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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I also find it hilarious whenever you read articles that have moments like this:

Real-life Sanders responded: "Last week, I bought my second pair of underwear," adding: "Please don't write it down. That was a joke."

The interplay between 'don't repeat this' as I'm reading exactly what they said it gets me every time.

Debt limit and budget, you mean? Boehner aides have mentioned that he's gonna jam both through, with the debt limit vote taking us through the 2016 election.

I don't doubt he wants to, but I'm skeptical on his ability to do that in the face of an enormously empowered Freedom Caucus.


Biden running is a really good thing for the Dems.

He may not have a great chance of winning, but he'll focus attention on the Democratic primary and the media will act like it's a horse-race now. Gives Hilldawg a chance to somewhat distance herself from the Obama admin on some issues if she wants.

Also you have someone else out there talking with some visibility pushing back against the Trumps of the world.


Oh lord, that Biden OT thread. Seeing all these Sanders supporters swooning over the potential of a Biden that's farther right than Hillary really shows where their priorities lie.
I don't doubt he wants to, but I'm skeptical on his ability to do that in the face of an enormously empowered Freedom Caucus.

Oh, I see what you're saying. The thing is, he's totally free of them now. He can now say fuck the Hastert rule, fuck the Freedom Caucus, and he's free to make a deal with Dems and moderate GOPers to stave off default and a shutdown.

He owes them (the Freedom Caucus) nothing now and is clearing the decks for his successor. They already voted him out, squandering their leverage. Now since they can't agree on a Speaker, that frees Boehner up as "acting Speaker"or whatever to do what needs to be done.


Oh lord, that Biden OT thread. Seeing all these Sanders supporters swooning over the potential of a Biden that's farther right than Hillary really shows where their priorities lie.

It's been obvious for months that most of Bernie's support is cult of personality, rather than policy. I suspect very few of them put in any effort at the local level.
Hmhm, biden running probably means that hills won't even have to modulate her message to appeal to the left.

Which kinda makes me wonder if that ain't the point.
I also find it hilarious whenever you read

The interplay between 'don't repeat this' as I'm reading exactly what they said it gets me every time.

Between his response to SNL and the email stuff from Sanders comes off as a really good guy. Hopefully he can remain a strong voice in the Senate after everything is done.


No Scrubs
Biden running is a really good thing for the Dems.

He may not have a great chance of winning, but he'll focus attention on the Democratic primary and the media will act like it's a horse-race now. Gives Hilldawg a chance to somewhat distance herself from the Obama admin on some issues if she wants.

Also you have someone else out there talking with some visibility pushing back against the Trumps of the world.

Exactly. If he does jump it, it's likely going to be so he can act as a counter balance to Trump in terms of media exposure. This way Trump won't be eating all the air time and the Dems get to stay in the limelight, for a good reason. The less Hillary's win looks like a coronation and the more it looks like a horse race the better it is for the party, especially in contrast to the GOP race.


I don't doubt he wants to, but I'm skeptical on his ability to do that in the face of an enormously empowered Freedom Caucus.

What are they going to do? The Speaker has complete control over what votes go to the floor. If he brings up a clean debt limit bill, it'll pass.

The main thing they can do to threaten him is, you know, attempt to remove him as Speaker. But there's a problem with that approach.
Biden is just a big fucking distraction now. He is taking the air away from Hillary at this point. I am sure he is surrounded by political hacks who are showing him "path to victory" and some shit in hopes of making money and traveling places and fucking around. At this point its no longer a trial balloon, and activepy hurting the democratic field. He is being perceived as a big savior to Hillary's inevitable benghazi collapse or some shit.

Like poster above said, shit or get off the pot.
Oh lord, that Biden OT thread. Seeing all these Sanders supporters swooning over the potential of a Biden that's farther right than Hillary really shows where their priorities lie.

I think Cheebo is right. We're just seeing a bunch of 20something white dudes who are still mad about Hillary taking on their only favorite passtime: videogames.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Oddsmaker @JimmyVaccaro has installed @realDonaldTrump as 3/1 favorite to win the Republican presidential nomination.

Bush and Rubio at 4/1, Fiorina and Carson at 5/1. Everyone else 25/1 or worse.
So if Biden does get in does he stay till the end?

He'll have the money to. It'll depend on how things go. If it's clear Clinton is the dominant choice he'll bow out, and his people will create the narrative that he only ran to sharpen her campaign/prepare her for the general election.

However if Clinton starts getting bogged down by the email shit, or more scandals emerge, Biden will be there to pick up the baton.
What are they going to do? The Speaker has complete control over what votes go to the floor. If he brings up a clean debt limit bill, it'll pass.

The main thing they can do to threaten him is, you know, attempt to remove him as Speaker. But there's a problem with that approach.

Oh, I see what you're saying. The thing is, he's totally free of them now. He can now say fuck the Hastert rule, fuck the Freedom Caucus, and he's free to make a deal with Dems and moderate GOPers to stave off default and a shutdown.

He owes them (the Freedom Caucus) nothing now and is clearing the decks for his successor. They already voted him out, squandering their leverage. Now since they can't agree on a Speaker, that frees Boehner up as "acting Speaker"or whatever to do what needs to be done.

Yeah, I can understand this rationale in terms of him being freed from prior threats that may no longer have teeth. But I just don't know how probable it is that he actually pulls the trigger on this stuff and pushes it all back past 2016. The internal party crisis is on a whole other level now and the blow-back to the party could be catastrophic (although you could argue that's going to happen regardless of how it resolves).

But more importantly, the Freedom Caucus has yet to play their trump card of actually forcing a vote. Boehner was the one taking initiative by announcing he would resign, thereby keeping him in control of the timeline of voting on a replacement and most importantly, when that replacement would actually become Speaker. But the Freedom Caucus could still upend that entire plan from going forward by just challenging Boehner directly.

After all, it's not the Freedom Caucus who cancelled the internal speaker vote after McCarthy withdrew, it was Boehner. Part of that is just optics, but I think another part is a fear that the Freedom Caucus could have actually delivered on getting enough votes for an alternative candidate. It's the establishment candidates who don't have enough votes to make it through over the objections of the Freedom Caucus, which is exactly why Boehner hasn't let things proceed that far. Boehner can't let a informal vote like that happen unless he already knows the outcome is going to be in his favor. Otherwise the Freedom Caucus would know exactly where they stand in terms of their ability to immediately replace him at any time with a forced vote if they don't like whatever Boehner's doing in the interim.
So he is running...how will he differentiate himself from Clinton and Sanders though? Dem voters arent exactly hungry for another centrist.

Biden running will be great if he can suck the air out of Clinton campaign in Iowa, making it easier for Bernie to win there.

Anyway. New Hampshire, post debate:

Sanders 38
Clinton 30
Biden 19

how many will remain faithful now with Biden in the picture?


So he is running...how will he differentiate himself from Clinton and Sanders though? Dem voters arent exactly hungry for another centrist.

Biden running will be great if he can suck the air out of Clinton campaign in Iowa, making it easier for Bernie to win there.

Anyway. New Hampshire, post debate:

Sanders 38
Clinton 30
Biden 19

how many will remain faithful now with Biden in the picture?

Sanders is holding on to his lead largely by trouncing the former first lady among liberals and voters under 35 years old, according to the poll.

But despite Sanders' strong position, few voters - including his own backers - believe he'll be the nominee. Just 13 percent of likely Democratic voters say they think Sanders will win the nomination, while 64 percent pick Clinton - nearly identical to the results in August.

Turnout in NH is going to be interesting since its an open primary. If the youth turnout for Sanders he should win NH by this poll but if not well I'm not sure.


Jonathan Karl ‏@jonkarl 2m2 minutes ago
The source says no decision is coming today -- and that Biden is genuinely undecided. No timeline for a decision but "time is nigh"

Jonathan Karl ‏@jonkarl 4m4 minutes ago
A person involved in @JoeBiden deliberations tells me he “has not reached an actual decision and therefore there is no announcement coming”

What a joke this have become. Sources have been all over the place.
Biden if he runs (still dont believe it) isgoing to go after labor. It's the only way for him to build support and supporters quickly
Biden might get the IAFF but he won't get any trade union endorsements (e.g. AFL-CIO) because of his support for the TPP.

Clinton's about-turn on the TPP was always about boxing out Biden, not Sanders.

That is where his base on the national level has always been.
Is it? Even Chris Dodd managed to get more labor support in 2008.
I'm not understanding the logic here. Could you explain?
Because he'll move the party to the right. He's too much of a centrist and will support some of the bad/ centrist policies Obama supported (like the TPP). Hillary will be much more able to campaign against some of the things about the previous administration that went wrong, where as Biden will in all likelyhood continue to support regardless of what the far left thinks about it.

He doesn't have a platform to run on in terms of left policies, and will probably attack Hillarys trustworthiness and character to gain traction like Obama did in 08. He's much more of a real threat than Sanders is, and I think sanders is done if Biden gets in if he wasn't already; so rather than support the most liberal candidate I'm going to vote for the most liberal candidate I think has a shot at winning.
I just don't see how the post-debate environment spurs Biden to finally jump in. Hillary and Sanders both gained a lot of ground afterwards by all kinds of metrics. There's no new vulnerabilities or space for Biden that wasn't previously there. If anything, it would be worse to jump in now as opposed to earlier.
So he is running...how will he differentiate himself from Clinton and Sanders though? Dem voters arent exactly hungry for another centrist.

Biden running will be great if he can suck the air out of Clinton campaign in Iowa, making it easier for Bernie to win there.

Anyway. New Hampshire, post debate:

Sanders 38
Clinton 30
Biden 19

how many will remain faithful now with Biden in the picture?

That same poll shows Sanders would have a bigger lead without Biden in the picture. Don't ruin your own narrative. Biden is supposed to be a 100% detriment to Clinton.
New ABC poll puts Obama's popularity at 51 / 45, the best numbers he's had since May 2013. If he can stay above 50% and there isn't a huge controversy I think HRC takes 2016 pretty easily.

While I don't think Obama will get the same lame duck rebound that Clinton got (approval in the 60s in his last couple of years), this isn't a bad place to be near the end of his term. Right now I'd peg the 2016 race at around 60-40 Clinton in terms of odds just because of the uncertainty, but the dynamics at play in 2012 are still in play now, reinforced by a much stronger economy.


Yeah, I can understand this rationale in terms of him being freed from prior threats that may no longer have teeth. But I just don't know how probable it is that he actually pulls the trigger on this stuff and pushes it all back past 2016. The internal party crisis is on a whole other level now and the blow-back to the party could be catastrophic (although you could argue that's going to happen regardless of how it resolves).

But more importantly, the Freedom Caucus has yet to play their trump card of actually forcing a vote.

Because they can't. The motion to declare the chair vacant is a House motion like any other, and can't be voted on without being recognized by the chair. In other words, Boehner would have to actively allow them to hold a vote to remove him.

Boehner's not resigning because they could force a vote on the floor, he's resigning because they could force an internal caucus fight. But by its very nature that fight has no procedural power. All it can do is force Boehner to resign.
While I don't think Obama will get the same lame duck rebound that Clinton got (approval in the 60s in his last couple of years), this isn't a bad place to be near the end of his term. Right now I'd peg the 2016 race at around 60-40 Clinton in terms of odds just because of the uncertainty, but the dynamics at play in 2012 are still in play now, reinforced by a much stronger economy.

No one is getting approval in the 60s until the economy turns into another tech boom miracle and all the ills of the middle east are resolved, so never.
No one is getting approval in the 60s until the economy turns into another tech boom miracle and all the ills of the middle east are resolved, so never.
I think it could get higher than usual after the fact. It's sort of the same thing with Bill, once we had a shitty Republican president everyone remembered that he wasn't too bad while conservatives tried using him to attack Obama (bold strategy, Cotton - considering his DNC speech)
Jindal lost the first case for shutting down medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood.

Judge put a 2 week order to return funds while the case goes on arguing that PP will likely win.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, had also severed Planned Parenthood's Medicaid funding.

But late on Sunday, U.S. District Judge John deGravelles signed a temporary restraining order requiring the state to continue providing Medicaid funding to the group's clinics for the next two weeks as the legal fight over the payments continues.

In a 59-page ruling, deGravelles found that Planned Parenthood would likely be able to prove that attempts to end its funding in Louisiana were unrelated to its competence.

"In fact, the uncontradicted evidence in the record at this time is that (Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast) does not perform abortions in Louisiana, is not involved in the sale of fetal tissue and none of the conduct in question occurred at the PPGC’s two Louisiana facilities," the judge said in his ruling.

Planned Parenthood said the defunding effort targeted medical services, including cancer screenings and other preventive healthcare, that it provides to more than 5,200 low-income patients at clinics in New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

Today, texas also blocked those same funds which will lead to a court battle there.


I'm having visions of Donald "Here, Just Take FL/CO/NV" Trump, Trey "Shut the Fuck Up" Gowdy, and Kevin "Yep, It's Political".. they're honored guests at an inauguration!
No one is getting approval in the 60s until the economy turns into another tech boom miracle and all the ills of the middle east are resolved, so never.

Yeah its hard to imagine what someone would have to do for their approvals to get above 60% nowadays. A sitting President above 50 is a strong position right now. Plus Obama doesn't have all the scandal around that Clinton was dealing with so HRC can run closer to him. Gore completely fucked up by distancing himself from the Big Dog and that clearly won't happen in 2016.


Yeah its hard to imagine what someone would have to do for their approvals to get above 60% nowadays. A sitting President above 50 is a strong position right now. Plus Obama doesn't have all the scandal around that Clinton was dealing with so HRC can run closer to him. Gore completely fucked up by distancing himself from the Big Dog and that clearly won't happen in 2016.

Obama was 68-12 at the start of 2009. As for Gore he completely bombed despite all the metrics historically in his favor.
First the guy says his committee is also an arbiter of what gets released to the public and what doesn't. Sensitive information gets released to the public by the committee. "Well, the state department said it was ok to release that information!"

Clown shoes everywhere. I hope Gowdy shows up wearing a big red clown nose to the Hillary hearing and honks it randomly.

Stupid Obamacare failing!
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