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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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“A vote for John Bel Edwards is a vote for Barack Obama, big government and higher taxes,” said RGA Communications Director Jon Thompson. “Instead of standing up for Louisiana, John Bel Edwards has repeatedly supported Obama and championed his liberal agenda, even writing the bill that would expand Obamacare in the state. Louisianans can’t afford four more years of Obama’s failed policies and that’s exactly what they would get with an Obama liberal like John Bel Edwards in charge.”

already begun.



No Scrubs
How much play did the abortion scandal get? It seems not enough as it did not completely derail his campaign. I was expecting him to drop out after that...
Far right Swedes seem like they deserve to be dick-punched even more than Trump fans. Holy shit, those guys are fucking transparent as shit. "Muzzims coming to rape your women! Also, women shouldn't have rights!"

John Oliver talked about this once https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFEeS2OXpoI

Europe's far right parties are far more open with their racism and xenophobia at least it seems that way. Also are the far right guys doing anything now for you to point this out?
Have civil unrest issues played a role in the LA election? Seems like the perfect place to demonize Black Lives Matter, bring up Ferguson, and tie the democrat to Obama. Edwards has family in law enforcement but still...why wouldn't Vitter play that card.
John Oliver talked about this once https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFEeS2OXpoI

Europe's far right parties are far more open with their racism and xenophobia at least it seems that way. Also are the far right guys doing anything now for you to point this out?

I just had the misfortune of being linked to a video that opened up with "Sweden, the rape capital of Europe" that was made by an anti-Muslim extremist so I am currently irritated.


DGA is here.


The Democratic Governors Association will send staff to Louisiana this week to help with state Rep. John Bel Edwards gubernatorial runoff efforts, though the organization hasn't send whether it will go up with television advertisements yet.

"The primary results were a clear repudiation of David Vitter's tired Washington politics. Louisiana voters know that they just can't trust David Vitter. That's why more than 70 percent of them rejected his campaign today," said Elisabeth Pearson, executive director of the Democratic Governors Association, in a written statement.

The move signals that the national Democrats think Edwards might have a shot at besting U.S. David Vitter in the election held on Nov. 21. Political experts have previously said the association would only invest in Louisiana if they thought Edwards would legitimate shot at the race.

Edwards had been expected to make the Louisiana gubernatorial runoff for months. But until recently, most people assumed he would have a hard time winning a head-to-head competition against a Republican. Just a few weeks ago, the Democratic Governors Association looked unlikely to give Edwards any help.

Now, a few polls have shows Edwards beating Vitter in a head-to-head match up. And Vitter has also suffered a few personal blows over the last week.
Curious how Sanders' decision to go hard aggressive at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner will play out going forward. Clinton surrogates apparently already pointing out the omission of any talk of gun laws among his forks in the road, which I'm guessing is meant to indicate that if he wants to go aggressive they'll be doing it right back.
Curious how Sanders' decision to go hard aggressive at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner will play out going forward. Clinton surrogates apparently already pointing out the omission of any talk of gun laws among his forks in the road, which I'm guessing is meant to indicate that if he wants to go aggressive they'll be doing it right back.

As I said before, that ship has sailed for Bernie, but it'll be fun to watch them both go at it.
Having watched Edwards and Vitter's speeches - if Edwards can keep that energy up...I don't know, I just don't know if it's enough, but he was fired up and Vitter was Jindal-like in his monotone, lack-of-energy, reading a speech instead of speaking from the heart delivery. It could make a big difference.

It's like Vitter doesn't even really want to BE governor, he just doesn't have anything else to run for.
Curious how Sanders' decision to go hard aggressive at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner will play out going forward. Clinton surrogates apparently already pointing out the omission of any talk of gun laws among his forks in the road, which I'm guessing is meant to indicate that if he wants to go aggressive they'll be doing it right back.

From what I'm reading and hearing, Sanders' supporters left before O'Malley and Clinton spoke. Sanders didn't bother to stay around either. O'Malley and Clinton stayed and worked the crowd.

Ya, that doesn't sit well with me. It's almost like Bernie and his ... supporters...don't care for the machinery of the actual Democratic party.

Hillary's speech was quite good too. She's a hellava lot better on the stump than in 2008.


Unconfirmed Member
It sounds like Republicans are going to use budget reconciliation to get past the filibuster to pass a budget that partly defunds Obamacare and Planned Parenthood which will obviously get vetoed.

Heritage Action for America is furious this doomed to fail budget isn't a full defunding of obamacare and wants every single senator that voted for this budget to explain themselves for not going further.

Meanwhile Boehner had to delay the debt ceiling vote because he apparently can't even find the 30-40 republicans he needs to pass it, putting him closer to running out of time on his promise to not leave the next speaker a dirty house. The vote for the next speaker is set for Wednesday.

Republicans tend to pull themselves together when they absolutely need to in order to survive, and I'm sure they'll do it again, but they sure do make everything so dramatic in the process.

User 406

Searched for the video in this thread and didn't see it. Here's a scene from a few weeks back where figures from the religious right, including a Jew for Jesus, were all laying hands upon Donald Trump.

Sam Seder's take on it:

The original video from facebook:

You can't write this stuff.

Well, that shit would certainly scare me into quitting my campaign. Guess they need to try another approach.

Ya, that doesn't sit well with me. It's almost like Bernie and his ... supporters...don't care for the machinery of the actual Democratic party.

Well, Bernie isn't a Democrat, and that type of supporter are usually the ones who bitch about both sides being the same, the system sucks maaan, vote Green or don't vote at all, and only come out like this for the rare rockstar lefty candidate but don't bother voting downticket or in midterms. They're electorally irrelevant.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hillary shouldn't go negative on bernie IMO. He's not a threat to her. I think everyone gets that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Let the Trump attacks on Carson begin!

From Twitter:

"Ben Carson has never created a job in his life (well, maybe a nurse). I've created tens of thousands of jobs, it's what I do."

"...Ben is very weak on illegal immigration."

Apparently he's on CNN at 9 talking about the differences between him and Carson.


Worst thing about Hillary going negative is that she basically called him a sexist with the "shouting" line. He's not going to win anyway, so why bother making shit up. Way too dirty for a done race, imo.


The only negative campaigning that Hillary needs to be doing is against Republicans. It's what she's good at anyway.

And Trump just retweeted this gem:



^ That's what I thought. The Republicans have finally caught up in website design, but their image macros are still behind the times.


You can see the difference real-time on Twitter as well. Take the Benghazi hearings, for instance: instant pro-Hillary gifs, memes, etc in very little time. Her confident, "I'm above you, you little shits" facial expressions were all over the place. A lot of the GOP's stuff came in later, and of lower quality.

It might not seem like much, but when we get into a heavier campaign pace, the speed with which something catches-on is going to be critical. Binders full of women. Big Bird. "Please proceed." Malarkey! This stuff can help contribute to the narrative of how a debate goes, for instance. Many reporters live on their twitter feeds, so gleaming an instant reaction from the peanut gallery there before the next time they go live or have to file a story can be oddly influential.
Curious how Sanders' decision to go hard aggressive at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner will play out going forward. Clinton surrogates apparently already pointing out the omission of any talk of gun laws among his forks in the road, which I'm guessing is meant to indicate that if he wants to go aggressive they'll be doing it right back.

She can't keep a sustained attack there due to bern's approach on guns being closer to the "middle", though. Pragmatism, gotta look ahead and all.
^ That's what I thought. The Republicans have finally caught up in website design, but their image macros are still behind the times.
They haven't quite yet fully "caught up"...Doesn't Jeb's website has kitten memes for 404 page not found error? Why would anyone use that stuff for a presidential campaign website. Totally reeks of r/fellowkids.
I wonder when the Rubio moment is actually going to happen.

Because he's barely visible in the media except for "Rubio will eventually take the lead in the polls."


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump, Carson, Cruz being the clear top 3 right now while Rubio is still stuck in single digits is not a good sign for the Establishment.

How in the world did Ted Cruz ever manage to apply himself the "anti-establishment" label? Makes as much sense as a Ben Carson quote.


Dr. Ben Carson breaks out the "Abortion is modern day slavery" Facebook meme.


I love the part where we apparently aren't supposed to use the word slavery at all. He's trying so hard to be anti-political correctness, it's adorable. And illogical and stupid and makes no effing sense.
I can see Cruz becoming the establishment compromise candidate at this rate. Everyone's underestimating him.
I wonder when the Rubio moment is actually going to happen.

Because he's barely visible in the media except for "Rubio will eventually take the lead in the polls."
What's Rubio even doing? He has the worst attendance record in the senate and yet he's barely been seen in the early states campaigning. He's supposedly focusing on fundraising and yet he raised less in Q3 than Bill Richardson eight years ago! And his staff thinks he can run a field operation out of starbucks. And despite the most obsequious press coverage possible he's still mired in single digits. I know the CW is increasingly that he'll win by process of elimination, but is there any real evidence he's running a serious campaign?
Ben Carson confuses the chain email that "God is Dead" was based on for real life, argues that students need to snitch on their overly liberal professors so that the government can investigate them because he's fucking insane:

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