Bernie's taking the Obama fall '07 "principle not poll numbers" strategy and taking on Hillary's record more aggressively tonight at the JJ:
And I don’t have a super PAC either. Telling the big banks to cut it out is not going to work unless we cut it out.
And let me be clear about the current trade deal that we are debating in Congress, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It is not now, nor has it ever been, the gold standard of trade agreements. I did not support it yesterday. I do not support it today.
In 1996, I faced another fork in the road – another very difficult political decision. It was called the Defense of Marriage Act – brought forth by a Republican-led Congress.Today, some are trying to rewrite history by saying they voted for one anti-gay law to stop something worse. Let us be clear. That’s just not true.
Might mute some of his supporters disappointment he seemed too soft on her in the first debate. I don't know how much traction he'll get from running on Clinton's DOMA remarks on Maddow though.I promise you tonight as your president I will govern based on principle not poll numbers.