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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Politics involve the art of perception and Hillary came off pretty badly making such insinuations. She should notice this is what lost her the race last time around. One of the main reasons her favoribility has always been down in the dumps is precisely such Trump like tactics which she should be above. The calculating demeanor is something she would continue to struggle with, her continual struggle to connect with the constituents.
It's pretty clear how this was taken at large, a calculated move by Clinton week after the fact after extensive polling with focus groups on the subject. She got her bump but the check is coming.

You've all continued to run away from answering my questions, is Bill's remark about Obama as VP racist or is it typical political jabbing?
Also I don't have a fixation on this theme since I wasn't the one that brought it up, I'm simply providing a counter weight to HillGAF's arguments which as usual are pretty far from the mainstream.

She came off so badly she's been rising in the polls.


Meta is banned. I miss him :-(

No, he's not, he's a former ESPN personality now with his own radio show...you guys I swear...

Unidentified male even knocked Lessig AND Biden out of the race with Webb and Chafee.

You have friends who murder people?

Check your PMs.
Your trolling cannot hurt me benji, for I know you.
Carson on his rap ad, yo!

"Well, there are — there are people in the campaign who felt that that was a good way to do things. And, you know, they're entitled to their opinions about such things," Carson said.

"You know, I support, you know, them in doing that," Carson continued. "But, you know, I probably would have taken a little different approach."

The buck stops somewhere the hell else. Not here. Nope.

I'm Adam, and I approved this message. Unless it's asinine, in which case someone in my inner circle approved this message. (I'm blaming the kitten...)
I presume LegalGAF lives here - I'm thinking about going to a friend's muder trial. I can just show up as a spectator, right? Anything I should know before doing this?

I haven't seen Meta post in a while. I believe Dude Abides is also a lawyer. Not sure who else.

Angry Grimace is a lawyer too and there's several others I'm know I'm forgetting about, plus we have some paralegals. There's a Lawyer-Gaf community thread but I think it's mostly professional commiserating.

Anyway, most trials are open to the public unless there's some extremely strong countervailing interest. Usually they just close off public access temporarily when dealing with informant witnesses and stuff like that. If it's a high profile case it will probably be crowded with media and spectators. You don't really need to know anything else aside from staying quiet and not talking to the jury.

Trials can take a long time and they're not super flashy or exciting, so there's not really a "good" time to go unless you're trying to catch a particular person's testimony. If you're just there to support, I'd probably bring a book or something to tide you over during breaks/recesses which can be quite long.


And Chris Christie is at the kiddie table for the next round. Ouch.
(and Graham & Pataki are booted from the kiddie table!)
Is this official? I will admit when Graham announced I was giddy thanks to Stewart's portrayal of him, but Graham's constant war mongering is getting old. I liked how he turned an economy question into a war question.


Is this official? I will admit when Graham announced I was giddy thanks to Stewart's portrayal of him, but Graham's constant war mongering is getting old. I liked how he turned an economy question into a war question.

He can turn anything into a war boner. He's like the guy who only wants to do missionary; he needs to mix it up.


First of all, I fucking love that one of the most prominent people involved with GamerGate is a white genocider:

The truth is out there!


(Hispanics and Arabs becoming the same race is somewhat interesting, but you understand the point of how deep white genocide goes)
You'll see! They shall rise...again! And my god, Carson is giving me a headache...like really? I'll have to accept I was wrong about his chances. Instead my prediction now will predictably be that the final three will be him, Rubio and Trump. Going to be interesting.


Not going to lie, stuff like this gives me pause when supporting Clinton:


We have recently marked the 20th anniversary of the assassination of then Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, a good friend, a courageous warrior and a great statesman. This somber anniversary, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington on November 9, is an opportunity to reaffirm the unbreakable bonds of friendship and unity between the people and governments of the United States and Israel.

The alliance between our two nations transcends politics. It is and should always be a commitment that unites us, not a wedge that divides us.

Ever since President Truman waited only 11 minutes to recognize the new nation of Israel in 1948, Americans have believed that Israel is more than a country — it’s a dream nurtured for generations and made real by men and women who refused to bow to the toughest odds.

The dangers facing both our nations in the Middle East require bold and united responses. We must remain committed to preventing Iran from ever acquiring a nuclear weapon, and to vigorously enforcing the new nuclear agreement. I would move to step up our partnership to confront Iran and its proxies across the region, and make sure dangerous Russian and Iranian weapons don’t end up in Hezbollah’s hands or threaten Israel. I also will combat growing efforts to isolate Israel internationally and to undermine its future as a Jewish state, including the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. I’ve spoken out against BDS in the United States and at the U.N., and will continue to do so.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Now Chris Christie can scream I WILL PROSECUTE HILLARY CLINTON from the JV debate. Happy trails, asshole.
The emails, provided to The Intercept by a source authorized to receive them, are particularly illuminating about the actions of Tanden (right), a stalwart Clinton loyalist as well as a former Obama White House official. They show Tanden and key aides engaging in extensive efforts of accommodation in response to AIPAC’s and Lewis’ vehement complaints that CAP is allowing its writers to be “anti-Israel.” Other emails show Tanden arguing that Libyans should be forced to turn over large portions of their oil revenues to repay the U.S. for the costs incurred in bombing Libya, on the grounds that Americans will support future wars only if they see that the countries attacked by the U.S. pay for the invasions.

For years, CAP has exerted massive influence in Washington through its ties to the Democratic Party and its founder, John Podesta, one of Washington’s most powerful political operatives. The group is likely to become even more influential due to its deep and countless ties to the Clintons. As the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent put it earlier this year: CAP “is poised to exert outsized influence over the 2016 president race and — should Hillary Clinton win it — the policies and agenda of the 45th President of the United States. CAP founder John Podesta is set to run Clinton’s presidential campaign, and current CAP president Neera Tanden is a longtime Clinton confidante and adviser.”



I mean, there's not going to a moment where the GOP can complain about Hillary's "weakness" with regards to not meeting a country she didn't want to bomb and fuck up/liberate. I wonder what they'll complain about with regards to how Hillary is ruining America.
Thought you guys might like this. Republicans are losing it over Jay Dardenne endorsing John Bel Edwards for governor, but this response from the chair of the St. Tammany Republican Parish Executive Committee takes the cake.

Yes, endorsing a Democrat is like opening fire on your ex-wife's car and not caring about who you hit.


Thought you guys might like this. Republicans are losing it over Jay Dardenne endorsing John Bel Edwards for governor, but this response from the chair of the St. Tammany Republican Parish Executive Committee takes the cake.

Yes, endorsing a Democrat is like opening fire on your ex-wife's car and not caring about who you hit.
All day long, I've been watching temper tantrums on Louisiana Twitter (#LAgov). It's been glorious, and I can hardly wait to see what the reactions will be on Election Night.


Bonus: pic of Hillary's Dolly Parton-themed birthday party from 1995:
{insert Jolene joke *here*}
Man, CNN is doing really good journalism. Now they did a piece about Rubio's finances in Anderson Cooper's "keeping them honest" section.


Thanks for this, needed the laugh.
Thought you guys might like this. Republicans are losing it over Jay Dardenne endorsing John Bel Edwards for governor, but this response from the chair of the St. Tammany Republican Parish Executive Committee takes the cake.

Yes, endorsing a Democrat is like opening fire on your ex-wife's car and not caring about who you hit.
Wow, so petty and dramatic.
Now Chris Christie can scream I WILL PROSECUTE HILLARY CLINTON from the JV debate. Happy trails, asshole.
I'm not really sure Christie's ego is going to let him spar with the kids in the jv debate. He gave his best shot, and he is worse for it.

I predict that he will drop out tomorrow.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm not really sure Christie's ego is going to let him spar with the kids in the jv debate. He gave his best shot, and he is worse for it.

I predict that he will drop out tomorrow.

The NYT said that but he doesn't have a sub. The governor of nj. no sub to nyt.
Thought you guys might like this. Republicans are losing it over Jay Dardenne endorsing John Bel Edwards for governor, but this response from the chair of the St. Tammany Republican Parish Executive Committee takes the cake.

Yes, endorsing a Democrat is like opening fire on your ex-wife's car and not caring about who you hit.

Oh my god this is insane, the way it's written implies condonation of murder. It's not the shooting of one's ex that is wrong, it's the shooting of your ex carelessly. Why would you pick this analogy in the first place, and why the hell would you qualify it like that?
OH my god at that second Trump ad. That...that's the best piece of political advertisement I've ever heard. I'm living for that ad. I might just change my party registration so I can vote Trump.

I've had a lot to drink already.


He sounds like someone running for student class president - "No country will ever mess with us, I will repeal and replace Obamacare with something awesome, no homework on Fridays and candy machines in the cafeteria!"
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