I hate on political cartoon labels, but I was sure that was Jeb until I read the Cheney label.hey makai i might have found something for you to use

I hate on political cartoon labels, but I was sure that was Jeb until I read the Cheney label.hey makai i might have found something for you to use
You rooting for anyone, OuterLimits?
And why are all the people in that scene color coordinated, like the family from the Stuart Little movies?
These superdelegates will fall in line for Bernie once the good people of Iowa and New Hampshire show them what to do.Bloomberg isn't feeling the Bern in the lead up to the second debate... They have two stories up today about his "immigration problem" and his "complicated" history with Obama.
Meanwhile in Shillaryland, AP surveyed Democratic superdelegates. She has just over half of the 712 delegates, at 359 endorsing her. Sanders has 8 and O'Malley has 2. They're free to change their vote though at the convention, although for some comparative perspective, the sum of delegates from the four early voting states is 152.
The NYT is saying he will talk about the damn emails, but only if he's asked. Wink wink. Hint hint.
He shouldn't have taken the emails off the table at the last debate. Hard to bring them back now. Clinton showed her appreciation by claiming his comments about gun control were sexist.
He shouldn't have taken the emails off the table at the last debate. Hard to bring them back now. Clinton showed her appreciation by claiming his comments about gun control were sexist.
Good God did Trump go off on Carson in his speech tonight in Iowa. Said Iowans and Americans are stupid if they believe Carson and all his stories.
Before he started talking he admitted some people won't like what he has to say and that is ok. If he loses the election, he loses. He basically said Carson is too mentally unstable to be trusted with the job. He admitted people might not like him now but he had to say it.
Republicans are going to attack Trump like crazy today. He may crash and burn after calling Iowans stupid. Lol. Although he has survived before.
With the recent revelation that Carson profited and defends his best friend who was a felon who defrauded insurance companies, I'm not sure how much longer Republicans can ignore him. Especially since he wrote in book that anyone who is caught commiting fraud in medical industry should face a Saudi Arabia treatment. 10 years in jail minimum he said. Yet he pleaded with judge for leniency for his best friend and he got no jail time.
And if he starts talking about her damn emails after claiming that he's sick of hearing about her damn emails, you know that Clinton will call him out for it.
Because, y'know, Democrats sometimes actually fact check opponents during debates, unlike Republicans.
The NYT is saying he will talk about the damn emails, but only if he's asked. Wink wink. Hint hint.
I feel like this would be the worst time to do it. Didn't the FBI investigation just recently reveal that nothing classified was transmitted? So it was all over nothing? Maybe I'm confusing the stories here.
Fully 83 percent of Democrats have a favorable impression of Clinton, compared with 54 percent for Sanders. And despite Sanders's ability to energize the Democratic base -- as shown by huge crowds turning out to see him -- Clinton's edge is almost as large on intensity; 47 percent see Clinton in a "strongly favorable" light, compared with 22 percent for Sanders. So while more than half of Democrats who like Clinton feel strongly, less than half of those who like Sanders feel that way.
Sanders continues to be much less familiar to Democrats than Clinton, but that doesn't totally account for the differing favorable ratings. In fact, despite being lesser-known, he also receives more negative reviews. One-quarter of Democrats have a negative view of the Vermont senator (25 percent), compared with 14 percent who are unfavorable toward Clinton.
FBI expanded their search again couple of days ago. Probably because they are under fire from GOP for shielding Clinton.I feel like this would be the worst time to do it. Didn't the FBI investigation just recently reveal that nothing classified was transmitted? So it was all over nothing? Maybe I'm confusing the stories here.
And if he starts talking about her damn emails after claiming that he's sick of hearing about her damn emails, you know that Clinton will call him out for it.
Because, y'know, Democrats sometimes actually fact check opponents during debates, unlike Republicans.
In fact, moments after walking off stage following the Oct. 13 debate, Sanders was asked by CNN's Chris Cuomo about the "damn emails" line. Cuomo wondered if it was "a gift" for Clinton. But Sanders demurred.
"There is a process in place for the email situation that Hillary clinton is dealing with. Let it play itself out," Sanders said. "But as a nation, let us start focusing on why it is that so few have so much and so many have so little."
Trump just killed the whole Friday the 13th thing:
And I love the comments:
I need to catch my breath, god-DAYUM he's good..
Trump just killed the whole Friday the 13th thing:
And I love the comments:
I need to catch my breath, god-DAYUM he's good..
Trump just killed the whole Friday the 13th thing:
And I love the comments:
I need to catch my breath, god-DAYUM he's good..
Trump just killed the whole Friday the 13th thing:
And I love the comments:
I need to catch my breath, god-DAYUM he's good..
Oh my goodness. Wow. I mean, that's brilliant and terrible at the same time :lol
I'm sorta curious to see Trump without the tan now. I think it might be terrifyingThe only thing scary on this Friday the 13th is the untouched skin from Trump's tanning bed goggles. I mean yeesh, you'd think it was vitiligo or something.
It's, in general, a good point, but if I remember correctly, Bernie was making a general statement about the entire discussion, not specifically referring to Hillary. Her making the statement specifically about Bernie's (stupid) gun control line implies he directed the comment at her, which I don't think was appropriate (although it did take too long for him to call out his campaign guy for sexism).That's a distortion of what she was saying. It's not that he was being intentionally sexist, it's that women have traditionally held a different place in society and when they speak up louder are often viewed as yelling. It goes back to treating women for being "hysterical".
Wait, we're able to import our Oblivion characters to the Republican primary?
Jeez whats with the polling famine for the past two weeks?
We got two new good ones today. Trumps lead in Florida cut to 1.Jeez whats with the polling famine for the past two weeks?
Maybe the GOP should try McCain/Palin again. Or maybe holographic Reagan? Or even Reagan's corpse.....I mean, the ideas are all the same....
I finally got around to watching Trump's rant. Holy hell. I really think the dude wants to win, though. I'm not sure he did at first, but now I think his ego's entirely in the way and he's either going to win or burn the whole thing down. He does not seem the type to be graceful in victory or defeat. (Although, he's never been defeated, so we wouldn't really know.) He is literally holding the entire GOP hostage to his ego. Hahahaha. I love it.
He's a liar, but not for this. This is an example of a specific bubble Ben Carson lives in. He believes the federal government is filled with communist infiltrators and manchurian candidates. He believes the media is basically the propoganda outlet of the central committee. Now anyone in a position of authority that disputed The Czar's talkingpoints is speaking truth to this wild, unchecked power. He honestly believes his source is telling the truth and federal government is hiding it.That Carson story about how his sources are "better" than the White House's sources about Syria is hilarious.
That settles it for me--he's a pathological liar.
Maybe the GOP should try McCain/Palin again. Or maybe holographic Reagan? Or even Reagan's corpse.....I mean, the ideas are all the same....
I finally got around to watching Trump's rant. Holy hell. I really think the dude wants to win, though. I'm not sure he did at first, but now I think his ego's entirely in the way and he's either going to win or burn the whole thing down. He does not seem the type to be graceful in victory or defeat. (Although, he's never been defeated, so we wouldn't really know.) He is literally holding the entire GOP hostage to his ego. Hahahaha. I love it.
Politico said:Chris Christie weighed in on the increasingly bizarre comments Donald Trump has been making about Ben Carson's past.
Also, lol at this article from Politico:
Ecotic said:
Trump's been making vines like that forever. Swiftboat ads will be on a new level I think.Stunning.
That swiftboat guy got to work fast I guess.
That could be either be about Trump or BEnHehehe.
Sahil Kapur said:CRUZ immigration plan: build a wall, more deportations, suspend H-1B visas for 180 days, slow legal immigration, end birthright citizenship.
Trump's been making vines like that forever. Swiftboat ads will be on a new level I think.
I can't even begin to imagine what a collaboration between Trump and the Swiftboat guys will look like.