Firstly, let me apologize of my arguments are not up to what I would normally like to post. I either have the plauge or some hitherto unknown flu virus that is worse than death itself. My fever's finally down to 102, so I have that going for me which is nice.If I miss something someone said to me, it's not because I don't want to engage in the issue.
Right. We do. But the government does not have the right to compel you to speak.
I corrected my initial post. I meant automatic registration, not mandatory registration. If a person doesn't want to be registered, I think it's fine to allow them to opt out or resend their registration should they wish to do so.
I think that voting is the action of a good, intelligent and informed citizen. I believe voting is a right. I believe that anyone who wants to vote should be able to vote. I believe we should do a lot of things to make it even easier to vote. I think those that chose not to vote are wrong, but I do not think they should be made to do so.
There may not be a good reason for me other than I just don't think it's a good idea. I worry about the penalties for those who cannot vote. Are there financial penalties? Are we going to arrest them? not let them get assistance? Because those who do not vote now because they cannot would be far more negatively impacted than those who simply elect not to vote.
So, I'm still firmly in the no column. However, depending on the proposal, I'd be open to looking into it more. Maybe I'm entirely wrong. It's been known to happen far too often.
Even if you're charged of a crime, the courts cannot compel you to speak. However, you still have to show up in court
Similarly, a citizen is well within their right to decline to vote in written form after they've showed up at the booth.
As for penalties for not showing up, I'd say a fine is fine. $20 should be an acceptable fine, unless the person in question can prove financial hardship.
Jury duty is boring though. You sit in a huge room for hours with a bunch of strangers.
You have no soul