Because they can't. The motion to declare the chair vacant is a House motion like any other, and can't be voted on without being recognized by the chair. In other words, Boehner would have to actively allow them to hold a vote to remove him.
Boehner's not resigning because they could force a vote on the floor, he's resigning because they could force an internal caucus fight. But by its very nature that fight has no procedural power. All it can do is force Boehner to resign.
Also I was going to say that it's tasteless for the GOP to politicize the tragedy but then I saw it was from an outside independent group *winks at meta*
Isn't the motion to vacate the chair a privileged motion, or did I incorrectly recall that? I know there was hubbub about it earlier this year with Meadows because they were questioning whether his non-privileged version was even a legitimate format that could be brought, thus implying that the actual version of the motion is privileged. Whether they have the votes to succeed on such a motion is unclear of course, but that's not to say they couldn't attempt it. And I'm not sure it would be a given that the Democrats would vote to keep Boehner in given the potential upsides for them if a coalition speaker becomes necessary afterwards.
Even privileged motions require the chair to recognize you before they can be brought. (And the chair is allowed to ask you what you're going to say before they decide whether or not to recognize you.) Once you're recognized people can't derail the motion with debate or try to bring up other business, but just getting recognized by the chair is the primary tool/obstacle that keeps control of the House in the hands of the Speaker.
I guess the fear would be that such a motion comes from someone unexpected or arises unexpectedly during necessary business. I'm not familiar with the Robert's Rules of Order, but I would imagine that there's plenty of arcane avenues for them to take in trying to sneak someone into getting recognized or trying to force recognition. And given the must-address issues whose deadlines are quickly approaching, that could provide the kind of chaotic environment that would be necessary to pull something like that off. But to your broader point I am clearly wrong as it relates to them being able to bring it up on demand.
Needs a note like on those phone review benchmarks "Uninsured Americans vs CBO benchmark (Lower is Better)"![]()
Stupid Obamacare failing!
Donald Trump and Ben Carson continue to broaden their appeal among Republican primary voters and have widened their lead over Florida Gov. Jeb. Bush and many other more-experienced candidates, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.
Mr. Bush, once considered the GOP’s likely nominee, is also lagging behind his onetime protege, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is emerging as the leading contender to rally the party’s establishment wing against the rise of insurgent outsiders such as Messrs. Trump and Carson.
The new poll, conducted Oct. 15-18, underscores the durability—even the gathering strength—of anti-Washington candidates who had long been viewed as likely to be flash-in-the-pan political phenomena.
The poll also tested opinion on another aspect of the Republican Party’s internal struggles, the question of who will succeed Rep. John Boehner (R., Ohio) as House speaker. GOP primary voters in the survey said it was more important to find a successor who would stand up for principles rather than seek compromise, even if that meant less work would get done, by a 56% to 40% split.
Chelsea Budgen, a Carson fan who is an at-home caregiver for her veteran husband in upstate New York, said she could support Mr. Bush. But she said she worried that Mr. Bushs family legacy, as a son and brother of presidents, would prove to be a liability that would prevent him from winning a general election.
I have nothing against him or his policies, she said. I just know Americans wouldnt vote in another Bush.
Ben Carson is an idiot savant: evidence no. 1304
Jim Webb considering an independent run.
For maybe being on a ballot somewhere that maybe gets punched on accident.For what?
So he can get his time to talk about his secret desire of killing the ChineseFor what?
For what?
Ben Carson is an idiot savant: evidence no. 1304
I read gibberish.. I mean how could Keith Richards think Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band was rubbish?The hell did I just read?
Ben Carson is an idiot savant: evidence no. 1304
Jeb: *spreads hands, shakes head dismissively*Wat
Jeb... You were supposed to let Trump bury you with schiavo
The man legit thinks that anyone on the left or the right has a positive opinion of how he handled schiavo
I cant
Its too much
Still, I wonder what would happen if Bush walked away. The odds are he does not, but the odds are also that as long as Jeb Bush hangs on, he prevents a necessary shake up in the race for those who are anti-establishment to look again at the field. There is a psychological hold on a lot of the anti-establishment forces convinced that Bush, by virtue of his last name and perceived second coming of Romney, will walk away with the nomination if left unchecked.
If Jeb Bush goes away, so too do many of those psychological holds, barring a Bush endorsement for someone else.
While Bush is not my choice, I do like the guy. He is a very decent, good guy. But at this point, I do wonder about his campaign. I also think there is a lot more value in Bush walking away and helping remove some of the fever gripping those opposed to another coronation by those who lined up behind McCain and Romney.
What is most striking about 2016 is the inability of the Establishment to concede its need to compromise after years of telling conservatives that they need to compromise. The Establishment would rather see the whole ship sink than see an outsider win. And in doing so, an outsider is winning and probably will win.
Donald Trump and Ben Carson Gain Strength in Poll of Republicans
Trump - 25
Carson -22
Rubio - 13
Bush - 8
Trump increases support
stolen from Weigel but damn, cant believe i'm saying this but erick erickson has actually written something bordering on sanity.
Ben Carson is an idiot savant: evidence no. 1304
"He's absolutely right!" -- Average Joe Republican
This stuff means absolutely nothing, sadly.
He seems to have a similar strategy to Trump when it comes to foreign diplomacy - "I'll just say some stuff, and then they'll do what I want"
And his poll numbers have skyrocketed because of it. I feel like we're inching closer and closer to the nation portrayed in Idiocracy.
This is partially why I think Cruz can win. He has the money, and while the establishment hates him I'd expect they'd rather he get the nomination than Trump who would destroy the party, or Carson. Right now Cruz is basically just waiting for one of them to fall. He has the superior ground game to them, he has the respect of conservative activists, he has the true believers.
If this comes down to Rubio, Cruz, and an anti-establishment candidate I definitely think Cruz can win. Assuming he doesn't have any skeletons in his closet because lord knows there are people in the GOP who would love to blow his life up.
Jeb: *spreads hands, shakes head dismissively*
Biden confirmed not running, then running but not yet, but actually running.Biden confirmed not running.
Either that or it was directed by 4chan
Biden confirmed not running, then running but not yet, but actually running.
The first quantum candidate
measuring him in one poll with spin guarantees another poll will measure him with negative spin
Nope. We just had one of those.
Fig. 2: A Feynman diagram of an encounter between a Romney and an anti-Romney. The resulting collision annihilates both, leaving behind a single electron and a $20 bill. Credit Rachel Domm
What if Biden announces he's 2020.
When Republican voters are asked to name their second choice in the race, 22 percent name Carson, compared with 14 percent for Trump, 13 percent for Rubio and 10 percent for Fiorina.
Really important numbers that were overlooked in that latest poll:
When you put first/second choices together, Carson has 44 and Trump has 39. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.) on Monday said he has been told by an unidentified source that Vice President Biden is running for president.
"I have a very good source close to Joe that tells me VP Biden will run for Prez," Boyle, a freshman lawmaker, tweeted shortly before noon on Monday.
Shortly before that tweet, Boyle sent another reminding followers that Bill Clinton launched his 1992 White House bid in October of that year.
Anticipation for Biden's decision has reached a fever pitch, with Democrats anxious to know his plans in the wake of the first Democratic debate last week.
Reports indicate an announcement from Biden could come soon. The vice president has been wrestling with the decision for months.
Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a top supporter of Biden, said earlier Monday that Biden is expected to decide about entering the race soon.
Really important numbers that were overlooked in that latest poll:
When you put first/second choices together, Carson has 44 and Trump has 39.
I predict that's when Rufio will start to steal disaffected Carson voters.