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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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going through "double down" right now. no way this happens.

You bet it will if Rubio doesn't take off.

Romney was only able to win in 2012 by bombarding AWFUL candidates like Gingrich and Santorum with negative ads they couldn't counter, and outspending them 10 to 1 to eke out single digit wins.

This strategy will absolutely NOT work this round. Carson and Trump seem to be completely immune to negative ads and neither is short on money by any means.

Jumping in this late? he'd get destroyed.
Anyone see Trump flipping his belt buckle on the podium? It was bizzare as fuck lol

CNN reporter said the Secret Service got freaked out when Trump said "anyone got a knife?"


Romney was only able to win in 2012 by bombarding AWFUL candidates like Gingrich and Santorum with negative ads they couldn't counter, and outspending them 10 to 1 to eke out single digit wins.

This strategy will absolutely NOT work this round. Carson and Trump seem to be completely immune to negative ads and neither is short on money by any means.

Jumping in this late? he'd get destroyed.
Name recognition.
I'm all for contextualizing immigration issues and humanizing people rather than demonizing them, but I just don't see the idea of open borders as a realistic solution whatsoever. Continuing automation is going to wipe out low-skill jobs, not increase them. The kind of scale most of these open borders papers require is unfathomably large, over 3+ billion people. We have no frame of reference whatsoever for the challenges that would bring, it would be unparalleled throughout history and it's treated like it would just sort itself out without issue and make everything better.

Brain drain in developing countries is already a serious problem; the world's most unstable regions are not going to get any stabler by giving them up to the free market of labor. We live in a world of limited resources, as moral as it seems to say everyone should be free to live wherever they want, that's just not possible. Everyone can't live in Hawaii. Our mission should be to help bring the standard of living in the developing world up to the rest of the world, to make them comparable with the first world.

[And purely GDP focused analysis misses the human side of things. GDP could go up a hundred fold, but it's not worth much if standards of living remain the same or go down. Some of the world's lowest GDP countries still have high levels of satisfaction and happiness.]
He's a showman, but I love the fact that he's poking holes in Carson's story. shinra-banso was asking recently how a belt buckle can deflect a frontal knife thrust. Trump asking the same questions!
I'm all for contextualizing immigration issues and humanizing people rather than demonizing them, but I just don't see the idea of open borders as a realistic solution whatsoever. Continuing automation is going to wipe out low-skill jobs, not increase them. The kind of scale most of these open borders papers require is unfathomably large, over 3+ billion people. We have no frame of reference whatsoever for the challenges that would bring, it would be unparalleled throughout history and it's treated like it would just sort itself out without issue and make everything better.

Brain drain in developing countries is already a serious problem; the world's most unstable regions are not going to get any stabler by giving them up to the free market of labor. We live in a world of limited resources, as moral as it seems to say everyone should be free to live wherever they want, that's just not possible. Everyone can't live in Hawaii. Our mission should be to help bring the standard of living in the developing world up to the rest of the world, to make them comparable with the first world.



Many potential great workers can't achieve shit because of their situation (lack of machinery to use, lack of jobs, etc) in foreign nations. If you allow them to come to the U.S., every party benefits.

And I think we could make space in places like Nebraska and Wyoming.
Name recognition.

You know who also had name recognition?


besides, Romney lost in 2008 AND in 2012. He has the stench of failure all over him.


No Scrubs
Name recognition.

Not enough, if it was Biden would have jumped in. The political machinery that candidates have been using this time to build is integral to actually winning. It's why Trump is spending so much on his ground game, after seeing Obama in 08 he knew that name recognition isn't enough.

He's a showman, but I love the fact that he's poking holes in Carson's story. shinra-banso was asking recently how a belt buckle can deflect a frontal knife thrust. Trump asking the same questions!

How would that even work?


Many potential great workers can't achieve shit because of their situation (lack of machinery to use, lack of jobs, etc) in foreign nations. If you allow them to come to the U.S., every party benefits.

And I think we could make space in places like Nebraska and Wyoming.

This is one of those times when you realize just how bad econ 101 is at coming up with solutions that ACTUALLY work.

Drop a few thousand immigrants in the middle of flyover country, there will be riots. Joe sixpack doesn't give a shit about GDP, you'd see the Klan magically enter a new era overnight.
This is one of those times when you realize just how bad econ 101 is at coming up with solutions that ACTUALLY work.

Drop a few thousand immigrants in the middle of flyover country, there will be riots. Joe sixpack doesn't give a shit about GDP, you'd see the Klan magically enter a new era overnight.

We kept bringing in immigrants at an incredible pace in the 1800s and things went OK.

Lots of hate crimes, but fuck, we had the Confederacy back then.

.. And what does this have to do with Econ 101? Economics says that immigration is good for a nation and admits that, politically, immigration can be difficult.


Many potential great workers can't achieve shit because of their situation (lack of machinery to use, lack of jobs, etc) in foreign nations. If you allow them to come to the U.S., every party benefits.

And I think we could make space in places like Nebraska and Wyoming.

This is exactly what I mean, it's easy to write a pithy generality like this but it completely ignores the physical realities involved. There are not billions of jobs waiting for people in the developed world, if anything, there are going to be less and less jobs over time due to automation. We do not have the infrastructure or resources to deal with an influx of billions of people migrating around the world. And it essentially condemns the developing world to rapidly spiraling destabilization. It's easier, faster, and more effective to devote our time and resources to improving the developing world, not giving up on it.
We kept bringing in immigrants at an incredible pace in the 1800s and things went OK.

Lots of hate crimes, but fuck, we had the Confederacy back then.

.. And what does this have to do with Econ 101? Economics says that immigration is good for a nation and admits that, politically, immigration can be difficult.

In the 1800s we had tens of millions of people migrating. The scale of migration that "GDP Doubles*" papers are talking about is billions, not just hundreds of millions, billions. There is no comparison.
This is exactly what I mean, it's easy to write a pithy generality like this but it completely ignores the physical realities involved. There are not billions of jobs waiting for people in the developed world, if anything, there are going to be less and less jobs over time due to automation. We do not have the infrastructure or resources to deal with an influx of billions of people migrating around the world. And it essentially condemns the developed world to rapidly spiraling destabilization. It's easier, faster, and more effective to devote our time and resources to improving the developing world, not giving up on it.

How is "you can come to our nation", giving up on the developing world? Most people don't want to leave their homes so there would still be a great deal of people and attention on developing nations.

I mean, should someone argue: "we shouldn't give up on Kansas, stop people from Kansas from moving to other states" ?


I'm all for contextualizing immigration issues and humanizing people rather than demonizing them, but I just don't see the idea of open borders as a realistic solution whatsoever. Continuing automation is going to wipe out low-skill jobs, not increase them. The kind of scale most of these open borders papers require is unfathomably large, over 3+ billion people. We have no frame of reference whatsoever for the challenges that would bring, it would be unparalleled throughout history and it's treated like it would just sort itself out without issue and make everything better.
Capital is a hugely limiting factor and cheap labor from open borders decrease the utility of capital-intensive automation. Technological unemployment is a purely suppositional view, anyway. I should mention that a lot of automation predictions assume continued computer improvements, but it looks like that's coming to a screeching halt in 2020. Don't expect programmers to pick up the slack. The Singularity is not around the corner.
What makes them Romney can save them? He nearly lost to Rick Santorum of all people last time and kept dipping into 2nd place against flavor of the month candidates.
I'm still not sure exactly why they are worried about Carson. Everything he proposes minus the lack of hawkish neocon foreign policy is what they want. Flat taxes, obamcare repeals, and so on.

Is he really that much worse in the general than a loser like Jeb?


I'm still not sure exactly why they are worried about Carson. Everything he proposes minus the lack of hawkish neocon foreign policy is what they want. Flat taxes, obamcare repeals, and so on.

Is he really that much worse in the general than a loser like Jeb?
But then he changes his mind.
At one point, Trump walked away from the podium and flipped his belt buckle up and down to ridicule what Carson has described as a key event in his life: that Carson, as a boy, once tried but failed to stab someone only to have the knife broken by a belt buckle.

"So I have a belt: Somebody hits me with a belt, it's going in because the belt moves this way. It moves this way, it moves that way," Trump told the crowd, which laughed in response. "He hit the belt buckle. Anybody have a knife? Want to try it on me? Believe me, it ain't gonna work. You're going to be successful, but he took the knife and went like this and he plunged it into the belt and, amazing, the belt stayed totally flat and the knife broke."

Moments later, Trump told the crowd in Fort Dodge that he could not possibly understand why anyone supports Carson, who is essentially tied with Trump for support in the first-voting state.

"How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?" he asked.
Watch the buckle flip video here
Mildly inebriated post. (Like, 200ml rum)

This is something that has been bugging me for a coupla years, but is poligaf indeed supposed to be pretty much USpoligaf or was the original goal GeoPoligaf but Things Happened?


Mildly inebriated post. (Like, 200ml rum)

This is something that has been bugging me for a coupla years, but is poligaf indeed supposed to be pretty much USpoligaf or was the original goal GeoPoligaf but Things Happened?

PoliGAF was created before there was much of an international presence on GAF. So yeah, it was formed as US poligaf.
Does anyone else think there must be some kind of underlying nugget of truth in the stabbing story; it just seems too bizarre to make up whole-cloth. But it's hard to think of what the non-embellished version would be, the West Point story has a more natural progression in terms of becoming more idyllic. Then again, the final exam thing sounded completely made up too but then it turns out there was a prank about it with a cash prize, so...


Good God did Trump go off on Carson in his speech tonight in Iowa. Said Iowans and Americans are stupid if they believe Carson and all his stories.

Before he started talking he admitted some people won't like what he has to say and that is ok. If he loses the election, he loses. He basically said Carson is too mentally unstable to be trusted with the job. He admitted people might not like him now but he had to say it.

Republicans are going to attack Trump like crazy today. He may crash and burn after calling Iowans stupid. Lol. Although he has survived before.

With the recent revelation that Carson profited and defends his best friend who was a felon who defrauded insurance companies, I'm not sure how much longer Republicans can ignore him. Especially since he wrote in book that anyone who is caught commiting fraud in medical industry should face a Saudi Arabia treatment. 10 years in jail minimum he said. Yet he pleaded with judge for leniency for his best friend and he got no jail time.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Mildly inebriated post. (Like, 200ml rum)

This is something that has been bugging me for a coupla years, but is poligaf indeed supposed to be pretty much USpoligaf or was the original goal GeoPoligaf but Things Happened?

Needs be a PoliTheoryGaf and we need to unban empty vessel for the premier.
Needs be a PoliTheoryGaf and we need to unban empty vessel for the premier.

EV isn't banned, he ran off to pro-Russia forums after claiming that the real reason that Russian-backed rebels shot down that plane was NATO and the Nazis in the Ukraine and getting roundly mocked for it.


Good God did Trump go off on Carson in his speech tonight in Iowa. Said Iowans and Americans are stupid if they believe Carson and all his stories.

Before he started talking he admitted some people won't like what he has to say and that is ok. If he loses the election, he loses. He basically said Carson is too mentally unstable to be trusted with the job. He admitted people might not like him now but he had to say it.

Republicans are going to attack Trump like crazy today. He may crash and burn after calling Iowans stupid. Lol. Although he has survived before.

With the recent revelation that Carson profited and defends his best friend who was a felon who defrauded insurance companies, I'm not sure how much longer Republicans can ignore him. Especially since he wrote in book that anyone who is caught commiting fraud in medical industry should face a Saudi Arabia treatment. 10 years in jail minimum he said. Yet he pleaded with judge for leniency for his best friend and he got no jail time.
To be fair, he's specifically calling stupid Iowans who believe Carson's story.


Does anyone else think there must be some kind of underlying nugget of truth in the stabbing story; it just seems too bizarre to make up whole-cloth. But it's hard to think of what the non-embellished version would be, the West Point story has a more natural progression in terms of becoming more idyllic. Then again, the final exam thing sounded completely made up too but then it turns out there was a prank about it with a cash prize, so...

Maybe, but I doubt it. Remember he also claims he went after people with bats, rocks and other stuff. I'm not recalling anyone verifying that. Plus you have his Popeye's gun story where he told the guy to go point gun at cashier. No record of that. His fun story of angel coming to him in dream to give him answers to chemistry exam.

My guess is he made up and embellished stories to sell his story better. He made millions off evangelicals who now blindly support him. So either he had a violent past which was very secretive, or is a scam artist making a ton of money off in large part a fake story.

I usually vote Republican but would vote for Hillary over Carson. The guy can't be trusted. It's pretty pathetic when Trump of all people has to point out how crazy Ben is. Everyone is scared to point out the obvious with him. Trump even said that if he was claiming to have tried to kill a couple people in his past, would he be forgiven and be running for President? Nope.

In any event, it appears an all out war is about to start between Trump and the entire party. Trump even admitted he may be falling on his sword tonight, but he was ok with that. It's going to be a interesting few days. He may feel it is worth it to go down as long as he takes Carson with him. I don't know.
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