Black Republican
Carson leading Trump nationallly (26% / 22%) for the first time in new CBS poll
7 out of 10 day their minds aint made up yet though, should be interesting if tommorows debate pushes the numbers further in carsons favor
Carson leading Trump nationallly (26% / 22%) for the first time in new CBS poll
Rubio is loving this shit. He's sitting back with his hot wife and just waiting for Carson and Trump to ruin each other so he can finally take the lead.Carson's rise seems like the last hurrah of evangelicals or something.
I bet Fuckabee is furious over it.
Rubio is loving this shit. He's sitting back with his hot wife and just waiting for Carson and Trump to ruin each other so he can finally take the lead.
GOP Obama here we come~~
I hate saying this but I hope Trump survives. He'll never win the GE. Please make it through this, Trump.
Naw. Ted has lost his credibility. Trump and Carson are the new Ted Cruz, and way better at that whole 'outsider' thang.The problem for Rubio is that it's hard for me to see Trump and Carson supporters going to him.
If Trump and Carson take each other out, someone like Ted Cruz seems better positioned than Rubio to pick up that bloc of support.
Trump's problem is that he can't articulate anything. He came out of the gate with xenophobia, racism, sexism... and no substance. Like hope and change inspired Democrats, hate and fear inspired Repbublicans; the difference is, once Obama finished inspiring people he also laid out a plan for what he wanted to do as President. Trump is basically like "I'll make it work, trust me. Also, fuck immigrants."Trump peaked too early I really think. Over the next few weeks I think most national polls with have Carson in the lead. His moment in the sub won't be as long as Trumps was.
For all the Nate Silver lolz his latest chat had a decent theory. That Rubio who is in third in Iowa right now could make a surprising second place finish and enter NH with momentum and win NH and steamrolls through the rest of the primary from there.
Sounds like confirmation bias for the Rubio predictors!
McCarthy seems bitter that Obama's still in the White House. He just oozes anger when he mentions it.Who is this clown talking in the press conference? This budget deal sounds like shit. More money for the military. GREAT!!!!
Who is this clown talking in the press conference? This budget deal sounds like shit. More money for the military. GREAT!!!!
Yesterday, MSNBC was covering how Trump has been quietly building a legitimate GOTV machine in Iowa. Imagine the headlines if he surprises people that night. Imagine the party's freak-out.538: Bernie Sanders Could Win Iowa And New Hampshire. Then Lose Everywhere Else.
I guess Iowa only matters when it comes to theories about Trump losing the race.
538: Bernie Sanders Could Win Iowa And New Hampshire. Then Lose Everywhere Else.
I guess Iowa only matters when it comes to theories about Trump losing the race.
Sounds like confirmation bias for the Rubio predictors!
Nate has this weird idea that voter preferences are 100% locked by demographic group months out from the first primary/caucus.
GOP Obama here we come
The Monmouth University survey finds Clinton taking 65 percent support among likely Democratic caucus-goers in Iowa, while Sanders takes 24 percent. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley clocks in at 5 percent support.
Clinton leads among every demographic in the poll — men, women, very liberal Democrats, somewhat liberal Democrats, and self-described moderate voters. Her biggest lead is among women, with whom she commands a 73 to 16 advantage over Sanders.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 12m12 minutes ago
Many young, reg unaffiliated vtrs who have never vtd in a state primary will turnout, and all of the polling suggests they're for Sanders
So the Bernie coalition is more 18-25 than 18-30. People in their mid to late 20s were old enough to vote Obama in 2008.
He also lives or dies by the youth vote. It's a great strategy. Worked well for President McGovern and President Kerry.So the Bernie coalition is more 18-25 than 18-30. People in their mid to late 20s were old enough to vote Obama in 2008.
Huffpo has this.
Please give me a detailed list which makes Rubio the GOP Obama cause I'm lost.
I thought doctors already sign off for disability? I remember that NPR piece on this small town doctor that signed off on disability paperwork for almost the entire town population.Having doctors sign off on disabilities instead of Social Security Workers sounds great in theory, but it will be a complete shitstorm. Disability definitions are legal definitions and are frequently very different from medical diagnoses. Social Security personnel live and breathe that criteria while doctors...well, they frequently can't find shoes in a shoebox when it comes to social security.
I supposed they could also be changing the disability definitions to coincide more with ICD-10 or DSM-V, but that will also create a huge host of problems.
I thought doctors already sign off for disability? I remember that NPR piece on this small town doctor that signed off on disability paperwork for almost the entire town population.
I thought doctors already sign off for disability? I remember that NPR piece on this small town doctor that signed off on disability paperwork for almost the entire town population.
Nate's whole shtick is that he is a data-driven fox and everyone else is a nonsense-driven hedgehog. He's killed that narrative by bandwagoning with the hedgehogs.To be fair pretty much everyone in the media & political journalism and the like agree with Nate. As do the betting odds. If Trump is the nominee it isn't Nate being wrong. It is virtually every political journalist in the country being wrong. And the entire media establishment continues to double down on this.
For example, just on Friday I saw Chris Cizzila the main politics beat writer for the Washington Post declare Trump is unlikely to win a single primary.
Jeb! decides proposing that massive cuts to Medicare and SS are what his campaign needs:
Bye, Jeb!
Trump peaked too early I really think. Over the next few weeks I think most national polls with have Carson in the lead. His moment in the sub won't be as long as Trumps was.
Trump does better the more exposure he has. I expect another rise after the next debate. Carson is going to get hit HARD tomorrow though. If he doesn't defend himself well I can see him declining.
But you can’t be an effective fox just by letting the data speak for itself — because it never does. You use data to inform your analysis, you let it tell you that your pet hypothesis is wrong, but data are never a substitute for hard thinking. If you think the data are speaking for themselves, what you’re really doing is implicit theorizing, which is a really bad idea (because you can’t test your assumptions if you don’t even know what you’re assuming.)
Fresh round of polling with Carson leading nationally will do that.Didn't we just have a graph that showed Trump at his highest levels yet? 6 hours later, he's doomed?
Fresh round of polling with Carson leading nationally will do that.
Wow. No wonder Bernie is going negative.SteveKornacki:
Now it's two Iowa polls with Hillary opening a giant lead in Iowa. Loras College:
Clinton 62%
Sanders 24
O'Malley 3
Is this a Benghazi Bump?
Wow. No wonder Bernie is going negative.
Bernie's tied with "Undecided" for 2nd choice.
That's two polls showing a huge Clinton shift.
Once is an instance, twice is a hobby.
Now it's two Iowa polls with Hillary opening a giant lead in Iowa. Loras College:
Clinton 62%
Sanders 24
O'Malley 3
Is this a Benghazi Bump?
Random provision in budget deal: Designating the small House rotunda as "Freedom Foyer." That was Boehner's request, per Dem aide.