Biden confirmed not running.Biden is running.
Biden confirmed not running.Biden is running.
Jeb's main foreign policy person on how they have no connection to reality:
Jeb's main foreign policy person on how they have no connection to reality:
Jeb's main foreign policy person on how they have no connection to reality:
Bush brings up Terri Schiavo. Remember her? "I'm proud of what I did. We should always err on the side of life."
Bush brings up Terri Schiavo. Remember her? "I'm proud of what I did. We should always err on the side of life."
If Biden does decide to get in the race, his campaign is going to end up being a sad, limp-dicked effort.
His past presidential campaigns
His extreme uncertainty about even entering the race
The upward trajectory of the Clinton campaign following the first debate
He and his advisers think he can win. Biden "sees a path to victory"
He and his advisers think he can win. Biden "sees a path to victory"
He'd have to hope to pull away a ton of Hillary's support among minorities, which is possible but not a sure bet.
And where's he going to plant his ideological flag? At this point he's basically forced to campaign to Hillary's right. Hillary has drifted leftward and Sanders is hogging all the room on the far left.
And unlike Hillary, he has absolutely no ability to reposition himself in opposition to the administration on stuff like TPP.
Are you assuming this because that's what they said to the media?
Pro tip: nobody leaks to the media "yeah, we're doomed before we even start, I don't know why we bother."
I am sure this will be a feel good story for two days and then politico will start running the hit pieces.
And Hillary's debt free college plan is totally going to get passed in congress?
I imagine a GOP president and congress would be much like 2009. All of a sudden they wouldn't be able to go for boisterous action knowing that it will get filibustered or vetoed, they'd have to reign themselves in and take a more thoughtful approach. Think blue dog democrats.
This idea that she will be more comitted to compromise than Sanders or that Republicans will be more open to negotiate with her "just because" is not really grounded in reality, imo.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said:And in my judgement, with respect to Hillary Clinton, she will be a unique president if she is elected by the public next November, because the day she's sworn in is the day that she's subject to impeachment because she has committed high crimes and misdemeanors
The GOP already floating impeachment talk for a future President Hillary Clinton:
New Monmouth poll:
Clinton: 48%
Sanders: 21%
Biden: 17%
Webb/Lessig: 1%
O'Malley/Chafee: *
Sean T at RCP ‏@SeanTrende 14m14 minutes ago
@ForecasterEnten Known outcomes don't pay the bills, my friend.
Can anyone give a quick rundown of Jeb's involvement with Terry Schiavo? I only know of the case from the media back then, but it seems that he did something in particular surrounding the situation?
The GOP already floating impeachment talk for a future President Hillary Clinton:
When the federal appeals were exhausted and the feeding tube was removed, the Florida legislature passed a law giving the Florida governor the right to intervene in the case, which was Jeb. Jeb ordered the feeding tube reinserted. Then that law had to go through the judicial system and get struck down as unconstitutional, which took literally another year and a half.
That's underselling it a bit.When the federal appeals were exhausted and the feeding tube was removed, the Florida legislature passed a law giving the Florida governor the right to intervene in the case, which was Jeb. Jeb ordered the feeding tube reinserted. Then that law had to go through the judicial system and get struck down as unconstitutional, which took literally another year and a half.
Jeb's main foreign policy person on how they have no connection to reality:
Can anyone give a quick rundown of Jeb's involvement with Terry Schiavo? I only know of the case from the media back then, but it seems that he did something in particular surrounding the situation?
When the federal appeals were exhausted and the feeding tube was removed, the Florida legislature passed a law giving the Florida governor the right to intervene in the case, which was Jeb. Jeb ordered the feeding tube reinserted. Then that law had to go through the judicial system and get struck down as unconstitutional, which took literally another year and a half.
Someone needs to smack this guy in the goddamned face.
The GOP already floating impeachment talk for a future President Hillary Clinton:
This idea that she will be more comitted to compromise than Sanders or that Republicans will be more open to negotiate with her "just because" is not really grounded in reality, imo.
And Biden wont run, I think. The narrative is already set for Clinton vs Sanders. I dont see where he could fit into the issues.
When the federal appeals were exhausted and the feeding tube was removed, the Florida legislature passed a law giving the Florida governor the right to intervene in the case, which was Jeb. Jeb ordered the feeding tube reinserted. Then that law had to go through the judicial system and get struck down as unconstitutional, which took literally another year and a half.
I imagine a GOP president and congress would be much like 2009. All of a sudden they wouldn't be able to go for boisterous action knowing that it will get filibustered or vetoed, they'd have to reign themselves in and take a more thoughtful approach. Think blue dog democrats.
I'm not seeing any way this whole Speaker fiasco gets sorted out before we hit the deadlines.
Biden is running.
You guys laugh at PD, but who has been correct as consistently as he has?
You guys laugh at PD, but who has been correct as consistently as he has?
The 90s were the true origin of the "he can't keep getting away with it!" meme. The Darrell Hammond SNL video after the impeachment sums this up perfectly:Makes me nostalgic for the 90''s not really America without a President Clinton laughing off impeachment.