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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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If you want to make such a thread go ahead, but if you want the posters in it to play by the rules you'll need a mod or two policing it. This is less a PoliGAF thing and more a mod thing is what people are trying to say.

You know what? I think I'll just post the aggregate in this thread as they update it. I don't have the time or motivation to maintain such a thread, although I wouldn't mind contributing to it from time to time.

There is clearly momentum for Bernie, but he still a ways to go. I think he can turn it into a race if he kills it at the debates and Biden never chooses to run.

Unfortunately I'm not very confident about Bernie doing well at the debates. He tends to have the Lindsey Graham problem of turning every question into a chance to talk about his pet issue, which won't look good against a politician whose strongest attribute is probably her debating ability.

None of the top 10 are ever going to leave with the supposedly 0% chance to win Trump at the top. They'll take it all the way to Iowa's Caucus in February if they have to.

I'm a realist, I'm not very confident in Bernie's chances right now either. HOWEVER, I'll give him my support up until the primaries because he deserves it and I have not seen a candidate as honest, pragmatic, and profound as Bernie in a long ass time. I cannot pass up the CHANCE to elect him as POTUS. Too good to pass up just for the sake of conforming to conventional wisdom regarding politics. And like I said, if he doesn't get the ticket, Hillary would be the next strategically prudent choice, even if it would feel like choosing the least of many evils.
BTW, Bernie does use the classic press strategy of plugging his policies as an answer to every question, but this is purely strategic. He knows he has an awareness issue, therefore he seizes every opportunity to talk about the issues. He'll especially clamp down hard on the issues if he senses that the media is trying to bait him into attacking Hillary.

However, generally speaking, he's not there to debate with the interviewers. In an actual debate, he can be a cold, vicious viper! I've seen it too many times to count. He has plenty of debates on YouTube if you want to see for yourself. Personally, I think he's gonna hand Hillary her ass on a platter. Her corporatist speak and demographic pandering will not work in that space, and he's gonna call her out on her bullshit, you can guarantee it. This is why he's so eager to get the debates started. Hell, I'm eager to watch them!!


Will you lose your mind when Trump has to bow out?
No. Despite what you think, Trump is not the perfect candidate for me. I dont agree with his attacks on others, nor do I agree with what he's said about Hispanics or his ship-em-back plan. I don't think he's racist though, although I know minorities will naturally think otherwise. However, I support his brashness and toughness, which are things we need to deal with the likes of Putin, Iran, China, and the world as a whole.

I know an atheist when I see one and Trump is an atheist. He could never admit that though during this period in time which is a shame. I believe a businessman/executive would be a great leader. That's all I really want to dive into that.


I wonder if this'll affect the remaining R House seats in CA.

Yay, we copied a good idea from Oregon :D

I remember hearing our secretary of state was going to push for this after seeing Oregon pass it, nice to see that it's actually becoming law, especially ahead of 2016 (not that we're in any danger of California becoming red mind you).


Yay, we copied a good idea from Oregon :D

I remember hearing our secretary of state was going to push for this after seeing Oregon pass it, nice to see that it's actually becoming law, espeially ahead of 2016 (not that we're in any danger of California becoming red mind youc).

Needs to be in all 50 states no matter red or blue. Good for Democracy.
However, I support his brashness and toughness, which are things we need to deal with the likes of Putin, Iran, China, and the world as a whole.

Brashness is not needed and what a myth about Donald's "toughness." The guy absolutely fucking loses it when anyone makes any kind of comment about him. Lmao. He is thin-skinned as hell; absolutely the opposite of "tough."

Frankly, you are talking about a sophomoric approach to foreign policy and international relations. Yes, Putin is a dick and chest-thumping idiot. Sure, Iran's religious leader loves to stir up shit even as their country signs an agreement with the world. China is China. So what? You want an intelligent person who is going to be rational, firm and serious with them all. Trump is not a serious person, he is a caricature; the kind of guy who would flip his shit every time Putin opened his mouth and try to start a Twitter duel, or go on TV and start calling him names like "bozo" and "dummy." That is absolutely fucking ridiculous for a world leader, yet it's a serious proposition if he is elected. Embarrassing.

Trump's supporters who are not gun-toting 'necks make no sense. They try to justify it like," Yeah but he's making up all that shit pandering to the Christian right, I know it, and he used to support progressive stuff and he's tough." So, you like a guy who is fabricating a persona and lying, who was once rational but now claims he has changed his position (and you think he's probably making that up as well), and who starts internet fights anytime someone mentions his name in anything but a positive light. A fake, dishonest, pandering, internet wannabe-tough-guy with not much more foreign policy knowledge than Sarah Palin. And you want this dude to be President.
Cheebo got banned
Somewhere, Erasureacer is like

Oh ok don't post for like a week and now come in here and make me look stupid


Needs to be in all 50 states no matter red or blue. Good for Democracy.

Oh I completely agree, it's an excellent policy and it's great for democracy. I'm sure republicans will stop at nothing from trying to find a reason to stop it from spreading to anything but the bluest of states.


Brashness is not needed and what a myth about Donald's "toughness." The guy absolutely fucking loses it when anyone makes any kind of comment about him. Lmao. He is thin-skinned as hell; absolutely the opposite of "tough."

Frankly, you are talking about a sophomoric approach to foreign policy and international relations. Yes, Putin is a dick and chest-thumping idiot. Sure, Iran's religious leader loves to stir up shit even as their country signs an agreement with the world. China is China. So what? You want an intelligent person who is going to be rational, firm and serious with them all. Trump is not a serious person, he is a caricature; the kind of guy who would flip his shit every time Putin opened his mouth and try to start a Twitter duel, or go on TV and start calling him names like "bozo" and "dummy." That is absolutely fucking ridiculous for a world leader, yet it's a serious proposition if he is elected. Embarrassing.

Trump's supporters who are not gun-toting 'necks make no sense. They try to justify it like," Yeah but he's making up all that shit pandering to the Christian right, I know it, and he used to support progressive stuff and he's tough." So, you like a guy who is fabricating a persona and lying, who was once rational but now claims he has changed his position (and you think he's probably making that up as well), and who starts internet fights anytime someone mentions his name in anything but a positive light. A fake, dishonest, pandering, wannabe-tough-guy with not much more foreign policy knowledge than Sarah Palin. And you want this dude to be President.
Look, I'm not getting into issues here because I'm so sick and tired of it. We are fundamentally different so let's just keep it at that. I'm not into gang bangs and I know how this would play out....and I'm on vacation. Everything you said can apply to Obama as well just as it could apply to any politician.


Look, I'm not getting into issues here because I'm so sick and tired of it. We are fundamentally different so let's just keep it at that. I'm not into gang bangs and I know how this would play out....and I'm on vacation. Everything you said can apply to Obama as well just as it could apply to any politician.



Cheebo got banned
Somewhere, Erasureacer is like

Oh ok don't post for like a week and now come in here and make me look stupid
I'm sure it's not permanent (at least i hope not) but I'm kinda glad, because the guy needs to chill out. He's been coming off as a huge asshole lately imo, and is easily one of the most obnoxious Hillary fans i recall seeing in every thread.


So today I think I have realized that I will vote for Hillary, but I really, really, really do not want her to get the nom. She has no charisma. I'm getting John Kerry vibes all over again. She seems to have peaked in 2008 and even then she had her Hillary-ness about her.

She's awful at defending herself.

DRAFT BIDEN. For real.
So today I think I have realized that I will vote for Hillary, but I really, really, really do not want her to get the nom. She has no charisma. I'm getting John Kerry vibes all over again. She seems to have peaked in 2008 and even then she had her Hillary-ness about her.

She's awful at defending herself.

DRAFT BIDEN. For real.

You're just judging her based on turbulent times. To this day, she was the single best challenger Obama ever faced and he barely beat her.
what if this was PolyGAF

I'd be pretty okay with that

You're just judging her based on turbulent times. To this day, she was the single best challenger Obama ever faced and he barely beat her.

yeah I think everyone's forgetting that whole thing where Hillary Clinton is one of two people to ever beat Obama in the popular vote

(the other being Bobby Rush, who happened to beat an actual clown in that year's general election)
I'd be pretty okay with that

yeah I think everyone's forgetting that whole thing where Hillary Clinton is one of two people to ever beat Obama in the popular vote

(the other being Bobby Rush, who happened to beat an actual clown in that year's general election)
Yup. I love the people (particularly in OT Bernie threads) who make her 08 loss out as like some devastating catastrophic defeat when she actually got more votes than Obama did. Of course, it's the Michigan votes that put her over him, where he wasn't on the ballot at all, so it's a bit of a technicality. But the point is it was damn close, and there were many points where it looked like Obama was about to clinch the nomination but Clinton pulled out a win somewhere to keep herself in the game a little bit longer.
You're just judging her based on turbulent times. To this day, she was the single best challenger Obama ever faced and he barely beat her.

She needs to be more personal and less obsessed with controlling her image to the point of blandness. She needs a human moment like when she teared up a little in 2008. Her campaign needs to humanize her when the generals roll in.


No Scrubs
She needs to be more personal and less obsessed with controlling her image to the point of blandness. She needs a human moment like when she teared up a little in 2008. Her campaign needs to humanize her when the generals roll in.

The thing is that's not where he strengths are. She's not Joe Biden or Obama, Hillary is at her absolute best when she is able to talk about policy. When she can talk about how to pass policy, how it will affect everyone's lives, exactly why it's implemented the way it is, the minutia of policy and how it relates to voters is where she absolutely thrives. Trying to turn her into Biden is a mistake, her enthusiasm, which is what will make her human, comes through when she talks policy so that's what they should be doing.

They should be unveiling policy initiatives and putting her in town halls so she can have a conversation, a real conversation, with voters about said policy.

If I'm completely honest, the best she's seemed is in that BLM video where she explained her view on changing the world and asks them exactly what sort of policy they'd like her to focus on. She's not a candidate you're going to get soaring rhetoric from her, like you would from Obama, or deeply personal stories, like from Biden, or idealistic stances, like from Bernie. She can't run those sorts of campaigns because that's not her.
Hillary is (mostly) doing exactly what she should be doing more than a frakkin year away from election day. Sanders remains no threat to her and Biden isn't running yet. Yes, she should just have a pint and wait for allathis to blow over.

Or she could be in the news, subjecting herself to even more scrutiny way before she needs and increasing her chances of a fresh fuckup.
Yeah, the BLM video convinced my mom to be confident in her vote for Hillary. She only wanted her to possibly win in 2008 because of her relation to Bill and this time around she wasn't really feeling her. Those moments of policy (including the first speech she did on race relations and prisons this year) felt more real than anything else she's done to her.
Yup. I love the people (particularly in OT Bernie threads) who make her 08 loss out as like some devastating catastrophic defeat when she actually got more votes than Obama did. Of course, it's the Michigan votes that put her over him, where he wasn't on the ballot at all, so it's a bit of a technicality. But the point is it was damn close, and there were many points where it looked like Obama was about to clinch the nomination but Clinton pulled out a win somewhere to keep herself in the game a little bit longer.

Wasn't there another state that added to the fraudulent count that gave her the popular vote win? I could have sworn Michigan wasn't the only state that was invalidated.

While I agree Hillary wasn't crushed in 2008...Obama did blow her out the water where it counted in many respects. IE in terms of his team's focus on getting delegates in every conceivable way, fighting her to draws or close losses in states that she was expected to win big in, etc.

The Indiana primary is a textbook case of that. She had to get a big win to justify continuing the campaign, everyone knew Obama was going to win big in North Carolina that night...yet he fought her to a virtual tie.


yeah I think everyone's forgetting that whole thing where Hillary Clinton is one of two people to ever beat Obama in the popular vote

You're just judging her based on turbulent times. To this day, she was the single best challenger Obama ever faced and he barely beat her.

Well that's one interpretation. Another is she had every advantage and the slightest competence in any of 10 different areas could have saved her from defeat.

-She emphasized experience in a change election
-She didn't apologize for the Iraq War vote early like John Edwards did to get get it out of the way
-She didn't understand how delegates were won
-She didn't take the caucuses or small states seriously
-She didn't prepare past Super Tuesday and let Obama run up 10 straight victories in February before she recovered
-She misused Bill so bad that Ted Kennedy felt insulted after a phone call and endorsed Obama and Bill routinely damaged the campaign with black voters
-Her campaign never treated Iowa as a must win and instead came in third
-She completely abandoned South Carolina after winning New Hampshire and let Obama lock in unreal margins with black voters for the rest of the primary season.

Her 2008 campaign was truly a disaster. It really was a classic example of an underdog winning because he did everything right within his power and the champion took it for granted and had the worst game of her life.
Well that's one interpretation. Another is she had every advantage and the slightest competence in any of 10 different areas could have saved her from defeat.

-She emphasized experience in a change election
-She didn't apologize for the Iraq War vote early like John Edwards did to get get it out of the way
-She didn't understand how delegates were won
-She didn't take the caucuses or small states seriously
-She didn't prepare past Super Tuesday and let Obama run up 10 straight victories in February before she recovered
-She misused Bill so bad that Ted Kennedy felt insulted after a phone call and endorsed Obama and Bill routinely damaged the campaign with black voters
-Her campaign never treated Iowa as a must win and instead came in third
-She completely abandoned South Carolina after winning New Hampshire and let Obama lock in unreal margins with black voters for the rest of the primary season.

Her 2008 campaign was truly a disaster. It really was a classic example of an underdog winning because he did everything right within his power and the champion took it for granted and had the worst game of her life.

That's another interpretation for sure.


Unconfirmed Member
Yea, but we did like a week on it when he announced. Is there something new with Cuba I've missed? Like are we announcing an ambassador to Cuba yet? I don't think so, shit Obama throw me a bone. Show me you've got fucks left to not give!

I'll be sure to update you on Cuba the next time a poll comes out about Cuba.
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