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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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It's really tedious to constantly have the primary argument against Hillary be "OBVIOUSLY she'd be bad for finreg." If it was so obvious, probably you guys wouldn't have to repeatedly post it in every discussion. The fact that you do kind of suggests that it's not obvious and maybe you should consider some substantive arguments about her policy approaches.

What, and you guys don't take every opportunity to say "I completely disagree with his position on guns", when, unlike on Wall Street and the banks, where there a major differences, such as Bernie would re-instate Glass-Steagall, and Hillary would not, their positions are very close.

Serious question: how on earth did we end up allowing the banks to use depositor money to speculate, in the first place, and what is the difference between this and a local branch manager, with a serious gambling problem, who uses depositor money at the casino (on his way to jail, "But I promised to pay it all back, every last penny!")? I'll tell you one difference: the former practice is entirely legal...

But, what I want to know is, what does she say at these $225k a pop speeches, such as the Goldman Sachs ones in SC, NY and AZ, in 2013. Some poor guy took a photo at her American Society of Travel Agents convention speech in Florida, and was immediately pounced on by her security team, who promptly wiped his smartphone ;) (actually, they showed some mercy, and just deleted the photo). Despite searching hi and low, I could not find a single video of one of her payed speeches, but it's academic, the speeches are largely a way for these groups to show their support for her political positions, and she could probably talk about anything.
On his official campaign website, Carson claims that he came up with the idea for a musical based on the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors during a surgical consultation with a patient named Jacob Brandman.

Carson did apparently propose this idea to Mr. Brandman … in 1998, 30 years after Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat premiered. However, when pushed for comment on this issue, Carson responded that he was in fact aware of the existing musical production in 1998, but that “The Bible calls it a coat of many colors, but in those days the only colors were black and white, as you can see in old television footage. My belief is that the coat was black, white and brown – the first time anyone had ever seen brown. That story has yet to be told.”
wtf this can't be real???


No Scrubs
So I'm reading on CNN that Trump is starting to spend on campaign ads.

Gimme that sweet, sweet fuckery Trump. Make it the classiest, most luxurious fuckery of all time.


I'm not sure if this is on the allowed list of reasons that I'm allowed to not support Bernie, but one reason that I wouldn't support him is how absolutely shit his campaign has been and continues to be. They seem to forget that part of winning an election is optics. When the "shouting" thing became a thing, they made stupid ass, condescending comments about Hillary maybe being qualified to be VP. Then the story started circulating that Bernie's going to go negative. They fanned that flame too. I mean, this is Devine we're talking about. His ability to handle negative media narratives is legendary. Just ask President Kerry about his brilliant handling of Swift Boat Veterans.

Bernie's campaign is showing they can't even handle minuscule problems of their own making. These are the people that are qualified to turn public perception around over "socialism"? Bernie has never had anything thrown at him. He makes it to the general, they would literally tear him apart. Say what you will about Hillary. She's been through the shit millions of times, and comes out stronger.

The reason it became a thing is that Clinton chose to run that line on several occasions and got called out on it. It's a brilliant strategy by Clinton to lose the race and it's the type of tactic which shows exactly what she stands for. Slandering Sanders is something I'd expect Trump to do. But I guess Clinton isn't too happy debating policies so she wants media to be covering something else. Clinton is showing she is incapable of defending her position without resorting to Trump like insinuations. That might work for Trump but not for people are looking for serious changes that don't involve redefining the word "shouting" in the context Bernie used.

Was Hillary racist when talking about Obama being a good VP in 2008? Or perhaps she was racist when she said he wouldn't win support among among hard-working Americans, white Americans

Clinton again is falling into the same pitfalls that lead her to lose last time around.

Then you'd see that reflected in the polls. It's not.

She only got started, so I guess that means she takes Sanders a bit more seriously than people in this thread.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I can't wait until Sanders drops out and we can stop with this nonsense. The guy isn't even close in the polls.
The reason it became a thing is that Clinton chose to run that line on several occasions and got called out on it. It's a brilliant strategy by Clinton to lose the race and it's the type of tactic which shows exactly what she stands for. Slandering Sanders is something I'd expect Trump to do. But I guess Clinton isn't too happy debating policies so she wants media to be covering something else. Clinton is showing she is incapable of defending her position without resorting to Trump like insinuations. That might work for Trump but not for people are looking for serious changes that don't involve redefining the word "shouting" in the context Bernie used.

Was Hillary racist when talking about Obama being a good VP in 2008? Or perhaps she was racist when she said he wouldn't win support among among hard-working Americans, white Americans

Clinton again is falling into the same pitfalls that lead her to lose last time around.

This huge bump never happened in 2008.



Ben Carson said:
"Some people believe in the Bible, like I do, and don't find that to be silly at all, and believe that God created the Earth and don't find that to be silly at all." Carson told reporters in Miami during a stop on his book tour. "The secular progressives try to ridicule it any time it comes up and they're welcome to do that."

Yeah man, if you want to believe in "history" and "science", go right ahead, we know what the real truth is.


The reason it became a thing is that Clinton chose to run that line on several occasions and got called out on it. It's a brilliant strategy by Clinton to lose the race and it's the type of tactic which shows exactly what she stands for. Slandering Sanders is something I'd expect Trump to do. But I guess Clinton isn't too happy debating policies so she wants media to be covering something else. Clinton is showing she is incapable of defending her position without resorting to Trump like insinuations. That might work for Trump but not for people are looking for serious changes that don't involve redefining the word "shouting" in the context Bernie used.

Was Hillary racist when talking about Obama being a good VP in 2008? Or perhaps she was racist when she said he wouldn't win support among among hard-working Americans, white Americans

Clinton again is falling into the same pitfalls that lead her to lose last time around.
I don't get why Bernie's camp is getting all riled up by a comment that I don't see as reflecting an accusation about Bernie directly. She wasn't called out on accusing Bernie of racism. Rather, his team got mad at the suggestion that that sort of attitude towards women might be sexist...and answered by being sexist.

So sorry if it's slander to say that men think women are being loud and annoying just for strongly expressing opinions. And the attempt to portray Hillary as a racist is, frankly, trying to change the subject and make Bernie's team look less like idiots. If anything, the pitfall Hillary fell into last time is the pitfall Bernie is falling into this time, not Hillary.

Have fun losing.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I've honestly never heard a politican talk more about "secular progressives" and "liberal media" more than Carson.

It's almost as if he's angling for a radio/TV position.


I've honestly never heard a politican talk more about "secular progressives" and "liberal media" more than Carson.

It's almost as if he's angling for a radio/TV position.

Didn't he already have one? He was on Fox news all the time. As I recall he had to officially leave them in order to run.
In Globe Ed Board -- @BernieSanders says: "I disagree with @HillaryClinton on practically everything."

“This has and will remain a campaign about issues for Hillary Clinton, and that’s what she’ll continue to talk about on the trail,” Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin says in statement. “It’s disappointing Senator Sanders and his campaign strategists have chosen to change direction and engage in the type of personal attacks that they previously said he wouldn’t do.”

So I'm reading on CNN that Trump is starting to spend on campaign ads.

Gimme that sweet, sweet fuckery Trump. Make it the classiest, most luxurious fuckery of all time.
Just radio ads for now. Here they are:


Smart move (Cruz is doing the same). He already on TV constantly, and there's a yuge conservative radio audience to tap into. To run an effective television campaign in New Hampshire you really need to dump millions into the Boston TV market to get even limited traction; it's more efficient to save that till the new year.


I've honestly never heard a politican talk more about "secular progressives" and "liberal media" more than Carson.

It's almost as if he's angling for a radio/TV position.

Or a VP spot. He has stuck to the 11th commandment pretty strictly. Carson is in a prime position to either win, be any other GOP candidate's running mate, or to pick up a permanent/semi-permanent Fox position, along with lucrative speaking endorsements.

There aren't a lot of positions in the Republican party for African-Americans, but those few are profitable, and Carson is probably going to be their "guy" for a long time regardless of what happens in this primary.

On another note, I've accepted that I can't understand Ben Carson's appeal to Republican voters. I think that, with each debate, he's done worse, but his poll numbers keep rising and rising. I fundamentally cannot understand what is going on.
Ben Carson is such a despicable human being, do any of you guys really believe that he actually believes in creationism? Like who the fuck would believe that shit? Especially as a doctor?


Daniel B·;184312736 said:
What, and you guys don't take every opportunity to say "I completely disagree with his position on guns", when, unlike on Wall Street and the banks, where there a major differences, such as Bernie would re-instate Glass-Steagall, and Hillary would not, their positions are very close.

Hillary and Bernie's positions on Wall Street are very close.

I am glad you identified an actual specific issue on which they differ, though! The problem is that she's right and he's wrong. Glass-Steagall doesn't do anything to prevent AIG from failing -- it's not a commercial bank. It doesn't keep Lehman afloat -- it wasn't a commercial bank either. So it doesn't prevent the financial sector from making risky interconnected bets.

You might argue that it prevents the commercial banks from getting involved, but unfortunately it doesn't really do that either. Commercial banks still need to make a return on their investment that's above the interest they're paying. They do that by investing it in the financial system. Preventing them from being investment banks keeps them from taking on risky bets on their own -- but as soon as they make investments, even if they should be safe investments, they're vulnerable to global interdependency with companies who ARE making risky bets.

So Glass-Steagall doesn't do much to stop that. Dodd-Frank actually did. Targeting shadow banking would probably do more. Hillary's right on the policy.


Carson as VP would be Palin level stupid.

Agreed. But that still happened, and a lot of the GOP base thought that was great.

Ben Carson is such a despicable human being, do any of you guys really believe that he actually believes in creationism? Like who the fuck would believe that shit? Especially as a doctor?

I knew some pre-med students who were YECs. It's not that uncommon, especially among African-Americans.
Ben Carson is such a despicable human being, do any of you guys really believe that he actually believes in creationism? Like who the fuck would believe that shit? Especially as a doctor?

If there's one thing Carson has credibility on, it's subscribing to hard right theological nonsense.

There are plenty of professionals who believe in absolute lunacy.
My problem is people consistently treating Sanders as the harbinger of a guaranteed political revolution where the rules don't apply to him. Everyone looks back on the Obama campaign as being ridiculously over-hyped and pie in the sky (and many believed that at the time), yet now I'm supposed to believe the idea that an old white guy from Vermont is going to succeed where Obama failed is anything but asinine? Sanders is the Democratic Ron Paul. He'll push ideas out there but not much else.


Two Reuters polls.


That's a big drop. I wish they had some more info on the change because it seems awfully soon for something like the pyramid comments to be baked in. Notice also that none of that really moved to Trump - it's split between Rubio and Cruz for the most part.


Unconfirmed Member
Did a bad Carson poll come out? I'm not seeing one that shows that drop.

Probably a lot of it was the NBC the poll that gave Carson 29% fell out of relevance with whatever math they use on their less smoothing graph.

On the RCP side, that NBC poll is still in use, and Carson has officially gone ahead of Trump in their average.

That's a big drop. I wish they had some more info on the change because it seems awfully soon for something like the pyramid comments to be baked in. Notice also that none of that really moved to Trump - it's split between Rubio and Cruz for the most part.
30 is Trump ceiling. It will not move beyond that. He is maxed out.
Probably a lot of it was the NBC the poll that gave Carson 29% fell out of relevance with whatever math they use on their less smoothing graph.

On the RCP side, that NBC poll is still in use, and Carson has officially gone ahead of Trump in their average.


RCP is such trash. Picking and choosing what polls they "like" to be included. Huffpost uses everything available and lets the aggregate sort itself out, the proper way.


Pollster does a linear regression of the last 10 polls, so the 29% Carson poll is still in there, but the polls after that brought him down to earth.

RCP does a simple average and excludes a lot of polls.


Unconfirmed Member
Looking at his post history, I have no idea why he would be banned let alone a long one.

May have been one of those requested bans because he wants to stop wasting so much time arguing about Bernie on GAF?


Probably a lot of it was the NBC the poll that gave Carson 29% fell out of relevance with whatever math they use on their less smoothing graph.

On the RCP side, that NBC poll is still in use, and Carson has officially gone ahead of Trump in their average.


Well, I mean specifically the Reuters polls - Carson dropped around 9 points since their last poll.


I don't get why Bernie's camp is getting all riled up by a comment that I don't see as reflecting an accusation about Bernie directly. She wasn't called out on accusing Bernie of racism. Rather, his team got mad at the suggestion that that sort of attitude towards women might be sexist...and answered by being sexist.

So sorry if it's slander to say that men think women are being loud and annoying just for strongly expressing opinions. And the attempt to portray Hillary as a racist is, frankly, trying to change the subject and make Bernie's team look less like idiots. If anything, the pitfall Hillary fell into last time is the pitfall Bernie is falling into this time, not Hillary.

Have fun losing.

Bernie Sanders used the word "shouting" during the Democratic presidential debate, he was referring to the tone of the gun control debate. Which he has done on several occasions within the same context. For Clinton to misconstrue his words just shows she is falling into the same tone she used against Obama.
I didn't attempt to paint her as a racist - I simply used Bill Clinton's own words about how Obama would make a great VP and would win Urban voters and asked was that considered racist. Since if you consider Sander's campaign's jab about VP slot sexist than obviously you should also consider Bill's comments racist - since there is obviously no other basis to talk about your opponent as a VP in a political race
Some decent numbers for Clinton out of NC matchups. Winning against everyone but Carson (only +4) and in a statistical tie with Rubio.

North Carolina should be interesting because Republicans MUST have it but they also still have to defend it.
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