you! I don't think you really want me to be president."

Bill looked up over the rim of his eyeglasses, which were perched on the tip of his nose.

"Calm down," he said.

His air of nonchalance only made Hillary angrier, and with a sweeping motion of her arm, she shoved everything off the top of his desk, sending papers and an expensive piece of Chihuly blown glass flying onto the floor.

"Jesus!" Bill said.

He got up to retrieve the Chihuly sculpture, which fortunately wasn't damaged. He put it carefully back on his desk. He had one of the largest private collections of Chihuly glass in the country.

"You don't care about anything but that fucking piece of glass," Hillary said.

I don't think anyone takes Kessler too seriously, this is the WaPo review of his 2009 book 'In the President's Secret Service'.


But rather than use that wealth of information to write a serious book examining the inner workings of the long-veiled agency or the new challenges of protecting the first black president, the author simply milked the agents for the juiciest gossip he could get and mixed it with a rambling list of their complaints.

Trashing their motto, these agents seem to relish throwing dirt on their former protectees, especially Democrats.
Throughout the book, many of the current and former agents come across as little more than disgruntled rent-a-guards, complaining about their shifts, their assignments and their pay while traveling on Air Force One and walking the halls of the West Wing.
What is truly dangerous is the kind of National Enquirer-style gossip in Kessler's book. In the future, without "trust and confidence" in their agents, presidents will want to keep them at a distance, out of spying range -- and out of safety range, when split seconds may count.

By contrast, I recently listened to the audiobook of 'Inside Marine One' by Col. Ray L'Heureux, who flew the presidential helicopter for H.W. Bush through Obama. He described the Clintons as "kind and appreciative" although Al Gore was "cold and stoic".
His air of nonchalance only made Hillary angrier, and with a sweeping motion of her arm, she shoved everything off the top of his desk, sending papers and an expensive piece of Chihuly blown glass flying onto the floor.

"Jesus!" Bill said.

He got up to retrieve the Chihuly sculpture, which fortunately wasn't damaged. He put it carefully back on his desk. He had one of the largest private collections of Chihuly glass in the country.

"You don't care about anything but that fucking piece of glass," Hillary said.
I am utterly convinced this took place
I've been seeing a lot of so called liberals
A more damning label I have never heard
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