Eh. It kind of feels like now that Biden is out and Hillary had her comeback October, there's a need for a new story on the Democratic side. So the primary is now apparently going supernegative.
I mean the latest Clinton ad is highly positive:
And really strikes a nice note. That's really the sort of campaigns they should be running.
I think Clinton tried to both draw attention to the sexism she's faced, while simultaneously taking a dig at Sanders on guns, and it ended up sounding like she was calling
him sexist in some quarters. But I don't really think that was the intent. Likewise, Sanders attacks are largely substantive.
EDIT: Although, I'm going to note here again that while I don't think the claim of sexism on Sanders himself would stick at all, the same cannot be said of some of his legion of internet denizens.
I don't really think the Dems on the whole want their nomination to become a freeforall like the farce on the Republican side.
Sanders' wife was interviewed on Bloomberg by Halperin/Heileman, she seems like a highly eloquent woman. They should try and use her more in the campaign.