I was saying after the debate that Clinton was strategically calling attention to her gender in this way that you're sort of objecting to. I mean, obviously Clinton isn't saying that women should just vote for the woman. Everyone who would be at all receptive to the idea that her gender matters understands that a female candidate could be a poor representative for women - just look at Carly Fiorina! You don't see black people getting nearly as excited about Ben Carson as they were about Obama, but Obama being black was certainly a big part of why they were excited about him.
It's Hillary Clinton, after all. Yeah, in the general case you want to stress that a candidate should have a record of doing the right thing or should at least be talking about doing the right thing, but everyone knows she's done all that. It's not remotely plausible that Hillary Clinton isn't primarily running on her record and her plans.
This is a trap. Aimed at Fox more than Sanders, sure, but you're sort of falling for it. It is obvious to basically everyone who might be persuaded to support Clinton that she doesn't mean this surface-level interpretation of what she said, but it's a really tempting interpretation for people who don't like Clinton because it fits neatly into this liberal identity politics narrative.
This is some interesting conjecture on her 'strategy', but I'm not buying it. In my opinion, her pushing the woman card smacks of pandering to me. Nothing more, nothing less.