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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Just watched the Maddow interview with Clinton. I liked the questions Maddow asked, and I liked Clinton's answers. She sounded both very personal and knowledgeable about everything, especially foreign policy. I really think that's one area she'll knock out of the park against any republican.
Just watched the Maddow interview with Clinton. I liked the questions Maddow asked, and I liked Clinton's answers. She sounded both very personal and knowledgeable about everything, especially foreign policy. I really think that's one area she'll knock out of the park against any republican.

Maddow's great. Her interviews with Bernie were also great.
I've never really watched network news but I used to watch Maddow clips a lot. I stopped when I realized they're all basically the same:

"I want you to look at this picture. That guy on the left, that's John Blow. You might remember John Blow from this *plays memorable clip*. That picture is from 1995. What happened in 1995? Well, you might remember this *plays another clip*. That's right, in 1995 such and such happened. And you know who was involved with that? John Blow. Fast forward to 2005. Joe Smoe was a congressman for Alabama. That year he attended an event alongside many republicans, including...John Blow *plays clip*. etc etc etc"


I've never really watched network news but I used to watch Maddow clips a lot. I stopped when I realized they're all basically the same:

"I want you to look at this picture. That guy on the left, that's John Blow. You might remember John Blow from this *plays memorable clip*. That picture is from 1995. What happened in 1995? Well, you might remember this *plays another clip*. That's right, in 1995 such and such happened. And you know who was involved with that? John Blow. Fast forward to 2005. Joe Smoe was a congressman for Alabama. That year he attended an event alongside many republicans, including...John Blow *plays clip*. etc etc etc"

I don't really like watching people on TV that I agree with totally. It doesn't really force you to consider other opinion, as crazy as they sometimes are. I don't watch much cable news really, only when there is an actual breaking news story.



I was willing to stan for Fad but it seems she has poor judgement too:


Maybe Adele can endorse Bernie, let me tweet her. <3
She is British I doubt she gives cares in the slightest.

After this past two weeks is anyone famous in public willing to support Bernie anymore? What a completely fucked cause that is now.


I've never really watched network news but I used to watch Maddow clips a lot. I stopped when I realized they're all basically the same:

"I want you to look at this picture. That guy on the left, that's John Blow. You might remember John Blow from this *plays memorable clip*. That picture is from 1995. What happened in 1995? Well, you might remember this *plays another clip*. That's right, in 1995 such and such happened. And you know who was involved with that? John Blow. Fast forward to 2005. Joe Smoe was a congressman for Alabama. That year he attended an event alongside many republicans, including...John Blow *plays clip*. etc etc etc"

That might be why I liked it. I probably didn't know who John Blow was if he was prominent in 1995 :p


I've never really watched network news but I used to watch Maddow clips a lot. I stopped when I realized they're all basically the same:

"I want you to look at this picture. That guy on the left, that's John Blow. You might remember John Blow from this *plays memorable clip*. That picture is from 1995. What happened in 1995? Well, you might remember this *plays another clip*. That's right, in 1995 such and such happened. And you know who was involved with that? John Blow. Fast forward to 2005. Joe Smoe was a congressman for Alabama. That year he attended an event alongside many republicans, including...John Blow *plays clip*. etc etc etc"
Wow, you actually nailed it. lol

Fast forward to 2008 and Jon Blow just released Braid for XBLA
I don't really like watching people on TV that I agree with totally. It doesn't really force you to consider other opinion, as crazy as they sometimes are. I don't watch much cable news really, only when there is an actual breaking news story.

I also like to diversify my news sources. Echo chambers are boring and could potentially shelter you from reality.

I actually prefer very dry news, NPR style.
I've never really watched network news but I used to watch Maddow clips a lot. I stopped when I realized they're all basically the same:

"I want you to look at this picture. That guy on the left, that's John Blow. You might remember John Blow from this *plays memorable clip*. That picture is from 1995. What happened in 1995? Well, you might remember this *plays another clip*. That's right, in 1995 such and such happened. And you know who was involved with that? John Blow. Fast forward to 2005. Joe Smoe was a congressman for Alabama. That year he attended an event alongside many republicans, including...John Blow *plays clip*. etc etc etc"
This is so fucking accurate lmfao.
First numbers in:

Angelle (R): 18.45% (2124 votes)
Dardenne (R): 13.89% (1599 votes)
Vitter (R): 20.5% (2361 votes)

Edwards (D): 42.71% (4918 votes)


The maps for the election are already starting to fill in. I'm kinda shocked.

And I love Maddow's little history lessons. I'm pretty up on the latter half of the 80s, but context before that time period really helps. It's volumes better than what's on the other news channels, and her tone is often humorous.. which is right up my alley.

(You can tell that she relishes having all of the NBC News library at her disposal.)
My only rebuttal is that the competing Delegate/Trustee models of representation doesn't have anything to do with the argument that there should be threshold standards before someone can earn the right to vote. We could have two countries where each model is enshrined in law, but that doesn't change the underlying calculus being done by voters: Who will best represent my interests vs Who will best represent the interests of the country? That the questions are formatted differently doesn't mean voters aren't still performing the same action, i.e., expressing their personal preference for a particular representative out of many choices. Nothing about those models leads to or demands the conclusion that voters should have a minimum level of education or information before voting; it's about how representatives should behave, not voters.

Also I wasn't being forthright regarding my full opinions on technocracy. As I alluded to in an earlier post, I do think there is a legitimate debate to be had regarding it and democracy, a nuance which was clouded by my overly acerbic and castigating language (which unfairly and dishonestly put arguments and implications onto Brainchild that he clearly wasn't arguing for). The idealized form of each is appealing for different reasons, but in practice they look quite different on the ground (China vs US). I think you inherently lose standards of human dignity and equality with technocracy which is why I don't like it, but I also can't deny that it is probably more effective at addressing long-term macro-level problems/issues. The bittersweet nature of democracy is that we all succeed or fail together.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He also is questioning the Seventh Day Adventist church as a whole to attack Carson. This is a very good attack strategy if Trump can get it right (since I think most hard-right religious types would think that church is very strange), but he's bad at framing somewhat complex issues so I don't know if it will work. Regardless, this is going to be an even nastier moment in this nomination process.

Link? Haven't seen this yet.

B-dubs said:
Neither one of them will be able to stay in the race as long as Jeb has. Carson will be gone after the next debate and then Trump wi'll start focusing on Rubio.

LOL no.


I've never really watched network news but I used to watch Maddow clips a lot. I stopped when I realized they're all basically the same:

"I want you to look at this picture. That guy on the left, that's John Blow. You might remember John Blow from this *plays memorable clip*. That picture is from 1995. What happened in 1995? Well, you might remember this *plays another clip*. That's right, in 1995 such and such happened. And you know who was involved with that? John Blow. Fast forward to 2005. Joe Smoe was a congressman for Alabama. That year he attended an event alongside many republicans, including...John Blow *plays clip*. etc etc etc"

I don't know why she does the "watch this space" *taps on desk* thing it's weird.


I've never really watched network news but I used to watch Maddow clips a lot. I stopped when I realized they're all basically the same:

"I want you to look at this picture. That guy on the left, that's John Blow. You might remember John Blow from this *plays memorable clip*. That picture is from 1995. What happened in 1995? Well, you might remember this *plays another clip*. That's right, in 1995 such and such happened. And you know who was involved with that? John Blow. Fast forward to 2005. Joe Smoe was a congressman for Alabama. That year he attended an event alongside many republicans, including...John Blow *plays clip*. etc etc etc"
Wow, you are totally spot on lol. Still love her.:p


The maps for the election are already starting to fill in. I'm kinda shocked.

And I love Maddow's little history lessons. I'm pretty up on the latter half of the 80s, but context before that time period really helps. It's volumes better than what's on the other news channels, and her tone is often humorous.. which is right up my alley.

(You can tell that she relishes having all of the NBC News library at her disposal.)

Can Edwards beat Angelle? Angelle cant be too bad of a Governor since he was a former Democrat.
Can Edwards beat Angelle? Angelle cant be too bad since he was a former Democrat.
Probably not. I think Vitter's his only shot. Anyone else is Generic R.

A while ago I would have said Dardenne would be the best possible Republican. But now that an actual Democrat has a chance of winning I'm willing to take the risk of a godawful Republican winning the second spot if he's the worst candidate.
The best part of this is the conversation taking place just under the original tweet. God help Carson if Trump sees that shit, can you say silver bullet?

Attacking Carson's church is something I'm sure most GOP guys are looking into it, it's just going to be very difficult to do correctly. You're going to have to balance knob-polishing the hard-right base while criticizing a conservative Christian Church and while implicitly criticizing a guy who has become very popular with the far-right due to his hatred of Muslims and science and gay people and women. That will take nuance and will be risky.


Attacking Carson's church is something I'm sure most GOP guys are looking into it, it's just going to be very difficult to do correctly. You're going to have to balance knob-polishing the hard-right base while criticizing a conservative Christian Church and while implicitly criticizing a guy who has become very popular with the far-right due to his hatred of Muslims and science and gay people and women. That will take nuance and will be risky.

Like anything that has benefited Trump has been nuanced.


Nathaniel Rakich &#8207;@baseballot 3m3 minutes ago
Very close for Louisiana LG. Nungesser (R) 32.4%, Young (R) 31.6%, Holden (D) 30.1%. It's early, but would be a disaster for Ds if no Holden

Nathaniel Rakich &#8207;@baseballot 1m1 minute ago
Looks like no votes are in yet from Orleans Parish, which would imply Democrats like Kip Holden & Edwards are underperforming so far #laelex

I'm optimistic about Edwards' chances in a run off, given recent polls.

Vitter is unpopular with everyone but dedicated Republicans.

Edit: Assuming Edwards vs Vitter, of course.


Now that Walker's hanging around Wisconsin for a while

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Republicans are moving at breakneck speed to abolish secret investigations into political corruption such as one that haunted Gov. Scott Walker, do away with the state's unique nonpartisan elections board and legalize coordination between candidates and shadowy issue advocacy groups that don't disclose their donors.

The moves come after Republicans were angered by a secret investigation of Walker approved by the elections board that focused on coordination with conservative issue advocacy groups.

Republicans deny they're seeking retribution for the probe, which the state Supreme Court in July ended as unconstitutional. But Democrats and independent observers say the changes will transform the state's elections and regulatory process, making it more difficult to investigate politicians for wrongdoing in office.

For five years, legislative Republicans have passed nearly everything they have wanted over Democratic objections, including making Wisconsin a right-to-work state.

But their newest push has Democrats incensed. One bill would replace the nonpartisan elections board with one comprised of partisan appointees. A second would relax campaign finance restrictions. A third — just signed into law by Walker on Friday — ends a tool unique to Wisconsin known as the John Doe investigation.


The Government Accountability Board overseeing elections, campaign finance laws, ethics issues and lobbying was created in a nearly unanimous vote in 2007, after a scandal that ensnared legislative leaders from both parties in 2002.

Wisconsin is the only state with such a model, which features a board consisting of nonpartisan judges.

Republicans cite audits that show the board didn't check voter lists for felons casting ballots as required by law. They say emails from its staffers show a partisan bias. And they complain that the ballot designs and scheduling of recall elections favored Democrats.

It was the board's role in approving the John Doe investigation into Walker and the conservative groups that finally led to the proposal to do away with the board's director and remove the judges, replacing them with an equal number of Republican and Democratic appointees. Republicans say it is more honest and transparent than pretending that former judges have no bias.


Are there enough independents who usually lean Republican to cross over and vote for Edwards(runoff)? We aint MA and MD.

The RNC is going to flood money down here with Edwards=Obama and it will be over.


Are there enough independents who usually lean Republican to cross over and vote for Edwards(runoff)? We aint MA and MD.

The RNC is going to flood money down here with Edwards=Obama and it will be over.
@RTMannJr tweeted this preview of a big runoff argument:

Made me chuckle.

I'm sure Edwards is going to counter that Vitter=Jindal with hookers. We'll get to see which force is stronger this year.


@RTMannJr tweeted this preview of a big runoff argument:

Made me chuckle.

I'm sure Edwards is going to counter that Vitter=Jindal with hookers. We'll get to see which force is stronger this year.

Having driven through rural Louisiana earlier this year, the place is so economically fucked, it'd be a miracle if they could fill up anything.


AP has called it for Bel Edwards to the runoff. He's running ~10% ahead of the Dem AG. 39% right now. Orleans Parrish hasn't reported. Wow.
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