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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Per someone at Bernie's CA fundraiser today, Bernie's campaign(the people's campaign) has raised ~2.5 Million dollars in the 24 hours that have passed since the debate ended. $100,000 an hour basically.

He is also on Ellen this Thursday(tomorrow).


A few days ago somebody posted an article about the D candidates preparing for the debate. I remember in the article they reported Bernie wasn't doing any debate prep at all, and at that time I was thinking he was either incredibly confident or overly naive.

Years ago I read Obama was very obsessive about prepping for debates back in 2008, down to the point where he'd have the podiums positioned properly during his practices. It takes work! Bernie can't just stroll in and expect to dominate off of merely his confidence in the subjects he's familiar with. Even someone as seasoned as Hillary fudged a bit (she probably practiced too).

Do you know the one time Barry-O didn't practice for his debate? It was the first debate of 2012 (srs). There were numerous articles about how he was taking the week off leading up to the first debate from heavy debate prep and decided to relax more beforehand and it turned out to be a complete trainwreck. Anytime I hear politicians shirking debate prep before, I know they will falter during the debate (or at the very least, not perform to their highest potential).


Do you know the one time Barry-O didn't practice for his debate? It was the first debate of 2012 (srs). There were numerous articles about how he was taking the week off leading up to the first debate from heavy debate prep and decided to relax more beforehand and it turned out to be a complete trainwreck. Anytime I hear politicians shirking debate prep before, I know they will falter during the debate (or at the very least, not perform to their highest potential).
Yes, that first debate against Romney was pretty telling. That's why I thought Bernie not preparing was a bit crazy.

Although it was also obvious last night which candidates were the least adaptable in a bad situation. Bernie found an equilibrium at least.
Per someone at Bernie's CA fundraiser today, Bernie's campaign(the people's campaign) has raised ~2.5 Million dollars in the 24 hours that have passed since the debate ended. $100,000 an hour basically.

He is also on Ellen this Thursday(tomorrow).

He mentioned his website 2 different times and asked for donations. It's not that shocking when you consider 15 million people were watching.


He's not dead.

and Benji, this is Canada's greatest icon.

Bret Hart truly is a treasure!
Per someone at Bernie's CA fundraiser today, Bernie's campaign(the people's campaign) has raised ~2.5 Million dollars in the 24 hours that have passed since the debate ended. $100,000 an hour basically.

He is also on Ellen this Thursday(tomorrow).
Niceee. At least Bernie got some more attention.
I'm really glad Bernie is raising so much money for Hillary's general election fund. He's my pick for health and human services secretary.


A few days ago somebody posted an article about the D candidates preparing for the debate. I remember in the article they reported Bernie wasn't doing any debate prep at all, and at that time I was thinking he was either incredibly confident or overly naive.

I think more than anything it speaks to the reality that Bernie isn't running to win the nomination.


Walk me through it, please. I recall a lot of the states are winner-take-all this time.

No, the difference is that they're significantly PR in the GOP for the first time.

Just to take the RCP averages and allocate the delegates based on that.

Trump	6
Carson	5
Fiorina	3
Cruz	3
Rubio	2
Jeb!	2
Huckabee	1
Jindal	1
Paul	1
Kasich	1
Christie	1
Santorum	1
Graham	0

NH, will use 10% threshold:
Trump	13
Fiorina	7
Carson	5

SC (picks on statewide + CD, i'm just allocating them all statewide):
Trump	15
Carson	9
Fiorina	3
Cruz	3
Rubio	3
Jeb!	3
Huckabee	2
Kasich	2
Graham	2
Jindal	1
Paul	1
Christie	1
Santorum	0

Then there's Florida (the only other state with regular polling), which is after Super Tuesday which will be PR too, which is winner take all with 99 delegates. It's the same day as Illinois, Missouri, Ohio and North Carolina.

Those first three races put the delegate counts at:
Trump	34
Carson	19
Fiorina	13
Cruz	6
Rubio	5
Jeb!	5
Huckabee	3
Kasich	3
Graham	2
Jindal	2
Paul	2
Christie	2
Santorum	1

Trump currently leads in Florida, so he'd get all 99, bumping him up to 133.

You need 1236 delegates to win the nomination.

For comparison, in 2012, we entered Super Tuesday with this delegate count:
Mitt Romney - 155
Ron Paul - 72
Newt Gingrich - 29
Rick Santorum - 27

Romney would win 616 delegates by the end of March out of a possible 1187.

By the end of March this cycle, there will be 1631 delegates chosen, at least half of them by PR. (624 on March 1st, all PR.) As you can see by the above state examples, it won't necessarily kill off campaigns as fast as we're used to.

The Democrats' rules will probably effectively eliminate any candidate who doesn't pull at least 15% in Iowa and NH as you don't get ANY delegates if you don't hit those thresholds. March 1 will definitely end things as 1085 delegates will be up, all of them requiring 15% to get any.


BTW, the GOP intentionally did this because they wanted candidates to last longer instead of all bailing after just the four primaries of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida. So they created March 1st as a PR Super Tuesday. Then after that, the states start slowly chopping down the candidates. But, a ton of delegates will be floating with no candidate then.

The Democrats now have the front-loaded primary. If you remember 2008, McCain was out there alone for months and months as Hillary and Obama slugged it out.

All terrible but Cornelius Mathews' qualifications should clearly put him ahead of any of the other GOP candidates:

Corneluis's intellectual prowess lead him to fill out his own financial aid papers to acquire the financial support he needed to attend college.

Presidential, y'all.


Trump won't slug it out in a delegate battle. If he loses the early state he will pack it up. He has too big of a ego to deal with losses.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump won't slug it out in a delegate battle. If he loses the early state he will pack it up. He has too big of a ego to deal with losses.

This is ridiculous. Any time he spends in the media spotlight is good business for him.


This is ridiculous. Any time he spends in the media spotlight is good business for him.
If he loses both Iowa and New Hampshire you think he will stay in?

He is so obsessed with poll numbers and the fact he is winning that I just can't see it.


All terrible
Maybe I can interest you in these fine folks:

4. Keenan is a Mensa high IQ scientist who has planned this campaign for ten years and is constantly honing and teaching his plans for their nationwide implementation. When(not if) we legalize Hemp and Marijuana nationwide and open the industries for Medicine, Textiles, Construction, Commercial Sales, Farming, and Personal Use all of this will be taxed from a day one 9% sales tax which will fund Keenan's Space Colonization NASA for Moon travel, Mars bases, TERRAFORMING, Asteroid Mining, and Galactic expansion for generations. In a personal scientific vision Keenan plans to redesign our NASA into a colonizing mission for generations to eventually mine Suns all the way to the center cluster of billions of stars of our galaxy!
Hemp and marijuana will fund us into space if we unleash it all at once for an industrial revolution for all the science available through medical and industrial research of the many strains of this plant. Keenan then plans to fund an American NASA which will colonize the moon, Mars, and the entire solar system. We will use robots to mine resources across the solar system, and collect them on the moon at a base with a zero atmosphere landing pad. We will expand Zero Gravity and Vacuum Space research to further science in another NASA revolution! Zero Gravity and Vacuum research are both essential for scientific advancement and need a proper outlet again in NASA. NASA will have four main tasks under the Dunham administration. NASA will push scientific leadership for Space Research, Space Colonization, Terran and Space TERRAFORMING (all via 5 methods of Greenhouse Farming Keenan has planned), and Robotics Development. The NASA TERRAFORMING division will advance and campaign to end human hunger planet-wide VERY SIMPLY AND COST EFFECTIVE before joining the Space divisions to colonize the moon missions.

Bob’s campaign is dedicated to exposing the crime of white genocide.
Our memes have millions of media impressions. We have erected billboards and launched automated telephone campaigns. Anti-whites around the globe have been confounded and infuriated by our talking points which they cannot refute.

We are not playing the losing game of defending or educating, we are attacking the anti-whites responsible for the global system of white genocide. For fifty years, pro-whites tried to educate on black crime, Jews, and IQ stats. They dreamed of RAHOWA and torchlight parades. And they accomplished nothing. Meanwhile, anti-whites get open borders, white self-hatred, and impending white minority status in one white country after another by screaming weaponized hate words like “Nazi!” “Racist!” “Supremacist!” millions of times. We are destroying those weaponized words with slogans like “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

Bob Whitaker is part of the group that came up with a phrase that helped bring down the Soviet Union: “Why does a workers’ paradise need guards with machine guns and barbed wire to keep people IN?” Phrases like that repeated by Samizdat destroyed the credibility of the Soviet leadership in the minds of the people who kept the system running.

Likewise we are destroying the credibility of the anti-white system by identifying and pointing out its internal contradictions: If race doesn’t exist, what’s diversity? If there’s no such thing as white people, what’s white privilege? if diversity is so wonderful, why is it only imposed on white countries? All we have to do is turn up the volume and the whole anti-white system will come crashing down just like the Soviet Union did.

Bob Whitaker has a proven track record of taking down evil empires. Help us take down one more. Join the winning team. Help us take this struggle to the next level by supporting the American Freedom Party and Bob Whitaker for President 2016.

Why am I running for President of the United States of America.

I seen some serious problems with the way things are run in the town/county I now live in and went to the election commission to get on the ballot for the city mayor to do a clean sweep after being elected, I was too late to apply. The person at the counter said nothing was available until 2016. I looked at her a few seconds, my little bubble deflating........Then it hit me as if GOD grabbed my rudder re aimed my boat then went to the bow and set my sights on the Presidency of the United States Of America. (Aim Higher)

Washington needs a new face. It is time for the younger generation to take the reigns. In 2016, the 45th President of the United States will be elected into office. I will turn 45 in 2016, what a coincident.


GOP’s Benghazi truth serum: Another Republican congressman admits it’s all about taking down Hillary Clinton

Another week, another GOP Congressman is braving the backlash to be honest about his party’s political crusade against Hillary Clinton disguised as the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

During a lengthy interview on WIBX 950’s “Keeler in the Morning,” New York Rep. Richard Hanna, a third term moderate Republican congressman, explained the current turmoil afflicting the House GOP caucus to host Bill Keeler.

“Kevin McCarthy basically blew himself up with that comment over the Benghazi committee,” Hanna said before acknowledging that “sometimes the biggest sin you can commit in D.C. is to tell the truth.”
“This may not be politically correct, but I think that there was a big part of this investigation that was designed to go after people and an individual, Hillary Clinton,” Hanna admitted before quickly claiming that “there’s also a lot of it that’s important.”

But with the cat let fully out of the bag, Hanna continued with his truth-telling: “After what Kevin McCarthy said, it’s difficult to accept at least a part of it was not. And I think that’s the way Washington works.”

Hanna went on to lament the wastefulness of the political expedition, the tenth Congressional committee to participate in a Benghazi investigation, noting that the Rep. Trey Gowdy led Select Committee has gone on longer than the Watergate investigation. “You’d like to expect more from a committee that’s spent millions of dollars and tons of time,” he said. So far, the investigation has cost taxpayers about $4.5 million dollars.
Bret hart's autobiography was one of the most entertaining books I ever read, and I have not cared about wrestling since I was 12. Check it out
Exactly one week until Secretary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee to Exploit the Deaths of American Diplomats to Wage a Political Smear Campaign.

Shit is going to be GLORIOUS.
Bret hart's autobiography was one of the most entertaining books I ever read, and I have not cared about wrestling since I was 12. Check it out

Fuck Goldberg for ending his career. Greatest in ring technician that has ever been.

But speaking of sports.. This was posted in the college football thread.

Jeb! in trouble with the SEC


This guy fucking fails at everything.


Fuck Goldberg for ending his career. Greatest in ring technician that has ever been.

But speaking of sports.. This was posted in the college football thread.
Whew, I just glanced at the quoted part without reading your intro and thought he was in some deep shit with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Exactly one week until Secretary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee to Exploit the Deaths of American Diplomats to Wage a Political Smear Campaign.

Shit is going to be GLORIOUS.

Legit wondering how she'll play it.

Also killing time with shadowrun dragonfall until dem polls hit. Sogood.gif. I want muh polls tho.
Indeed. I just hope she wrecks them with words, not with tone. The less material one can give to the Out of Control Hormonal Woman narrative, the better.

Great edit, btw

Americans won't elect a President that they don't perceive as tough. Sometimes you got to shut fools down. HRC should go straight Thatcher on the Benghazi committee.
Super Paper Mario is the Antonin Scalia of videogames: it ruins everything good that comes before it.
Other M is ted cruz
That's not how Paper Mario: Sticker Star is spelled.
Even though it doesnt hold a candle to ttyd, at least it was decent and fresh. Not putting me to sleep the whole playthrough was a big plus, too
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